12 research outputs found

    Models of sports student exchange and the role of their support systems

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    Establishing student exchange programs is one way for sports science faculty to support the University to be a world-class university. For several years the faculty has been hosting several batches of a sports students exchange (SSE) program that gains interest and benefits for the students and the institution; however, limited studies have been conducted to present information about the program and its support system. This research is conducted to explain and give an overview of the program as well as explore the support system of the program. Three primary data, namely a depth-interview, questionnaire, and documentation, are gathered to explore the SSE program. The participants are lectures, faculty management, and students involved in the SSE in 2018-2019. The existence of the SSE program was exceedingly influenced by the faculty participation in AUCPESS. A grant from the Dharmasiswa Scholarship that aimed to bolster the exchange of culture and build up the Faculty's International atmosphere was the first booster. However, after the funding stopped, the program ran independently with non-financial support from Rector, faculty management, partner universities, and students. Hence, funding is not a pivotal issue as long as the University and faculty management eager to support the program


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    Kudus Regency Sport Center is a sports activity center area for athletes and the community in Kudus Regency. This study aims to determine how the management of Sport Center management planning in Kudus Regency is based on the fundamental function of planning management (planning). The planning indicators that will be achieved in this research are (1) what is the goal of building a Sport Center; (2) what is the policy at the Sport Center; (3) how the strategies used in the management; (4) how are human resources in management; and (5) where are the sources of funds used for management. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research type. The data collected using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The subjects in this study were managers, employees, and users of the Sport Center. By using data analysis techniques carried out through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the management planning of the Sport Center in Kudus Regency was still lacking, in its management it did not have a special strategy for each area/building and only relied on funding sources from APBD II.  Sport Center Kabupaten Kudus merupakan area pusat kegiatan olahraga bagi atlet dan masyarakat di Kabupaten Kudus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana manajemen perencanaan pengelolaan Sport Center di Kabupaten Kudus berdasarkan fungsi fundamental manajemen perencanaan (planning). Indikator perencanaan yang akan dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) apa tujuan pembangunan Sport Center; (2) bagaimana kebijakan yang ada di Sport Center; (3) bagaimana strategi yang digunakan dalam pengelolaan; (4) bagaimana sumbed daya manusia dalam pengelolaan; serta (5) darimana saja sumber dana yang digunakan dalam pengelolaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah pengelola, karyawan, dan pengguna Sport Center. Dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data yang dilakukan melalui pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan pengelolaan Sport Center Kabupaten Kudus masih kurang, dalam pengelolaannya tidak mempunyai strategi khusus untuk setiap area/gedung serta hanya mengandalkan sumber dana dari APBD II. &nbsp


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    During the Covid-19 pandemic, the main thing to pay attention to is maintaining health, one of which is jogging. Jogging is a simple sport usually done by the community. GOR Tri Competition Juang facilities from the government as a free sports venue. The purpose of this study was to find out the community's motivation for jogging during the pandemic at the Tri Lomba Juang GOR, Semarang city. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection is simple random sampling, data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The target of this research is the people of Semarang city doing jogging activities on the athletic field of the Tri Competition Juang GOR. The results of the research on the motivation of the people of the city of Semarang towards jogging during the Covid-19 pandemic came from intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Higher intrinsic factor, respondents were motivated from within to jog during the pandemic. While extrinsic factors are lower because of encouragement from family and friends. The public's understanding of the benefits of jogging during a pandemic is explained for health during a pandemic such as increasing endurance, body immunity, and avoiding stress during the Covid-19 pandemic. The conclusion of the study is that the motivation of the people of Semarang to jogging during the Covid-19 pandemic is that the intrinsic factor is higher than the extrinsic factor. Public understanding of the benefits of jogging during a pandemic for body health and coping with stress.  Pada masa pandemi Covid-19, hal utama yang diperhatikan menjaga kesehatan, salah satunya olahraga jogging. Olahraga jogging merupakan olahraga sederhana biasa dilakukan oleh masyarakat. GOR Tri Lomba Juang fasilitas dari pemerintah sebagai tempat olahraga gratis. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui motivasi masyarakat terhadap olahraga jogging pada masa pandemi di GOR Tri Lomba Juang kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Pengambilan data simple random sampling, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sasaran penelitian ini masyarakat kota Semarang melakukan aktivitas olahraga jogging di lapangan atletik GOR Tri Lomba Juang. Hasil penelitian motivasi masyarakat kota Semarang terhadap olahraga jogging di masa pandemi Covid-19 berasal dari faktor intrinsik dan ekstrinsik. Faktor intrinsik lebih tinggi, responden terdorong dari dalam diri untuk jogging di masa pandemi. Sedangkan faktor ekstrinsik lebih rendah karena dorongan dari   keluarga dan teman. Pemahaman masyarakat terhadap manfaat jogging di masa pandemi dijelaskan untuk kesehatan di masa pandemi seperti meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, imunitas tubuh, dan terhindar dari stress di masa pandemi Covid-19. Simpulan penelitian, bahwa motivasi masyarakat kota Semarang terhadap olahraga jogging pada masa pandemi Covid-19 adalah faktor intrinsik lebih tinggi dari faktor ekstrinsik. Pemahaman masyarakat terhadap manfaat olahraga jogging di masa pandemi untuk kesehatan tubuh dan coping stress. &nbsp


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    UNNES dalam upayanya untuk menjadi world-class university terus meningkatkan kualitasnya untuk dapat lebih bersaing dengan universitas yang lain yang diwujudkan dengan adanya kebijakan akselerasi internasionalisasi. Salah satu strategi yang perlu dilakukan adalah peningkatan sumber daya manusia civitas akademika UNNES. Sejalan dengan usaha tersebut Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan sebagai bagian dari UNNES berupaya mendukung program tersebut dengan mengadakan pelatihan bahasa Inggris untuk dosen program studi PJKR. Pelatihan ini mencakup pelatihan percakapan, presentasi, teaching instruction, dan menulis email dalam bahasa Inggris. Program ini secara keseluruhan menitikberatkan pada program teaching instruction. Sebanyak 15 dosen dari program studi PJKR terlibat dalam pelatihan ini. Kegiatan E-Sports-C ini sangat memberikan konstribusi yang positif bagi beberapa unsur terkait, yakni dosen PJKR serta bagi lembaga FIK Unnes. Sehingga Dosen FIK Unnes akan dapat mengembalikan semangat FIK sebagai Hub of Sports and Health Center yang diakui oleh akademisi intenasional

    English language learning motivation of sports exchange students

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    One of the benefits from students exchange program is to learn a foreign language. In the Faculty of Sports Science, UNNES, most students going abroad all-around Southeast Asia which English is the medium of instruction between countries. Thus, the exchange program were likely helped to motivate them to learn English. However, limited studies have discussed the English learning motivation of students who have been studying abroad. This study aims to explain the students’ motivation to learn English after being exposed to the exchange experience. The study explains their motivation in two domains: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. It is descriptive quantitative research with a set of questionnaires as the primary source of data supported by interviews as the secondary data. The subjects of this study are 37 students from 4 majors; sports science (12), public health (11), physical education (7), and coaching education (7) which consisted of 20 females and 17 males, under the Faculty of Sports Science, UNNES who experienced the exchange programs between 2018-2019. The study found that personal belief on the importance of English to upgrade self-capacity, followed by practical practice of independent study to upgrade English performance, are the intrinsic motivational factors embraced by the exchange students. Furthermore, the exchange students’ view of the importance of English for their future career and the positive opinion from their environment on the people who can speak English have extrinsically motivated them to learn English. Future study needs to involve bigger participants by comparing those exchange and non-exchange students and examine the role of motivation toward the student's learning performance

    Optimalisasi Peningkatan Kebugaran Tubuh Melalui Aquarobics Training for Fitness [ATF]

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    Abstract: The athlete's physical condition can affect the athlete's appearance during training or competition, so that they cannot perform optimally. This activity aims to provide knowledge and skills for implementing the Aquarobic Training for Fitness (ATF) program. The method of this activity is carried out through two activities, namely the presentation and discussion method as well as the practical method of aquarobics training for fitness, which was held on August 13 and 14, 2022, at Club House Paramount Village, Semarang. Physical fitness checks include measurements of weight, height, blood pressure, body fat percentage, and heart rate. The results of community service through Aquarobics Training for Fitness for athletes and coaches went well; as many as 4 [38 %] participants had very good fitness and 8 [62%] had good fitness, which shows good reciprocity in the implementation of community service activities  Increased understanding of body fitness is indicated by changes in blood pressure and heart rate that are monitored during activities.  Abstrak, kondisi fisik atlet dapat mempengaruhi penampilan atlet pada saat latihan atau pertandingan, sehingga tidak dapat tampil secara maksimal. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menerapkan program Aquarobic Training For Fitness (ATF). Metode kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui dua kegiatan yaitu metode presentasi dan diskusi, serta metode  praktik Aquarobics Training for Fitness yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13dan 14 Agustus 2022 di Club House Paramount Village, Semarang. Pemeriksaan kebugaran tubuh mencakup pengukuran berat badan, tinggi badan, tekanan darah, presentase lemak tubuh, dan denyut jantung. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat melalui Aquarobics Training for Fitness pada atlet dan pelatih berjalan dengan baik,  sebanyak 4 [38 %] peserta memiliki kebugaran sangat baik dan 8 [62 %]  memiliki kebugaran baik, hal ini menunjukkan adanya timbal balik yang baik dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat. Peningkatan pemahaman kebugaran tubuh  ditandai dengan perubahan  tekanan darah dan denyut jantung yang dipantau selama kegiatan berlangsung.

    Training during the COVID-19 lockdown : knowledge, beliefs, and practices of 12,526 athletes from 142 countries and six continents

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    OBJECTIVE Our objective was to explore the training-related knowledge, beliefs, and practices of athletes and the influence of lockdowns in response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). METHODS Athletes (n = 12,526, comprising 13% world class, 21% international, 36% national, 24% state, and 6% recreational) completed an online survey that was available from 17 May to 5 July 2020 and explored their training behaviors (training knowledge, beliefs/attitudes, and practices), including specific questions on their training intensity, frequency, and session duration before and during lockdown (March–June 2020). RESULTS Overall, 85% of athletes wanted to “maintain training,” and 79% disagreed with the statement that it is “okay to not train during lockdown,” with a greater prevalence for both in higher-level athletes. In total, 60% of athletes considered “coaching by correspondence (remote coaching)” to be sufficient (highest amongst world-class athletes). During lockdown, < 40% were able to maintain sport-specific training (e.g., long endurance [39%], interval training [35%], weightlifting [33%], most (83%) training for “general fitness and health maintenance” during lockdown. Athletes trained alone (80%) and focused on bodyweight (65%) and cardiovascular (59%) exercise/training during lockdown. Compared with before lockdown, most athletes reported reduced training frequency (from between five and seven sessions per week to four or fewer), shorter training sessions (from ≄ 60 to < 60 min), and lower sport-specific intensity (~ 38% reduction), irrespective of athlete classification. CONCLUSIONS COVID-19-related lockdowns saw marked reductions in athletic training specificity, intensity, frequency, and duration, with notable within-sample differences (by athlete classification). Higher classification athletes had the strongest desire to “maintain” training and the greatest opposition to “not training” during lockdowns. These higher classification athletes retained training specificity to a greater degree than others, probably because of preferential access to limited training resources. More higher classification athletes considered “coaching by correspondence” as sufficient than did lower classification athletes. These lockdown-mediated changes in training were not conducive to maintenance or progression of athletes’ physical capacities and were also likely detrimental to athletes’ mental health. These data can be used by policy makers, athletes, and their multidisciplinary teams to modulate their practice, with a degree of individualization, in the current and continued pandemic-related scenario. Furthermore, the data may drive training-related educational resources for athletes and their multidisciplinary teams. Such upskilling would provide athletes with evidence to inform their training modifications in response to germane situations (e.g., COVID related, injury, and illness).A specific funding was provided by the National Sports Institute of Malaysia for this study.The National Sports Institute of Malaysia.https://www.springer.com/journal/40279am2023Sports Medicin

    COVID-19 lockdown : a global study investigating athletes’ sport classification and sex on training practices

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    PURPOSE : To investigate differences in athletes’ knowledge, beliefs, and training practices during COVID-19 lockdowns with reference to sport classification and sex. This work extends an initial descriptive evaluation focusing on athlete classification. METHODS : Athletes (12,526; 66% male; 142 countries) completed an online survey (May–July 2020) assessing knowledge, beliefs, and practices toward training. Sports were classified as team sports (45%), endurance (20%), power/technical (10%), combat (9%), aquatic (6%), recreational (4%), racquet (3%), precision (2%), parasports (1%), and others (1%). Further analysis by sex was performed. RESULTS : During lockdown, athletes practiced body-weight-based exercises routinely (67% females and 64% males), ranging from 50% (precision) to 78% (parasports). More sport-specific technical skills were performed in combat, parasports, and precision (∌50%) than other sports (∌35%). Most athletes (range: 50% [parasports] to 75% [endurance]) performed cardiorespiratory training (trivial sex differences). Compared to prelockdown, perceived training intensity was reduced by 29% to 41%, depending on sport (largest decline: ∌38% in team sports, unaffected by sex). Some athletes (range: 7%–49%) maintained their training intensity for strength, endurance, speed, plyometric, change-of-direction, and technical training. Athletes who previously trained ≄5 sessions per week reduced their volume (range: 18%–28%) during lockdown. The proportion of athletes (81%) training ≄60 min/session reduced by 31% to 43% during lockdown. Males and females had comparable moderate levels of training knowledge (56% vs 58%) and beliefs/attitudes (54% vs 56%). CONCLUSIONS : Changes in athletes’ training practices were sport-specific, with few or no sex differences. Team-based sports were generally more susceptible to changes than individual sports. Policy makers should provide athletes with specific training arrangements and educational resources to facilitate remote and/or home-based training during lockdown-type events.https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijspp/ijspp-overview.xmlhj2023Sports Medicin

    Training during the COVID-19 lockdown : knowledge, beliefs, and practices of 12,526 athletes from 142 countries and six continents

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    OBJECTIVE Our objective was to explore the training-related knowledge, beliefs, and practices of athletes and the influence of lockdowns in response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). METHODS Athletes (n = 12,526, comprising 13% world class, 21% international, 36% national, 24% state, and 6% recreational) completed an online survey that was available from 17 May to 5 July 2020 and explored their training behaviors (training knowledge, beliefs/attitudes, and practices), including specific questions on their training intensity, frequency, and session duration before and during lockdown (March–June 2020). RESULTS Overall, 85% of athletes wanted to “maintain training,” and 79% disagreed with the statement that it is “okay to not train during lockdown,” with a greater prevalence for both in higher-level athletes. In total, 60% of athletes considered “coaching by correspondence (remote coaching)” to be sufficient (highest amongst world-class athletes). During lockdown, < 40% were able to maintain sport-specific training (e.g., long endurance [39%], interval training [35%], weightlifting [33%], most (83%) training for “general fitness and health maintenance” during lockdown. Athletes trained alone (80%) and focused on bodyweight (65%) and cardiovascular (59%) exercise/training during lockdown. Compared with before lockdown, most athletes reported reduced training frequency (from between five and seven sessions per week to four or fewer), shorter training sessions (from ≄ 60 to < 60 min), and lower sport-specific intensity (~ 38% reduction), irrespective of athlete classification. CONCLUSIONS COVID-19-related lockdowns saw marked reductions in athletic training specificity, intensity, frequency, and duration, with notable within-sample differences (by athlete classification). Higher classification athletes had the strongest desire to “maintain” training and the greatest opposition to “not training” during lockdowns. These higher classification athletes retained training specificity to a greater degree than others, probably because of preferential access to limited training resources. More higher classification athletes considered “coaching by correspondence” as sufficient than did lower classification athletes. These lockdown-mediated changes in training were not conducive to maintenance or progression of athletes’ physical capacities and were also likely detrimental to athletes’ mental health. These data can be used by policy makers, athletes, and their multidisciplinary teams to modulate their practice, with a degree of individualization, in the current and continued pandemic-related scenario. Furthermore, the data may drive training-related educational resources for athletes and their multidisciplinary teams. Such upskilling would provide athletes with evidence to inform their training modifications in response to germane situations (e.g., COVID related, injury, and illness).A specific funding was provided by the National Sports Institute of Malaysia for this study.The National Sports Institute of Malaysia.https://www.springer.com/journal/40279am2023Sports Medicin