6,101 research outputs found

    Density Fluctuations in the Oscillatory Phase of Nonclassical Inflaton in FRW Universe

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    Using coherent and squeezed state formalisms of quantum optics for a minimally coupled non-classical inflaton in the FRW mertic is studied, in semiclassical theory of gravity. The leading order solution for the semiclassical Einstein equations in the coherent, squeezed and squeezed vacuum states are obtained perturbatively and are exhibit powerlaw expansion behaviour. The validity of the semiclassical theory is examined in the squeezed vacuum state in the oscillatory phase of the inflaton. The semiclassical theory in the oscillatory phase of the non-classical inflaton holds only if the associated squeezing parameter is much less compared to unity. Quantum fluctuations of the inflaton is also examined in coherent and squeezed state formalisms.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, To appear in Int.J.Mod.Phys.

    Hortonian Scaling of Coupled Hydrological and Biogeochemical Responses Across an Intensively Managed River Basin

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    Structural and functional attributes across fractal river networks have been characterized by well-established and consistent hierarchical, Hortonian scaling patterns. In most of the global river basins, spatial patterns of human settlements also conform to similar hierarchical scaling. However, emergent spatial hierarchical patterns and scaling of heterogeneous anthropogenic nutrient loads over a river basin are less known. As a case study, we examined here a large intensely managed river basin in Germany (Weser River; 46K km(2); 8M population). Archived data for point-/diffuse-sources of total Phosphorus (P-tot) input loads were combined with numerical and analytical model simulations of coupled hydrological and biogeochemical processes for in-stream P-tot removal at the network scale. We find that P-tot input loads scale exponentially over stream-orders, with the larger scaling constant for point-source loads from urban agglomerations compared to those for diffuse-source contributions from agricultural and forested areas. These differences in scaling patterns result from hierarchical self-organization of human settlements, and the associated clustering of large-scale, altered land-cover. Fraction of P-tot loads removed through in-stream biogeochemical processes also manifests Hortonian scaling, consistent with predictions of an analytical model. Our analyses show that while smaller streams are more efficient in P-tot removal, in larger streams the magnitude of P-tot loads removed is higher. These trends are consistent with inverse scaling of nutrient removal rate constant with mean discharge, and downstream clustering of larger cumulative input loads. Analyses of six nested sub-basins within the Weser River Basin also reveal similar scaling patterns. Our findings are useful for projecting likely water-quality spatial patterns in similar river basins in Germany, and Central Europe. Extensions and generalizations require further examination of diverse basins with archetype spatial heterogeneities in anthropogenic pressures and hydroclimatic settings

    Remediation of Contaminated Soils by Solvent Flushing

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    Solvent flushing is a potential technique for remediating a waste disposal/spill site contaminated with organic chemicals. This technique involves the injection of a solvent mixture (e.g., water plus alcohols) that enhances contaminant solubility, reduces the retardation factor, and increases the release rates of the contaminants. A simulation model is developed to predict contaminant elution curves during solvent flushing for the case of one‐dimensional, steady flow through a contaminated medium. Column experiments are conducted with a Eustis fine sand that is initially equilibrated with an aqueous naphthalene solution, and then eluted with different methanol‐water mixtures to remove the naphthalene. The model simulations, based on parameter values estimated from literature data, agree well with the measured elution profiles. Solvent flushing experiments, where the soil was initially equilibrated with a solution of naphthalene and anthracene, show that compounds with different retardation factors are separated at low cosolvent contents, while coelution of the compounds occurs at higher contents. In general, the smaller the retardation factor in water and the higher the cosolvent fraction, the faster the contaminant is recovered. The presence of nonequilibrium conditions, soil heterogeneity, and type of cosolvent will influence the time required to recover the contaminant.\u

    Bulk scalar field in DGP braneworld cosmology

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    We investigated the effects of bulk scalar field in the braneworld cosmological scenario. The Friedmann equations and acceleration condition in presence of the bulk scalar field for a zero tension brane and cosmological constant are studied. In DGP model the effective Einstein equation on the brane is obtained with bulk scalar field. The rescaled bulk scalar field on the brane in the DGP model behaves as an effective four dimensional field, thus standard type cosmology is recovered. In present study of the DGP model, the late-time accelerating phase of the universe can be explained .Comment: 10 pages, to appear in JCA

    Uterine Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Its Unfolded Protein Response May Regulate Caspase 3 Activation in the Pregnant Mouse Uterus

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    We have previously proposed that uterine caspase-3 may modulate uterine contractility in a gestationally regulated fashion. The objective of this study was to determine the mechanism by which uterine caspase-3 is activated and consequently controlled in the pregnant uterus across gestation. Utilizing the mouse uterus as our gestational model we examined the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathways and the endoplasmic reticulum stress response as potential activators of uterine caspase-3 at the transcriptional and translational level. Our study revealed robust activation of the uterine myocyte endoplasmic reticulum stress response and its adaptive unfolded protein response during pregnancy coinciding respectively with increased uterine caspase-3 activity and its withdrawal to term. In contrast the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathways remained inactive across gestation. We speculate that physiological stimuli experienced by the pregnant uterus likely potentiates the uterine myocyte endoplasmic reticulum stress response resulting in elevated caspase-3 activation, which is isolated to the pregnant mouse myometrium. However as term approaches, activation of an elevated adaptive unfolded protein response acts to limit the endoplasmic reticulum stress response inhibiting caspase-3 resulting in its decline towards term. We speculate that these events have the capacity to regulate gestational length in a caspase-3 dependent manne

    Cloning, preparation and preliminary crystallographic studies of penicillin V acylase autoproteolytic processing mutants

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    The crystallization of three catalytically inactive mutants of penicillin Vacylase (PVA) from Bacillus sphaericus in precursor and processed forms is reported. The mutant proteins crystallize in different primitive monoclinic space groups that are distinct from the crystal forms for the native enzyme. Directed mutants and clone constructs were designed to study the post-translational autoproteolytic processing of PVA. The catalytically inactive mutants will provide threedimensional structures of precursor PVA forms, plus open a route to the study of enzyme-substrate complexes for this industrially important enzyme

    A Case Of Pancreatic Pseudocyst Following Acute Pancreatitis

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    Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of 2-(Aminoacid ester)-3-(6-methyl-2-pyridyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,3,2 λ5- benzoxazaphosphinin-2-thiones

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    Synthesis of 2-(aminoacid ester)-3-(6-methyl-2-pyridyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,3,2λ5-benzoxazaphosphinin-2-thiones (3a–j) was accomplished through a two-step process. It involves the prior preparation of 2-chloro-3-(6-methyl-2-pyridyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,3,2λ5-benzoxazaphosphinin-2-thione monochloride (2) and its subsequent reaction with the aminoacid ester hydrochlorides in dry tetrahydrofuran-toluene in the presence of triethylamine at various temperatures. These compounds were characterizedby IR, 1H, 13C, 31P NMR and mass spectral data.Keywords: 2-[(6-methyl-2-pyridyl) amino] methylphenol, 1,3,2-benzoxazaphosphinin-2-thione, antimicrobial activit
