33 research outputs found

    Fertilizer Recommendation: Correlation and Calibration Study of Soil P Test for Yard Long Bean (Vigna unguilata L.) on Ultisols in Nanggung-Bogor

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    Yard long bean (Vigna unguilata L.) 777 was grown in Ultisols, which typically have low pH and high P-fixation, to determine the best correlation of soil extraction methods for soil P with yields, and to develop soil P response categories. The research was conducted at SANREM base camp in Hambaro Village, Nanggung, Bogor, Indonesia from April to August 2008. Treatments were arranged in a Split Plot Design with three replications. The main plots were treatments with soil P status of 0X, ¼X, ½X, ¾X and X, where is X = 1,590.5 kg SP-36 ha-1 (36% P2 O5 ) applied once a month before planting. The subplots were P application rate of 0, 75, 150, 225 and 300 kg P2 O5 ha-1. Yard long beans were planted in double rows per bed, 60 cm between rows and 25 cm within rows, 2 seeds per hole, with plot size of 1.5 m x 5 m. Coefficient correlation (r) of extraction reagents Olsen, Bray-1, HCl 25%, and Mechlich-1 were 0.772, 0.765, 0.755, and 0.732, respectively. Based on Olsen soil testing methods, soil response categories of very low, low, medium, and high were (ppm P2 O5 ) ≤ 18.40, 18.40 < P < 117.27, 117.27 < P < 267.04, and ≥ 267.04 extracted-P, respectively. Based on Bray-1 soil testing methods, soil response categories for low, medium, and high were ≤ 87.81, 87.81 < P < 233.78, and ≥ 233.78 extracted-P (ppm P2 O5 ), respectively. Fertilizer recommendation based on the Olsen soil test for low response category was 185.75 kg P2 O5 ha-1, and for the medium soil category was 175.97 kg P2 O5 ha-1. The Bray-1 soil test for the low response category was 184.31 kg P2 O5 ha-1 , and for the medium soil category was 161.39 kg P2 O5 ha-1 . Keywords: calibration, fertilizer recommendation, phosphorus, yard long bea

    Increasing Cauliflower Yields through Fertigation

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    Cauliflower is one the important vegetable crop in the tropics; the curd contains high fibres, potassium, carotene and vitamin C. However, the production and productivity of cauliflower in Indonesia has been low and cannot meet the demand, resulting in high importation of cauliflowers into Indonesia. Bogor Agricultural University has developed potential lowland cauliflower genotypes, BOB017 and BOB020, with higher productivity. In this study, we evaluated three fertigation methods on the growth, yield and economic returns of the two lowland cauliflower genotypes.  The experiment was arranged in a split-plot design with four replications. The main plot contained two cauliflower genotypes, BOB017 and BOB020. The subplot was three fertilizer application methods: through drip irrigation, soil drench, and drilled. The results showed that BOB020 had an earlier harvest time (60 days) compared to BOB017 (71 days). The soil drench fertigation method showed the highest curd weight (351.64 g), curd diameter (14.65 cm) and yield (12.39 t.ha-1) compared to the other two fertigation methods. The BOB017 genotype fertilized with soil drench method resulted in the highest B/C ratio (3.32). The study concluded that growing cauliflower using the soil drench method resulted in the optimum growth of cauliflower, high yield and net income

    Spray Hose Irrigation System Increased Yield of Polyethylene Mulched Shallot

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    Spray hose is a micro-irrigation system using perforated hose as for micro irrigation. Shallot conventional cultivation requires lots of water and labor man days therefore is more efficient. Shallot cultivation system needs to be developed to increase yield and to reduce production cost. This research was conducted to compare conventional cultivation methods with using Spray hose and polyethylene mulch for shallot production. This research was conducted in a hydromorphic alluvial soil type at the Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies Field Station in Kersana, Brebes, Central Java (S 6 o, 55’, 20.536”; E 108o, 51”, 50618”) from May to July 2016. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with a single factor and three levels of planting system, i.e. conventional ‘Surjan’ system without mulch, one line spray hose with mulch, and two lines spray hose with mulch, with five replications. The result showed that shallots production using of polyethylene mulch and two-line spray hose had higher yields than the conventional method. In addition, this system is more efficient in terms of labor requirement. Cost Revenue Analysis shows that conventional cultivation R/C ratio was 1.72, one-line spray hose R/C ratio was 1.92, while two-line spray hose was 2.26. This study demonstrated that the use of polyethylene mulch combined with two-line spray hose significantly improved shallot growth and increased bulb production, and more cost efficient.Keywords: R/C ratio, micro irrigation, labor, ‘Surjan’ system, soil drench, fertilizerConclusionIrrigation of shallot with two-line spray hose resulted in a better crop growth and a higher yield than conventional planting system and one-line spray hose for polyethylene mulched shallot.  Conventional planting system using more water and labor requirement than the two other treatments. Combination of  two-line spray hose and polyethylene mulch had the most eficient cost production of shalot compared to the  conventional system and one-line spray hose

    Production of Fruits and Leafy Vegetables Solanum nigrum Linn under Different Shade Levels

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    Fruits and young shoot of Solanum nigrum Linn are harvested and consumed as indigenous vegetables by different Indonesian ethnics. Preharvest factors and harvesting methods to maximize the quality of S. nigrum produce is still unknown. In this study S. nigrum was grown in full irradiance and under shading and assessed for their growth, and fruit and shoot yields. The experiment was conducted at the Leuwikopo Experimental Farm in Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia from April-July 2017. The results demonstrated that plants produced more fruits and shoots in full irradiance, i.e., 687.9 g and 211.1 g per plant, whereas only 331.1 g and 116.9 g per plant were produced in 50% shading. Although fruit and shoot production were superior under full irradiance, shoot-harvested plants had healthier leaves and life span of about 2 months longer thus facilitating longer availability. Canopy of shoot-harvested plants formed a columnar shape with 23 to 45 cm in height,  in contrast to spherical shape with 48 to 203 cm in height of the fruit-harvested plants. It is likely that shading level might contribute to farmers’ decision to harvest the shoots or fruits of S. nigrum. Further studies are needed to determine the effects of shading levels on nutritional quality of the shoots and fruits of S. nigrum.  Keywords: African nightshade, canopy architecture, harvesting method, indigenous vegetable, intercroppin

    Respon Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frustescens L.) pada Sistem Irigasi Tetes Terhadap Aplikasi Nanosilika lewat Daun

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    Cabai rawit merupakan salah satu komoditas sayuran terpenting di Indonesia. Masalah terpenting dalam produksi cabai rawit adalah rendahnya produktivitas. Aplikasi nanosilika diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas cabai rawit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi nanosilika lewat daun terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil panen cabai rawit pada budi daya menggunakan mulsa polyethylene dan irigasi tetes. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Leuwikopo, Institut Pertanian Bogor, dengan jenis tanah latosol dan koodinat 6°33'50.2"S 106°43'31.0"E. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak (RKLT) dengan satu faktor yaitu konsentrasi nanosilika yang diberikan dalam 5 taraf perlakuan yaitu 0, 1.5, 3, 4.5 and 6 ml L-1 dengan 3 ulangan. Variabel yang diamati adalah karakter vegetatif, respon perkembangan dan hasil tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi nanosilika pada cabai rawit Harita pada sistem budi daya menggunakan mulsa polyethylene dan irigasi tetes tidak meningkatkan variabel vegetatif tanaman dan hasil tanaman.    Kata kunci: buah layak jual, mulsa polyethylene, split fertigas

    Sumber Sebagai Hara Pengganti AB mix pada Budidaya Sayuran Daun Secara Hidroponik

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    ABSTRACTIncreasing in fertilizer price  has caused  increase  in hydroponic system cost. The  objective of the  research  was  to  determine  the  best  fertilizer  source that  could  replace  AB  mix  by  examining several  sources  of  nutrients, i.e. NPK  15:15:15,  NPK  12:14:12  for  hydroponic  cultivation  of spinach, pakchoy,  and  lettuce.  The  research  was  conducted  in  the  Green  House Dramaga  Field Unit,  University  Farm,  IPB  Bogor  from  February  to  April 2013. The  treatments  (AB  mix,  NPK 15:15:15,  and  NPK  12:14:12)  were arranged  in  randomized  completely  blok  design  with  4 replications. The results showed that fertilizer treatments used did not affect the vegetative growth of spinach,  pakchoy,  and  lettuce,  but  AB  mix  fertilizer  treatment gave  the  highest  yield  in  spinachplants,  pakchoy,  and  lettuce  in  yield components  i.e.  an  average  weight/plant  and  weight  ofmarketable yield, respectively  at  21.65 g,  235.75 g  spinach,  46.06  g,  465.75  g  pakchoy, and 25.93  g lettuce.  In  lettuce  experiment,  no  marketable  yield  was obtained.  Based  on  these  results  NPK15:15:15  and  NPK  12:14:12 fertilizer could not replace  AB  mix  as a  source of plant nutrients inspinach, pakchoy, and hydroponic lettuce.Key words: AB mix, hydroponic , leafy vegetables , NPK 15:15:15, NPK 12:14:12 ABSTRAKKenaikan harga pupuk menyebabkan kenaikan  biaya  dalam sistem hidroponik. Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk  mendapatkan  hara  yang  dapat   menggantikan AB  mix  dengan  cara  menguji beberapa  sumber  hara,  yaitu  NPK  15:15:15, NPK  12:14:12  pada  budidaya  bayam,  pakchoy,  dan selada  secara hidroponik.  Percobaan  dilaksanakan  di  Green  House  Unit  Lapangan Dramaga, University Farm, IPB Dramaga Bogor, dari Februari sampai April 2013. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak dengan menggunakan tiga perlakuan: AB mix,  NPK 15:15:15, dan  NPK  12:14:12  dengan  4  ulangan.  Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa pupuk  tidak  mempengaruhi  pertumbuhan  vegetatif  tanaman  bayam, pakchoy,  dan  selada,  tetapiperlakuan  pupuk AB mix memberikan hasil produksi tertinggi pada tanaman bayam, pakchoy, dan selada yaitu pada komponen hasil panen rata-rata bobot  tanaman-1dan bobot layak pasar, berturutturut sebesar 21.65  g,  235.75  g tanaman bayam, 46.06 g,  465.75  g tanaman pakchoy dan  25.93  g tanaman  selada.  Pada  percobaan  selada tidak  diperoleh  hasil  yang  dapat  dipasarkan.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut pupuk NPK 15:15:15 dan NPK 12:14:12 tidak dapat menggantikan pupuk AB mix sebagai sumber hara pada tanaman bayam, pakchoy, dan selada secara hidroponik.Kata kunci: AB mix, hidroponik, sayuran daun, NPK 15:15:15, NPK 12:14:1

    Growth and production of beneng taro genotypes (Xanthosoma undipes K. Koch) on different soil organic carbon

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    Beneng taro is a perennial of Araceae and becomes a new commodity in Indonesia. The research aimed to evaluate the growth and yield of beneng taro on various statuses of soil organic carbon (SOC). Three genotypes of taro, i.e., beneng Banten, beneng Bondowoso, and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) fodder taro were planted in three SOC levels, i.e., 1.79, 2.94, and 4.09% in a randomized split block design in the Leuwikopo Experimental Station, IPB from April to December 2021. SOC was designed by adding cow manure. The results showed that there was no interaction between genotypes and SOC. The increase in SOC from 1.79 to 4.09% did not significantly affect growth but significantly affected the diameter and yield of beneng and NTT fodder taro. An increase in SOC above 1.79% markedly decreased tuber diameter, but conversely increased fresh tuber weight. Tuber weight increased by 5.6% and 12.1% with an increase in SOC from control to 2.94% and 4.09%, respectively. The increase in tuber weight was supported by the trend of increasing biomass weight and the number of roots. SOC source in the present study was cow manure which may also contribute some nutrients, therefore, further research is needed using neutral organic carbon sources to determine the effect solely. Keywords: Araceae; SOC; growth; manure; NTT taro; talas beneng BantenBeneng taro is a perennial of Araceae and becomes a new commodity in Indonesia. The research aimed to evaluate the growth and yield of beneng taro on various statuses of soil organic carbon (SOC). Three genotypes of taro, i.e., beneng Banten, beneng Bondowoso, and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) fodder taro were planted in three SOC levels, i.e., 1.79, 2.94, and 4.09% in a randomized split block design in the Leuwikopo Experimental Station, IPB from April to December 2021. SOC was designed by adding cow manure. The results showed that there was no interaction between genotypes and SOC. The increase in SOC from 1.79 to 4.09% did not significantly affect growth but significantly affected the diameter and yield of beneng and NTT fodder taro. An increase in SOC above 1.79% markedly decreased tuber diameter, but conversely increased fresh tuber weight. Tuber weight increased by 5.6% and 12.1% with an increase in SOC from control to 2.94% and 4.09%, respectively. The increase in tuber weight was supported by the trend of increasing biomass weight and the number of roots. SOC source in the present study was cow manure which may also contribute some nutrients, therefore, further research is needed using neutral organic carbon sources to determine the effect solely. Keywords: Araceae; SOC; growth; manure; NTT taro; talas beneng Bante

    Agroecology and Uses of Galinsoga parviflora as Indigenous Vegetable in Highland of Kuningan, Banjarnegara and Wonosobo, Indonesia

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    Gallant soldier (Galinsoga parviflora Cav.) is a cosmopolitan weed and is traditionally used as a vegetable in Java highland. The study aimed to evaluate agroecology and uses of G. parviflora as an indigenous vegetable in Java. Researches were conducted in Kuningan, Banjarnegara, and Wonosobo districts from June 2015 to July 2017. The distribution map was drawn from field tracks, interviews, and literature studies. Results revealed two Galinsoga species based on leaf and stem shape, i.e., G. parviflora and G. quadriradiata. Only G. parviflora was selected as a vegetable in Banjarnegara and Wonosobo, but not in Kuningan district. It ranked seventh among 13 traditional vegetables; young shoot with inflorescences was consumed after cooking or boiling, and sometimes used as a diuretic. Although it contributed low to household diet, however, its position on the social relationship among neighbors was important. The wide distribution range of Galinsoga in Java is potential as a new vegetable. It is important to study the nutrient content of this vegetable to improve utilization. Keywords: Asteraceae, Dieng, gallant soldier, jukut saminggu, weedMondreng (Galinsoga parviflora Cav.) adalah gulma kosmopolitan dan secara tradisional digunakan sebagai sayuran di dataran tinggi Jawa. Penelitian bertujuan mengevaluasi agroekologi dan pemanfaatan G. parviflora sebagai sayuran indigenous di Jawa. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Kuningan, Banjarnegara, dan Wonosobo dari Juni 2015 hingga Juli 2017. Peta distribusi diambil dari penelusuran lapangan, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada dua spesies Galinsoga berdasarkan daun dan batang, yaitu G. parviflora dan G. quadriradiata. G. parviflora merupakan sayuran di Kabupaten Banjarnegara dan Wonosobo, tetapi tidak di Kabupaten Kuningan. Galinsoga termasuk satu dari 13 jenis sayuran tradisional; pucuk muda dengan bunga dikonsumsi setelah dimasak atau direbus, dan kadang-kadang digunakan sebagai diuretik. Sayuran Galinsoga berkontribusi rendah terhadap rumah tangga, namun peranannya dalam hubungan sosial antar tetangga relatif penting. Perlu dilakukan studi kandungan nutrisi untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatannya. Kata kunci: Asteraceae, Dieng, gulma, jukut saminggu, mondren

    Studi Jenis Media Pembibitan terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.)

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    Mentimun adalah salah satu keluarga Cucurbitaceae yang memiliki nilai ekonomi penting. Bibit berkualitas adalah bibit yang kuat, berdaun hijau, sehat dan memiliki perakaran yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi media yang tepat untuk pertumbuhan bibit mentimun. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Dramaga Bogor pada tahun 2013. Percobaan disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan empat ulangan dan tujuh perlakuan. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah vermikompos, arang sekam, pupuk organik granul, vermikompos-arang sekam, vermikompos-pupuk organik granul,arang sekam-pupuk organik granul, vermikompos- arang sekam- pupuk organik granul. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua karakter pengamatan (perkecambahan biji, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, panjang akar, volume akar, rasio tajuk akar) berbeda nyata. Bobot basah tajuk  tertinggi diperoleh dari vermikompos-arang sekam (25,16 g), diikuti oleh vermikompos (24,70 g), vermikompos – arang sekam- pupuk organik granul(16,60 g), arang sekam (12,28 g), arang sekam- butiran pupuk organik (7,47 g), vermikompos- pupuk organik granul (2,04 g) dan pupuk organik granul (0 g). Sedangkan bobot basah akar tertinggi diperoleh dari vermikompos-arang sekam-pupuk organik granul(2,72 g), diikuti oleh arang sekam-vermikompos (2,43 g), vermikompos (2,43 g), arang sekam (1,37 g), vermikompos-pupuk organik granul (1,07 g), arang sekam – pupuk organik granul (0,23 g), dan pupuk organik granul (0 g). Secara umum dapat dilihat bahwa media pembibitan mentimun akan memberikan pertumbuhan yang baik jika kita menggunakan vermikompos sebagai komponen utama atau campuran

    Fertigation Methods and N Source on Chili through Drip Irrigation

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    Chili (Capsicum frutescens L.) has an important role in Indonesian cuisine. Conventional crop management with less-efficient fertilizer application was still commonly implemented by farmers; on the other hand, fertilizer application through fertilizer will increase yield and reduce production costs. Research objectives were to find out the best fertilizer application methods through drip irrigation and obtain a nitrogen fertilizer source that can increase polyethylene mulched chili yield. This research was conducted in Inceptisol (Dytropept Fluventik, Isohiperthermik) soil type. The experiment was conducted at Bogor Agricultural University Research Station, Cikarawang, from June to December 2016. The first experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three methods of fertilizer applications: split, drip, and conventional (no fertigation). The second experiment, from March to October 2017, was arranged in RCBD, with three N sources (Urea (46% N), ZA (21% N), and NPK (16-16-16)% N-P2O5,-K2O), with four replications. Results showed that split and drip fertigations had no different effect on total and marketable yield; however, the yields of both treatments were higher than that of conventional applications. The second experiment results showed that all N sources did not affect the growth and yield of chili.Keywords: fertilization, nitrogen, micro-irrigation, polyethylene mulchCabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) memiliki peran penting dalam menu masakan di Indonesia. Pengelolaan tanaman secara konvensional dengan pemupukan yang kurang efisien masih banyak dilakukan oleh petani, sebaliknya pemupukan secara fertigasi meningkatkan hasil dapat dan menurunkan biaya produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode aplikasi pemupukan melalui irigasi dan sumber N yang dapat menigkatkan hasil cabai rawit dengan budidaya memakai mulsa plastik. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada jenis tanah Inceptisol (Dytropept Fluventik, Isohiperthermik). Perobaan dilakukan di Kebun Penelitian Institut Pertanian Bogor, Cikarawang. Percobaan pertama pada Juni-Desember 2016 disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok (RAK), 4 ulangan dengan 3 metode aplikasi fertigasi: split, irigasi tetes, dan konvensional(tanpa fertigasi). Percobaan kedua dilakukan pada Maret-Oktober 2017 disusun dalam RAK dengan empat ulangan dengan perlakuan tiga sumber N (Urea (46% N), ZA (21% N), dan NPK (16-16-16)% N-P2O5, -K2O). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa split dan drip tidak memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap total panen dan hasil panen yang dapat dipasarkan, namun keduanya lebih tinggi dari hasil panen dengan konvensional. Hasil percobaan kedua menunjukkan bahwa semua sumber N tidak berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil panen cabai. Kata kunci: irigasi mikro, nitrogen, mulsa plastik, pemupuka