126 research outputs found

    Optimal Clustering approach used for concurrent Probabilistic Graphs

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    Presently days probabilistic diagram have more enthusiasm for the information mining group. After perception it is find that connections may exist among contiguous edges in different probabilistic diagrams. As one of the fundamental mining procedures, diagram bunching is generally utilized as a part of information investigation where an issue that has not been obviously characterized, for example, information pressure, data recovery, picture division, and so on. Diagram grouping is utilized to partition information into groups as indicated by their similitudes, and various calculations have been proposed for bunching charts, for example, the pKwik Cluster calculation, unearthly grouping, k-way grouping, and so on. Thusly, little research has been performed to create proficient grouping calculations for probabilistic charts. However, it turns out to be all the more difficult to proficiently bunch probabilistic diagrams when relationships are considered. In this paper, we   characterize the issue of bunching connected probabilistic diagrams and its strategies which are utilized before and its issue. To tackle the testing issue two calculations, in particular the PEEDR and the CPGS bunching calculation are characterized for each of the proposed calculations, and after that likewise characterize in the ballpark of a few pruning systems to further enhance their productivity. Probabilistic Graphs is watched that connections may exist among nearby edges in different probabilistic charts of the information mining group. Commonly, information mining bunching has been demonstrated as the issue of preparing a double group utilizing audits robotized for positive or negative supposition result. Bunch, slant is communicated contrastingly in diverse areas, and clarifying corpora for each conceivable area of hobby is unreasonable Automatic bunching of assessment is essential for various applications, for example, exploratory information examination, for example, information pressure, data recovery, picture division, and so forth. Bunches assess the adequacy and effectiveness of our calculations and pruning strategies through far reaching examinations. Bunch utilize the made thesaurus to extend highlight vectors amid train and test times in a twofold classifier. Bunches characterize the issue of bunching associated probabilistic diagrams. To tackle the testing issue, Cluster propose two calculations, to be specific the SPEEDR's/ PEEDR's and the CPG'S grouping calculation. For each of the proposed calculations, Cluster builds up a few pruning procedures to further enhance their proficiency

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    Recognition and elimination of tumor cells by the immune system is crucial for limiting tumor growth. Natural killer (NK) cells become activated when the receptor NKG2D is engaged by ligands that are frequently upregulated in primary tumors and on cancer cell lines. However, the molecular mechanisms driving NKG2D ligand expression on tumor cells are not well defined. Using a forward genetic screen in a tumor-derived human cell line, we identified several novel factors supporting expression of the NKG2D ligand ULBP1. Our results show stepwise contributions of independent pathways working at multiple stages of ULBP1 biogenesis. Deeper investigation of selected hits from the screen showed that the transcription factor ATF4 drives ULBP1 gene expression in cancer cell lines, while the RNA-binding protein RBM4 supports ULBP1 expression by suppressing a novel alternatively spliced isoform of ULBP1 mRNA. These findings offer insight into the stress pathways that alert the immune system to danger. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.08474.00

    The translation initiation factor, PeIF5B, from Pisum sativum displays chaperone activity

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    We earlier documented the structural and functional characterization of PeIF5B factor from Pisum sativum that shows strong homology to the universal translation initiation factor eIF5B (Rasheedi et al., 2007, 2010 and ). We now show that PeIF5B is an unusually thermo-stable protein resisting temperatures up to 95 °C. PeIF5B prevents thermal aggregation of heat labile proteins, such as citrate synthase (CS) and NdeI, under heat stress or chemical denaturation conditions and promotes their functional folding. It also prevents the aggregation of DTT induced insulin reduction. GTP appears to stimulate PeIF5B-mediated chaperone activity. In-vivo, PeIF5B over expression significantly enhances, the viability of Escherichia coli cells after heat stress (50 °C). These observations lead us to conclude that PeIF5B, in addition to its role in protein translation, has chaperone like activity and could be likely involved in protein folding and protection from stress

    Real time performance assessment of utility grid interfaced solar photovoltaic plant

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    Continuous monitoring of large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) installations is necessary to check the deterioration and monitor the performance of the PV plant. Fault diagnosis is crucial to ensure the PV plant operates safely and reliably. This paper presents a diagnosis methodology based on current-voltage (I-V) and PV characteristics to monitor and assess the behavior of solar PV. In this paper, I-V curve characterization using an I-V curve tracer is used to check the deterioration and diagnosis of the PV panels. The real-time performance of the 50.4 kWp rooftop solar grid interfaced PV plant is investigated and analyzed using I-V and PV curve tracers in real-time conditions. The overall performance of solar PV is assessed on a real-time test system in different scenarios such as variable climatic conditions, partial shading conditions, aging of solar panels, short circuit conditions, and dust decomposition. Furthermore, the performance assessment of solar PV is evaluated using performance indicators such as open circuit voltage index, short circuit current index, fill factor, and performance ratio