45 research outputs found


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    The Covid-19 virus has not only had a critical effect on the world of health, but also had a critical effect on the world of education. To prevent the Covid-19 outbreak, the government emphasizes staying at home and limiting all activities that endanger the community. Like keeping a distance, wearing a mask and so on. With the aim for the good health of the Indonesian people. But of course this epidemic has an impact on the world of education. However, this is where the principal's big role is in overcoming the problems that occurred when this epidemic emerged. The purposes of this study were to: 1. To determine the influence of the leadership of the Madrasah head during the pandemic at MAN 3 Medan, 2. To find out the learning system carried out by the Madrasah Head at MAN 3 Medan, 3. To find out how online learning works at MAN 3 Medan . The method used in this study is a quantitative research method by means of interviews and field observations. In this study, researchers used this method to facilitate the research process. In this study of the influence of the principal's leadership, it can be concluded that the principal plays an important role in handling learning during the Covid 19 pandemic in maintaining school accreditation and the quality of learning that occurs, especially in Man 3 Medan. The principal must also be able to optimize learning even though it is not face-to-face as usual, using performance that can really make students understand the material even though they are online..Principal Leadership, Improving the Quality of Student Learnin

    Dynamic Analysis on the Safety Criteria of the Conceptual Core Design in MTR-type Research Reactor

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    One of thehigh-priority research activities in BATAN is designing a new MTR-type research reactor with a new fuel. The core follows a compact core model that consists of 16 fuels and 4 control rods. The increasing heat flux at the fuel will cause the temperature of the fuel and cladding to increase so that the coolant flow rate needs tobe increased. However, the coolant flow rate in the fuel element is limited by the thermal-hydraulic stability in the core. Therefore, dynamic analysis is important in evaluating the design and operation of nuclear reactor safety. The objective of this research work is to carry out a dynamic analysis for a conceptual MTR research reactor core fuelled with the low-enrichment U9Mo-Al dispersion. The calculations were performed using WIMSD-5B, Batan-2DIFF, Batan-3DIFF, POKDYN, and MTRDYN codes. Steady-state thermal-hydraulic parameters and dynamic analysis were determined using the MTRDYN code. The calculation results show that the maximum temperatures of the coolant, cladding, and fuel meat with the uranium density of 3.96 g cm-3 are 76.01 °C, 192.02 °C, and 196.24 °C, respectively. The maximum value of fuel meat temperature for safety limit is 210 °C, which means that the maximum temperatures fulfill the design limit, and therefore the reactor operates safely at the nominal power. The dynamic analysis shows that inherent safety can protect the reactor operation when insertion of reactivity occurs in the core

    Safety Analysis of the TRIGA 2000 U3Si2-Al Fuel Core Under Reactivity Insertion Accidents

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    TheTRIGA 2000 reactor in Bandung is planned to change its fuel type from the TRIGA fuel rod type to the U3Si2-Al plate type of low enriched uranium of 19.75 % with uranium density of 2.96 gU/cc. A study on the neutronic parameters from the equilibrium core has been done. To ensure safe operation of the new fuel,  thermodynamic evaluation of the core needs to be done. The purpose of this study is to conduct a reactor safety analysis of reactivity insertion during withdrawal of the control rod and to study the effect of this reactivity insertion on the power and the maximum temperature of the fuel and the cladding. Reactivity insertion accident is the main factor of the design basis accidents in nuclear reactor design. A simulation of transient for reactivity insertion has been carried out using a coupled neutronic and thermal-hydraulic MTR-DYN code. The code was developed based on three-dimensional multigroup neutron diffusion theory. The coupled space and time-dependent problem were solved by adiabatic model. Transient analysis was performed for a reactivity insertion of 32.33 pcm/s with the assumption that all of the control rods were rapidly withdrawn. For the insertion at a low power of 100 W, the maximum power achieved was 2.74 MW while a maximum power of 2.3 MW was achieved for the power transient of 1 MW. The maximum temperature of the coolant, the cladding, and the fuel for TRIGA 2000 core does not exceed the allowable safety limit for reactivity insertions


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    Sungai Musi merupakan sungai terbesar dan terpanjang di Sumatra Selatan. Berkembangnya kegiatan penduduk di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Musi dapat berpengaruh terhadap kualitas air sungai dan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya pencemaran. Tingginya aktivitas industri maupun rumah tangga di sepanjang Sungai Musi menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas lingkungan di DAS Musi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat pencemaran yang terjadi di DAS Musi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan mengetahui tingkat saprobitas di sepanjang DAS Musi bagian hilir berdasarkan nilai SI (Saprobik Indeks), serta mengetahui tingkat pencemaran air menggunakan penilaian saprobitas perairan. Penelitian ini menggunakan plankton sebagai bioindikator pencemaran organik perairan. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan eksplorasi dengan metode survei, dan penetapan stasiun pengambilan sampel dengan metode purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelimpahan fitoplankton di perairan Sungai Musi pada rentang 123-2581 sel/liter atau rata-rata sebesar 1397 sel/liter. Indeks Saprobik di perairan Sungai Musi berkisar antara 0,63-1, digolongkan pada fasesaprobik, yaitu β-Mesosaprobik, sehingga pada perairan Sungai Musi digolongkan pada tingkat pencemaran ringan.The Musi River is the largest and longest river in South Sumatra. The development of population activities in the Musi River Basin can affect river water quality and can cause pollution. The high level of industrial activity and households along the Musi River causes a decrease in environmental quality in the Musi River Basin. The declining quality of aquatic environment can be seen from the presence of phytoplankton. Based on this, further research is needed to determine the extent of pollution in the Musi River Basin. The purpose of this study is to assess saprobitas along the Musi River Basin based on SI (Saprobic Index) value and knowing the level of water pollution using saprobitas water assessment. This study uses plankton as a bioindicator of aquatic organic pollution. This study uses an exploratory design with survey methods, and the determination of sampling stations by purposive sampling method. The results showed abundance of phytoplankton in the waters of the Musi River in the range of 123 to 2581 cells.liter-1 or an average of 1397 cells.liter-1. The Saprobic index in the waters of the Musi River ranges from 0.631 to 1, classified in the phases of the microbial, namely β-Mesosaprobic, so that the waters of the Musi River are classified as mild

    Penanganan Sengketa Pemilu

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    Tulisan ini mengupas salah satu masalah dalam pemilihan umum yang semakin penting dibahas, yakni masalah penyelesaian sengketa atau perselisihan pemilu. Masalah ini perlu untuk dibahas karena beberapa alasan

    Memaksimalkan Derajat Keterwakilan Partai Politik dan Meningkatkan Akuntabilitas Calon Terpilih

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    Sesuai dengan judul, dua pertanyaan menjadi fokus tulisan ini.Pertama, formula pemilihan atau metode pembagian kursi macam apakah yang lebih menjamin keterwakilan partai politik yang lebih adil di lembaga perwakilan rakyat? Kedua, desainsistem pemilihan umum macam apakah yang lebih menjamin akuntabilitas calon terpilih

    Engagement and Graduation in Text of the Law on Electronic Information and Transaction

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    The objective of this study was to describe the pattern of Engagement and Graduation in text of UU ITE (the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11/2008 on Electronic Information and Transaction). The data were collected from the text transcript of UU ITE. This study employed the theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics with parameter of category of Appraisal. The data were analyzed, distributed and interpreted to observe the status and type of semantic and grammatical means of categories found in the context of the discourse based on the Appraisal framework. The results of the study demonstrated that (1) the pattern of the lexical means conveying positioning used in the text of UU ITE tended to be Engagement ∧ Heterogloss ∧ Intra-vocalization ∧ Open ∧ Modality. Based on the design form or structure, the lexical means conveying Engagement in UU ITE was dominantly found in Chapter VII on prohibited actions and in Chapter III on electronic information, document and signature (2) the pattern of the lexical means conveying Graduation used in the text of UU ITE tended to be Graduation ∧ Force ∧ Quantification ∧ Time. According to the design form and structure, the lexical means conveying Graduation in UU ITE was dominantly found in Chapter XI on criminal provisions.   Keywords: engagement, graduation, UU ITE, modality

    Calculation of Control Rods Reactivity Worth of RSG-GAS First Core Using Deterministic and Monte Carlo Methods

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    The control rod worth is a key parameter for the research reactor operation and utilization. Control rod worth computation is a challenge for the fully-deterministic and Monte Carlo calculations, including the few-group cross section generation, and the core analysis. The safe and reliable utilization of research reactor demands the possible accurate information of control rod worth because they are used to compensate the excess reactivity for safe reactor operation and its controlled shut down. The criticality positions of the control rods change with time due to buildup of fission products during the reactor operation. It is therefore important to determine the reactivity worth of control rods. The aim of this article is to obtain reliable control rod worth of the first core of RSG-GAS as a verification and validation result. For this purpose, deterministic and Monte Carlo models of the reactor core were developed and confirmed by the experimental results of excess reactivity, shutdown margin, and combined control rod reactivity worth using the combination of WIMSD-5B and Batan-3DIFF computer codes. WIMSD-5B is a neutron transport theory-based lattice cell modeling code that is used for the generation of group constants for different regions of the reactor core. These are provided as input to the diffusion theory based Batan-3DIFF code which performs the global core calculations for the reactor system. For the Monte Carlo model, to estimate the reactivity worth of control rods, the MCNP6 code is used. The result of this analysis showed that for the integral control rod worth a good agreement was found between experimental data and Monte Carlo simulation results but up to 5 % difference occurred between experimental results and diffusion result