14 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The potential of mangrove habitat which has high economic potential cannot be optimized to improve the welfare of mangrove crab fishermen. Capital factors and lack of understanding in conducting business analysis are problems for fishermen who carry out their business activities to increase their income. The purpose of this community service is to provide an understanding of access to capital and business analysis of mud crab so that fishermen are able to carry out business analysis independently.The solution to the problem is carried out in the coordination stage with the fisheries office, surveys, Forum Group Discussions, implementation of community service through lectures using media challenges that invite fisheries and banking offices and empathetic team mentoring of locations, and evaluation of activities through interviews. The results of the activity provide an increase in partners' understanding of the process of facilitating banking capital and business feasibility analysis. Abstrak.  Potensi habitat mangrove yang memiliki potensi ekonomis tinggi belum dapat dioptimalkan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan bagi nelayan kepiting bakau. Faktor permodalan dan ketidakpahaman melakukan analisa usaha menjadi permasalahan bagi nelayan dalam menjalankan aktivitas usahanya meningkatkan pendapatannya. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman akses permodalan dan analisa usaha kepiting bakau sehingga masyarakat nelayan mampu melakukan analisa usaha secara mandiri. Solusi permasalahan mitra dilakukan melalui tahapan koordinasi dengan pihak dinas perikanan, survey, Forum Group Discussion, pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat melalui ceramah menggunakan media daring yang mengundang dinas perikanan dan perbankan dan pendampingan tim secara luring di empat lokasi, serta evaluasi keberhasilan kegiatan melalui wawancara. Hasil kegiatan memberikan peningkatan pemahaman mitra terhadap proses fasilitasi permodalan perbankan dan analisa kelayakan usaha

    RANCANG BANGUN BUBU ELVER SPIRAL (Desain of Elver Spiral Traps)

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    ABSTRACTPVC trap is used by fisherman in the southern Java Island waters to capture elver or juvenile eels measuring < 10 gr. One of some problems is how difficult the traps transportation in great quantities. This study tried to design a new trap from spiral little iron material as frame construction. The aim is toward easy tobe shorted so became simple transportation of traps. All experiments were conducted on the Fishing Gear Laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University. The study is divided into two stages, that are design of spiral traps and testing the effectiveness of a spiral trap with two pipe traps, that are elver traps modification (Sururi et al. 2014) and fisherman‘s traps as control. The entire test was conducted in the experimental tank containing between 60 elvers with 20 times repetition. The soaking time were done within 20 minutes of observation each. Spiral traps design giving simpler and easier in transporting traps, because ist weight is 0.24 kg or 3.25 time less weigh than elver traps modification and 2.16 time less weight than fisherman traps. Beside, spiral traps can be shorted to 6 cm, or 8.3 time shorter than elver traps modification and 5 time shorter than fisherman traps. The results showed that spiral traps construction caught 286 individuals or more than elver traps modification (165 individuals) and fishermen’s traps (43 individuals).Keywords: PVC traps, elver, ijep, spiral traps-------ABSTRAKBubu elver digunakan oleh nelayan di perairan selatan Pulau Jawa untuk menangkap elver atau juvenil sidat berukuran < 10 g. Salah satu permasalahannya, pengangkutan bubu dalam jumlah banyak cukup sulit dilakukan. Penelitian ini mencoba merancang bubu dari material kawat besi berbentuk spiral agar bubu dapat dipendekkan sehingga memudahkan dalam pengangkutan-nya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Bahan dan Alat Penangkapan Ikan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Kegiatan terdiri atas 2 bagian, yaitu perancangan bubu dan pengujian bubu elver spiral dibandingkan dengan bubu elver modifikasi (Sururi et al. 2014) dan bubu elver milik nelayan sebagai kontrol. Pengujian dilakukan di dalam tangki percobaan yang berisi 60 elver sebanyak 20 ulangan. Lama perendaman bubu 20 menit per ulangan. Bubu elver spiral lebih simpel dan mudah dalam pengangkutannya, karena berat bubu hanya 0,24 kg atau 3,25 kali lebih ringan dari bubu elver modifikasi dan 2,16 kali lebih ringan dari bubu elver standar. Selain itu, bubu elver spiral juga dapat dipendekkan hingga 6 cm, atau 8,3 kali lebih pendek dari bubu elver modifikasi dan 5 kali lebih pendek dari bubu elver standar. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, bubu elver spiral memerangkap elver sejumlah 286 ekor, atau lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan bubu elver modifikasi 165 ekor dan bubu elver standar 43 ekor.Kata kunci: Bubu elver, elver, ijep, bubu spira

    Perbaikan Konstruksi Bubu Elver Skala Laboratorium (Correction of Elver Trap Contruction in Laboratory Scale)

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    PVC trap is used by fisherman in Java Island, southern waters to capture elver, or juvenileeels measuring < 10 gr. The problems are that trap catches too less and elver in injured condition,while buyers need a lot of good elvers for cultivating. This study tried to fix a trap construction sothat function more effective and doesn't hurt elver. All experiments were conducted in the FishingGear Laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University. Three sections of traps were examined were therear cover of trap construction, entrance of trap construction and application two doors of traps.Furthermore, new traps made by three criteria were obtained. The entire test was conducted in theexperimental tank containing between 30-100 elvers. The test was done as much as 20-25 timeswith 20 minutes soaking time. The results showed that more elvers enter the trap which does notseal, the entrance was made from nets and had two doors of the trap. The construction trap basedon three criteria was more effective which could trap 355 elvers or 6.12 times more than thefisherman's trap (58 elvers)

    PERBAIKAN KONSTRUKSI BUBU ELVER SKALA LABORATORIUM (Correction of Elver Trap Contruction in Laboratory Scale)

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    ABSTRACTPVC trap is used by fisherman in Java Island, southern waters to capture elver, or juvenileeels measuring < 10 gr. The problems are that trap catches too less and elver in injured condition,while buyers need a lot of good elvers for cultivating. This study tried to fix a trap construction sothat function more effective and doesn’t hurt elver. All experiments were conducted in the FishingGear Laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University. Three sections of traps were examined were therear cover of trap construction, entrance of trap construction and application two doors of traps.Furthermore, new traps made by three criteria were obtained. The entire test was conducted in theexperimental tank containing between 30-100 elvers. The test was done as much as 20-25 timeswith 20 minutes soaking time. The results showed that more elvers enter the trap which does notseal, the entrance was made from nets and had two doors of the trap. The construction trap basedon three criteria was more effective which could trap 355 elvers or 6.12 times more than thefisherman’s trap (58 elvers).Key words: elver, PVC traps, ijep, Java Island, laboratory--------ABSTRAKBubu paralon digunakan oleh nelayan di perairan selatan Pulau Jawa untuk menangkapjuvenil sidat (elver) berukuran < 10 g. Permasalahannya, jumlah tangkapan bubu tersebut sangatsedikit dan elver yang tertangkap sering dalam kondisi terluka, padahal pembeli membutuhkansangat banyak elver yang sehat untuk dibudidayakan. Penelitian ini mencoba memperbaikikonstruksi bubu agar lebih efektif dan tidak melukai elver. Seluruh penelitian dilaksanakan diLaboratorium Bahan dan Alat Penangkap Ikan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Tiga bagian bubu yangditeliti adalah konstruksi tutupan bagian belakang bubu, konstruksi pintu masuk bubu danpenggunaan dua pintu. Selanjutnya, bubu dibuat berdasarkan ketiga kriteria yang didapatkan.Seluruh pengujian dilakukan di dalam tangki percobaan yang berisi antara 30-100 elver. Pengujiandilakukan sebanyak 20–25 ulangan dengan lama perendaman 20 menit. Hasilnya menunjukkanbahwa elver lebih banyak masuk ke dalam bubu yang tidak tertutup rapat, pintu masuk terbuat darijaring dan memiliki 2 pintu. Konstruksi bubu yang dibuat berdasarkan tiga kriteria tersebut dapatmemerangkap 355 elver, atau 6,12 kali lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan bubu nelayan (58elver).Kata kunci: elver, bubu paralon, ijep, Pulau Jawa, laboratoriu


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    Destructive fishing has the potential to reduce the sustainability of marine resources and the productivity of marine products which will have an impact on the welfare of fishermen. Various motives for destructive fishing include economic, social, cultural motives, and even ignorance that this action is against the law. Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong carries out community service as an effort to provide understanding regarding environmentally friendly fisheries through lectures and the practice of making environmentally friendly fishing gear. The activity lasted for 2 days, attended by 20 fishermen target partners of Saoka Village. The results of the practice in the form of environmentally friendly fishing gear are handed over to target partners for use in fishing operations


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    ABSTRAKEvaluasi yang dilakukan terhadap kegiatan wirausaha muda masih terdapat beberapa kelemahan kelompok seperti ide yang ditampilkan merupakan ide tahun sebelumnya, penyusunan proposal belum sesuai, belum ada strategi pemasaran, dan teknik presentasi yang kaku. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berwirausaha sehingga dapat menjadi bekal Ketika lulus pendidikan. Metode pendampingan dilakukan dengan ceramah, diskusi, dan tanya jawab serta proses coaching kepada tiga kelompok wirausaha taruna dan satu wirausaha alumni. Hasil pendampingan dengan metode CPDT dan coaching meningkatnya kreativitas kelompok wirausaha, proposal bisnis sesuai pedoman, dan kelompok mampu melakukan presentasi lebih menarik dan efektif. Kata kunci: wirausaha muda; pendampingan; ceramah; diskusi dan penugasan; coaching. ABSTRACTThe evaluation carried out on young entrepreneurial activities still has several weaknesses in the group, such as the ideas presented in the previous year, inadequate proposal preparation, no marketing strategy, and rigid presentation techniques. This community service aims to improve entrepreneurial skills so that they can become provisions when graduating from education. The mentoring method is carried out by lectures, discussions, and questions and answers as well as a coaching process to three youth entrepreneur groups and one alumni entrepreneur. The results of assistance with the CPDT method and coaching increased the creativity of entrepreneurial groups, business proposals according to guidelines, and groups were able to make more attractive and effective presentations. Keywords: young entrepreneurs; accompaniment; lectures, discussions and assignments; coaching

    RANCANG BANGUN BUBU ELVER SPIRAL (Desain of Elver Spiral Traps)

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    ABSTRACTPVC trap is used by fisherman in the southern Java Island waters to capture elver or juvenile eels measuring < 10 gr. One of some problems is how difficult the traps transportation in great quantities. This study tried to design a new trap from spiral little iron material as frame construction. The aim is toward easy tobe shorted so became simple transportation of traps. All experiments were conducted on the Fishing Gear Laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University. The study is divided into two stages, that are design of spiral traps and testing the effectiveness of a spiral trap with two pipe traps, that are elver traps modification (Sururi et al. 2014) and fisherman‘s traps as control. The entire test was conducted in the experimental tank containing between 60 elvers with 20 times repetition. The soaking time were done within 20 minutes of observation each. Spiral traps design giving simpler and easier in transporting traps, because ist weight is 0.24 kg or 3.25 time less weigh than elver traps modification and 2.16 time less weight than fisherman traps. Beside, spiral traps can be shorted to 6 cm, or 8.3 time shorter than elver traps modification and 5 time shorter than fisherman traps. The results showed that spiral traps construction caught 286 individuals or more than elver traps modification (165 individuals) and fishermen’s traps (43 individuals).Keywords: PVC traps, elver, ijep, spiral traps-------ABSTRAKBubu elver digunakan oleh nelayan di perairan selatan Pulau Jawa untuk menangkap elver atau juvenil sidat berukuran < 10 g. Salah satu permasalahannya, pengangkutan bubu dalam jumlah banyak cukup sulit dilakukan. Penelitian ini mencoba merancang bubu dari material kawat besi berbentuk spiral agar bubu dapat dipendekkan sehingga memudahkan dalam pengangkutan-nya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Bahan dan Alat Penangkapan Ikan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Kegiatan terdiri atas 2 bagian, yaitu perancangan bubu dan pengujian bubu elver spiral dibandingkan dengan bubu elver modifikasi (Sururi et al. 2014) dan bubu elver milik nelayan sebagai kontrol. Pengujian dilakukan di dalam tangki percobaan yang berisi 60 elver sebanyak 20 ulangan. Lama perendaman bubu 20 menit per ulangan. Bubu elver spiral lebih simpel dan mudah dalam pengangkutannya, karena berat bubu hanya 0,24 kg atau 3,25 kali lebih ringan dari bubu elver modifikasi dan 2,16 kali lebih ringan dari bubu elver standar. Selain itu, bubu elver spiral juga dapat dipendekkan hingga 6 cm, atau 8,3 kali lebih pendek dari bubu elver modifikasi dan 5 kali lebih pendek dari bubu elver standar. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, bubu elver spiral memerangkap elver sejumlah 286 ekor, atau lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan bubu elver modifikasi 165 ekor dan bubu elver standar 43 ekor.Kata kunci: Bubu elver, elver, ijep, bubu spira

    Selection of lamp reflector construction and fishing time of lift net

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    This study aimed to determine lift net’s lamp reflector construction which is able to give highest weight on catch and determine the best fishing time. Three lamp reflector constructions were made of cylinder shape for one construction and cone shape with opening angle α = 62° and 90° for two others. The dimension (øR × HR) for each reflector are 30 × 37 (cm), 40 × 18 (cm) and 40 × 39.62 (cm). Each lamp reflector was being operated by 1 lift net for 15 nights. Total fishing operations were twice per night within interval 07.00–12.00 PM and 00.00–05.00 AM. Results of the catch gave 2 schools of fish which were plankton feeders and predators. Plankton feeders included anchovy Stolephorus spp. 477 kg, mackerel (Rastrelliger spp.) 1934 kg, and malayan half (Decapterus sp.) 15.5 kg. Predators consisted of hairtail (Trichiurus sp.) 982 kg, yellowstrip scad (Selaroides spp.) 29 kg, and giant trevally (Caranx sp.) 26.3 kg. The lift net which operated lamp reflector of α = 90° has the highest catch of 2,307.8 kg, while the lamp reflector of α = 62° has 1895 kg of catch. The one with cylinder shape has 1261 kg of catch