118 research outputs found

    Isolation and characterisation of 2-Tert-butyl-8-hydroxyquinoline as a crystalline solid and its blue fluorescent Li complex

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    Copyright © 2014 Poopathy Kathirgamanathan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.2-Tert-butyl-8-hydroxyquinoline (2-TB-8-hq) has been isolated as a crystalline solid and its X-ray structure elucidated, resolving three decades of controversy, since it was previously wrongly reported as yellow oil by some other workers. An improved synthetic method has been developed which increases the yield from 20% to 60%. The lithium complex of 2-TB-8-hq is blue emitting and the HOMO and LUMO levels are lowered by 0.86 eV and 0.74 eV, respectively, compared with the parent lithium 8-hydroxyquinolinolate (Li 8-hq)

    Can Mixed Ligand and Catalytic Solvent Effects Transform Single Electron Transfer Living Radical Polymerization (SET-LRP) into a Commercializable Process?

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    Currently most of the SET-LRP and ATRP techniques uses tris(2-dimethylaminoethyl)amine (Me6-TREN) as ligand which is 80 time more expensive than its precursor tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (TREN). TREN is much less expensive than Me6-TREN but at the same time is much less efficient, thus limiting the commercial applications of SET-LRP and ATRP mediated by TREN.1-6 In this work the efficiency of TREN was increased via two mechanisms: (i) the mixed ligand effect, (ii) the catalytic effect of solvent. Me6-TREN and TREN mixed ligand effect was studied in programed “biphasic” mixtures of the dipolar aprotic solvents N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP), dimethylformamide (DMF) and N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc) with H2O and in the homogenous dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) system with methyl acrylate(MA) as monomer, initiated by bis(2-bromopropionyl)-ethane (BPE). From the kinetic studies, molecular weight evolution and chain end analysis it was concluded that Me6-TREN complemented TREN to enhance its apparent rate constant of propagation, monomer conversion, and molecular weight control in the absence of externally added Cu(II)Br2. The catalytic effect of DMSO was studied with Me6-TREN, mixed-ligand and TREN and a liner external order of reaction was observed. The catalytic activity of DMSO in SET-LRP with near 100% chain end revitalized TREN as an excellent ligand in SET-LRP. Since the highest rate of reaction in mixed-ligand system is observed at a 1/1 ratio of ligands, this suggested three possible mechanisms: (i) either a fast exchange of ligands in the catalytic system, (ii) a new single dynamic ligand generated by hydrogen-bonding of the two ligands, (iii) or a combination of both (i) and (ii)

    Descriptive study to assess the awareness of ill effects of consanguineous marriage on pregnancy, fetus and child in antenatal mothers

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    Background: Consanguinity  refers to marriage or a reproductive relationship between two closely related individuals. Consanguinity may significantly impact the occurrence of autosomal recessive conditions and congenital anomalies. The degree of relatedness between two individuals defines the proportion of genes shared between them. Hence this study was planned to assess the awareness level, the association between awareness level and education, association between awareness level of and socioeconomic class.Methods: Direct interview through a self-structured questionnaire containing questions about demographic details, awareness of participants was conducted among (n=100) antenatal mothers attending SMC-OBG, OPD using convenient sampling. Knowledge of ≥50% is considered adequate. Data entry and analysis done using SPSS 16.0 software.  Descriptive statistics were calculated for background variables like socio-demographic characteristics. p value less than 0.05 were considered to be statistically significant.Results: 54% have an educational qualification above high school. 58% belonged to the lower socioeconomic strata. 67% had adequate knowledge. Out of the 26 people who have had consanguineous marriage, 30.8% have 2’ consanguinity, 69.2% have 3’ consanguineous marriage. Participants having educational status above high school have 1.7 times more knowledge than lesser educational qualification. People of higher socioeconomic status have 3.2 times more knowledge than lower socioeconomic status. Association between knowledge with socioeconomic status is significant.Conclusions: The target population has divergent attitudes towards consanguinity, though the awareness was decently high among many of them. Strategies to disseminate information in school programmes should be taken into consideration. Couples in consanguineous relationships can be identified, provided with information about their risk and, if needed referred for genetic counselling.

    A study of factors determining outcome of acute kidney injury patients requiring hemodialysis

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    Background: High mortality rate in acute kidney injury (AKI) has interested many authors to conduct studies about factors predicting its outcome. The need for both dialysis and ICU care defines a group of critically ill patients who may have poor prognosis and consume vast amounts of resources. In this study we determine the variables predicting the outcome of patients with severe acute kidney failure requiring haemodialysis and to ascertain the aetiology of acute kidney injury in this group.Methods: We prospectively analysed 114 patients admitted with severe renal failure requiring renal replacement therapy over a period of one year. The influence of various factors such as demographic variables, pre morbidities, details of admission, clinical presentation and extent of organ dysfunction on the clinical outcome such as mortality and progression to end stage kidney disease were statistically analyzed using SPSS version 12 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill).Results: Univariate and multivariate analysis showed that parameters such as chronic liver disease, preexisting heart disease, mechanical ventilation and vasopressor requirement, oliguria, sepsis, hepatorenal syndrome, cardiogenic shock and admission in ICU were associated with high mortality (p<0.05). Of the 114 patients, 49 died (42.98%), 61 (53.5%) were dialysis independent and 4 patients (3.5%) progressed to end stage renal disease (ESRD).Conclusions: AKI patients requiring hemodialysis were associated with high hospital mortality.  Patients who were diagnosed to have acute glomerulonephritis especially rapidly progressing glomerulonephritis as the cause of AKI were more prone to ESRD. Most survivors were dialysis independent at the time of discharge

    Intraarticular use of tranexamic acid during primary total knee arthroplasty

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    Background: Tranexamic acid (TXA) is effective in reduction of blood loss after major surgical procedures. In TKA surgeries, it is commonly administered intravenously. Since there are contraindications of systemic use of TXA, local/intraarticular TXA can also be used. The efficacy of both systemic and local TXA administration is demonstrated in the literature. The aim was to assess the effect of intraarticular TXA during total knee arthroplasty in terms of total blood loss and transfusion rate. Methods: A total of 50 TKA in 34 patients were included in this prospective study.  Patients received one dose of intraarticular TXA of 3 g after skin closure and before deflation of the tourniquet. Results: The mean total blood loss in intra-articular TXA was 456.9 ml. None of the patients required transfusion postoperatively including those who underwent bilateral staged TKR. Mean postoperative hemoglobin loss was 1.07. Conclusions: TXA reduced blood loss and transfusion requirement. Intra-articular administration of TXA seems to be more effective in terms of reducing total blood loss and transfusion rates. We recommend administration of topical TXA in primary TKA in healthy patients to decrease perioperative blood loss

    Film coefficient of heat transfer of Freon-12 condensing inside a single horizontal tube

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    Multiple dermal cylindroma, appropriate treatment and literature review

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    Cylindromas are tumors of skin appendages. They present most commonly in the head and neck area. Many modalities have been described to treat them. We present a case of an elderly female who presented to us with recurrent lesions and was offered radical excision of all lesions versus excision of symptomatic lesions. She opted for the removal of symptomatic lesions. Surgical excision of symptomatic lesions is a reasonable alternative in elderly patients

    Estimation of Sensor-based site specific variable rate fertilizer application for maize (Zea mays L.) crop

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    Optical spectrometry sensors in crops offer a remarkable technological breakthrough in the field of variable-rate nitrogen fertilization. A field study was conducted during rainy (kharif) season of 2021 at the research farm of the Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore to estimate maize crop nitrogen (N), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) value and chlorophyll content in hybrid maize COH (M) 8. Fertilizers were administered to the plots following the recommendations (250:75:75 kg NPK ha-1) given under Soil Test Crop Response, with a goal yield of 9t ha-1 predicted based on the initial soil available N, P, and K values. The experimental findings revealed a significant impact of nitrogen rate (P&lt;0.001) on the percentage of nitrogen content in the leaves (% N leaf content). Additionally, there was a decrease in maize leaf chlorophyll content index over time, with ranges of 32.96 to 50.57, 28.78 to 41.78, 24.81 to 35.86, 22.12 to 28.54, and 14.34 to 20.56. On the contrary, the NDVI experienced an increase throughout the season, with ranges of 0.32 to 0.49, 0.30 to 0.55, 0.28 to 0.66, 0.46 to 0.88, and 0.56 to 0.84. The study will help foster sustainability within modern intensive farming practices by emphasizing the importance of reducing environmental pollution caused by applying Sensor-based site-specific nitrogen fertilizer for maize crop

    Assessment of grief in mothers with pregnancy loss and role of post bereavement counselling: a prospective study

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    Background: Pregnancy is usually a joyful experience for a woman. It is one of the milestones that, even though sometimes stressful, is rewarding for the reason that the woman takes on a new level of responsibility. Objective of present study was to assess the psychological problems associated with Pregnancy loss and effectiveness of post bereavement counselling in subjects with perinatal grief.Methods: This was a prospective study. This study was conducted at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of GCS Medical College and Hospital from January 2013 to June 2016 in collaboration with Psychiatrist of evaluation of subjects. A total of 404 patients were taken in the study. All patients with pregnancy loss including abortions, ectopic pregnancy, Intrauterine death, Stillbirth and neonatal deaths who consented to be a part of study were included in the study. After taking informed consent, study participants were assessed for perinatal grief by Perinatal Grief scale -33(PGS-33).Results: Results indicate that the process of active grief begins to occur soon after loss and resolves itself over time if no complicating factors are present. Time was found to interact with other factors in the grieving process. The number of perinatal losses, time, and the presence of living children were related to the difficulty with coping subscale of the PGS-S.Conclusions: Though time is the best healer, intervention in the form of counselling can be beneficial for patients with difficult coping and despair. Our experience with PGS-33 was that it is not very user friendly especially for patients with low education status. So, changes should be made to further simply such scales so it can be used widely and assessment should be simplified

    A comparative study of efficacy of midazolam and triclofos as oral premedication in children undergoing minor surgical procedures

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    Background: In Paediatric population, premedication is oftenly used to decrease preoperative anxiety, facilitate separation from parents and to get acceptance for face mask induction. Our study was aimed to compare the efficacy of oral midazolamandoral Triclofos as premedicants in children as sedatives, anxiolytics and to promote acceptance of facemask. Patients & Methods: Our study is prospective, randomized, double blind, controlled study involving fifty ASA-1 children between 1 to 10 years of age, undergoing elective surgery. Group A patients was allotted oral Midazolam 0.5mg kg-1 while Group B patients received Triclofos 75mg kg-1 orally as premedication. Assessment of the allowance of premedication, degree of sedation, level of anxiolysis and acceptance of face mask was done by separate scoring methods at intervals of 30 minute (till a maximum of 3 assessments) up to the child was shifted to the operating room. A parental questionnaire was useful to judge the parental satisfaction. Results: In Group A, 21 patients (82%) were awake, but calm and 4 patient (18%) was asleep during the first assessment done 30 minutes after the administration of the drug, while in Group B, only 2 patients (10%) were awake and calm and 23 patients (90%) of the patients were asleep (p value 0.000). In Group I, 13 patients (55%) did not resist the face mask and 12 patients (44%) showed slight resistance while in Group B, 2 patients (11%) showed no resistance to face mask and 13 patients (55%) showed slight resistance. Facemask acceptance was more in Group A (p value of 0.014). Conclusion: Conclusion from our study was that oral Triclofos has better premedication effect as children were sedated, calm and asleep whereas children those received oral midazolam as premedication were awake but calm and quality of face mask acceptance was better
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