293 research outputs found

    Internationalization to Colombian market: enablersand constraints

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    International business studies have reached more importance in the era of globalization where we live and, a deep analysis of specific markets, under specific conditions (like happens in this study) is always important to complement the existent literature. The current research attempts to study the main enablers and constraints faced by Portuguese companies during the internationalization process to the Colombian market, and its impact on organisational performance. Additionally, the current research attempts to define the best strategy possible to work around the challenges identified in order to obtain higher advantages to enter this country. It was used a hybrid strategy with multi data collection methods and sources. Data were collected through two methods: face-to-face interviews and questionnaires, both applied to Portuguese companies, with international business activities in Colombia and knowledge of the market, by their own experience. The sample collected represents 10% of the 387 Portuguese companies with businesses with the country in study, registered in 2018. The results showed that there is no evident of a positive influence of the enablers, neither a negative influence of the constraints on companies performance. Important insights are delivered to the Portuguese mangers succeed in internationalization process to Colombia

    Amour, ¿una película hanekiana?

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    En el presente texto se realiza un análisis de la última cinta del director austríaco Michael Haneke: Amour (2012), mismo que lleva a proponer que se trata de un filme distinto del resto de la obra de este director, con cintas caracterizadas por ganarse el rechazo de críticos y espectadores promedio, ya que se trata de películas violentas y muy críticas. Sin embargo, con Amour, Haneke se ha vuelto del gusto popular


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    This study aims to see how the level of success of a learning management system used by a private university that runs the learning process with distance learning, where the method used in this study is a quantitative method using the Delone and McLean approach. system quality has no effect on user intensity with an R square value of 2.6%, system quality affects user satisfaction with an R square value of 19.3%, information quality does not affect user intensity with an R square value of 0.1%, Information quality affects user satisfaction with an R square value of 28.6%, service quality does not affect user intensity with an R square value of 0.4%, service quality affects user satisfaction with an R square value of 49.8%. usage satisfaction has no effect on user intensity with an R square value of 0%, use satisfaction affects benefits with an R square value of 53.6%, use affects user satisfaction with an R square value of 16.9%, use affects benefits with an R square value of 20.6%. benefits affect use with an R square value of 20.6%, benefits affect use satisfaction with an R square value of 53.6%

    The effects of the quantity of physical activity in cognition

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    Mestrado em Exercício e SaúdeExercise promotes the increase of cognitive performance (Aberg et al., 2009), however, the quantity of physical activity needed to achieve this effect is not clearly defined. The present study aimed to research the effects of the quantity of physical activity practice on the executive function of healthy adults, measured by performance on the Stroop test. Results showed that the sedentary group had a worst performance than both groups of physically active individuals. Interestingly, this positive effect of exercise on cognitive performance did not increase with the increase in the quantity of physical activity practiced by the individuals. In conclusion, a moderate quantity of practice (150 min per week) produces the highest amount of benefits for cognitive performance, in comparison with a high quantity of practice (300 min per week)

    The effectiveness of tennis events sponsorship: Millennium Estoril Open

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    M37O aumento do valor do patrocínio tornou mais importante do que nunca avaliação da sua eficácia, resultados e impactos. O Millennium BCP não é uma exceção e, após um contrato de três anos com o Estoril Open para ser o principal patrocinador do evento, precisava de esclarecer a eficácia desta estratégia. O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação do patrocínio do Millennium BCP, no Estoril Open, com base nos objetivos que o Millennium BCP decidiu alcançar bem como no segmento de mercado para quem queria comunicar. Este projeto inicia-se com um extenso estudo de literatura relevante, que possibilita uma melhor compreensão dos resultados obtidos e uma avaliação do modo com funciona o patrocínio. São ainda apresentados o valor de mercado do patrocínio e alguns dados da sua situação atual. A pesquisa, revelou resultados promissores para o Millennium BCP. Em primeiro lugar, o segmento do mercado que queriam alcançar, atingiu as expectativas do Millennium BCP. Millennium BCP que definiu a comunidade de ténis, composta por fãs de ténis que também fazem parte de um "Prestige target", no mercado português. Em seguida, a marca Millennium BCP obteve um reconhecimento alto, a imagem da marca comunicada ainda é um ponto a ser revisto e a maioria dos entrevistados demonstrou uma atitude positiva em relação ao patrocinador do Estoril Open. Além disso, os níveis de preferência continuam a aumentar após três anos desta estratégia. Destes resultados concluiu-se que o patrocínio foi eficaz, sugerindo-se assim, a renovação do contrato para os próximos anos do evento.The increased value of sponsorship made more important than ever to assess its effectiveness, results, and impacts. Millennium BCP is no exception and after a three-year contract with Estoril Open, to be the main sponsor of the event, needed to be sure how effective this strategy is being. The current study aims to perform an evaluation of the Millennium BCP’s sponsorship on Estoril Open, based on the objectives that Millennium BCP decided to achieve at the beginning of this agreement, as well the target that they wanted to reach. This project starts with an extensive study of relevant literature, which makes possible to better understand the achieved results and how sponsorship evaluation works. Sponsorship market value and some figures about its current situation are also exhibited. The research revealed promising results for Millennium BCP. First of all, the reached target met the expectations of Millennium BCP, who defined a tennis community composed of tennis fans that also make part of a Prestige segment, in the Portuguese market. Then the recognition of Millennium BCP was very high, the brand image communicated is still a point to review and the most of the respondents indicated positive attitudes towards the sponsoring brand of Estoril Open. Additionally, preference levels are still increasing after three years of this strategy. These results lead to the outcome of an effective sponsorship suggesting a contract renewal for the next years of the event

    Novelty detection for semantic place categorization

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Kajian Pembelajaran Organisasi Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Untuk Peningkatan Pelayanan Pelanggan di Perguruan Tinggi

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    In business development, especially in education lately has develop very rapidly. Competition was very tight for achieving the best. By which UNINDRA (especially FTMIPA) has to have long term organization purposes to get advanced superior competition, that is by having ability to learn more fast compare to its competitors, the faster organization can learn about new knowledge, then organization has one step faster compare to its competitors. FTMIPA is an organization in process of learning to aim at learning organization, by which an organization simply said as learning organization if the learning process happen and done by all organization element, which impact on behaviour of it members. This research draws learning process in five learning discipline according to Senge, which is personal mastery, mentals models, shared vision team learning and system thinking, by referring to Senge concept about learning organization, it is interesting to search how far the five learning discipline implicate on communication inside organization together with growing motivation to learn from organization member, and how far the learning process implicate in level of students satisfaction. In this research also used CDC EZTEXT program as tools in resulting conclusion from data gathered. Keywords : Learning Organization, Management Information System, Customer Service, Customer Satisfaction


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    By progressing of technology, it will help for making an application to detect some sympomts of epilepsi. The epilepsi is generally in all stage of age, baby, kids, adolescent, adult and old people. Epilepsi can be happened because of there is distraction of neuro in cerebelum so it will make awareness, emotion, halusination, convultions, and painful in head. By applying and implementing expert system is being an application that can diagnose epilepsi, so the doctors can diagnose faster, easier and efective. Beside that the expert system si usefull to replace human by using the computer program, it also help doctors to check their patient and the benefit of this system is really needed. Keywords: expert system, Neurology, Epileps

    Color and Memory

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    Effects of Color on Working Memory Performance Primary Investigator: Hanna Vafiades Associate Investigators: Tanner Clark, Sydney Susano, Alyssa Stephens The intersection of color and working memory is a fascinating but inconclusive domain of cognitive psychological research. Some studies have demonstrated that the color black is found to be the least stimulating in terms of attention and memory (Meacham 2005), whereas colors found in nature are effective in facilitating attention and memory in young children (Dutta & Baruah, 2018). Another study found that only images or image descriptions in grayscale are better for memory tasks and that color memory is poor for working memory exercises (Stjepić, 2021). In each trial of the present study, participants are randomly shown one of two image versions–one color image or one grayscale image–for five seconds. They then complete three primary school-level mathematics questions as a short diversion in attention before being asked questions about the previously-presented photograph as a measure of working memory. Participants completed 20 trials of this memory task. Our hypothesis was that participants would be able to recall color images more easily than grayscale images in short-term memory tasks. Results of the present study may provide better knowledge on the intersection of color and memory so that people can strengthen their working memories. Future directions may include examining the influence of color intensity and value on working memory. keywords: color vision, gray-scale, short-term memory, colors in natur

    Características hidrogeológicas de meios porosos para armazenamento de energia sob a forma de ar comprimido

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    Na presente dissertação analisa-se a possibilidade de efetuar armazenamento de energia sob a forma de ar comprimido, vulgarmente designado por sistema CAES, na Marinha Grande. A pesquisa petrolífera evidenciou a existência de um anticlinal bem definido nesta zona que pode constituir uma estrutura ideal para o CAES. Através da construção de um modelo geológico estático conclui-se que o reservatório mais favorável é constituído pela formação de Torres Vedras (Cretácico Inferior), em níveis saturados com água de elevada salinidade, compostos por grés argiloso, e com uma espessura de 52 metros. Apesar das limitações dos dados existentes procura-se ilustrar conceptualmente o dimensionamento da componente subterrânea da central CAES na zona de estudo. Conclui-se que este reservatório pode armazenar 0,106 km3 de ar pressurizado a 61,64 bar e produzir 331,7 MWh de energia através de 7 poços verticais. Estima-se que os custos associados à componente de armazenamento geológico sejam de 34,1M €; “Hydrogeological characteristics of porous media for compressed air energy storage.” Abstract: This thesis adresses the possibility of developing a compressed air energy storage system, commonly refered as CAES system, in Marinha Grande. OIl exploration campaigns have highligthed the existence of steeped slopes anticline, an ideal structure for CAES, in this area. A static model of the geological sequence, made it possible to define a possible reservoir for compressed air storage in the Torres Vedras formation (Lower Creataceous) in clayey sandtone layers saturated with high salinity groundwater, with an average thickness of 52 meters. In spite of the limited data avilable, the design of the geological storage component of a CAES facility is illustrated for the study area. Analytical solutions indicate that the selected reservoir sable to store up to 0,106 km3 of air compressed at 61,64 bar and produce 331,7 MWh of energy from 7 vertical wells. The cost of the geological storage component of the CAES facility are estimated at 34,1M €