41 research outputs found

    A Fortnightly Atmospheric 'Tide' at Bali Caused by Oceanic Tidal Mixing in Lombok Strait

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    Strong tidal currents in and around the narrow straits of the Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, affect ocean sea surface temperatures (SST) via non-linear tide-induced mixing. A fortnightly springneap cycle in tidal currents can induce a similar cycle in SST, which has been observed to occur in and south of Lombok Strait. Here we report on an atmospheric response to the fortnightly SST cycle which is detected in relative humidity and air temperature measurements at Bali. The fortnightly cycles in both the ocean SST and the Bali atmospheric data have a strong seasonal cycle, with peak signals occurring during boreal summer

    Respons Gulma terhadap Lama Fermentasi Cairan Pulp Kakao sebagai Bioherbisida

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    Cairan fermentasi pulp kakao merupakan limbah yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan. Kandungan asam organik yang terdapat pada cairan fermentasi membuat limbah tersebut berpotensi sebagai bioherbisida pascatumbuh. Berdasarkan hasil uji awal limbah ini dapat meracuni dengan munculnya klorosis pada gulma. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh lama fermentasi cairan buah kakao terhadap tingkat keracunan pada gulma; (2) pengaruh beberapa jenis gulma terhadap tingkat keracunan; dan (3) pengaruh interaksi antara lama fermentasi dan jenis gulma terhadap tingkat keracunan gulma. Aplikasi pulp kakao dilakukan secara pascatumbuh, perlakuan disusun secara faktorial (10 x 7). Faktor pertama adalah lama fermentasi pulp kakao (F) yaitu 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 minggu dan kontrol (tanpa diaplikasi)) sebagai pembanding. Faktor kedua adalah 7 jenis gulma (G) yaitu Mimosa invisa; Borreria latifolia; Richardia brasiliensis; Asystasia gangetica; Setaria plicata; Axonopus compressus; Cyperus kyllingia. Percobaan dilakukan dengan Rancangan Petak Berjalur (Strip Plot Design). Data dianalisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT pada α 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Carian pulp kakao yang difermentasi selama 4 sampai 5 minggu dapat meracuni gulma paling tinggi. (2) Cairan fermentasi pulp kakao yang diaplikasikan secara langsung ke gulma sangat efektif dalam meracuni gulma M. pudica, B. latifolia, R. brasiliencis, A. gangetica, dan A. compressus, sedangkan Setaria plicata dan Cyperus kyllingia tahan terhadap aplikasi cairan pulp kakao yang di fermentasi; (3) Ada pengaruh interaksi antara lama fermentasi dan jenis gulma dalam mempengaruhi persentase keracunan

    Milkfish Fish as a Business Opportunity Kalirejo Community, Gresik Regency

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    One of the problems experienced by farmers community fish ponds in the village of Kalirejo, Dukun Sub-district, Gresik Regency is the value of the selling price of fish that tend to be cheaper and the lack of information systems in marketing. So far, people only sell milkfish to the local dukun market and lack of innovation done in sales promotion. The community is less fond of milkfish because it has a lot of thorns,but on the side of excess milkfish has many high nutrients, especially omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and protein content of 20. In connection with this, this activity aims to increase the selling value of milkfish in the market through training activities to pull out the fish's milkfish and diversification products. The method used is training and mentoring activities to pull out the milkfish spines to produce products that have higher selling value, this activity is done by the villagers Kalirejo especially women and housewives, as well as the surrounding community who have the desire to entrepreneurship. The result is a fish without briber can be sold to consumers or processed into new products that are more popular,such as meatballs, nugets, elephant legs and so forth. The conclusion is that unbraced banding fish has a very lucrative business opportunity with the increase of selling price if it can innovate by pulling out milkfish spines and in making a new product, so as to increase the appeal of people to consume milkfish without the need to think about the thorns that exist in the flesh of milkfish, as well as increasing the income of the fish farmers in Kalirejo Village, Dukun Sub-district, Gresik Regency

    Kandungan Lipid Beberapa Jenis Sianobakteria Laut Sebagai Bahan Sumber Penghasil Biodiesel

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    Microalgae are an organism that contains of chlorophyll, so it can make the process of photosynthesis. The process of photosynthesis is the content of lipid producing microalgae as a potential feedstock biodiesel producer. Microalgae have the ability to generate huge natural oils (lipids). The aim of this study is to investigate the characteristic of morfologi and growth of microalgae marine cyanobacteria of Indonesian water that have the most lipid content, so it can be used as raw material for biodiesel. The research was carried out in September 2011 - February 2012. The implementation of the research carried out at the Laboratory of Bioprocess, Biotechnology Research Center Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Cibinong, Bogor. Result microalga identification done using Nikon SE light microskop with identification book whareas lipid content ekstraction microalga done with Bligh and Dyer method (1959). The results showed that the microalgae sianobacteria had base of morfologi characteristic is the type of Oscillatoria sp.1, Oscillatoria sp.2, Nostoc sp., Synecococcus sp. and Lyngbya sp.. The highges growth OD marine cyanobacteria is type of Nostoc sp. and the lowest growth is type of Oscillatoria sp.2. Lipid content on Oscillatoria sp.1 4,2 mg/25 ml, Oscillatoria sp.2 3,7 mg/ 25 ml, Nostoc sp. 3,3 mg/25 ml, Synecococcus sp. 4 mg/25 ml and Lyngbya sp. 7,1 mg/25 ml

    Impacts of tropical cyclone Seroja on the phytoplankton chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature in the Savu Sea, Indonesia

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    Tropical cyclone (TC) Seroja was a rare climatic event in the Indonesian Seas, particularly in the Savu Sea. This unprecedented event, which occurred on April 4, 2021, caused fatalities and severe damage to the region’s infrastructure and economy. High spatio-temporal resolution satellite measurements of surface winds (Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform), surface chlorophyll-a (Himawari-8), and sea surface temperature (SST; RSS OISST) are used to disentangle the impact of extreme wind speed ( >10m⋅s−1^{-1} ) on chlorophyll-a and SST. High wind speed associated with TC Seroja induced strong upwelling and vertical mixing in the Savu Sea, which led to phytoplankton blooms and SST depression. An abrupt change of daily variability and positive anomaly in phytoplankton chlorophyll-a concentrations reaches 13 mg ⋅m−3^{-3} and 0.3 mg ⋅m−3^{-3} , respectively. At the same time, the SST shows significant cooling up to 3°C. Our results provide novel insights on the exceptional occurrence of a TC within the Indonesian Seas and highlight its impact on chlorophyll-a and SST

    Water Quality and Water Borne Diseases in Lowland Ecosystem of Banyuasin, South Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Water quality and quantity is always an important issue in lowland ecosystem of Banyuasin. Low domestic water supply sanitation is considered as having an important contribution on the high frequency of waterborne diseases in the area. The study aims at recording water borne diseases and the water quality in the lowland area of Banyuasin District. This field research was conducted using a cross-sectional method. Total samples were 210 households in Telang which were observed during July through August 2011. Six water samples were measured for their physical and chemical properties, in addition to 1 water sample for bacteriological test. All respondents used river water for sanitary purposes and 41.4% of them also have dug wells. Those who used river water for sanitation, 68.5 % also consumed purified water for drinking purpose. All water samples are acidic (pH 5,68-6,19) and contain high Iron (1-26,269 Mg/L). Water has yellowish color. The major disease are diarrhea and skin diseases. In the lowland area with the estuarine ecosystem water quality and scarcity are serious problems. This in turn causes the high prevalent of waterborne diseases such as diarea. Low level of education and socio-economic status make it difficult for the local people to overcome these problems. Outside intervention especially government so as to improve the condition is neede