721 research outputs found
Pengisian Jabatan Hakim: Kebutuhan Reformasi dan Pengekangan Diri
For more than 30 years, a discourse regarding the selection of judges has become a hot issue around the world for several reasons. It is mainly related to the primary function of the courts to resolve disputes that may affect the lives of individuals and society. Problems posed, first, how filling the positions of justices and judges in the Indonesian constitution of post-reform? Second, how is the ideal concept in filling the positions of justices and judges of the constitution? This research is doctrinal, using primary and secondary legal materials, in the form of some legislation, literature and research results which are relevant to the object of research. The approach used in this study is the approach of legislation and conceptual approaches. The study concluded, first, filling the positions of Chief Justice and Judges of the Constitutional shows that it is more politicking because of the participation of the People's Representative Council or Parliament. Secondly, the renewal and principle of self-restraint need to be done by each branch of power to minimize political bias
Analisis Fenomena Swing Voters Pada Pemilu Reformasi Di Kabupaten Rembang
AbstrackRembang regency is one area in Central Java. Rembang is one of area in CentralJava which has the most unique characteristics of the people regarding their politicalorientation. It can be explained where most people there have a tendency of pragmaticbehavior or tends to fluctuate in giving vote during the election. This can be seen from theresults of the results of elections to the election out of political parties different as thewinner. Legislative elections in 1999 won by PDI P, 2004 elections won by Golkar Party andthe 2009 election was won by the Democratic Party. If at the time of the legislative electionsin 2004 won by Golkar Party , while the contrarery result are shown on the presidential byplacing SBY-JK in the top spot, outpacing all her opponents. Whereas in the 2009 legislativeelections won by Democrats but for president instead won by Mega-Pro promoted by PDI-P.Seeing this just proves that many voters in the Rembang regency that are categorized asswing voters. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that influence swing votersas well as the level of public trust in political institutions in the Rembang regency. Based onthis research, there are three factors that influence the swing voters in the Rembang regency.The first factor is a figure or personal candidates, secondly factor is mass mobilization, massmobilization is the most played is the mobilization of “kyai” and affiliated organizations, andthe last latter high rate of money politics in the election event. By choosing such a pattern ofbehavior can be concluded that the voters in the Rembang regency have flexible trust
Radiographic Study of Developmental Alteration in Tooth Number Among Children in IIUM Dental Clinic
Background: The aim of this research was to determine the prevalence, distribution and association of developmental alteration in tooth number with gender, location, and presence of delayed eruption of tooth among children who attended to Student's polyclinic of IIUM Kuantan, Malaysia. Methods: A cross sectional study on total 727 Orthopanthomograms (OPGs) of 3-17 years old children from April 2009 to July 2012. OPGs with presence of alteration number were scrutinized to find out the prevalence, distribution and association. The data was analyzed comparing gender, location and presence of delayed eruption and tested using Chi-square test. Results: Out of 727 OPGs, 71 OPGs showed developmental alteration in tooth number. The prevalence was 98/1000 OPGs within 3 years. Among those 71 OPGs, the gender differences were: males (49.3%) and females (50.7%). Locations were found in maxilla (45.1%), mandible (40.8%) and both (14.0%). The finding of delayed eruption was (7.0%). There were significant differences between alteration in tooth number with location as (p<0.05) while there were no significant differences with gender and delayed eruption as (p>0.05). Conclusions: This study showed that hyperdontia was considerably lower than hypodontia. There was association between alteration in tooth number with location, but no association with gender and delayed eruption
Dampak Media Sosial terhadap Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) Sentra Industri Keramik Plered, Kabupaten Purwakarta
.The development of social media makes it recommended that social media become the most important part in developing and advancing its business especially in the field of promotion, marketing and marketing as a whole. The existence of today\u27s social media applications has become the most efficient and effective tool for ceramic SMEs in Ceramic Plered Industrial Center, Purwakarta District, and today most of the SMEs have followed the digital era by using social media platform for marketing communications, advertisement, product publicity ceramics and services they provide. They create fan pages for followers to make communication fast, even in different cities or countries SME ceramic actors can warmly welcome advice and opinions that help in improving their business. Based on the review that there is a positive impact although there is also a negative impact of social media applications on the development of business SMEs ceramic entrepreneurs but not undo the intention to advance its business, and motivated to use this platform
Kalimat Pengandaian Bahasa Jepang: Kajian Sintaktis Dan Semantis
This study tried to describe the similarities and the differences of Japanese conditional patterns from the perspectives of syntax and semantics. The results reveal that the four Japanese conditional patterns are used in similar variations and constructions, namely (a) S1-KàS2-K; (b) S1-PàS2-K, (c) S1-KàS2-P, and S1-PàS2-K. Other equations and differences expose several facts. (1) The patterns of V-TO and V-BA are used to declare a general conditional. (2) The patterns of V-TARA and V-BA can be followed by an S2 that states events in the past. (3) The pattern of V-NARA can express S1 and S2 events that occur simultaneously. (4) The patterns of V-TARA, V-BA, and V-TO state the order of events of S1 and S2 (S1àS2). (5) The pattern of V-TO declares a sequence of activities S1àS2 without any lag time. (6) The pattern of V-TARA can be used to declare an S1 that has actually happened. (7) The pattern of V-TO cannot be followed by S2 that state imperatives, requests, invitations, intention, desire, prohibition, and advice. (8) all four conditionals can be followed by S2 that states the possibility, prediction, or personal opinion of speakers
Batik is one of the cultural works. Therefore, every batik has motifs. The motifs have names. In this paper, the names of batik motifs are examined by a Khrematonimika study. The research aims to describe the naming of batik found in West Java. These names of batik are closely related to the local wisdom of the Sundanese society. The study employs a descriptive-qualitative method. The purpose of this method is to make a systematic, factual, and accurate description or illustration of the data, characteristics, and relationships of the phenomena studied. The research model is ethnography, which aims to explain the naming of batik motifs and Sundanese culture holistically. The data used in this research are a lexicon of West Java batik motifs that is in Sundanese language or its local languages. The data were obtained from observation, literature study, interviews with batik craftsmen and entrepreneurs. The result shows that various batik motifs produced by the designers and craftsmen are named based on the local language and culture. The richness of these batik motifs reflects the richness of the local culture, history, and languages. Each batik center gives names to its works according to the world view, knowledge, perception, and language skills of the batik creators. In Sumedang, for example, they named the batik motifs Kuda Renggong (related to the performing arts in Sumedang) and Daun Boled (Sumedang produces sweet potatoes); in Indramayu, they name the batik motif Iwak Etong (related to a kind of fish produced in Indramayu); in Cimahi, they name the batik motif Reundeu (related a traditional village which staple food is sweet potato); in Majalengka, they name the batik motifs Kota Angin (related to Majalengka’s typical nature which often occurs storms) and Gedong Gincu (Majalengka is famous for their sweet mangoes); and in Cirebon, they name the batik motif Paksinaga Liman (related to their history); etc. These batik names are created from the lexemes of Sundanese and their local languages, such as the languages of Indramayu and Cirebon. The names of batik function to maintain the local languages
Abstrak. Model sistem kekebalan tubuh terhadap infeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis telah dikembangkan dan dikemas dalam bentuk sistem persamaan diferensial biasa non linier order satu. Model tersebut sangat komplek sehingga memerlukan metode numeric untuk menyelesaikannya. Salah satu metode numerik yang yang efektif adalah metode Runge-Kutta. Penelitian ini akan merumuskan formula metode Runge-Kutta order sembilan, dan menentukan sifat dari metode tersebut sebelum merumuskannya, serta menganalisis konvergensi dan efektivitas dari metode Runge-Kutta order sembilan bila dibandingkan dengan metode Adam Bashforth-Moulton order sembilan. Metode dikatakan efektif dan efisien bila error yang terjadi pada metode dalam menyelesaikan model semakin kecil (menuju nol) dan waktu yang dibutuhkan metode untuk menyelesaikan model matematika semakin sedikit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode Runge-Kutta order sembilan lebih efisien dan efektif dibandingkan metode Adam Bashforth-Moulton order sembilan dalam menyelesaikan model sistem kekebalan tubuh terhadap infeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Kata kunci : Metode Runge-Kutta order sembilan, konvergensi, efektivitas, model sistem kekebalan tubuh terhadap infeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Pengaruh Kemampuan Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (Bappeda) Kota Semarang
The paradigm of the regional development plan has begun in 2011. As the implementation of UU No. No. 22/1999 and UU No. 25/1999, regional development plan is giving to regional government. The regional development plan institution (BAPPEDA) in Semarang City is the institution that work for manage the development plan. Based on Semarang City rule number 13, year 2008, BAPPEDA has duty for implement the regional policy formulation and implementation especially for regional development plan. The purpose of this research is to identity and analyzes performance, skills, and motivation of BAPPEDA Semarang employees. This research is using explanatory quantitative design with the respondent from BAPPEDA employees. The process begin with determine the number of sample from the total BAPPEDA employees. It\u27s using questionnaire so the answer can be gotten from every variable. The research result of the effects of the ability and motivation to employee performance BAPPEDA Semarang with Kendal Tau formula has correlation between the ability and motivation of the employee\u27s performance. Based on the results of correlation Kendal Tau, significance relationship exists between the ability and motivation of the employee\u27s performance. The need for improvements to improve employee performance
Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Jasa Barutama Perkasa Pekanbaru
The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of compesation and working environment to employee performance of PT. Jasa Barutama Perkasa Pekanbaru. This research use compesation and working environment as independent variable, and employee performance as dependent variable. The population of this research are all employees of PT. Jasa Barutama Perkasa Pekanbaru which amounted to 42 respondents and all of them will be used as a sample of this research. Data analysis method in this research is descriptive analysis. The result of using descriptive analysis is the compesation and working environment are affect the performances of employees at PT. Jasa Barutama Perkasa Pekanbaru. This indicates that the two independent variables had a significant effect on the dependent variable.Keywords : Compesation, Working Environment, and Employee Performance
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