12 research outputs found


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    Abstrack - The application of a Decision Support System (SPK) can help someone make accurate and well-targeted decisions. Many problems can be solved by using SPK, one of which is to analyze the determination of the best theater performances. The method that can be used for this Decision Support System is to use the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. In determining the best theater performances in a performing arts festival, there are a lot of criteria that theater groups must have as a requirement to be the best theater group chosen by the jury. The jury has the criteria to determine who will be chosen to receive the award on the night of the best theater group awarding with the aim of getting quality quality artwork from a training process from the creators of art and the process of artistic creativity from a director. In this study, a case will be raised, namely finding the best alternative based on the criteria determined by the theater performance committee using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. The research was conducted by looking for the weight values for each attribute, then a ranking process was carried out that would determine the optimal alternative, namely the right theater group to get the best theater award from a theater of theater performances.   Keywords - Simple Additive Weighting, Theater Festival, Decision Support System, Best Theater Show, Ranking

    Implementasi Fuzzy Sugeno Dalam Pemilihan Benih Unggul Ikan Mas Koki (Studi Kasus : Prodi Budidaya Perairan Fakultas Pertanian Una)

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    Banyak penggemar ikan hias yang ingin mencoba untuk dapat membudidayakan ikan mas koki sendiri baik skala besar maupun skala kecil. Usaha dan kegiatan pembenihan ikan Mas koki yang baik akan menghasilkan bibit/benih ikan Mas koki yang berkualitas baik dan akan menghasilkan ikan yang memiliki pertumbuhan cepat dan tahan terhadap serangan penyakit. Pemilihan benih adalah salah satu kegiatan untuk menjaga kelestarian ikan mas koki dan keberlangsungan kegiatan berikutnya. Dalam kegiatan untuk mengambil sebuah keputusan yang baik dibutuhkan suatu metode yang dapat membantu atau pengambil keputusan dalam menentukan pemilihannya yaitu dengan menggunakan Metode Sugeno, metode ini hampir sama dengan metode Mamdani hanya saja output (konsekuen) tidak berupa himpunan fuzzy, melainkan berupa konstanta atau persamaan liniar. Dengan dibuatnya Implementasi Fuzzy menggunakan metode Sugeno diharapkan dapat mempermudah pecinta ikan hias mas koki dalam memilih benih ikan mas koki yang sesuai dengan kriteria benih yang baik, sehingga tidak lagi memilih benih secara manual dan dapat mengetahui kriteria-kriteria benih yang akan dikembangbiakan

    Isotope effect on superconductivity in Josephson coupled stripes in underdoped cuprates

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    Inelastic neutron scattering data for YBaCuO as well as for LaSrCuO indicate incommensurate neutron scattering peaks with incommensuration δ(x)\delta(x) away from the (π,π)(\pi,\pi) point. Tc(x)T_c(x) can be replotted as a linear function of the incommensuration for these materials. This linear relation implies that the constant that relates these two quantities, one being the incommensuration (momentum) and another being Tc(x)T_c(x) (energy), has the dimension of velocity we denote vv^*: kBTc(x)=vδ(x)k_B T_c(x) = \hbar v^* \delta(x). We argue that this experimentally derived relation can be obtained in a simple model of Josephson coupled stripes. Within this framework we address the role of the O16O18O^{16} \to O^{18} isotope effect on the Tc(x)T_c(x). We assume that the incommensuration is set by the {\em doping} of the sample and is not sensitive to the oxygen isotope given the fixed doping. We find therefore that the only parameter that can change with O isotope substitution in the relation Tc(x)δ(x)T_c(x) \sim \delta(x) is the velocity vv^*. We predict an oxygen isotope effect on vv^* and expect it to be 5\simeq 5%.Comment: 4 pages latex file, 2 eps fig

    Intellectual Stimulation Leadership in Realizing Village Sustainable Development Goals in Gowa Regency

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    Sustainable development is a crucial objective in national development, especially in rural areas. This study aims to analyze the impact of transformational leadership, particularly intellectual stimulation, on employee growth, innovation, problem-solving, and work quality within the context of Village Sustainable Development Goals. The study holds both academic and practical significance by emphasizing the role of village leadership in achieving sustainable and high-quality development in rural areas. Intellectual stimulation plays a key role in promoting critical thinking, innovative solutions, and employee potential development. A qualitative approach was used, and data was collected through observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The findings indicate that transformational leadership, specifically intellectual stimulation, positively influences employee growth, innovation, problem-solving, and work quality. However, some challenges were identified, including communication and collaboration issues between the village head and staff, as well as limited involvement of the Village Consultative Council (BPD). This study highlights the importance of intellectual stimulation in village leadership for sustainable development. It fills gaps by emphasizing the significance of communication, collaboration, and the active involvement of BPD in achieving sustainable development goals. The study’s implications suggest creating an environment that supports collaboration, open communication, and acceptance of new ideas, with BPD actively participating in decision-making processes. Additionally, fostering innovation and providing employee training will encourage the development of new ideas and skills, further contributing to sustainable development in rural areas. Keywords: national development, sustainable development, innovative leadershi


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan berupa edukasi kepada masyarakat melalui kegiatan penyuluhan mengenai peran orang tua terhadap teknologi informasi  di Desa Pasiran Kec. Sei Dadap sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah Para warga setempat. Pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan dengan penyuluhan oleh Universitas Asahan Tahun 2023 terlebih dahulu kemudian baru melakukan pendampingan akan praktek dari penyuluhan tersebut. Ketersediaan tenaga ahli dari para Dosen Universitas Asahan dan para tenaga pembantu dari Mahasiswa, peserta (masyarakat), Pejabat setempat sehingga terlaksananya kegiatan pengabdian ini. Manfaat yang didapatkan dari kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini antaralain dapat mengedukasi akan peran orang tua terhadap teknologi informasiKata Kunci: Peran Orang Tua, Teknologi Informas


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    指導教員: 花栗, 哲


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    This research aims to describe and analyze the form of politeness language in conversation classroom. Interaction between the students and the teachers. The approach which is used qualitative descriptive. Thi at s research activity uses data collection methods, namely competent free involvement methods, and notes. Data of this research is the language expressions in the form of words and sentences of the speakers. The data source of this research is used oral data source in the form of speech event between the speakers, namely between the students to their teachers. The politeness language for an interaction with the teachers in classroom learning is very dominant in the three modes of speech, they are 1) request; 2) application; and 3) expect. Asking is a directive politeness act that has the goal of expecting the speech partner to be given something as requested by the speaker. Key Words : Politeness, Politeness Language, Students, Teachers.   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan mengkaji kesopanan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris, khususnya interaksi antara siswa dan guru di kelas bahasa Inggris. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan dan catatan keterlibatan kompeten independen digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data untuk penelitian ini. Ungkapan bahasa berupa kata-kata dan kalimat penutur merupakan data penelitian. Sumber data lisan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tindakan berbicara antara penutur, khususnya siswa dan guru. Etiket bahasa mendominasi interaksi dengan dosen dalam tiga bidang: 1) permintaan, 2) implementasi, dan 3) harapan. meminta adalah kesantunan pribadi yang mengharapkan lawan bicara menyampaikan sesuatu sesuai permintaan penutur. Kata kunci: kesantunan, kesantunan berbahasa, siswa, guru


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    指導教員: 花栗, 哲

    Unlocking Potential: The Role of Transformational Leadership in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals at the Village Level in Gowa Regency

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    This study aims to analyze the role of transformational leadership in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the village level, especially in Gowa Regency. The SDGs are a global development agenda that aims to address the social, economic, and environmental challenges faced by the world today. This study uses a qualitative approach with a focus on Inspirational Motivation as a component of transformational leadership. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Primary data was obtained through interviews with various related parties, such as village heads, members of the Village Consultative Body (BPD), village government officials, and village communities. Secondary data is also used to support primary data analysis. Data analysis was performed using data collection techniques, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that transformational leadership with the application of Inspirational Motivation has a positive influence in achieving the SDGs at the village level. Village heads who effectively implement Inspirational Motivation use various strategies, such as providing information disclosure to the community, forming a WhatsApp group to communicate, paying attention to the performance of village officials, and maintaining good communication with the BPD. In certain cases, obstacles in communicating with the BPD can become obstacles in achieving village development goals