49 research outputs found

    Lean-environmental management system integration model

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    Environmental management system (EMS) is a tool for managing the impact of an organization’s activities on the environment. The most well-known EMS model is ISO 14001. ISO 14001 is touted as the most successful global environmental standard which provides the framework to control and reduce impact on the environment. Although the standard believed to be one of the best environmental management model, there are studies reveal that industries are currently facing a number of challenges to maintain competitiveness, productivity and minimal environmental impact. Besides that, studies also shows that the standard lack of guidelines to accomplish “continuous improvement” element, operational definition on continuous improvement and method to assess it. This turns to be the main factor influence the standards sustainability. Lean is a tool for process improvement focusing on key processes that affect the output to the customer and focuses on continuously improving the process management elements. Lean pushes for continuous improvement and empowers companies to better their environmental performance. The purpose of this study is to integrate lean principles with ISO 14001 standard to achieve sustainability through continuous improvements. Three objectives were identified to achieve this purpose. First objective, identify both system’s characteristic through literature review and questionnaire survey, then continue with the second objective, find the linkages between both system and develop an integration model and finally the third objective, validate the model using focus group. This study uses combination of qualitative and quantitative research methodology. Reliability test and descriptive statistics using statistical package of the social science software were used to record, analyze and interpret the raw rata. Finding shows that there is positive correlation between both systems; as a result, new model called Lean Environmental Management Integration System (LEMIS) has been developed. The model creates measurement standards for evaluating the organization, making its environmental efforts more realistic, focused and attainable. The model’s validation results shows that by integrating the standard with Lean principles through LEMIS model helps to specify the performance measures and leads the standard to achieve sustainability and continuous improvement. This study presents a unique approach of integrating the two main models as a single framework benefiting contemporary organizations. The study concludes by stating that more case studies in this direction are required to be conducted for examining the feasibility of amalgamation and implementing ISO 14001:2004 standards with the philosophy of Lean Principles to enable the achievement of world class standards

    Lean environmental management integration system for sustainability of ISO 14001:2004 standard implementation

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present a model for integrating Lean Principles with ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. Design/methodology: To achieve the objective of the study, the methodology used in this study is based on preliminary literature review of ISO 14001 standards and Lean Principles as well as certain case reports from various proponents and authors of ISO 14001 and Lean as noted in various articles and journals and some books. Findings: The findings of this study are a new model called Lean Environmental Management Integration System (LEMIS) has been developed and leads to the creation of these measurement standards for evaluating the organization, making its environmental efforts more realistic, focused and attainable.Research limitations/implications: Future research should be conducted case studies in this direction are required to be conducted for examining the feasibility of amalgamation and implementing ISO 14001:2004 standards with the philosophy of Lean Principles to enable the achievement of world class standards. Practical implications: This model helps to eliminate any wasteful processes in the organization’s implementation of the ISO 14001 standard thus leading to higher environmental performance. Integrating the standard with Lean principles through LEMIS model helps to specify these performance measures making the standard achieve sustainability and continual improvement. Originality/value: This study presents a unique approach of integrating the two main models, namely Lean Principles and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, as a single framework benefiting contemporary organizations.Peer Reviewe

    A Study on “Security of Cyber-Physical Systems in the Cloud”

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    The existing security models are built with certain assumptions. The solutions like distributed accountability, provable data possession (PDP), Third Party Auditing (TPA) and so on are secure as long as the assumptions hold true. To ensure fool proof security for cloud storage security little research has been made on quantum key cryptography. Since the quantum key distribution is unconditionally secure, we propose a new scheme known as Cloud QKDP (Quantum Key Distribution Protocol for Cloud Computing) which exploits the benefits of quantum mechanisms to secure cloud storage and data dynamics. We consider a case study in which three parties such as cloud server, data owner and trusted client have provably secure communications with our proposed scheme which uses random oracle model. Our empirical study revealed mixture of success and failure rates with private and public clouds respectively

    Peningkatan Mutu Molding Injeksi dengan Metode DMAIC Six Sigma

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    The injection moulding is a manufacturing technique for making parts from both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials in production. Actually, the defects occurred on high-pressure process due to the process variations such as temperature, time, pressure, and distance. This paper identifies current quality problems by using Six-Sigma DMAIC methodology. In addition, the classical method is to improve major quality problem in the 30-Ton injection moulding operation carried out for setting parameter. Some aspects regards to the machines are through the main factor analyzed to identify and improve by several activities required, such as the cleaning and scale approachable of its value at the optimum level. The review and analysis of the governing principles on process performance are showing the decreasing of rejection rates by setting a new parameter and optimum range value

    Erikoismuuntajan läpivientikoteloinnin kehittäminen

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena oli erikoismuuntajan läpivientikoteloinnin kehittäminen. Työ toteutettiin ABB Oy:n Vaasan muuntajatehtaalle. Työn tarkoituksena oli kehittää läpivientikotelointia suunnittelusta saadun tehtävänannon mukaan. Toinen tehtävä oli haastatella valmistuksen ja kokoonpanon työntekijöitä. Heidän kanssaan koteloinnin rakenteesta etsittiin epäkohtia, jotka pystyttäisiin korjaamaan kotelon Layout-ohjattuun 3D-kokoonpanomallipohjaan. Korjatun koteloinnin rakenteen avulla suunnittelussa ja tuotannossa pystyttiin vähentämään turhaa työtä. Työn alussa suunnittelun kanssa käytiin läpi tehtävänanto. Tehtävänannossa läpivientikoteloinnille haluttiin malli, jossa se ylittää muuntajan kannen kansipulttilinjan. Työn edetessä alihankkijan ja kokoonpanon kanssa tehtiin muutoskartoitus korjattavaa rakennetta varten. Suunnitelusta saadun tehtävänannon mukainen koteloinnin malli toteutettiin Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0-suunnitteluohjelmistolla. Läpivientikotelon korjaustoimenpiteissä käytettiin Pro/ENGINEERIN Top-Down-mallinnusmahdollisuuksia. Työn tuloksena läpivientikotelosta saatiin uusi malli, jonka rakenne on jäykempi sekä joustavammin ja helpommin sijoitettavissa muuntajan kannelle. Läpivientikotelon Layout-rakenteesta poistettiin valmistuksesta ja kokoonpanosta löytyneet rakenteelliset epäkohdat. Muokattu Layout-rakenne otettiin käyttöön tämän työn loppuvaiheessa. Muokkauksen ansiosta suunnittelussa pystytään välttämään virheitä, joiden korjaaminen on ennen ollut muistinvaraista.This thesis was made for ABB Transformers unit at Vaasa. The purpose of this thesis was to develop terminal enclosures for special transformers In addition some structural defects were searched from the manufacturing and assembly line. After finding the defects they were fixed to the Layout-driven 3D-assembly of the enclosures. With the aid of the edited 3D-assembly there is reduced amount of unnecessary work in the mechanical design and in the production. In the beginning of the thesis, the mechanical design unit gave an assignment to edit the structure of enclosure in such a way that it would go over the transformer cover fixing bolts. As the work progressed a survey of structural defects was made with help of the subcontractor and assembly line. The model of the enclosure was executed with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 3D-design software. The structural defects were edited with the same software by using its Top-Down-modeling possibilities. As the result of this thesis the mechanical design unit got a new model of the enclosure which is more rigid as well as the placing it to the cover of the transformer is also more flexible and easier. The structural defects were removed from the enclosure’s Layout-structure and the edited Layout was taken to use at the end of this project. Due to the editing of the Layout-structure the mechanical design unit is able to avoid mistakes the editing of which has so far been dependable of the designer’s memory

    Green-synthesized CdS nano-pesticides: toxicity on young instars of malaria vectors and impact on enzymatic activities of the non-target mud crab Scylla serrata

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    Currently, nano-formulated mosquito larvicides have been widely proposed to control young instars of malaria vector populations. However, the fate of nanoparticles in the aquatic environment is scarcely known, with special reference to the impact of nanoparticles on enzymatic activity of non-target aquatic invertebrates. In this study, we synthesized CdS nanoparticles using a green protocol relying on the cheap extract of Valoniopsis pachynema algae. CdS nanoparticles showed high toxicity on young instars of the malaria vectors Anopheles stephensiand A. sundaicus. The antimalarial activity of the nano-synthesized product against chloroquine-resistant (CQ-r) Plasmodium falciparumparasites was investigated. From a non-target perspective, we focused on the impact of this novel nano-pesticide on antioxidant enzymes acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities of the mud crab Scylla serrata. The characterization of nanomaterials was carried out by UV–vis and FTIR spectroscopy, as well as SEM and XRD analyses. In mosquitocidal assays, LC50 of V. pachynema-synthesized CdS nanoparticles on A. stephensi ranged from 16.856 (larva I), to 30.301 μg/ml (pupa), while for An. sundaicus they ranged from 13.584 to 22.496 μg/ml. The antiplasmodial activity of V. pachynema extract and CdS nanoparticles was evaluated against CQ-r and CQ-sensitive (CQ-s) strains of Plasmodium falciparum. IC50 of V. pachynema extract was 58.1 μg/ml (CQ-s) and 71.46 μg/ml (CQ-r), while nano-CdS IC50 was 76.14 μg/ml (CQ-s) and 89.21 μg/ml (CQ-r). In enzymatic assays, S. serrata crabs were exposed to sub-lethal concentrations, i.e. 4, 6 and 8 μg/ml of CdS nanoparticles, assessing changes in GST and AChE activity after 16 days. We observed significantly higher activity of GST, if compared to the control, during the whole experiment period. In addition, a single treatment with CdS nanoparticles led to a significant decrease in AChE activity over time. The toxicity of CdS nanoparticles and Cd ions in aqueous solution was also assessed in mud crabs, showing higher toxicity of aqueous Cd ions if compared to nano-CdS. Overall, our results underlined the efficacy of green-synthesized CdS nanoparticles in malaria vector control, outlining also significant impacts on the enzymatic activity of non-target aquatic organisms, with special reference to mud crabs

    Scientometric analysis of mammalian microbiome research

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    Over the past few decades, microbiota research has been gaining the attention of the researchers working on the concepts of health–enhancement and overall–wellbeing. The mammalian microbiome has been progressively acknowledged as a developing research area resulting in an increased number of publications. This study intends to use scientometric and bibliometric analysis to evaluate the research development and evolution of publication patterns in the field of mammalian microbiome between 2007 and 2020. 512 published articles were retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection and were analyzed. We assessed the quantity and quality of research output through statistical methods of bibliometric indicators, comprising a number of publications, citations, productive authors, journals and countries, using a bibliometric analysis. Scientometric analysis was performed using main path analysis, bibliometric coupling, co-word co-occurrence and co-author analysis, systematically characterizing and visualizing the trend and delivering a pivotal review of the mammalian microbiome research status quo. The results identified an increase in the number of publications over time showing the rapid research growth, with top productive countries recording the highest number of research outcomes with influential research. The bibliographic coupling revealed the most shared papers that form landmark papers and the co-author analysis indicated the most influential authors in mammalian microbiome research. The evolutionary path of the mammalian microbiome research was traced using the main path analysis identifying the milestone papers. The frequently occurred words were enumerated from co-word, co-occurrence networks. The information from this study could be a transcript for a comprehensive understanding of current mammalian microbiome research and can also direct the future and emerging trends in this research realm

    Lean Environmental Management Integration System (LEMIS) Framework Development

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    The Lean Environmental Management Integration System (LEMIS) framework development is integration between lean core element and ISO 14001. The curiosity on the relationship between continuous improvement and sustainability of lean implementation has influenced this study toward LEMIS. Characteristic of ISO 14001 standard clauses and core elements of lean principles are explored from past studies and literature reviews. Survey was carried out on ISO 14001 certified companies to examine continual improvement by implementing the ISO 14001 standard. The study found that there is a significant and positive relationship between Lean Principles: value, value stream, flow, pull and perfection with the ISO 14001 requirements. LEMIS is significant to support the continuous improvement and sustainability. The integration system can be implemented to any manufacturing company. It gives awareness on the importance on why organizations need to sustain its environmental management system. In the meantime, the lean principle can be adapted in order to streamline daily activities of the company. Throughout the study, it had proven that there is no sacrifice or trade-off between lean principles with ISO 14001 requirements. The framework developed in the study can be further simplified in the future, especially the method of crossing each sub requirements of ISO 14001 standard with the core elements of Lean principles in this study