21 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Unsur-Unsur Berdasarkan Spektrum Emisi Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan

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    ---Neural network program for elements identification based on its emission spectrum has been made using backpropagation method. The programming language which was used is MATLAB 7.0. This neural network has a single hidden layer. Training and testing data are emission spectrum data which are emission wavelength from each element. Training process was done by introducing known emission spectrum data to neural network program. Neural network program has been successful to identify elements based on its emission spectrum. Training process will be faster if we adjust the number of hidden layer's neuron as 100, the value of learning rate as 0,049 and the value of momentum as 0,98. The neural network accuracy of identifying elements is determined by the value of error target. Error target. The value of target error about 10-2 has accuracy 97,14% and the value of target error about 10-4 has accuracy 100%

    Study on the Analytical Model of non-planar MOSFET

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    In the recent development of MOSFET, non-planar structure has been identified as promising structure for next device generation. The advanced scaling of device implies that more sophisticated model is required due to the limitation of the existing models for application in nano scale. Analytical model for non-planar MOSFET model is discussed in this paper, especially for device with pillar. The concern of channel shape and structure is elaborated as well. The result shows the shift in subthreshold characteristic due to the presence of recessed region in the channel with the simulated model

    Sistem Monitoring Kendaraan secara 3D dengan Sensor Tekanan Udara dan Global Positioning System (GPS) Berbasis Web secara Realtime

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    A research on telemetry or remote measurement has been conduced, for the parameters of the position of a moving object, ie the vehicle. Parameters such as latitude and longitude position is obtained from the GPS receiver (Global Positioning System). GPS receiver is used Ublox Noe 6 M. In addition it's also added a altitude parameter, which is obtained by converting the changes of air pressure. Sensor BMP180 used to measure air pressure. Both of these devices are read and controlled by a microcontroller ATmega328 with the Arduino software. The GPS receiver to get latitude and longitude coordinates from the satellite. Coodinates data is sent to a microcontroller, combined with altitide data, then data sent to the database server using internet with GSM network. In this system used web interface that allows users to monitor the position of the vehicle, without necessary for special receiving station. Based on the results of validation latitude and longitude coordinates from the GPS receiver, with GARMIN GPS devices with the GPSMAP 78s series, this GPS receiver has the highest standart deviation ± 0.000006 degrees for the longitude and ± 0.000012 for latitude. The position of the vehicle in form of latitude and longitude coordinates, then illustrated on Google Maps. The results of this study, acqusition system that has been mounted on the vehicle position coordinates can transmit data to the server, and the data transmission process becomes faster and cheaper. This system will continue sends the data for vehicles that are in the area covered by the GSM network provider. Lack of this system is data transmission medium that is highly dependent on the availability of the GSM network. If the GSM network is weak, it can cause failures in data transmission

    Sistem Monitoring dan Otomasi Pengontrolan Kelembaban Media Tanam (Soil Moisture) pada Tanaman Hidroponik Berbasis Web

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    A web based system design for soil moisture monitoring and automation was conducted on this research. Soil moisture level controlling is highly needed to optimalize plant cultivation result. The system contains of two main parts, a remote terminal unit (RTU) and control terminal unit (CTU). RTU has an ATSAM3X8E microcontroller and a microprocessor used for acquiring and sending soil moisture level to database using internet connection. Using internet as telemetry connection is really efficient and gives many advantages such as measurement could be done in distance and also has realtime result. YL-69 sensor used for soil moisture level measurement gives resistance as the output value. This sensor has a module with a 10K ohm voltage devider resistor. The output sensor value converted into digital value using microcontroler analog to digital converter (ADC). This result then being compared with setpoint value to decide whether the water pump turning on or off. The output sensor value also sent and then saved in online database system through internet connection. A reference was used for determining sensor characterization with the linier formulation y = -0.0245x + 99.9560. The result between sent and received data has no error, so there were no lost or gain data. The response from the sensor tested at setpoint value in 30, 40 and 50 giving errors 3.3%, 6.5% and 10.7% for each value. The system reponse tests showed that in a low setpoint value the system gave a very close value with the setpoint, but as the increasement of the setpoint value, the system got error increasement either

    Pemindaian dan Pengolahan Label Keamanan pada Dokumen Rahasia dengan Titik Kuantum

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    Security label is made to anticipate the increasing of documents falsification trend. In this study, the security label is created using CdSe quantum dots. The quantum dots can be used for casting light according to its wavelength so that the particle size can be specific. That\u27s why its worth to be security key from quantum dots. The quantum dots that be used is colloidal CdSe quantum dots with a wavelength of 595 nm and 526 nm. In the previous studies have been done the two-dimensional scanning process of quantum dots for one color as a security label. However, the results obtained are not perfect because it has not done the repair process for the image resulted. Therefore, in this study conducted by the two-dimensional scanning of quantum dots in two colors to add a level of security on the label then followed by image processing in order to obtain a better image. Image processing which have been done by observing the histogram of the image in order to obtain a threshold value between the object and the background image. Scanning generate data in the form of a sequence intensity value corresponding to the color intensity of quantum dots to obtain image data processing results. Image processing through the observation of the histogram data successfully get the intensity threshold value so that the image can be processed to become more visible in accordance with the sampl

    Non-Planar MOSFET Modeling with Analytical Approach

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    Non-planar structures have been identified as promising structure for next device generation in the nanoelectronic era. However, the continuous device dimension scaling into nano regime eventually requires more sophisticated model due to the limitation of the existing models. A model for non-planar MOSFET structure was elaborated in this paper, especially for device with pillar structure, using analytical approach. The concern of channel shape and structure were discussed as well. The result shows the shift in subthreshold characteristic in the channel with recessed channel model. The charge sharing is suspected as one of the key parameter in the shift of performance in the recessed region

    Wireless Sensor System untuk Pengukuran Daya Listrik Panel Surya

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    In this research, wireless sensor system is used to electrical power of solar cell measurement with wirelessly through of WiFi as data transmision. This system is required to monitoring and measuring electrical power of solar cell with long distance. This system also very helpful personil to do measurement because could be solving a problem in personnel limitations and instrument limitations. So, wireless sensor system become a solution in measurement. The system is made from voltage sensor circuit and current sensor circuit. Sensors are connected to ADC ATSAM3X8E microcontroller. Microcontroller reads voltage and current values by converting the analog scale to digital for sent to computer. Then, the data was saved in database and was sent to central station. Data has sent wirelessly by WiFi which is could be shown via web browser on computer. The result of calibration voltage sensors has correlation 0.9885 to standard gauge and average error 0.013 volts. The result of calibration current sensor has correlation 0.9881 to standard gauge and average error 0.012 ampere. The result of comparison beetween data which is sent from the field and received data has 0% error. So, it could be say that there is no placement data error