4,133 research outputs found

    Correlations in optically-controlled quantum emitters

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    We address the problem of optically controlling and quantifying the dissipative dynamics of quantum and classical correlations in a set-up of individual quantum emitters under external laser excitation. We show that both types of correlations, the former measured by the quantum discord, are present in the system's evolution even though the emitters may exhibit an early stage disentanglement. In the absence of external laser pumping,we demonstrate analytically, for a set of suitable initial states, that there is an entropy bound for which quantum discord and entanglement of the emitters are always greater than classical correlations, thus disproving an early conjecture that classical correlations are greater than quantum correlations. Furthermore, we show that quantum correlations can also be greater than classical correlations when the system is driven by a laser field. For scenarios where the emitters' quantum correlations are below their classical counterparts, an optimization of the evolution of the quantum correlations can be carried out by appropriately tailoring the amplitude of the laser field and the emitters' dipole-dipole interaction. We stress the importance of using the entanglement of formation, rather than the concurrence, as the entanglement measure, since the latter can grow beyond the total correlations and thus give incorrect results on the actual system's degree of entanglement.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, this version contains minor modifications; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    New results for hadronic collisions in the framework of the Parton-Based Gribov-Regge Theory

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    We recently proposed a new approach to high energy nuclear scattering, which treats hadronic collisions in a sophisticated way. Demanding theoretical consistency as a minimal requirement for a realistic model, we provide a solution for the energy conservation, screening problems and identical elementary interactions, the so-called "Parton-Based Gribov-Regge Theory" including enhanced diagrams. We can now present some of our results for SPS and RHIC energies.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, To appear in the proceedings of Quark Matter 2002 (QM 2002), Nantes, France, 18-24 Jul 200

    Syöpäsolun erilainen energia-aineenvaihdunta

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    Tiivistelmä. Syöpäsolujen energia-aineenvaihdunta poikkeaa normaalin kasvavan solun energia-aineenvaihdunnasta useammalla eri tavalla. Syöpäsolut tehostavat glukoosin hajotusta eli glykolyysiä ja hillitsevät happea vaativaa oksidatiivista fosforylaatiota, joka on solun pääsäännöllinen energiantuotantoreitti. Syöpäsolut tuottavat laktaattidehydrogenaasin avulla pyruvaatista laktaattia sekä tuottavat hapettuneita kofaktoreita, jotta glykolyysin tehokkuus säilyisi. Glykolyysi tehostaa makromolekyylien synteesireittejä ja tuottaa hieman ATP-energiaa solujen tehokkaaseen kasvuun ja jakaantumiseen. Glukoosin hiilirungon lisäksi syöpäsolut hyödyntävät glutamiinin hiilirunkoa uusien molekyylien synteesiin. Kasvaimen laajentuessa solujen hapen- ja ravinteidensaanti kärsii. Olemassaolevien verisuoniverkostojen laajentaminen syöpäsolujen ympärille parantaa niiden elinmahdollisuuksia. Syöpäsolut tuottavat transkriptiotekijöitä, kuten c-Myc ja HIF-1, tehostamaan solujen kasvua ja selviytymistä muuttuvissa olosuhteissa. HIF-1 aktivoituu hapenpuutteessa, mutta voidaan aktivoida myös muiden tekijöiden toimesta. Syöpäsolujen aineenvaihduntareitit ovat kompleksisia, eikä kaikkien osatekijöiden roolia vielä täysin tunneta

    Factores multiplicadores del río Tunjuelo

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    (Eng) The most important sources of pollution in urban rivers are the sewage system discharges, disturbing the quality and behavior patterns of water resources. The Tunjuelo River is one of the most polluted and important stream from Bogota city, receiving numerous wastewater discharges. Therefore, its sanitation has become one of the main objectives of the environmental authority. However, in order to take action is necessary to understand the water quality behavior specifically loads patterns. This article shows the results of the load multiplier factors for total suspended solids (TSS) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), these factors were calculated to understand the behavior of wastewater discharges and at different points on the river. Finally, each discharge has its own characteristics that affect differently the behavior of the river downstream, resulting in a distortion in the flow pattern in most of the sampled points.(Spa) Las fuentes puntuales de contaminación más importantes en los ríos urbanos son las descargas directas del sistema de alcantarillado, además estas afectan la calidad y el patrón de comportamiento de las fuentes hídricas. El río Tunjuelo es una de las corrientes de agua más importante y contaminada de la ciudad de Bogotá, pues recibe una gran cantidad de vertimientos. Por lo anterior su saneamiento se ha convertido en uno de los principales objetivos de la autoridad ambiental, sin embargo, para poder tomar acciones es necesario entender su comportamiento. En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados de los factores multiplicadores de carga para sólidos suspendidos totales (SST) y demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO), puesto que estos son el instrumento económico para el cálculo de la tasa retributiva en Colombia, los cuales fueron calculados para entender el comportamiento de las descargas de aguas residuales y el de diferentes puntos sobre el río. Finalmente, se puede observar que cada descarga tiene características propias que afectan de diferente manera el comportamiento del río aguas abajo, generando como resultado una distorsión en el patrón de flujo de los factores multiplicadores en la mayoría de puntos muestreados

    An Application of Kerr Blackhole Fly-Wheel Model to Statistical Properties of QSOs/AGNs

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    The aim of this work is to demonstrate the properties of the magnetospheric model around Kerr blackholes (BHs), so-called the fly-wheel (rotation driven) model. The fly-wheel engine of the BH-accretion disk system is applied to the statistics of QSOs/AGNs. In the model, the central BH is assumed to be formed at z102z \sim 10^2 and obtains nearly maximum but finite rotation energy (\sim extreme Kerr BH) at the formation stage. The inherently obtained rotation energy of the Kerr BH is released through an magnetohydrodynamic process. This model naturally leads finite lifetime of AGN activity. Nitta et al. (1991) clarified individual evolution of Kerr BH fly-wheel engine which is parametrized by BH mass, initial Kerr parameter, magnetic field near the horizon and a dimension-less small parameter. We impose a statistical model for the initial mass function (IMF) of ensemble of BHs by the Press-Schechter formalism. By the help of additional assumptions, we can discuss the evolution of the luminosity function and the spatial number density of QSOs/AGNs.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures Fig.7 has been replace

    A study of random laser modes in disordered photonic crystals

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    We studied lasing modes in a disordered photonic crystal. The scaling of the lasing threshold with the system size depends on the strength of disorder. For sufficiently large size, the minimum of the lasing threshold occurs at some finite value of disorder strength. The highest random cavity quality factor was comparable to that of an intentionally introduced single defect. At the minimum, the lasing threshold showed a super-exponential decrease with the size of the system. We explain it through a migration of the lasing mode frequencies toward the photonic bandgap center, where the localization length takes the minimum value. Random lasers with exponentially low thresholds are predicted.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure