5,125 research outputs found

    Rural credit cooperatives in spain (1890‐1935): a good start was not enough

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    The spread of agrarian credit cooperativism in Spain (1890‐1934) was done under a variety of ideological and economic orientations. This article focuses on the construction of a few tools and indicators to explain the characteristics of agricultural credit cooperatives. An analysis of financial operations of rural savings banks is related with socio‐political aspects that influenced their development; this analysis helps us to explain the relative success of German credit cooperative models adopted in the context of Spanish agriculture, as happened on European periphery.Agrarian credit cooperativism, rural savings banks, denominational movement.

    Nanoclay as Adsorbent: Evaluation for Removing Dyes Used in the Textile Industry

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    The dyes commonly used in the textile industry have structural resonant valence distribution, within a complex molecule, which determines the color of the dyes. The coloring is produced by chromospheres holding radiation in UV-visible range. Besides coloring, these compounds can be found in waste water and cause serious problems in living organisms, because their biodegradation products may be a source of toxic substances such as amines, which are generated from the characteristic azo chromospheres groups in most of the dyes. Current treatments for color removal from hazardous waste from these materials are complex and costly, for this reason some industries do not treat the wastes generated during the staining step. The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of nanoclay as adsorbents for dye used in the textile industry. The dyes used in this work are commercially known as: Orange GR, Black GN an African Brown. Nanoclay was obtained by bentonite treated with organic cation. The retention of the dye was evaluated by measurements in the UV-visible spectrum by using a HP-8354 equipment.Fil: Martínez Stagnaro, Susana Yamila. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Ingeniería. Asentamiento Universidad Zapala; ArgentinaFil: Volzone, Cristina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica; ArgentinaFil: Huck, Lucas Ruben. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica; Argentin

    Alfabetización, formación técnica e crecimento económico. Reflexións sobre a variable capital humano na obra de Joaquín Díaz de Rábago (1837-1898)

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    [Resumo] O obxecto do presente artigo é amosa-Ias ideas sobre alfabetización e forma- ción técnica dun dos principais economistas galegos do XIX, Joaquín Díaz de Rábago (1837-1898), insistindo nos beneficios económicos e sociais da difusión do coñecimento en xeral, e da difusión da instrucción técnica en particular. No novo modelo de ensino profe- sional que defendía o autor combinaríase unha enseñanza de carácter práctico, de taller, co estudio de disciplinas teóricas e científicas que dotase ós futuros traballadores dunha só- lida formación, capaz de adecuarse ás transformacions operadas na industria.[Abstract] The object of this article is to present ideas on the literacy and technical edu- cation of one of the most important Galician economists of the nineteenth century, Joaquín Díaz de Rábago (1837-1898). The article emphasises the social and economic benefits of the diffusion of knowledge in general, and the dissemination of technical instruction in par- ticular. In the new model of professional education advocated by the author, he proposed combining a practical, vocational type of education with the study of theoretical and scien- tific disciplines to give future workers a solid background an education able to adapt to future changes in industry

    Vinte anos de Cerâmica Islâmica do Garb al-Andalus : ensaio crono-tipológico das formas abertas

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    Os últimos vinte anos foram decisivos nos estudos sobre a cerâmica islâmica do Sudoeste Peninsular, pelo volume de materiais descobertos e pela quantidade de publicações disponíveis. Embora as lacunas ainda sejam significativas, especialmente no que diz respeito aos períodos mais recuados, o tema adquiriu uma grande abrangência territorial, com um considerável número de sítios a permitir definir um enquadramento cronológico fiável. Neste artigo, propomo-nos um ensaio de abordagem crono-tipológica para as formas abertas de cozinha e mesa do actual território português

    El arrabal portuario de Mértola (Portugal): el registro cerámico andalusí

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    Las excavaciones de la Hospedaria Beira Rio y del Teatro Marques Duque de Mértola descubrieron restos del arrabal ribereño, un barrio bien organizado del siglo XII. Las casas no difieren de otras del mismo período, pero los vestigios y objetos encontrados en ellas permiten interpretar este espacio en un contexto portuario. Las cerámicas encontradas incluyen novedades en relación al repertorio de época de omeya (ollas con escotadura, cazuelas carenadas y con “costillas” incipientes, botellas y jarritas de pasta blanca) y un nutrido conjunto de cerámicas de importación (cuerda seca total parcial, y esgrafiado)The excavations at the Beira Rio Guest House and the Marques Duque Theatre have brought remains of Mertola`s Riverside settlement to light, a well organized 12th century neighborhood. The houses do not differ from others in Mertola coming from the same period, but the remains and objets found within them allow this área to be inserted within the Riverside context. The ceramics found include new ítems, different to the repertoire of the Umayyad era (saucepans and casseroles with a marked body, casseroles with rudimentary "ribs" and bottles and small vases made from White clay) and a set of imported ceramics ("cuerda seca" and Sgraffiato

    A Discussion of Thin Client Technology for Computer Labs

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    Computer literacy is not negotiable for any professional in an increasingly computerised environment. Educational institutions should be equipped to provide this new basic training for modern life. Accordingly, computer labs are an essential medium for education in almost any field. Computer labs are one of the most popular IT infrastructures for technical training in primary and secondary schools, universities and other educational institutions all over the world. Unfortunately, a computer lab is expensive, in terms of both initial purchase and annual maintenance costs, and especially when we want to run the latest software. Hence, research efforts addressing computer lab efficiency, performance or cost reduction would have a worldwide repercussion. In response to this concern, this paper presents a survey on thin client technology for computer labs in educational environments. Besides setting out the advantages and drawbacks of this technology, we aim to refute false prejudices against thin clients, identifying a set of educational scenarios where thin clients are a better choice and others requiring traditional solutions

    Guatemala as a National Crime Scene: Femicide and Impunity in Contemporary U.S. Detective Novels

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    This paper examines the representation of femicide and impunity in contemporary detective novels set in Guatemala. The Long Night of White Chickens by Francisco Goldman (1992), Body of Truth (1992) by David Lindsey, and Grave Secrets (2002) by Kathy Reichs portray Guatemala in the 1980s and 1990s as a distressing crime scene. The novels depict Guatemala as a dark, frightening place, plagued with inefficient bureaucracy, a chaotic legal system, and a crippled sense of justice where there are dangerous repercussions for searching for and revealing the truth. U.S. journalists, CIA agents, Peace Corps volunteers, forensic scientists, and private investigators navigate the dangerous terrain between lies and truth while grappling to understand the root causes of violence and impunity. By presenting an array of North American characters who travel to Guatemala with complex and often conflicted allegiances, these works of fiction provide a lens through which to view current discussions of gendered violence and impunity. It is my contention that reading these representations of Guatemalan violence in light of our current globalized climate of fear turns a critical eye on the silence and complicity in the U.S. and abroad that allow these grisly murders to remain unpunished – in fiction and in real life