20 research outputs found

    Pengaruh pH Me dia terhadap Pertumbuhan Plantlet Anggrek Dendrobium

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    Me dia sangat berperan dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman anggrek. Me dia dasar yangumum digunakan dalam kul tur in vi tro adalah yang mengandung unsur hara makro dan mikro, sukrosa, vi ta min, asamamino, zat pengatur tumbuh, dan persenyawaan organik lainnya. Penyerapan bahan-bahan yang terdapat dalam me diatersebut ke dalam sel tanaman dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi dan pH me dia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui kisaran pH me dia pada pertumbuhan plantlet anggrek den dro bium. Metodologi yang digunakan adalahrancangan acak kelompok dengan delapan perlakuan pH dan empat ulangan. Tingkat pH yang diteliti adalah 4,6; 4,8;5,0; 5,2; 5,4; 5,6; 5,8; dan 6,0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kisaran pH terbaik terdapat pada kisaran 4,8 – 5,2untuk pertumbuhan tinggi plantlet, luas daun, jumlah daun, jumlah tu nas anakan, panjang akar, dan jumlah akar.Aplikasi dari penelitian ini dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan plantlet anggrek den dro bium.The ef fect of me dia pH on the growth ofdendrobium orchid plantlet. Me dia plays a crit i cal role on the growth and de vel op ment of or chid. Ba sic me dia com -monly used in in vi tro cul ture con tains macro and mi cro nu tri ents, su crose, vitamine, amino acid, growth reg u la tor andother or ganic com pound. Ab sorp tion of nu tri ents is af fected by con cen tra tion and me dia pH. The aim of this ex per i -ment was to find out the ef fect of me dia pH on the growth of den dro bium or chid plantlet. The treat ments were laid inran dom ized block de sign with eight treat ments and four rep li ca tions. The treat ments were me dia pH, i.e.: 4,6; 4,8;5,0; 5,2; 5,4; 5,6; 5,8; and 6,0. The re sults showed that me dia pH be tween 4,8-5,2 was the best for the per for mance ofplantlet in term of plant height, leaf size, leaf num ber, shoot num ber, root length, and root num ber. The re sults of thisex per i ment will im prove the mass pro duc tion of den dro bium or chid plant ing ma te rial

    Keragaman Genetik Plasma Nutfah Anggrek Spathoglottis

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    Plasma nutfah diperlukan untuk menjaga agar suatu spesies atau kultivar tidak punah dan dapat digunakan sebagai sumber keragaman genetik dalam menciptakan atau merakit varietas unggul baru. Keragaman tanaman sangat penting dalam program pemuliaan tanaman, untuk memperbaiki kualitas genetik tanaman pada masa mendatang. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias Segunung, pada bulan Juli 2004-Februari 2005. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui heritabilitas dan keragaman genetik koleksi plasma nutfah anggrek Spathoglottis. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah acak lengkap, terdiri atas 15 genotip anggrek Spathoglottis, masing-masing spesies digunakan 5 klon sebagai ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keragaman genetik yang luas dimiliki oleh karakter panjang daun, lebar daun, pertambahan jumlah anakan, panjang bunga, lebar bunga, panjang bibir, dan lebar bibir. Karakter-karakter, seperti pertambahan jumlah anakan, panjang dan lebar daun, panjang tangkai bunga, diameter tangkai bunga, panjang dan lebar bibir, rasio panjang-lebar bibir, panjang dan lebar bunga mempunyai nilai duga heritabilitas tinggi.Genetic variability of the germplasm of Spathoglottis. Orchid need to be kept as a species or cultivar to avoid from totally extinct. They can be used as the source of genetic variability in developing new superior varieties. Variability of the crop is very importance in plant breeding program to improve plant genetic quality in the future. The research was conducted in Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute (IOCRI) from July 2004–February 2005. The aim of the research was to study the genetic variability and heritability of germplasm collection of Spathoglottis orchid. Randomized completely design was used consisted of 15 orchid genotypes. Five clones from each genotype were used as replication. The result indicated that wide genetic variability was related to length and width of leaf, number of shoot increament, length and width of flower, length and width of lip. Characters, such as number of shoot increament, length and width of leaf, length and diameter of flower stalk, length and width of lip, ratio of lip length-width, length and width of flower showed high heritability value

    Evaluasi Keragaan Morfologi Sembilan Klon Hasil Persilangan Anyelir (Dianthus caryophyllus L.)

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    Anyelir (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas bunga potong komersial yang sangat penting di dunia. Tanaman anyelir mempunyai susunan genetik yang heterozigot, tetapi tanaman F1 terseleksi dari hasil persilangan langsung dapat dijadikan tanaman induk sebagai sumber perbanyakan vegetatif. Setiap klon F1 berbeda secara genetik. Tujuan percobaan  ialah mendapatkan klon-klon anyelir bunga potong yang memiliki kombinasi karakter morfologi tanaman dan bunga yang unggul. Percobaan dilaksanakan di rumah lindung Instalasi Penelitian dan Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (IP2TP) Cipanas, Cianjur, Jawa Barat, dengan ketinggian 1,100 m dpl, dari bulan Januari  sampai dengan Desember  2019. Penelitian ditata dalam rancangan acak kelompok lengkap dengan sembilan perlakuan, yaitu : D 1.1, D 3.13, D 5.1, D 5.4, D 5.5, D 8.5, D 8.8, D 13.13 dan D 13.14 dan tiga ulangan. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa klon D 13.14 terpilih sebagai klon harapan anyelir bunga potong, karena memiliki kombinasi karakter morfologi tanaman dan bunga yang unggul, yaitu tanaman kokoh, diameter bunga besar (7.52 cm), jumlah petal terbanyak (87.67 helai), kesegaran bunga terlama (13.83 hari) dan warna bunga merah menyala.Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) is one of the most important commercial cut flower commodities in the world. Carnation plants have a heterozygous genetic arrangement, but the F1 plants resulted from crosses can be directly used as mother plants as a source of vegetative propagation. Each F1 clone is has genetically specific. The aim of the experiment was to obtain clones of cut flower carnation as a result of crosses that had a superior combination of plant and flower characters. The experiment was carried out in a protected house in the Installation of Agricultural Research and Technology Assessment Cipanas, Cianjur, West Java, with an  altitude of 1,100 m above sea level, from January to December 2019. The study was arranged in a complete randomized block design with nine treatments, namely: D 1.1, D 3.13 , D 5.1, D 5.4, D 5.5, D 8.5, D 8.8, D 13.13 and D 13.14 and three replications. The results showed that the D 13.14 was the best  performance clone based on the characters of sturdiness, large flower diameter (7.52 cm), highest number of petals (87.67 pieces), longest flower fresshness (13.83 days) and bright red flower color

    Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Ragi Dalam Kultur in Vitro Plantlet Media Anggrek

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    . The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effect of yeast extract on the growth of dendrobium plantlets. Dendrobium is one of the favourite orchid genera. The orchid plantations generally use orchid seedlings that are obtained through in vitro culture. Media optimization is a critical point for improving the capacity of seedling mul- tiplication and quality. One of the methods to enrich the medium was the use of a complex organic mixture of yeast ex- tract. The materials used in this research were dendrobium orchid plantlets that were cultivated in Vacin & Went medium with the addition of 150 ml/l of coconut water, 20 g/l of sucrose and 50 g/l of banana pulp. The treatments were laid in a randomized block design with nine treatments and three replications. The treatments were the addition of yeast extract into the culture medium of concentrations of 0 (control); 0.25; 0.50; 0.75; 1.00; 1.25; 1.50; 1.75; and 2.00 g/l. The results showed that the use of yeast in the culture media significantly increased growth of dendrobium plantlets. Concentration of 1.25 g/l was the best for the performance of plantlets in term of plants height, leaf size, root length and number of roots

    Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Ragi dalam Kultur In Vitro Plantlet Media Anggrek

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak ragi terhadap pertumbuhan plantlet anggrek dendrobium. Anggrek dendrobium merupakan salah satu jenis anggrek yang disukai konsumen. Tanaman anggrek umumnya menggunakan bibit anggrek asal kultur in vitro. Optimasi komposisi media untuk kultur in vitro sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan multiplikasi maupun kualitas bibit. Salah satu cara optimasi media yaitu dengan pemberian bahan organik kompleks. Bahan penelitian ini adalah plantlet anggrek dendrobium yang ditumbuhkan dalam media Vacin & Went dengan penambahan air kelapa 150 ml/l, sukrosa 20 g/l, dan bubur pisang 50 g/l. Perlakukan-perlakuan disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan sembilan perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas penambahan ekstrak ragi ke dalam media kultur dengan konsentrasi: 0 (kontrol); 0,25; 0,50; 0,75; 1,00; 1,25; 1,50; 1,75; dan 2,00 g/l. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak ragi dalam media kultur dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan plantlet anggrek dendrobium. Ekstrak ragi konsentrasi 1,25 g/l merupakan konsentrasi terbaik bagi pertumbuhan plantlet dilihat dari tinggi tanaman, luas daun, panjang, dan jumlah akar. Kata kunci: Anggrek dendrobium; Ekstrak ragi; Media; Plantlet. ABSTRACT. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effect of yeast extract on the growth of dendrobium plantlets. Dendrobium is one of the favourite orchid genera. The orchid plantations generally use orchid seedlings that are obtained through in vitro culture. Media optimization is a critical point for improving the capacity of seedling mul- tiplication and quality. One of the methods to enrich the medium was the use of a complex organic mixture of yeast ex- tract. The materials used in this research were dendrobium orchid plantlets that were cultivated in Vacin  & Went medium with the addition of 150 ml/l of coconut water, 20 g/l of sucrose and 50 g/l of banana pulp. The treatments were laid in a randomized block design with nine treatments and three replications. The treatments were the addition of yeast extract into the culture medium of concentrations of 0 (control); 0.25; 0.50; 0.75; 1.00; 1.25; 1.50; 1.75; and 2.00 g/l. The results  showed that the use of yeast in the culture media significantly increased growth of dendrobium plantlets. Concentration of 1.25 g/l was the best for the performance of plantlets in term of plants height, leaf size, root length and number of roots

    Pengaruh PH Me dia terhadap Pertumbuhan Plantlet Anggrek Dendrobium

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    Me dia sangat berperan dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman anggrek. Me dia dasar yangumum digunakan dalam kul tur in vi tro adalah yang mengandung unsur hara makro dan mikro, sukrosa, vi ta min, asamamino, zat pengatur tumbuh, dan persenyawaan organik lainnya. Penyerapan bahan-bahan yang terdapat dalam me diatersebut ke dalam sel tanaman dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi dan pH me dia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui kisaran pH me dia pada pertumbuhan plantlet anggrek den dro bium. Metodologi yang digunakan adalahrancangan acak kelompok dengan delapan perlakuan pH dan empat ulangan. Tingkat pH yang diteliti adalah 4,6; 4,8;5,0; 5,2; 5,4; 5,6; 5,8; dan 6,0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kisaran pH terbaik terdapat pada kisaran 4,8 – 5,2untuk pertumbuhan tinggi plantlet, luas daun, jumlah daun, jumlah tu nas anakan, panjang akar, dan jumlah akar.Aplikasi dari penelitian ini dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan plantlet anggrek den dro bium.The ef fect of me dia pH on the growth ofdendrobium orchid plantlet. Me dia plays a crit i cal role on the growth and de vel op ment of or chid. Ba sic me dia com -monly used in in vi tro cul ture con tains macro and mi cro nu tri ents, su crose, vitamine, amino acid, growth reg u la tor andother or ganic com pound. Ab sorp tion of nu tri ents is af fected by con cen tra tion and me dia pH. The aim of this ex per i -ment was to find out the ef fect of me dia pH on the growth of den dro bium or chid plantlet. The treat ments were laid inran dom ized block de sign with eight treat ments and four rep li ca tions. The treat ments were me dia pH, i.e.: 4,6; 4,8;5,0; 5,2; 5,4; 5,6; 5,8; and 6,0. The re sults showed that me dia pH be tween 4,8-5,2 was the best for the per for mance ofplantlet in term of plant height, leaf size, leaf num ber, shoot num ber, root length, and root num ber. The re sults of thisex per i ment will im prove the mass pro duc tion of den dro bium or chid plant ing ma te rial

    Induksi Mutasi Kecombrang (Etlingera Elatior) Menggunakan Iradiasi Sinar Gamma

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    . Dwiatmini, K., S. Kartikaningrum, and Y. Sulyo. 2009. Mutation Induction of Etlingera elatiorUsing Gamma Ray Irradiation. The torch ginger (Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M. Smith) is believed native to Indonesia,and has the potential for commercial cut flower. The experiment was conducted at Indonesian Isotope Technologyand Radiation Researh Institute, Pasar Jumat Jakarta and Indonesian Ornamental Crop Research Institute, Segunungfrom June 2003 until January 2004. The aim of the experiment was to obtain a wide torch ginger genetic variability.The torch ginger seeds was irradiated by gamma ray at 6 levels of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 Gy, under 2.044437KGy/h dosage rate. Number of survival plants, normal and abnormal plants were evaluated. The results showed thatthe LD50 was at 62.074 Gy. The higher the dosage, the more restricted the growth. Dosages of gamma rays between20-40 Gy, resulted in chimeras for some plants. While 60 Gy dosage, all plants showed chimeras. Recomended dosagegamma ray irradiation for torch ginger seed was at the range of 20-40 Gy

    Evaluation of Anthurium variability (Anthurium andreanum) in the F1 population

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    Anthurium andreanum is one of the popular flowers in the floriculture industries and the biggest cluster in the Araceae group. Genetic variabilities of Anthurium andreanum were obtained through hybridization and conventional breeding program. The study’s objective was to evaluate the morphological character variation of anthurium in the F1 population. The F1 population of anthurium crossing was used for observation and evaluation in this research. The parameter observations were the morphological character of spadix and spathe, quantitative characters comprised of spathe width and length, spadix length, and the total number of flowers per plant in the first flowering stadia. There were 77 plants in the F1 population of crossing between anthurium cv. Sempre x Alvin. The longest spadix was 4.8 cm (SA.18), the longest spathe was 8 cm (SA.19), and the widest spathe was 8.7 cm (SA.19). Average of flowers per plant in the first blooming stadia was about 2-4 flowers. Variation of morphological characteristics was obtained in F1 population evaluation in some parameters. The evaluation showed that most offspring in the F1 population were dominantly inherited from A. Sempre

    Konservasi Anggrek Spesies Alam Menggunakan Eksplan Biji pada Media Vacin & Went

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    Konservasi anggrek spesies alam merupakan langkah penting untuk menghindari kepunahan akibat rusaknya habitat alamnya. Tujuan penelitian ialah mengetahui kemampuan tumbuh biji anggrek spesies alam pada media Vacin dan Went (VW) dan menentukan jenis anggrek spesies yang telah berhasil dikonservasi melalui biji. Anggrek spesies alam yang digunakan sebanyak 46 spesies yang berasal dari 18 genus anggrek, yakni Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium, Vanda, Ascocentrum, Paphiopedilum, Rhyncostilis, Neofinetia, Epidendrum, Arachnis, Dimorphosis, Phaius, Spathogottis, Trichoglottis, Arundina, Cymbidium, Renanthera, Armodorum, dan Gramathophylum. Polinasi bunga anggrek dilakukan dengan metode selfing maupun sibling. Buah dipanen saat warna buah berubah menjadi kuning kehijauan dan/atau tekstur buah menjadi lebih lunak. Selanjutnya, sebelum kultur biji, buah disterilkan dan biji disebar pada media VW. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa buah anggrek hasil polinasi mengalami kemasakan antara 34-280 hari setelah polinasi. Biji hasil selfing dari 41 anggrek spesies (dari 46) dapat berkecambah pada media VW dengan umur berkecambah berkisar antara 10-69 hari setelah sebar. Sebanyak 19 anggrek spesies alam mampu membentuk protokorm di atas 70% dan semua protokorm mampu membentuk planlet. Selanjutnya, 19 spesies dapat diaklimatisasi dengan kisaran waktu antara 272-552 hari setelah terbentuk protokorm, Sebanyak 16 spesies belum dapat diaklimatisasi karena planlet yang masih kecil, sedang 6 spesies tidak tumbuh. Arundina graminifolia merupakan anggrek yang paling cepat membentuk protokorm dan Grammatophylum sp. merupakan anggrek yang paling lama membentuk protokorm. Biji Ascocentrum aurantiacum, Aerides odorata, Phalaenopsis luddemanniana, P. violacea, dan Cymbidium finlaysonianum tidak mampu membentuk protokorm. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa media VW dapat digunakan untuk konservasi anggrek spesies alam melalui perbanyakan dengan menggunakan biji