22 research outputs found

    Strategi Adaptasi Nelayan Terhadap Perubahan Ekologis Danau Tempe Di Desa Pallimae Kecamatan Sabbangparu Kabupaten Wajo

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    Kawasan Danau Tempe merupakan kawasan potensial dalam pengembangan perikanan dan pariwisata dengan karakteristik kondisi perairan yang dinamis berdasarkan volume air yang mengikuti pola musim. Akan tetapi saat ini perairan Danau Tempe mengalami Perubahan ekologis, yang ditandai dengan pendangkalan berkisar 15-20 cm yang cenderung meningkat setiap tahunnya. Saat ini maksimum kedalaman pada puncak musim kemarau hanya sekitar 0,5 m dan terjadi penurunan rata-rata sebesar 1,48 km2/tahun sehingga diprediksikan Danau Tempe akan hilang pada puncak musim kemarau di tahun 2018. Akibatnya terdapat indikasi nelayan tradisional di sekitar Danau Tempe untuk beradaptasi terhadap Perubahan ekologis tersebut. Perubahan ekologis di kawasan ini terjadi karena pendangkalan dan pencemaran yang berakibat pada penurunan hasil tangkapan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji bentuk Perubahan ekologis berdasarkan pemahaman nelayan, strategi adaptasi yang dilakukan nelayan dalam menghadapi Perubahan ekologis Danau Tempe dan mengidentifikasi kearifan lokal komunitas nelayan tradisional yang relevan terhadap Perubahan ekologis di Desa Pallimae Kecamatan Sabbangparu Kabupaten Wajo. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif untuk menggambarkan secara konkrit fenomena yang dikaji. Berdasarkan hasil observasi di lokasi penelitian, pilihan-pilihan adaptasi yang dilakukan oleh nelayan antara lain: menganekaragamkan sumber pendapatan, melakukan Perubahan daerah penangkapan, mobilisasi anggota keluarga dan memanfaatkan hubungan sosial. Selanjutnya terdapat kearifan lokal komunitas nelayan tradisional yang masih relevan dan dimanfaatkan untuk dapat beradaptasi dengan Perubahan ekologis di Danau Tempe

    The pars distalis of the pituitary as a source of liver growth stimulating factors during liver regeneration

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    Plasma and pituitary extracts from hepatectomized mice as well as pure growth hormone, stimulate DNA synthesis in hepatocyte population of adult intact mouse liver. This effect is not observed with plasma and pituitary extracts from intact or sham operated mice. The corresponding effects on the litoral cell population of the liver follow the same pattern, but the results are not so clearcut as in the hepatocyte population. The possibility that growth hormone, released by STH cells of the pituitary, is one of the factors responsible for the stimulating effect of plasma during liver regeneration, is discussed on the basis of the present results and of those already reported in the literature.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    A Mixed Methods Study of a Health Worker Training Intervention to Increase Syndromic Referral for Gambiense Human African Trypanosomiasis in South Sudan

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    BACKGROUND: Active screening by mobile teams is considered the most effective method for detecting gambiense-type human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) but constrained funding in many post-conflict countries limits this approach. Non-specialist health care workers (HCWs) in peripheral health facilities could be trained to identify potential cases for testing based on symptoms. We tested a training intervention for HCWs in peripheral facilities in Nimule, South Sudan to increase knowledge of HAT symptomatology and the rate of syndromic referrals to a central screening and treatment centre. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We trained 108 HCWs from 61/74 of the public, private and military peripheral health facilities in the county during six one-day workshops and assessed behaviour change using quantitative and qualitative methods. In four months prior to training, only 2/562 people passively screened for HAT were referred from a peripheral HCW (0 cases detected) compared to 13/352 (2 cases detected) in the four months after, a 6.5-fold increase in the referral rate observed by the hospital. Modest increases in absolute referrals received, however, concealed higher levels of referral activity in the periphery. HCWs in 71.4% of facilities followed-up had made referrals, incorporating new and pre-existing ideas about HAT case detection into referral practice. HCW knowledge scores of HAT symptoms improved across all demographic sub-groups. Of 71 HAT referrals made, two-thirds were from new referrers. Only 11 patients completed the referral, largely because of difficulties patients in remote areas faced accessing transportation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The training increased knowledge and this led to more widespread appropriate HAT referrals from a low base. Many referrals were not completed, however. Increasing access to screening and/or diagnostic tests in the periphery will be needed for greater impact on case-detection in this context. These data suggest it may be possible for peripheral HCWs to target the use of rapid diagnostic tests for HAT

    PERSEPSI DOSEN TERHADAP GAYA BERPAKAIAN MAHASISWA (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Kediri)

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    In FTIK, the students formed into educators, who are knowledgeable and insightful and have good character. Because an educator will be a role model for students. In FTIK, students should wear clothes that are more polite and more closed because FTIK students are prospective educators, so a reflection of being an educator must be accustomed to from now on. The researcher tried to get complete and in-depth information about the lecturers 'perceptions of the students' dress style of FTIK IAIN Kediri. So the researchers used this type of qualitative research. The perceptions of the lecturers regarding the style of dress according to the perceptions of the lecturers regarding the dress styles of the IAIN Kediri students, namely according to Islamic dress codes and also according to the IAIN Kediri regulations. Besides that, it can also differentiate FTIK students from other faculties with their dress styles.Keyword : dress style, lecturer perception

    Analisis Ambang Batas Lahan Pemakaman di Kota Makassar

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    Peningkatan jumlah penduduk Kota Makassar dari tahun 2014-2016 berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan jumlah kematian sehingga kebutuhan lahan untuk pemakaman tiap tahunnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui besar ambang batas lahan pemakaman umum Islam di Kota Makassar dan menyusun arahan perencanaan dalam pengembangan pemenuhan kebutuhan lahan pemakaman ditinjau dari aspek tata ruang. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, proyeksi penduduk dan daya tampung sebagai ambang batas lahan pemakaman. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ambang batas lahan pemakaman umum Islam di Kota Makassar masih mampu menampung jumlah kematian hingga tahun 2023 dengan sistem normal sedangkan untuk sistem tumpuk mampu menampung hingga tahun 2029. Arahan perencanaan dalam pengembangan pemenuhan kebutuhan lahan pemakaman ditinjau dari aspek tata ruang dengan pengoptimalisasian lahan pemakaman, sistem penumpukan makam, hutang lindung sebagai tempat pemakaman umum, pemakaman berdiri, pemindahan makam, pembuangan abu kremasi, pemakaman terpadu dan ideal

    Syndromic algorithms for detection of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in South Sudan.

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    BACKGROUND: Active screening by mobile teams is considered the best method for detecting human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense but the current funding context in many post-conflict countries limits this approach. As an alternative, non-specialist health care workers (HCWs) in peripheral health facilities could be trained to identify potential cases who need testing based on their symptoms. We explored the predictive value of syndromic referral algorithms to identify symptomatic cases of HAT among a treatment-seeking population in Nimule, South Sudan. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Symptom data from 462 patients (27 cases) presenting for a HAT test via passive screening over a 7 month period were collected to construct and evaluate over 14,000 four item syndromic algorithms considered simple enough to be used by peripheral HCWs. For comparison, algorithms developed in other settings were also tested on our data, and a panel of expert HAT clinicians were asked to make referral decisions based on the symptom dataset. The best performing algorithms consisted of three core symptoms (sleep problems, neurological problems and weight loss), with or without a history of oedema, cervical adenopathy or proximity to livestock. They had a sensitivity of 88.9-92.6%, a negative predictive value of up to 98.8% and a positive predictive value in this context of 8.4-8.7%. In terms of sensitivity, these out-performed more complex algorithms identified in other studies, as well as the expert panel. The best-performing algorithm is predicted to identify about 9/10 treatment-seeking HAT cases, though only 1/10 patients referred would test positive. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In the absence of regular active screening, improving referrals of HAT patients through other means is essential. Systematic use of syndromic algorithms by peripheral HCWs has the potential to increase case detection and would increase their participation in HAT programmes. The algorithms proposed here, though promising, should be validated elsewhere

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Blabak Trarerodi pada Materi Geometri Transformasi: Tahap Expert Review

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    Pembelajaran matematika pada umumnya hanya menggandalkan buku dan kemampuan guru dalam menyampaikan materi, sehingga terjadi beberapa permasalahan di kelas. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka diperlukan suatu media untuk membantu pembelajaran di kelas. Blabak Trarerodi merupakan salah satu media yang dapat digunakan pembelajaran di kelas khusus pada materi geometri transformasi. Blabak Trarerodi terdiri atas materi translasi, refleksi, rotasi dan dilatasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengembangan dengan yang dilakukan peneliti adalah analisis, mendesain media, mengembangkan, mengujicobakan dan merefleksi. Akan tetapi pada penelitian ini hanya sampai tahapan pengembangan media. Hasil dari media ini tentunya sudah diperlihatkan kepada ahli media. Ahli yang memberikan validasi adalah dua teman sejawat yang dalam pembelajarannya juga menggunakan media dengan menggunakan angket yang isinya tentang tampilan dan keefektifan media Ketika digunakan. Hasil dari validasi ini menunjukkan media sudah bisa digunakan dengan beberapa revisi dari masukan validator. Selain itu, media ini juga dapat dibuat sendiri oleh siswa karena langkah dan tata cara penggunaan media juga tersedia. Mathematics learning in general only relies on books and the teacher's ability to convey material, so that there are several problems in the classroom. To overcome this, we need a media to help learning in the classroom. Trarerody Blabak is one of the media that can be used for learning in special classes on transformation geometry material. Trarerody Blabak consists of material translation, reflection, rotation and dilation. The method used in this research is development with what researchers do are analysis, media design, development, testing and reflection. However, in this study only up to the stage of media development. The results of this media must have been shown to media experts. The experts who provided validation were two colleagues who in their learning also used the media by using a questionnaire whose contents were about the appearance and effectiveness of the media when used. The results of this validation show that the media can already be used with several revisions from the validator's input. In addition, this media can also be made by students themselves because the steps and procedures for using the media are also available