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    This study aimed to determine the relationship between the Math Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Microsoft Office Excel 2007, the relationship between the role of teacher in the Learning Outcomes Learning Microsoft Office Excel 2007, and the relationship between Learning Outcomes and the Role of Teachers in Mathematics Learning together with Learning Outcomes Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Prodi Computer Engineering and Networks Class XI student at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Hail in Academic Year 2012/2013. This research is Ex-post facto quantitative approach. The subjects of this study were students of class XI Prodi Computer Engineering and Networks in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Greetings. Data collection using questionnaires for variables Teacher Role in the Process of Learning and the documentation for the variable results of Learning Mathematics and Learning Outcomes Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Test the validity of the instrument using Product Moment Correlation formula and test the reliability of using the formula Croanbach's Alpha. Test requirements analysis includes normality test, linearity and multicollinearity test. The first and second hypothesis testing using Product Moment correlation, while for the third hypothesis testing using multiple correlation. The results showed that: (1) There is a positive and significant relationship with the Mathematics Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Microsoft Office Excel 2007. This was indicated by the correlation coefficient (rx1y) of 0.307, pvalue 0.010 <0.05, the coefficient determinant (r2x1y) of 0.094, 2.658 t count for more than ttabel by 2,000, (2) There is a positive and significant role of teachers in Learning Outcomes Learning with Microsoft Office Excel 2007. This was indicated by the correlation coefficient (rx2y) of 0.393, p-value 0.001 <0.05, the coefficient determinant (r2x2y) of 0.155, 3.527 t count for more than ttabel by 2,000, (3) There is a positive and significant relationship Mathematics Learning Outcomes and the Role of Teachers in the Process of Learning together with the Learning Microsoft Office Excel 2007. This was indicated by Fhitung 7.995 greater than 3.13 or a probability Ftabel 0.001. Coefficient determinant (R2y1, 2) of 0.193 means that 19.3% of the variance that occurs in the variable Result Learning Microsoft Office Excel 2007 is determined by the variance of outcome variables that occur in learning mathematics and the role of the teacher in the learning process


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    ABSTRACT Background. The prevalence of hearing impairment on the Indonesian population according to 2007 WHO data is estimated at 4.2 %, and one of the cause is neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Early detection of hearing impairment and optimal intervention on the first 6 months can prevent speech and language impairment, lack of academic achievement, disturbance of personal social relationship and emotional in the children. Method. A Cohort research was conducted in 36 neonates in Dr Kariadi Hospital in March 2009-March 2010, 18 in the case group with indirect bilirubin > 12 mg/dl and 18 neonates as control group with indirect bilirubin < 12 mg/dl, both taken with consecutive sampling method. We recorded clinical, laboratory, and tymphanometry data, OAE and BERA results at first and after three months. Statistical analysis were done using Chi-square analysis, Mc Nemar analysis, and T-test. Results. Hearing impairment on the first BERA examination was 9 cases (25%) and 3 cases (8.3%) on the second BERA examination, however it did not differed significantly (p>0,05). On the first BERA examination, the mean indirect bilirubin concentration with hearing impairment of 14,18+6,289 mg/dl was not significantly different (p>0,05) from neonate without hearing impairment of 11,29+2,995 mg/dl. The Relative Risk (RR) was 2 (p>0,05; 95% CI 0,6-6,8), but statistically it was not significant. Conclusion. The incidence of hearing impairment on neonatal with hyperbilirubinemia is 25%. Indirect bilirubin of > 12 mg/dL is not proved to be the risk factor of hearing impairment in neonatal with hyperbilirubinemia. Keywords:BERA, hearing impairment, neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, OAE


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    The emerging use of English in many fields have spread to all over the world. Contact between languages is then unavoidable. In Lombok, it can be witnessed three ways of how English has spread to the society, formal and informal learning, and non-formal acquisition. This study begins with a prior study finding the various attributes of Sasak and Indonesian languages that occurred in an English language class. The primary focus of the study is tracing the conceptualization of Sasak people in the English of learners, or thought in this study. The term conceptualization is taken from the emerging notion suggested by Farzad Sharifian (2007, 2015) to describe various concepts that exist and live within certain community. In this respect, this study conducts classroom observation to record the gamut of interaction and, therefore, is used to trace the concepts originated from Sasak community. Regarding the two focus of the study is concept and its manifestation in the language of the people, this study also uses the approach suggested by Hakan Ringborn (2007), i.e. cross-linguistic study, to enable the investigation of cross-similarities between the two languages. All data in recorded in observation sheets are then reduced, displayed, and used to draw conclusion, as suggested by Miles and Huberman (2004)


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui prestasi belajar siswa yang tidak diberi perlakuan model pembelajaran dengan menggunakan modul pembelajaran, mengetahui prestasi belajar siswa yang diberi perlakuan model pembelajaran dengan menggunakan modul pembelajaran dan mengetahui perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa antara yang diberi perlakuan model pembelajaran dengan menggunakan modul pembelajaran dan prestasi belajar siswa yang tidak diberi perlakuan model pembelajaran dengan menggunakan modul pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Quasi Experimental dengan menggunakan desain penelitian Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMK N 2 Klaten. Sampel dipilih dengan cara sampling purposive yaitu 32 siswa kelas X PL-A sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelas X PL-B sebagai kelas eksperimen. Untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini dengan teknik tes. Sebelum diberi perlakuan siswa diberi pretest. Selanjutnya siswa diberi perlakuan. Kelas kontrol diberi perlakuan model pembelajaran tanpa menggunakan modul pembelajaran sedangkan kelas eksperimen diberi perlakuan model pembelajaran dengan menggunakan modul pembelajaran. Setelah diberi perlakuan siswa diberi posttest. Metode pengujian hipotesis yang digunakan adalah Analisis Uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan modul pembelajaran berdampak positif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Hal ini ditunjukan dengan perolehan rata-rata nilai posttest kelas ekperimen lebih tinggi dari pada perolehan rata-rata nilai posttest kelas kontrol. Kelas eksperimen memperoleh rata-rata nilai posttest sebesar 75,41 sedangkan untuk kelas kontrol sebesar 70,38. Dari hasil analisis Uji-t nilai thit = 5,716 dan tt5%(1,62) = 2,000. Besarnya thit lebih besar dari tt5%(1,54) yang berarti H_0 ditolak dan H_α diterima, sehingga ada perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa antara siswa yang diberi perlakuan model pembelajaran tanpa menggunakan modul pembelajaran dan model pembelajaran dengan menggunakan modul pembelajaran

    Distribusi sampling eksak dari populasi normal

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    Penulisan skripsi ini membabas penurunan beberapa distribusi sampling eksak dari populasi normal dengan menggunakan latar belakang kalkulus..Jadi tentunya menggu nakan theorema theorema dalam kalkulus seperti theorema Liebnitz tentang mendifferensialkan suatu integral, tbeo-rema.pengubaban variabel dalam integral Banda, dll. Ada beberapa metode penurunan distribusi sampling eksak. Beberapa diantaranya yang akan diperkenalkan ada - lab 1. Metode Geometri 2, Metode Analitik 3. Metode Fungsi Karakteristik. Dalam pemakaiannya, metode metode diatas kadang-kadang di gunakan sejalan, dalam anti digunakan bersama-sama


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    Teaching grammar approaches have been applied one after another in the class for quite some time. However, the approaches may match to some students and may not to some others. The appropriateness and the effective usage of teaching grammar approaches can help students to facilitate the language process more comprehend (Thornbury.2006). Oxford (1989) states that there is a relationship between students‘ variables and the choice of Language Learning Strategies (LLSs). Students‘ variable likes students‘ background language can be used as a media to transfer the grammar. For example when Javanese students learn English grammar, then the strategy used can be linked with the Javanese way of thinking. In addition, there must be an appropriate strategy to bridge between the LLSs and the students‘ language background. Teaching grammar using acronyms is one of the ways to bridge between LLSs and Javanese in the class


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya hubungan dan sumbangan variabel prestasi mata pelajaran kejuruan dan rasa percaya diri dengan kesiapan mental kerja siswa kelas XI jurusan Teknik Mekanik Otomotif di SMK Tamansiswa Jetis Yogyakarta tahun ajaran 2010/2011. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI SMK Tamansiswa Jetis Yogyakarta jurusan Teknik Mekanik Otomotif tahun ajaran 2010/2011 dengan populasi 92 siswa yang terdiridari 4 kelas. Jumlah sampel 4 kelas sebanyak 92 siswa ditentukan berdasarkan tabel Isaac dan Michael dengan mengambil taraf kesalahan 5% diperoleh besar sampel 73 siswa, sedangkan teknik pengambilan sampelnya dengan sistem proportional random sampling. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian ex post facto. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Analisis Deskriptif, Analisis Korelasi Product Moment, Analisis Korelasi Parsial, dan Analisis Regresi Dua Prediktor dengan taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan antara prestasi mata pelajaran kejuruan dan rasa percaya diri dengan kesiapan mental kerja siswa kelas XI jurusan Teknik Mekanik Otomotif di SMK Tamansiswa Jetis Yogyakarta tahun ajaran 2010/2011. Hubungan antara variabel prestasi mata pelajaran kejuruan dengan kesiapan mental kerja sebesar 0,285, rasa percaya diri dengan kesiapan mental kerja siswa sebesar 0,307, dan korelasi antara prestasi mata pelajaran kejuruan dan rasa percaya diri secara bersama-sama dengan kesiapan mental kerja siswa sebesar 0,403. Hasil analisis regresi dua prediktor diperoleh F hitung 6,780 > F tabel 3,43 , dengan koefisien determinan 0,162. Besarnya sumbangan efektif masing-masing prediktor terhadap kesiapan mental kerja siswa adalah sebagai berikut : variabel prestasi mata pelajaran kejuruan sebesar 6,781%, variabel rasa percaya diri sebesar 9,447%, dan secara bersama-sama sumbangan efektif kedua prediktor tersebut sebesar 16,228%. Disarankan agar pihak sekolah menciptakan suasana belajar yang mendukung tercapainya prestasi belajar yang maksimal dan selalu memperhatikan perilaku-perilaku siswa terutama dalam aspek psikologis agar tingkat kesiapan mental kerja siswa semakin meningkat

    Chinese Society as Depicted in Early Twentieth Century Chinese-Malay Literature

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    Factors Supporting and Hindering the Use of English at International Class Program (Icp) Faculty of Tarbiyah, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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    This study investigates factors supporting and hindering the implementation or the use of English by the students of International Class Program (ICP) Faculty of Tarbiyah, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The primary purpose of this study is to provide recommendations for the Faculty especially the program coor-dinator to acknowledge the problems that need to be solved. This study involved a number of students joining the program. To obtain the data, interviews and questionnaires were distributed to 30 students. After analyz-ing the data, factors supporting and hindering the use of English at ICP were identified. Factors supporting the program are: (1) the students\u27 motivation, (2) the role of lecturers, and (3) the instructional materials. However, some factors hindering the program include: (1) not all students had an electronic English diction-ary, (2) both the lecturers and the students were inconsistent to use English, (3) the poor students\u27 English mastery sometimes also hindered the teaching process, (4) there was no language forums held in English, (5) there was no language lab, (6) the students had not been aware of the importance of practicing English, (7) the ICP students claimed that most of the materials they learned were written in Indonesian. The program coordinator acknowledges the students\u27 interest in learning English. As has been stated before, most of the students have high motivation to learn English. Thus, the program coordinator (1) should notice this and be very sensitive with this situation, because the students\u27 motivation is a very important thing in gaining more English development, needs to give extended role to the lecturers. They are required not only teaching the content materials but also some aspects of English entities, (3) needs to explain clearly that both lecturers and students need to make an agreement regarding the consistency of using English. Key words: factors supporting, factors hindering, International Class Program (ICP

    Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia: the Role of School Environment

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    This paper examines the important role of the school environments to facilitate English program in Indonesian primary schools. The school environment here refers to the environment inside the school: principal, teachers, and foreign language (FL) classroom; and outside the school: the students' parents and the school community. Researchers have investigated teaching English as foreign language (TEFL) in primary schools from different perspectives, such as curriculum, teacher's role, and materials; however, little attention is paid to examine school environment as an important factor to improve the quality of TEFL in Indonesia. The data is taken from the results of my Masters study investigating the implementation of Indonesian language as LOTE program in Kingsbury Primary School (KPS), Bundoora, Melbourne, Australia. Interviews, questionnaires, and observations were employed to obtain the answers as to why Indonesian language was selected as the LOTE program in KPS. The study found several factors supporting the program, and one of the findings relevant to this present investigation was the positive attitude given by the environments. The main reason why Indonesian language was taken as the LOTE program was because there were many Indonesian people who lived around the school and frequently involved in the school activities. This was believed by the school council as important linguistic evidence to establish the program. All the members of the school environment were very supportive. The non-LOTE teachers, for example, occasionally attended the course and watched their children learning Indonesian language. The purpose of doing that, according to the non-LOTE teachers, was to motivate their children to learn it seriously as the children also saw their teachers came and learnt it. The LOTE program was also made possible by the availability of a representative classroom which was fairly large for doing class activities. This classroom was designed especially for the LOTE program and it was completed with printed materials such as books, comics, posters, short stories, and audio visual aids to show the Indonesian family, life and culture. The principal, the LOTE teacher, and LOTE coordinator claimed that having such particular classroom was significant to build the students' motivation to practice the target language when coming into the LOTE classroom because they were immersed with the atmosphere inside the room in which they could read anything written in Indonesian language. Keywords: language, literature, pedagogical approaches, non-native learners
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