20 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to find out the developing Islamic-based reading materials text were valid, practical, and potential effect of the Islamic-based reading materials text. Development research consisting of analysis, design, evaluation and revision was used in developing the product. To collect the data, questionnaires and a test were used. The data were analyzed by using average score for the questionnaires and percentage for the test. In evaluation phase, formative evaluation consisting of self-evaluation, experts review, one-to-one, small group, and field test was also used. There were two Islamic experts reviewing the product, three students involved in one-to-one evaluation, nine students involved in small group evaluation, and 20 students of a real class involved in field test. The developed product was valid based on the result of the expert review phase in terms of its content. One was expert of content and another one was expert of instructional design. The result of experts judgment showed that the product was valid with average score was 89,2 categorized in good validity. The product was practical with average score in one-to-one evaluation was 84,3 and in small group phase was 86.6. The effectiveness of the product could be seen from the average score of students’ achievement in field test. The score was 92.8 meaning that score was higher than the criterion of minimal mastery (KKM) of English subject in MA Nurul Huda Kasmaran 75. Therefore, the product had potential effect categorized in good level


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kualitas spermatozoa setelah sexing dengan gradien albumin (putih telur) menggunakan pengencer andromed dan cauda epididymal plasma-2 (CEP-2) ditambah kuning telur 10%. Pengamatan kualitas spermatozoa meliputi motilitas, viabilitas, abnormalitas, konsentrasi, dan total spermatozoa motil. Gradien albumin dibuat dengan cara mencampur putih telur dengan pengencer andromed atau CEP-2 ditambah kuning telur 10% sehingga menghasilkan konsentrasi putih telur 10, 30, dan 50%. Pengencer andromed menghasilkan motilitas spermatozoa hasil sexing pada lapisan atas yang lebih tinggi daripada pengencer CEP-2 ditambah kuning telur 10%. Pengencer andromed menghasilkan viabilitas, abnormalitas, konsentrasi, dan total spermatozoa motil yang sama seperti pengencer CEP-2 ditambah kuning telur 10%. Pengencer andromed dan CEP-2 ditambah kuning telur 10% dapat mengurangi penurunan kualitas spermatozoa

    Teachers need analysis: Development of the Urban Heat Island module based on a contextual approach

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    Since the nineteenth century, scientists have studied the Urban Heat Island (UHI). The negative effects of UHI could be mitigated with the help of interdisciplinary studies, but none have been performed so far. UHI research in schools has some holes that could seriously hinder students' grasp of climate change. The purpose of this research is to ascertain whether or not the Urban Heat Island module is necessary for enhancing students' understanding of climate change in the classroom. The Greater Solo Area Region's 72 geographic teachers were chosen at random for this study. Preliminary data on teachers' familiarity with UHI in the Greater Solo Area shows that, on average, they know very little about UHI. About 47 percent of the teachers surveyed had no understanding at all of UHI, while the remaining 25 percent had a moderate amount of knowledge, seven percent had high understanding, and three percent had very high understanding. Results from a test given to educators in both the suburbs and the city corroborated these observations. All teachers agreed that the UHI enrichment module created using a contextual approach was necessary as a supplementary medium for climate change material, as indicated by the results of the teacher needs assessment tests

    Approccio alla lingua italiana per allievi stranieri - ALIAS

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    Contiene, di P. E. Balboni, - "Approccio alla lingua italiana per allievi stranieri", pp. 55-71 - "Problemi interculturali nei rapporti con allievi stranieri e con le loro famiglie", pp. 73-90 - "La fomrazione dei docenti: i contenuti e gli strumenti di base", pp. 181-184

    The Relationship Of Knowledge And Attitudes In Dealing With Menopause In Women Aged 40-45 Years

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    Latar Belakang Kesehatan masyarakat tidak hanya ditunjukkan oleh angka kesakitan, angka kematian, peningkatan status gizi, tetapi juga ditunjukkan oleh peningkatan Angka Harapan Hidup (UHH). Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), diperkirakan pada tahun 2025 jumlah wanita lanjut usia akan meningkat dari 107 juta menjadi 373 juta.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan sikap dalam menghadapi menopause pada wanita usia 40-45 tahunMetode Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, dengan survei analitik dengan rancangan Cross Sectional. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2022 di Desa Putra Lempuyang Kecamatan Way Pengubuan Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Sampel adalah ibu usia 40-45 tahun yang tidak mengalami menopause selama 12 bulan terakhir atau sedang dalam masa pra menopause dengan jumlah populasi 189 dan jumlah sampel 43 responden.Hasil Pengetahuan baik dengan sikap positif 3 (7,0%) responden, sikap positif 16 (37,2%) responden. Pengetahuan kurang baik dengan sikap positif sebanyak 12 (27,9%) responden, dan sikap negatif sebanyak 12 (27,9%) responden. Jumlah sikap positif sebanyak 15 (34,9%) responden dan sikap negatif sebanyak 28 (65,1%) responden.Kesimpulannya adalah ada hubungan pengetahuan ibu dengan sikap menghadapi menopause pada wanita usia 40-45 tahun di Desa Putra Lempuyang Kecamatan Way Pengubuan Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Tahun 2022.Saran Bagi Responden Dengan dilakukannya penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pengetahuan responden tentang masalah dan sikap mengenai kejadian menopause pada usia 40-45 tahun dan diharapkan responden dapat mengetahui informasi yang akurat tentang masalah dalam menopause dini untuk menghindari ketidaksiapan dalam menghadapi menopause. Kata kunci: Menopause, Pengetahuan,Sikap ABSTRACT Background The one thing about public health is not only indicated by the morbidity rate, mortality rate, improving nutritional status, but also shown by the increase in Life Expectancy (UHH). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that by 2025 the number of women who are old will increase from 107 million to 373 million.The purpose of this study is to determine knowledge and attitudes in the face of menopause in women aged 40-45 yearsMethods Type of quantifiable research research, with analytical surveys with Cross Sectional design. This research was conducted in July 2022 at The Putra Lempuyang Village, Way Pengubuan District, Central Lampung Regency. The sample was mothers aged 40-45 years who had not experienced menopause for the past 12 months or were in pre-menopausal stage problems with a population of 189 and a sample number of 43 respondents.Result Good knowledge with a positive attitude 3 (7.0%) respondents, a positive attitude 16 (37.2%) respondents. Poor knowledge with a positive attitude of 12 (27.9%) respondents, and a negative attitude of 12 (27.9%) respondents. Total positive attitudes were 15 (34.9%) respondents and negative attitudes were 28 (65.1%) respondents.The conclusion is that there is a relationship between maternal knowledge and attitudes towards facing menopause in women aged 40-45 years in Putra Lempuyang Village, Way Pengubuan District, Central Lampung Regency in 2022.Suggestion For RespondentsBy doing this research, it can be used as a source of respondent's knowledge about problems and attitudes regarding the incidence of menopause at the age of 40-45 years and it is hoped that respondents will be able to find accurate information about problems in early menopause to avoid unpreparedness in dealing with menopause. Keywords: menopause, knowledge, attitud

    Media Pembelajaran Abad 21

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    Buku Media Pembelajaran Abad 21 merupakan bacaan yang dikemas dengan bahasa ringan dan mudah dipahami. Buku ini juga memuat wawasan tentang perkembangan teknologi dan media pembelajaran di era 4.0. Materi disusun mulai dari teoritis sampai aplikatif serta disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan di sekolah/madrasah sehingga sangat direkomendasikan untuk menjadi referensi bagi mahasiswa, guru, dan praktisi pendidikan