62 research outputs found

    Paragraph Writing as A Sensibility-Based Productive Skill

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    AbstractParagraph writing in the context of Academic Writing in a number of academies and universities in Indonesia is considered a skill whose mastery needs reasoning or logical thinking besides knowledge of grammatical rules, lexis, and also ability to translate from bahasa Indonesia into English effectively and efficiently.Logical thinking should be exercised ever since the student writers begin their initial up to the final phase of writing a paragraph. They may not necessarily pour down their ideas in sentences the way they like. This is because first of all they have to determine the main idea, also known as topic sentence, that needs formulating from the general subject or topic that is still too broad to be developed. To formulate the topic sentence, they have to exercise their logical thinking. Then, the main idea has to be supported by supporting sentences which are related to one another. The process of writing supporting sentences and their interrelationship should also be based on logical thinking. Finally, the paragraph is closed by means of a sentence which concludes the discussion of the whole paragraph.A paragraph that flows smoothly or, in other words, is readable is, without any doubt, the one that is effective and sensible

    Analisis Pemilihan Supplier Pada PT.Dewi Mahasadu Dengan Menggunakan Metode SCM, EOQ, Dan AHP

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    Metode SCM yang dibangun diharapkan mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan terkait penggunaan cara- cara konvensional yang tidak efisien, efektif, dan terstruktur dalam menunjang bisnis tas rajut dikarenakan sistem yang dibangun dapat secara otomatis menghitung dan melakukan pencatatan data transaksi baik transaksi pemesanan menu, transaksi pencatatan stok bahan baku hingga transaksi pembayaran. Penerapan metode Supply Chain Management pada perusahaan yang dibangun terbukti dapat mengintegrasikan seluruh bagian bisnis restoran secara baik sehingga mencegah terjadinya kesalahan oleh setiap pihak yang bekerja di restoran. Jumlah pemesanan bahan baku tas rajut pada PT DEWI MAHASADU yang optimum berdasarkan perhitungan Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) untuk periode produksi tahun 2022 adalah sebesar 3.858.755 pcs dengan safety stock sebesar 58.301 pcs, reoder point di 855.005 pcs dan frekuensi pemesanan sebanyak 4 kali.Supplier terbaik yang terpilih untuk menyuplai bahan baku pada PT DEWI MAHASADU berdasarkan analisa menggunakan metode AHP adalah Supplier Bandung yang unggul mutlak pada setiap kriteria atas alternatif supplier lainnya, Supplier Jakarta dapat dipilih sebagai supplier cadangan 1 karena memiliki keunggulan hampir di seluruh kriteria kecuali kriteria kualitas sub kriteria kesesuaian barang dengan spesifikasi dari Supplier Malang, sehingga Supplier Malang dapat dijadikan supplier cadangan 2


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    Purpose: The purpose of this Article is to show that the Javanese circumfix {sa- + -é} is one of the Javanese affixes that can be attached to more than one part of speech, namely adjective, adverb and noun. It has a relatively high frequency in terms of its usage. The analysis of this article focuses on the use of circumfix {sa- + -é} in terms of morphology, syntax, and semantics. Methodology: Javanese circumfix found in Javanese culture was analyzed according to morphological, syntactical and semantical approach Results: In Javanese, the circumfix {sa- + -é} is added partly on the left and partly on the right of the base morpheme. Such a kind of morphological process is known as confixation, or simulfixation, or circumfixation. Implications: Thus, the entire analysis describes what the circumfix {sa- + -é} can do to the base morphemes particularly in the Javanese language. Many of the derivatives formed by the attachment of the circumfix may function as the opener of the subordinate clause expressing adverbs of time

    Role of the Magnitude of Digital Adaptability in Sustainability of Food and Beverage Small Enterprises Competitiveness

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    This study aimed to (1) determine and (2) improve the sustainability of competitiveness for the food and beverage business. This was achieved through causal studies, which involved determining causal relationships between variables. The study population was selected using a purposive sampling technique with a focus on small food and beverage entrepreneurs, and the data retrieved were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Moreover, IBM SPSS AMOS 21 (Moment Structure Analysis) tool was used for the descriptive analysis as well as to test models and hypotheses. The results showed that stakeholder engagement had a positive and significant influence on the magnitude of digital adaptability and costless signaling. It was further noted that the magnitude of digital adaptability and costless signaling had the same effect on sustainability. A similar relationship was established between costless signaling and the magnitude of digital adaptability. These results proved that stakeholder engagement has a significant effect on cost-effective signaling and the magnitude of digital adaptability. Costless signaling has a significant effect on the magnitude of digital adaptability and sustainability of small food and beverage enterprises performance. The novelty of this study lies in the influence of stakeholder engagement on the magnitude of digital adaptability, which can be used to increase the sustainability and performance of food and beverage small enterprises. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-02-02 Full Text: PD

    The Written Text Analysis of Lexical Cohesion and Stylistic Choice of an Indonesian Agony Letter and Its Responses

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    In order that a reader can get across the message of a written text clearly, the writer is responsible to maintain its coherence as it is one of the significant aspects of the text. This article aims at identifying lexical cohesion and stylistic choice found in an Indonesian agony letter and its responses published in the woman magazine Femina in 1993. A letter that deals with complaints of marriage problems, its inquiries of suggestions in solving them and its answers is the written text that is analysed in this article. The analysis is conducted to find out what elements are used in it. Coherence applied in this article is lexical cohesion such as synonyms, hyponyms and superordinates, and stylistic choice in the form of choice of words and sentence structures. Keywords: discourse/text, coherence, lexical cohesion, synonym, hyponym, superordinate

    Hasil Cek_The Written Text Analysis of Lexical Cohesion and Stylistic Choice of an Indonesian Agony Letter and Its Responses

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    In order that a reader can get across the message of a written text clearly, the writer is responsible to maintain its coherence as it is one of the significant aspects of the text. This article aims at identifying lexical cohesion and stylistic choice found in an Indonesian agony letter and its responses published in the woman magazine Femina in 1993. A letter that deals with complaints of marriage problems, its inquiries of suggestions in solving them and its answers is the written text that is analysed in this article. The analysis is conducted to find out what elements are used in it. Coherence applied in this article is lexical cohesion such as synonyms, hyponyms and superordinates, and stylistic choice in the form of choice of words and sentence structures. Keywords: discourse/text, coherence, lexical cohesion, synonym, hyponym, superordinate

    Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Brachiaria Grass from Immature Inflorescence Explants

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    This research was aimed to optimize concentration of phytohormone in callus induction and in vitro regeneration of three species of Brachiaria grass plant, namely Brachiaria brizantha, B. decumbens, and B. ruziziensis. Immature inflorescences were used as explant material. To induce callus, explants were inoculated into Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with phytohormone combination of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), dicamba and kinetin. Observation of callus induction included percentage of callus formation and callus morphology. The embryogenic calli were then transferred into regeneration media, i.e. MS basal medium supplemented with kinetin and 6-benzylaminopurin (BAP). The result showed that 4 mg/L 2,4-D + 0.2 mg/L kinetin showed highest callus induction in B. brizantha and B. decumbens, namely  76%  and 88% respectively. Whereas in B. ruziziensis, 3 mg/L 2,4-D + 0.2 mg/L kinetin showed highest callus induction, namely 86%. MS medium supplemented with 4 mg/L kinetin showed highest regeneration in all three grass species, namely 92.5% in both B. brizantha and B. ruziziensis, and 88.75% in B. decumbens


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    Perkembangan industri kuliner semakin meningkat, sehingga menciptakan kompetisi bagi pelaku UMKM yang mempengaruhi kinerja UKM. Tentu ada upaya meningkatkan kinerja dengan cara kualitas prodyk, sistem akuntanasi dan pemasaran online.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan memahami pengaruh kualitas produk, sistem akuntansi, dan pemasaran online terhadap kinerjan UMKM. Populasi berjumlah 34 orang dengan teknik penarikan sampel dengan nonprobabilitymetoda sampel jenuh maka semua anggota populasi dijadikan sampel.Teknik analisis data dengan regresi linear berganda. Teknik pengumpalan data menggunakan kuesionet dan wawanacara. Berdasarkan analisis statistik deskripsi nilai rata-rata kuliatas produk sebesar 38,88 pada ketegori baik, rata-rata sistem akunatasi sebesar 34,12 pada kategori baik, pemasaran onlinerata-rata sebesa5 16,15 pada kategori baik dan kinerja UMKM sebesar 16,19 pada kategori baik. Berdasarkan hasil analisi regresi linerar secara parsial bahwa hasi thitung> ttabel. Kualita produk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kineja UMKM, sistem akuntansi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kineja UMKM dan pemasaran onlineberpengaruh positif dan signifikanThe culinary industry continues to develop, creating competition for MSME actors and impacting UKM's performance. Because of that, there are also efforts to improve performance through product quality, accounting systems, and online marketing. The purpose of this study is to examine and understand the impact of product quality, accounting systems, and online marketing on MSME performance. The population consists of 34 of his population, and we use a sampling technique with a saturated sampling method without probability, so that all members of the population are sampled. Data analysis method by multiple linear regression. Data collection method by questionnaire and interview. Based on the statistical analysis of the descriptions, the average product quality score is 38.88 in the "good" category, the average accounting system is 34.12 in the "good" category, the average online marketing is 16.15 in the "good" category, MSME. Performance 16.19. Falls in the good category. tcount > ttable results based on partial linear regression results. Product quality has a large positive impact on MSME performance, accounting system has a large positive impact on MSME performance, and online marketing has a large positive impact on MSME performance.

    The antecedents and consequences of digital competence: How to support the performance of organizations

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    This study investigates the role of digital competence as a mediator of the relationship between self-efficacy and self-esteem to improve the organizational performance. Performance is the focus that we want to examine and find solutions to, considering that only three of the nine Civil Service Police Units have received very good SAKIP. Four good categories and one insufficient category. This study uses a quantitative approach through structural equation modeling partial least squares (SEM-PLS) analysis. The population of this research is structural officials of echelon 2, 3, 4 and functional officials, they obtained a sample of 107 people. Exogenous variables in this study are self-efficacy, self-esteem, digital competence, and organizational performance as endogenous variable. The results of testing four accepted hypotheses and one rejected hypothesis. Digital competence has a mediating role in the influence of self-efficacy and self-esteem on organizational performance The research results have not succeeded in showing that self-efficacy has an effect on improving the organizational performance.Penelitian ini mengkaji peran kompetensi digital sebagai mediator pengaruh efikasi diri dan harga diri terhadap kinerja organisasi. Kinerja menjadi fokus yang ingin dikaji dan cari solusinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui analisis Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS). Populasi penelitian pejabat struktural eselon 2, 3, 4 dan pejabat fungsional, dipilih sebagai sampel sebanyak 107 orang. Variabel eksogen adalah efikasi diri, dan harga diri, dan kompetensi digital, sedangkan variabel endogen adalah kinerja organisasi. Hasil pengujian, empat hipotesis diterima dan satu hipotesis ditolak. Kompetensi digital berperan sebagai mediasi pengaruh self-efficacy dan self-esteem terhadap kinerja organisasi. Hasil penelitian belum berhasil menunjukkan bahwa efikasi diri mempengaruhi kinerja organisasi

    Pengaruh Variabel BOPO, NOM Dan CAR Terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Umum Syari’ah di Indonesia pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Covid-19 has various impacts is the economic sector, especially the banking sector. Banks are constrained to get the level of profit. Profitability can be reflected in how effective the bank's management is in managing the funds entrusted to it to generate profits. The objectives of this study to determine the effect of BOPO, NOM, and CAR on the profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks during the Covid-19 pandemic. The population in this study were all Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia with a total of 13 banks. Use secondary data, namely financial reports that had been published. The amount of data analyzed is 26 months. Technical data analysis used Partial Least Squares (PLS).  The results showed that; 1) The coefficient value of the effect of BOPO on Profitability was 0.956, which means there was a positive influence and the T-Statistics value was 3.166. 2) The coefficient value of the effect of BOPO on CAR was 0.511, which means there was a positive influence and the T-Statistics value was 6.666. 3) The coefficient value of the effect of BOPO on NOM is 0.652 which means there is a positive influence and the value of T-Statistics is 12,414. 4) The coefficient value of the influence of NOM on Profitability is 0.652 which means there is a positive influence and the value of T-Statistics is 8.698. 5) The coefficient value of the effect of CAR on Profitability is 0.956, which means there is a positive influence and the T-Statistics value is 2.387
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