30 research outputs found

    Функціонування міфу і наративу в сучасній масовій свідомості

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    Myth and narrative are taken as self-apparent and universal tools of personal and social interests’ justification, that are ingrained deeply in our cognitive structures. In this article, the myth and narrative are analyzed as the features of human psycholinguistic structures, aiding the creation of variety of meanings that affects the everyday mass consciousness. Modern myths differ from the classical ones, due to their genesis and clear pragmatics, framed for a particular social group. This unites modern mythology with the ideology. Narrative becomes the way of the last maintenance, turning the plot of various events into yet another mythological subject. Therefore, the article presents the process of narrative’s genesis from the myth; the common and distinctive features of myth and narrative are compared. They have such common features as metaphoricity, symbolism, imagery. Myth and narrative are based on the metaphorical theory of truth. Instead of searching the truth, their main function becomes the creation of meanings through the interpretation and representation. The differences between the classical myth and narrative are also analyzed in the article (tabulated), which are stipulated mainly due to the different time perception - cyclic for a myth and linear for narrative. The article also shows the features, distinguishing the modern political myth from the traditional classical.У статті досліджено погляди В.Винниченка щодо стану тогочасного суспільства, проаналізовано у властивості психолінгвістичних структур людини, що сприяють утворенню різноманітних смислів і впливають на буденну масову свідомість. Сучасні міфи відрізняються від архаїчних своєю ґенезою і чіткою прагматикою, сформованою під певну соціальну спільноту. Це споріднює сучасну міфологію з ідеологією. Наратив стає засобом обслуговування останньої, перетворюючи фабулу різноманітних подій на черговий міфологічний сюжет. Тому в статті розглянуто процес ґенези наративу з міфу; порівнюються сформовані згодом спільні й відмінні риси міфу і наративу. Спільними для них є такі характеристики, як метафоричність, символічність, образність. Міф і наратив спираються на метафоричну теорію істини. Їх головною функцією постає не пошук істини, а утворення смислів через інтерпретування і трактування. Аналізуються також відмінності між класичним міфом і наративом (зведені в таблицю), які зумовлені головним чином різним сприйняттям часу – циклічного для міфу, лінійного для наративу. Також вказа- ні показники, що відрізняють сучасний політичний міф від класичного традиційного.У статті досліджено погляди В.Винниченка щодо стану тогочасного суспільства, проаналізовано у властивості психолінгвістичних структур людини, що сприяють утворенню різноманітних смислів і впливають на буденну масову свідомість. Сучасні міфи відрізняються від архаїчних своєю ґенезою і чіткою прагматикою, сформованою під певну соціальну спільноту. Це споріднює сучасну міфологію з ідеологією. Наратив стає засобом обслуговування останньої, перетворюючи фабулу різноманітних подій на черговий міфологічний сюжет. Тому в статті розглянуто процес ґенези наративу з міфу; порівнюються сформовані згодом спільні й відмінні риси міфу і наративу. Спільними для них є такі характеристики, як метафоричність, символічність, образність. Міф і наратив спираються на метафоричну теорію істини. Їх головною функцією постає не пошук істини, а утворення смислів через інтерпретування і трактування. Аналізуються також відмінності між класичним міфом і наративом (зведені в таблицю), які зумовлені головним чином різним сприйняттям часу – циклічного для міфу, лінійного для наративу. Також вказа- ні показники, що відрізняють сучасний політичний міф від класичного традиційного

    Evolution of V339 Del (Nova Del 2013) since 0.37 to 75 Days after Discovery

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    We study the evolution of V339 Del (Nova Del 2013) during 0.37 to 75 days after discovery. Spectra from the Liverpool Telescope were collected and analysed to find velocity of ejecta, relative radiation with respect to continuum level, and FWHM of the radiation. The evolution of light curve was explained by adopting an ideal nova light curve as criteria. We found that the evolution of V339 Del during t = 0.37 to 75 days can be explained in 7 phases: 1) Initial rise (t = 0 - 0.6 days, 2) Pre-maximum halt (t = 0.6 to 1.2 days), 3) Final rise (t = 1.2 to 1.5 days), 4) Maximum (t = 1.5 to 2.5 days), 5) Early decline (t = 2.5 to 35 days), 6) Transition (t = 35 to 60 days), and 7) Final decline (t = 60 to approximately 75 days)

    Ubiquitin-independent proteosomal degradation of myelin basic protein contributes to development of neurodegenerative autoimmunity

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    © The Author(s). Recent findings indicate that the ubiquitin-proteasome system is involved in the pathogenesis of cancer as well as autoimmune and several neurodegenerative diseases, and is thus a target for novel therapeutics. One disease that is related to aberrant protein degradation is multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disorder involving the processing and presentation of myelin autoantigens that leads to the destruction of axons. Here, we show that brainderived proteasomes from SJL mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in an ubiquitinindependent manner generate significantly increased amounts of myelin basic protein peptides that induces cytotoxic lymphocytes to target mature oligodendrocytes ex vivo. Ten times enhanced release of immunogenic peptides by cerebral proteasomes from EAE-SJL mice is caused by a dramatic shift in the balance between constitutive and β1ihigh immunoproteasomes in the CNS of SJL mice with EAE. We found that during EAE, β1i is increased in resident CNS cells, whereas β5i is imported by infiltrating lymphocytes through the blood-brain barrier. Peptidyl epoxyketone specifically inhibits brain-derived β1ihigh immunoproteasomes in vitro (kobs/[I] = 240 M-1s-1), and at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg, it ameliorates ongoing EAE in vivo. Therefore, our findings provide novel insights into myelin metabolism in pathophysiologic conditions and reveal that the β1i subunit of the immunoproteasome is a potential target to treat autoimmune neurologic diseases

    No Neon, but Jets in the Remarkable Recurrent Nova M31N 2008-12a?—Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopy of the 2015 Eruption

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    The 2008 discovery of an eruption of M31N 2008-12a began a journey on which the true nature of this remarkable recurrent nova continues to be revealed. M31N 2008-12a contains a white dwarf (WD) close to the Chandrasekhar limit, accreting at a high rate from its companion, and undergoes thermonuclear eruptions that are observed yearly and may even be twice as frequent. In this paper, we report on Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph ultraviolet spectroscopy taken within days of the predicted 2015 eruption, coupled with Keck spectroscopy of the 2013 eruption. Together, this spectroscopy permits the reddening to be constrained to E(B-V)=0.10+/- 0.03. The UV spectroscopy reveals evidence for highly ionized, structured, and high-velocity ejecta at early times. No evidence for neon is seen in these spectra, however, but it may be that little insight can be gained regarding the composition of the WD (CO versus ONe)

    The functioning of myth and narrative in the modern mass consciousness

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    Myth and narrative are taken as self-apparent and universal tools of personal and social interests’ justification, that are ingrained deeply in our cognitive structures. In this article, the myth and narrative are analyzed as the features of human psycholinguistic structures, aiding the creation of variety of meanings that affects the everyday mass consciousness. Modern myths differ from the classical ones, due to their genesis and clear pragmatics, framed for a particular social group. This unites modern mythology with the ideology. Narrative becomes the way of the last maintenance, turning the plot of various events into yet another mythological subject. Therefore, the article presents the process of narrative’s genesis from the myth; the common and distinctive features of myth and narrative are compared. They have such common features as metaphoricity, symbolism, imagery. Myth and narrative are based on the metaphorical theory of truth. Instead of searching the truth, their main function becomes the creation of meanings through the interpretation and representation. The differences between the classical myth and narrative are also analyzed in the article (tabulated), which are stipulated mainly due to the different time perception - cyclic for a myth and linear for narrative. The article also shows the features, distinguishing the modern political myth from the traditional classical

    Ubiquitin-independent proteosomal degradation of myelin basic protein contributes to development of neurodegenerative autoimmunity

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    © The Author(s). Recent findings indicate that the ubiquitin-proteasome system is involved in the pathogenesis of cancer as well as autoimmune and several neurodegenerative diseases, and is thus a target for novel therapeutics. One disease that is related to aberrant protein degradation is multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disorder involving the processing and presentation of myelin autoantigens that leads to the destruction of axons. Here, we show that brainderived proteasomes from SJL mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in an ubiquitinindependent manner generate significantly increased amounts of myelin basic protein peptides that induces cytotoxic lymphocytes to target mature oligodendrocytes ex vivo. Ten times enhanced release of immunogenic peptides by cerebral proteasomes from EAE-SJL mice is caused by a dramatic shift in the balance between constitutive and β1ihigh immunoproteasomes in the CNS of SJL mice with EAE. We found that during EAE, β1i is increased in resident CNS cells, whereas β5i is imported by infiltrating lymphocytes through the blood-brain barrier. Peptidyl epoxyketone specifically inhibits brain-derived β1ihigh immunoproteasomes in vitro (kobs/[I] = 240 M-1s-1), and at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg, it ameliorates ongoing EAE in vivo. Therefore, our findings provide novel insights into myelin metabolism in pathophysiologic conditions and reveal that the β1i subunit of the immunoproteasome is a potential target to treat autoimmune neurologic diseases

    Ubiquitin-independent proteosomal degradation of myelin basic protein contributes to development of neurodegenerative autoimmunity

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    © The Author(s). Recent findings indicate that the ubiquitin-proteasome system is involved in the pathogenesis of cancer as well as autoimmune and several neurodegenerative diseases, and is thus a target for novel therapeutics. One disease that is related to aberrant protein degradation is multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disorder involving the processing and presentation of myelin autoantigens that leads to the destruction of axons. Here, we show that brainderived proteasomes from SJL mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in an ubiquitinindependent manner generate significantly increased amounts of myelin basic protein peptides that induces cytotoxic lymphocytes to target mature oligodendrocytes ex vivo. Ten times enhanced release of immunogenic peptides by cerebral proteasomes from EAE-SJL mice is caused by a dramatic shift in the balance between constitutive and β1ihigh immunoproteasomes in the CNS of SJL mice with EAE. We found that during EAE, β1i is increased in resident CNS cells, whereas β5i is imported by infiltrating lymphocytes through the blood-brain barrier. Peptidyl epoxyketone specifically inhibits brain-derived β1ihigh immunoproteasomes in vitro (kobs/[I] = 240 M-1s-1), and at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg, it ameliorates ongoing EAE in vivo. Therefore, our findings provide novel insights into myelin metabolism in pathophysiologic conditions and reveal that the β1i subunit of the immunoproteasome is a potential target to treat autoimmune neurologic diseases

    Ubiquitin-independent proteosomal degradation of myelin basic protein contributes to development of neurodegenerative autoimmunity

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    © The Author(s). Recent findings indicate that the ubiquitin-proteasome system is involved in the pathogenesis of cancer as well as autoimmune and several neurodegenerative diseases, and is thus a target for novel therapeutics. One disease that is related to aberrant protein degradation is multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disorder involving the processing and presentation of myelin autoantigens that leads to the destruction of axons. Here, we show that brainderived proteasomes from SJL mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in an ubiquitinindependent manner generate significantly increased amounts of myelin basic protein peptides that induces cytotoxic lymphocytes to target mature oligodendrocytes ex vivo. Ten times enhanced release of immunogenic peptides by cerebral proteasomes from EAE-SJL mice is caused by a dramatic shift in the balance between constitutive and β1ihigh immunoproteasomes in the CNS of SJL mice with EAE. We found that during EAE, β1i is increased in resident CNS cells, whereas β5i is imported by infiltrating lymphocytes through the blood-brain barrier. Peptidyl epoxyketone specifically inhibits brain-derived β1ihigh immunoproteasomes in vitro (kobs/[I] = 240 M-1s-1), and at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg, it ameliorates ongoing EAE in vivo. Therefore, our findings provide novel insights into myelin metabolism in pathophysiologic conditions and reveal that the β1i subunit of the immunoproteasome is a potential target to treat autoimmune neurologic diseases