327 research outputs found

    Development of new oxygen therapeutics using fluorinated ionic liquids

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau Mestre em Engenharia BiomédicaThe last decade of the 20th century has yielded a remarkable progress in the field of first generation artificial blood substitutes. Emulsions based on perfluorocarbons (PFCs) became one of the main candidates for a safe and reliable artificial blood substitute. The final objective of the present work is to study the fluorinated ionic liquids (FILs) with the purpose of replacing, partially or totally, the PFCs actually used as artificial blood substitutes, thus providing new fluids with tailored advanced properties. With this goal in mind, the thermophysical and thermodynamic characterization of several FILs, was carried out with the aim to select the most appropriate candidate. This characterization involves the measurement and analysis of the decomposition and melting temperature, density, viscosity, refractive index, and ionic conductivity at atmospheric pressure in a temperature range from 298.15 to 353.15 K. Furthermore, the liquid-liquid equilibria of binary mixtures of PFCs and FILs were studied, at atmospheric pressure in a temperature range usually from 293.15 to 343.15 K. The knowledge of the phase behaviour is crucial to the formulation of emulsions used nowadays as suitable oxygen carriers. Finally, Non-Random Two Liquid (NRTL) thermodynamic model was successfully applied to correlate the behaviour of the binary mixtures of PFCs and FIL

    Herpes zoster with cutaneous dissemination: a rare presentation of an uncommon pathology in children

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    Herpes zoster, caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV) reactivation, affects mainly the adult population, although it can occur in children. This happens when primary infection (varicella) has occurred at a very young age or in immunocompromised patients. Complications are rare in healthy individuals. They include VZV cutaneous dissemination, which affects 2%-10% of immunocompromised patients.We present a previously healthy child, with history of varicella during her first month of life, which presented at age 8 with a severe case of herpes zoster, complicated with cutaneous dissemination. Immunity study was unremarkable. Causes, management and follow-up are discussed.(undefined

    Control theory for infinite dimensional dynamical systems and applications to falling liquid film flows

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    In this thesis, we study the problem of controlling the solutions of various nonlinear PDE models that describe the evolution of the free interface in thin liquid films flowing down inclined planes. We propose a control methodology based on linear feedback controls, which are proportional to the deviation between the current state of the system and a prescribed desired state. We first derive the controls for weakly nonlinear models such as the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation and some of its generalisations, and then use the insight that the analytical results obtained there provide us to derive suitable generalisations of the controls for reduced-order long-wave models. We use two long-wave models to test our controls: the first order Benney equation and the first order weighted-residual model, and compare some linear stability results with the full 2-D Navier-Stokes equations. We find that using point actuated controls it is possible to stabilise the full range of solutions to the generalised Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, and that distributed controls have a similar effect on both long-wave models. Furthermore, point-actuated controls are efficient when stabilising the flat solution of both long-wave models. We extend our results to systems of coupled Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equations and to stochastic partial differential equations that arise by adding noise to the weakly nonlinear models.Open Acces

    Counterfeiting and demographics: what factors influence the buying process of Portuguese consumers?

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    Purpose | Counterfeiting is a worldwide spread phenomenon with serious economic, social and political impacts on the society. The global illicit trade in goods comes first from China as producing and exporting country (80%) followed by countries such as Turkey, Singapore, United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong. This study intends to examine the demographic profile of consumers and compare this profile by region from consumers who admit to purchase counterfeit products in Portugal. Specifically, it aims to investigate whether demographic profile and region of purchasing are able to impact the decision factors that drive consumers to buy counterfeit products. Methodology/Approach | To attain the research purposes, a quantitative methodology was used. An online survey was conducted during July and August of 2022 to collect primary data on Portuguese consumers. The study included a total of 304 valid responses. Expected Results | The investigation reveals that a high proportion of consumers have been involved in some way in the purchase of counterfeit products, although consumers distinguish between counterfeit products that can be dangerous for its well-being (medicine) and vanity (clothes and shoes, perfume), and relatively risk-free (auto-parts, machinery) products. The study developed shows that the factors that influence the buying process of counterfeiting products in Portugal can be grouped into intangible (status, brand, design, exclusivity, fashion) and rational (price, perceived quality and personal satisfaction) factors. The findings suggest that only in one factor (price) and for age and education, the demographic characteristics seems to be dominant in the moment of buying counterfeit products. Finally, the analysis of the region of acquisition of the counterfeited goods shows no impact in the factors of acquisition of this type of products.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    A pediatric case of miliary tuberculosis: rare findings and atypical course

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    Bachground: Miliary tuberculosis results from lympho hematogenous dissemination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and it’s a severe manifestation of the disease. Case report: A nineyear old girl was admitted to our hospital with persistent fever. Acute miliary tuberculosis was diagnosed after chest radiography revealing diffuse, bilateral, small lung nodules, tubercular choroiditis in the right eye and positive acidfast bacilli in gastric aspirate. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed several small nodular lesions consistent with tuberculomas. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was identified in gastric aspirate cultures. Fever and positive acidfast bacilli in gastric aspirate persisted after more than 40 days of therapy. It was excluded human immunodeficiency virus infection. No complications were reported. Later, clinical outcome was good. Discussion: Tuberculosis remains a relevant diagnosis in children with prolonged fever. The classic image on chest radiography, tubercular choroiditis and the presence of acidfast bacilli in gastric aspirate were essential in making a prompt diagnosis and appropriate implementation of therapy. It emphasized the importance of maintaining a high index of suspicion for a condition that is treatable.Introdução: A tuberculose miliar resulta da disseminação linfohematogénica do Mycobacterium tuberculosis, sendo uma manifestação grave da infeção. Caso clínico: Criança de 9 anos, género feminino, com his­tória de febre prolongada. O diagnóstico de tuberculose miliar foi colocado após telerradiografia torácica com infiltrado reticu­lonodular difuso bilateral, e corroborado pelo achado de tubér­culos coroideus no olho direito e visualização de bacilos álcool ­ácido resistentes em amostra de suco gástrico. Detetaram­se tuberculomas cerebrais na ressonância magnética. Isolou­se Mycobacterium tuberculosis multissensível em amostras de suco gástrico. Após mais de 40 dias de tratamento, persistia a febre e baciloscopia positiva. Foi excluída infeção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Não foram detetadas complicações. Posteriormente, a evolução clínica foi favorável. Discussão/Conclusão: A tuberculose mantém­se um diagnóstico relevante na criança com febre prolongada. A associação da imagem torácica, baciloscopias positivas e tubérculos coroideus foram fundamentais para a celeridade do diagnóstico e implementação do tratamento. Reforça­se a importância de manter elevado índice de suspeição para uma patologia que tem tratamentoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spontaneous pneumomediastinum as the presenting sign of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection

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    Introdução: O pneumomediastino espontâneo (PE) define-se pela presença de ar livre no mediastino, sem causa traumática. É raro em idade pediátrica e exige elevada suspeição diagnóstica. Caso Clínico: Adolescente de 17 anos, longilíneo, fumador ocasional, sem história traumática nem patologia pulmonar, observado na Urgência por dor retrosternal intensa acompanhada por dispneia ligeira. Referência a acessos de tosse seca violenta horas antes. O diagnóstico de PE suspeitou-se pela palpação de enfisema subcutâneo supraclavicular e confirmou-se por telerradiografia do tórax mostrando ar livre mediastínico. A investigação revelou infeção por Mycoplasma pneumoniae pelo que foi medicado com macrólido para além do repouso e analgesia propostos para o PE, evoluindo favoravelmente. Discussão/Conclusôes: O PE é um diagnóstico a não esquecer perante dor torácica aguda no adolescente. A presença de sintomas, por vezes, frustres e a evolução habitualmente benigna contribuem para um provável subdiagnóstico. O tabagismo é um fator predisponente. A associação a infeção por Mycoplasma pneumoniae só raramente foi descrita.Introduction: Spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SP) results from nontraumatic mediastinal air leakage. It is uncommon in children requiring a high index of suspicion. Case Report: A 17-year-old tall thin boy, light smoker, with no history of trauma or lung disease presented to our emergency room with symptoms dominated by chest pain and mild dyspnea. He reported a violent cough event in the previous hours. Pneumomediastinum was suspected considering the presence of subcutaneous air in the supraclavicular region, and was confirmed by chest radiograph, which showed mediastinal air. Serology study was positive for Mycoplasma pneumoniae and therefore a macrolide was added to symptomatic treatment, with a complete recovery. Discussion/Conclusion: SP is a diagnosis to consider when facing an adolescent with acute chest pain. This condition is possibly underdiagnosed, given its benign course and mild symptoms. Smoking acts as a predisposing factor

    O turismo científico na região Alentejo: estudo exploratório acerca do perfil e motivações do visitante dos Centros Ciência Viva

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    O tema do Turismo Científico é inovador do ponto de vista da constituição de redes de oferta turística regionais, sobretudo pelo potencial de valor acrescentado à experiência turística no destino. Constitui-se numa interessante abordagem a que se refere à perspetiva da Procura. A identificação do perfil e motivações que constituem o mercado desta tipologia de turismo, tornar-se-á crítica com foco no Centro Ciência de Estremoz e no Centro Ciência Viva do Lousal, Centros da rede nacional localizados no Alentejo. A população de estudo, materializa-se nos visitantes dos Centros, tendo-se calculado uma amostra probabilística, aleatória estratificada, a qual resulta da diversidade de visitantes existentes nos Centros Ciência Viva: Escolas, Famílias e Internacionais, despertando para a caracterização desses segmentos. No final, responde-se à questão: ”Qual o perfil e motivações do visitante que procura atividades de Turismo Científico nos Centros Ciência Viva da rede nacional localizados na região Alentejo?”; Scientific Tourism in the Alentejo region: an exploratory study of the visitors profile and motivations at the regional Science Centres Abstract: The topic of Scientific Tourism is innovative from the point of view of the constitution of regional tourism networks, especially concerning the potential of added value to the tourist experience in the destination. It is an interesting approach from the point of the tourism demand perspective. The identification of the profile and motivations that constitute the market of this type of tourism become critical, which was applied to the Science Center of Estremoz and the Science Center of Lousal, centres of the national network located in Alentejo region. The sample was designed concerning the numbers of the visitors in the regional centres. From that amount a stratified random probability sample was calculated, suggesting the following groups: - Schools, Families and International. In the end, the question is answered: "What is the profile and motivations of the visitor who seeks scientific tourism activities in the Science Centers of the national network located in the Alentejo region?"

    Estimativas do excesso de mortalidade associado a períodos de calor extremo ocorridos em Portugal em 2014

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    O sistema de vigilância ÍCARO está em funcionamento desde 1999 e tem como principal objetivo a deteção de períodos de calor que, com base no cumprimento de um conjunto de critérios são considerados como potenciadores de impactes na mortalidade da população portuguesa. Em 2014 foram identificados três desses períodos, e o objetivo do trabalho incluído no presente relatório foi calcular a estimativa dos excessos de mortalidade observados durante os mesmos períodos de calor e descrever a sua distribuição por sexo, grupo etário e região. Para medir o efeito dos períodos de calor na mortalidade, foram usados dados diários de mortalidade provenientes do sistema VDM (Vigilância Diária da Mortalidade) comparando a mortalidade observada em cada período de excesso de calor com a mortalidade esperada no mesmo período caso não tivesse existido excesso de calor, estimada a partir dos óbitos observados em períodos homólogos anteriores, entre 2007 a 2012 (razões O/E). Foram observados excessos de mortalidade significativos no primeiro período identificado, compreendido entre os dias 12 e 18 de junho de 2014. Na totalidade deste período de onda de calor definido pelo sistema ÍCARO, estimou-se um excesso total de 163 óbitos, que corresponde a um excesso de 10% (IC95% 3% a 17%) acima do esperado. Estes excessos apenas foram estatisticamente significativos na população acima dos 85 anos de idade

    Cellular polarity in aging: role of redox regulation and nutrition

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    Cellular polarity concerns the spatial asymmetric organization of cellular components and structures. Such organization is important not only for biological behavior at the individual cell level, but also for the 3D organization of tissues and organs in living organisms. Processes like cell migration and motility, asymmetric inheritance, and spatial organization of daughter cells in tissues are all dependent of cell polarity. Many of these processes are compromised during aging and cellular senescence. For example, permeability epithelium barriers are leakier during aging; elderly people have impaired vascular function and increased frequency of cancer, and asymmetrical inheritance is compromised in senescent cells, including stem cells. Here, we review the cellular regulation of polarity, as well as the signaling mechanisms and respective redox regulation of the pathways involved in defining cellular polarity. Emphasis will be put on the role of cytoskeleton and the AMP-activated protein kinase pathway. We also discuss how nutrients can affect polarity-dependent processes, both by direct exposure of the gastrointestinal epithelium to nutrients and by indirect effects elicited by the metabolism of nutrients, such as activation of antioxidant response and phase-II detoxification enzymes through the transcription factor nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2). In summary, cellular polarity emerges as a key process whose redox deregulation is hypothesized to have a central role in aging and cellular senescence.PTDC/QUI/69466/2006PTDC/QUI-BIQ/104311/2008PTDC/BIA-PRO/101624/2008PEst-OE/QUI/UI0612/201