8 research outputs found

    Exploration of Case-Based Collaborative Participatory Learning in International Human Resource Management Course

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    This study aims to explore learning with case-based learning (CBL) approach to increase student participation individually and collaboratively. This study used quantitative methods to know the students response with the case-based learning process that was implemented in International Human Resource Management (HRMI) classes. As 125 respondents filled out an online questionnaire by Google Form. The following are the results of the research: 1) lecturers deliver lecture materials communicatively and have an essentials role as an opening in the learning process to stimulate enthusiasm, participation, and understanding that leads to how far the level of student satisfaction in the learning process; 2) student participation in the discussion of the material was only 59.2% of the total respondents, this happened due to the reduction in the duration of lectures during the pandemic. To coping this phenomenon, lecturers prepared video material for each chapter in each meeting to be accessed independently. 3) less than half of the respondents were active in discussing cases (48.8%). It is relevant to the findings of students feeling afraid/anxious to show up/talk in discussing cases. The results indicate that lectures performance have significant effect on students' enthusiasm, participation, understanding, and satisfaction more and less with a percentage range from 12.9% to 43.1%. Also, the level of students' understanding that emerged from this case-based learning method was as much as 30.9%, which was understood from the beginning to involved in the value component other than the mid-term and final exams. Study for the future is the need to give more attention to class ratios, learning media (face-to-face or virtual), the readiness of the technology used by teachers and class participants, and how relevant the cases with the lecture material delivered

    Transformational Leadership on Performance: Mediating Role of Flexible Work Arrangements and Work Engagements (Study on the Coffee Shop Industry in Yogyakarta)

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    This study deals with the effect of transformational leadership and flexible work arrangement on performance through work engagement as an intervening variable in the cafe industry in Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the variables to be studied, namely transformational leadership, flexible work arrangement, work en- gagement, and performance. Respondents in this study were 106 workers from 34 cafes in Yogyakarta. The data collection method in this study used a questionnaire with 5 Likert scales. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive effect of the variables tested for both direct and indirect impact. However, the value is not greater than the immediate effect. This research aims to increase the opportunities for determining flexible work arrangements, strengthening transformational leadership, especially em- ployee motivation and involvement, and maintaining performance through a suitable communication process


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    This study aims to examine the effect of psychological climate and affective commitment to enhance job involvement. Initially that a pleasant working conditionssupporting personal commitment and to participate more in the workplace. Data were gained 133 employees of preschool in Sukoharjo and Mojolaban, Sukoharjo regency, Central Java.It is an interesting research that the employees are required professionalism in the work, also need a good working environment. Employees also faced compensation gap compared to the duties carried out. This research also found the daily requirement gap that can determine employees'commitment in providing services for institution


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    This research intends to ascertain the impact of work engagement as mediatior that affect relationships between challenge stressors and job demand toward employee creativity. The sample size of 120 respondents in this quantitative study were online ride-hailing drivers from Go-Jek, Grab, Shopee-Food, and Maxim who were located across some major cities and regions in Indonesian. Purposive sampling is used to collect the required data for analysis, and Google Forms are used to distribute surveys and questionnaire in online fashion. The result shows that challenge stressors has a positive and significant influence on creativity and work engagement, as well as the impact of job demand on creativity and especially for work engagement is not significant, then mediation role of work engagement did not confirm this relationship. Moreover, work engagement mediates the relationship of challenge stressors toward creativity


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    Kampung Wisata (Kamwis) Purbayan, Kota Gede, D.I.Yogyakarta merupakan kampung wisata budaya yang sangat potensial karena beberapa aspek (1) kekhasan seni budaya, (2) keutuhan situs-situs dan artefak sejarah meski telah ada sejak abad 16, dan (3) menjadi sentra bagi para tokoh seniman berdomisili di Kamwis Purbayan. Potensi ini menjadikan kelurahan Purbayan sebagai ekosistem yang tepat bagi pemurnian seni budaya, eksibisi artefak dan produk-produk kekhasan budaya, dan kaderisasi generasi penerus ‘penguri-uri’ budaya. Hal-hal tersebut menjadi modal kuat bagi Kamwis Purbayan menarik para wisatawan baik domestik maupun mancanegara untuk berkunjung, belajar dan mendapat pengalaman dari keaslian dan keunikan sebuah budaya. Pengabdian ini bertujuan menguatkan kembali ekosistem Kampung Wisata Budaya yang sempat surut karena pandemi Covid-19 melanda melalui pendekatan pemasaran digital. Teknik ini diharapkan menjadi solusi sekaligus pemberdayaan bagi masyarakat untuk tetap mempromosikan Kamwis tanpa terdampak signifikan oleh pandemi. Metode yang digunakan di antaranya observasi, analisis kebutuhan, dan projek luaran branding bersama mitra. Hasil pengabdian berupa video profil dan vlog yang dapat dimanfaatkan pengurus kampung wisata guna mempromosikan warisan budaya Purbayan dengan jangkauan lokal dan mancanegara. Melalui kegiatan ini masyarakat dapat terbantu dalam memasarkan Kamwis yang selama ini terkendala oleh turunnya peminat selama dan pasca pandemi


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    The purpose of this study is to determine a relationship model between Psychological Climate (PC) toward performance within job stress and job satisfaction as a mediator. Primary data were obtained by distributing online questionnaires. The population in this research is the teachers of educational institutions in Indonesia. Obtained 161 people with minimum requirements have worked for one year at the institution (purposive sampling). This research uses validity and reliability test, goodness-of-fit model assumption, and hypothesis testing with SEM analysis of Amos 18.0. Based on data analyzed, four of eight hypotheses proposed are have significant influence; 1) PC on job satisfaction, 2) stress on performance, 3) job satisfaction on performance, and 4) there is a role for job satisfaction in mediating the influence of PC on performance. In addition, there are insignificant effects; 1) PC on stress, 2) PC on performance, 3) job stress on job satisfaction, and 4) job stress have no a significant effect as a mediator between PC on performance

    How are leaders trusted in the knowledge-sharing process?

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    This study aims to define the effect of transformational leadership on knowledge sharing; this study also seeks to analyze the mediating role of self-efficacy and trust in leaders in the connection between transformational leadership and knowledge sharing. This quantitative study used a questionnaire with a simple random sampling technique to collect data. Questionnaire measurement uses a Likert scale from 1 – 5, distributed with the help of jakpat.net as a media survey. Respondents in this study were staff-level hotel employees throughout Indonesia, with a total of 143 respondents. Data were analyzed and processed by the PLS-SEM method and path analysis. The bootstrapping method is used to test the hypothesis. This study indicates that transformational leadership has a positive and significant impact on knowledge sharing, transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on self-efficacy, and transformational leadership has a positive and significant impact on trust in leaders. Then self-efficacy and faith in a leader positively and significantly impact knowledge sharing. It has also been confirmed that there is a mediating role of self-efficacy and trust in the leader in the indirect relationship between transformational leadership and knowledge sharing