90 research outputs found


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    Abstract In general, the epistemology of Islamic educational science has three strong tendencies, namely epistemology serve is epistemology which assumes that the source of knowledge is the revelation (text) or reasoning of the text. Irfani epistemology is epistemology which assumes that science is the will (irodah). Burhani epistemology is an epistemology which holds that the source of science is reason. Reason according to this epistemology has the ability to find a variety of knowledge, even in the midwife of religion even though the intellect is able to know it, such as good and bad problems (tansin and tahbih). With this, it is theologically justified from the Qur'an. In the Qur'an many verses are found which speak of knowledge derived from rationality. With that, Islamic education should change the format, form, orientation and educational method with the record not to change the vision, mission and orientation of Islamic teachings themselves, but the changes are only on the outside only, while on the inside is still maintained. In many ways, Islamic education systems and institutions have been modernized and adapted to the demands of development and, with the goal of contemporary Islamic education, not only changed the sociocultural and educational base of the students alone but also the Islamic education is expected to solve the moral and ethical problems of science modern. Keywords: Epistemology, Islamic Educational Philosophy, Globalization


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    AbstractThis article analyzes the importance of preserving the local cultural values of the archipelago in addition to facing the negative impacts of social change caused by globalization. The phenomenon that society now faces is a very basic social and cultural change. Acceleration of information wave globalization bring significant changes in society, both at the level of surface structure (attitude and behavior patterns) and deep structure (value system, life view, philosophy and belief). Changes occur because of inter-state cultural contacts that are interpreted by the dialectic of new values with old values that dominate each other, which allows homogenization and neoliberalization in all aspects of life including local cultural values that have been the guidance of society. This condition gives rise to spit and a sense of value because society is more glorifying modern value by marginalizing transcendental value. As a result there are various forms of deviation of moral values that are reflected in the style, style, and lifestyle of society. Therefore, the strengthening and inheritance of local cultural values needs to be done intensively in the younger generation.AbstrakArtikel ini menganalisis pentingnya pelestarian nilai-nilai budaya lokal nusantara selain untuk menghadapi berbagai dampak negatif perubahan sosial yang diakibatkan globalisasi. Gejala yang dialami masyarakat kini adalah perubahan sosial budaya yang sangat mendasar. Akselerasi informasi gelombang globalisasi membawa perubahan cukup signifikan pada masyarakat, baik pada tataran surface structure (sikap dan pola-pola perilaku) dan deep structure (sistem nilai, pandangan hidup, filsafat dan keyakinan). Perubahan terjadi karena kontak budaya antar negara yang dimaknai adanya dialektika nilai-nilai baru dengan nilai-nilai lama yang saling mendominasi, yang memungkinkan terjadinya homogenisasi dan neoliberalisasi pada seluruh aspek kehidupan termasuk nilai-nilai budaya lokal yang selama ini menjadi pegangan masyarakat. Kondisi ini menimbulkan spit dan kegamangan nilai karena masyarakat lebih mengagungkan nilai modern dengan memarginalkan nilai transcendental. Akibatnya terjadi berbagai bentuk penyimpangan nilai moral yang tercermin dalam corak, gaya, dan pola hidup masyarakat. Oleh karenanya penguatan dan pewarisan nilai-nilai budaya lokal perlu dilakukan secara intensif pada generasi muda

    The Challenges of Education Based on Multicultural in National Local Culture Conservation in Globalization Era

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    Abstrak: Artikel ini menganalisis tentang tantangan pendidikan berbasis multikultural dalam pelestarian budaya lokal nasional di era globalisasi. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis masalah ini adalah studi pustaka dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Fenomena yang kini dihadapi masyarakat adalah perubahan sosial dan budaya yang sangat mendasar. Percepatan informasi gelombang globalisasi membawa perubahan signifikan dalam masyarakat, baik pada tingkat struktur luar (pola perilaku dan sikap) maupun struktur dalam (sistem nilai, pandangan hidup, filosofi dan keyakinan). Perubahan terjadi karena adanya kontak budaya antar negara yang ditafsirkan sebagai dialektika nilai-nilai baru dengan nilai-nilai lama yang mendominasi satu sama lain, yang memungkinkan homogenisasi dan neoliberalisasi di semua aspek kehidupan termasuk nilai-nilai budaya lokal yang telah menjadi pedoman masyarakat. Kondisi ini menimbulkan perubahan nilai karena masyarakat lebih mengagungkan nilai modern dengan mengesampingkan nilai transendental. Akibatnya ada berbagai bentuk penyimpangan nilai-nilai moral yang tercermin dalam gaya hidup masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, penguatan dan pewarisan nilai-nilai budaya lokal perlu dilakukan secara intensif untuk generasi muda.ملخص: حاول هذا المقال تحليل تحدّيّات التربية على أساس تعدديّة الثقافات في إبقاء الثقافة المحلية الوطنية في عصر العولمة. والطريقة المستخدمة للتحليل هي بحوث المكتبية بالمدخل النوعي. والظاهرة التى يواجهها الناس الآن هي التغير  الاجتماعي والثقافي أساسيا. وسرعة أمواج معلومات العولمة تؤدّى إلى تغيّر هام في المجتمع سواء أكان في الجانب الخارجي (التصرفات والمواقف) أو الجانب الداخلي ( نظام القيمة، وفلسفة الحياة، والعقيدة). وقعت هذه التغيرات نتيجة الاتصال الثقافي بين البلدان وفُسرت هذه بالحوار بين القيم الجديدة والقيم القديمة السائدة فيما بينهم التي يمكن بها التجنيس وتكوين الليبرالية الجديدة في جميع نواحي الحياة، وفيها قيم الثقافة المحلية التي أصبحث توجيها للمجتمع. أدت هذه الحالة إلى تغيرات القيم، لأن المجتمع يفضّل القيم العصرية ويهمل الغيبيات. وأدت هذه إلى وجود عدول القيم الأخلاقية المتمثّلة في أسلوب حياة المجتمع. لذا فإن من المهم تقوية وتوريث القيم الثقافية المحلية المتواصلة للشباب

    Analysis Of The Effect Of Welding Flow Variations On The Physical Properties Of The Plate Materials

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    Strength is the ability of a metal to resist deformation due to external forces. Tensile ability test is performed to estimate material characteristics in the planning of a construction, and hardness is the resistance of metal to pressure penetration. The amount of hardness of a material can be known by conducting tests, so that the strength of the material is obtained. This study aims to analyze the current strength simulation system regarding the mechanical properties of plate material that undergoes a welding treatment process using electric welding and the effect of welding on strength, hardness and microstructure. The method used in this study is experimental research and literature review on the analysis of the effect of variations in current strength (65, 70, 75, 80) Amperes as an effort to determine the strength and hardness of the material. The conclusion in this study states that the main metal material is steel with the following mechanical properties Tensile strength: 43.8 Kg/mm2, Broken strain: 4.8% , Reduction of broken cross-section: 6.5%, Rockwall Hardness: 132.4 Characters fracture: Brittle fracture, then the hardness that occurs due to the influence of welding is distributed according to the distance from the center point of the weld. The farther from the center of the weld the smaller the effect, this happens because the influence of heat in this area is also smaller, the greater the current used when welding, the rougher the shape of the metal grains

    Quality Improvement Model With Structural Equation-Based Measurements

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    In all corporate sectors, rivalry began to intensify to succeed in this competition, businesses must be able to keep their consumers satisfied, as customer satisfaction has a significant impact on a company's longevity If customer satisfaction is not fulfilled, customers will migrate to a competing brand. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of service quality and product superiority on customer satisfaction and their impact on increasing customer loyalty. Structural equation modeling (SEM) with AMOS 24.0 software was utilized to evaluate the data. The results of the analysis show that the perceived index of service quality is in the "high" category (67.60%), the index of perceived product superiority is in the medium category (58.73%) and the index of perceived customer satisfaction is in the high category (64.00%), and the index of perceived customer loyalty is in the high category (67.90%).

    Flight Controller Based Ergonomic Fire Fighting Drone Prototype Design

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    Fire is a disaster or calamity that threatens human life because its presence is never expected, when and where it will occur and who will be the victim. For this reason, all parties must make anticipatory efforts in the sense of preventing the occurrence or spread of fires as early as possible. The purpose of this research is to design a prototype of an ergonomic firefighting drone based on a flight controller, and the design method is the Research and Development (R&D) method in the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The results of the research in terms of ergonomic design in terms of subjectivity of workers are able to reduce workload, as well as the risk of work accidents, the design of this fire-fighting drone tool is also analyzed by user anthropometry so that it is more optimal between the tool and the human so that they feel comfortable, safe in carrying out activities. While the results of research based on drone design are able to fly according to the desired range such as height, areas that are difficult to reach, while the ability to fly with a load is still limited where based on the first trial with a load of 250 ml the ability to fly for 5 minutes, the second load is 330 ml with flight time of 3.5 minutes, the third load is 500 ml with the ability to fly for 2.4 minutes, and the fourth load is 800 ml with the ability to fly for 1.2 minutes. The reason for the smaller flight time is due to the heavier load because the battery function runs out faster

    The Strategy of Forming Religious Characters on the Deaf Children: Study at Special Schools in Rejang Lebong

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    The study aims to determine the strategy used in forming religious characters on the deaf children in Elemantary Special School. A qualitative method was used where the data taken from observation, interview and document analysis. The result showed that the learning strategy of Islamic religious education in the development of morals for children with special needs in special schools is by implementing expository strategy, adding hours of study using the habituation method. The finding also showed that the supporting factors in the learning process to form moral guidance are the involvement of school’s principal who is very concern on the development of students’ morals; the teachers who have great patience in dealing with children with special needs. Then, it was also found that there were some inhibiting factors that faced by the school. They were on the absence of a special curriculum for children with special needs, Islamic education teachers who are not teachers who are graduates of special service schools, as well as the lack of supporting facilities as learning media, doing the learning process run monotonously

    Analisis Dampak Transformasi Pendidikan Pesantren Terhadap Penanaman Jiwa Keikhlasan Santri di Pondok Pesantren

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    This article aims to examine the impact of the transformation of pesantren education on the cultivation of santri's sincere values ​​in pesantren. The method used in the discussion of this article is descriptive qualitative method, which comes from interviews and observations in the field. This article discusses that the impact of the transformation of pesantren education today, not only changed the socio-cultural base and knowledge of santri alone, but also influenced the values ​​of the spirit of santri sincere in boarding schools. Therefore, major changes made by kyai to pesantren institutions today have an impact on the sincere behavior of santri in everyday life. In terms of planting the values ​​of the soul of sincerity in the boarding school is expected to open and flexible to the development of the world, but still provides a filter for its basic value is not fade (Islamic teachings). Because, as opposed to the current, as hard as it retains, in the end it will sooner or later be carried away as well. This process is a natural law that can not be dammed, but it needs to be addressed the present situation wisely, so as not to conflict with the basic Islamic teachings. It is not an alternative choice that crossed the way, but is an accumulation of the values ​​of life experienced by pesantren throughout its history, leaving no soul of sincerity or traditions

    Dampak Transformasi Sistem Pendidikan Pesantren terhadap Penanaman Jiwa Keikhlasan Santri

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    This article discusses that contemporary pesantren education, not only changes the socio-cultural base and knowledge of santri, but also affects Muslims as a whole. Therefore, major changes made by kyai to pesantren institutions today are not an alternative choice that is crossed the road, but is an accumulation of the values of life of pesantren whose history, without leaving the soul of sincerity or typical traditions. The impact of the transformation of pesantren on the inculcation of the spirit of sincerity in pesantren has shifted. This type of research is field research. That is using the object of research as a source of data acquisition or information. This study found that the impact of the transformation of pesantren on the inculcation of the soul of sincerity in pesantren has shifted. currently pesantren in bengkulu province began to shift in modern cultures are synonymous with luxury and consumptive. Pesantren in instilling Five Spirit (ruh) need to be open and flexible to the demands and developments of world, but still provide filter for its basic value do not fade (Islamic value). Pesantren does not only transform the outside (purpose, curriculum, method, management system and management of pesantren) but also need to wisely transform the depth as well (sincere values in pesantren)


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    Learning mathematics that is relevant to local culture is an important factor in creating meaningful connections for students. Ethnomathematics, as an approach that integrates cultural values in mathematics learning, is the basis for efforts to increase students\u27 understanding of mathematical concepts. In conducting literature analysis, the analytical descriptive method in the form of a review is used to review scientific sources about ethnomathematics and its application in mathematics education. These sources include journals, books and research articles. The review results show that the application of ethnomathematics allows students to relate mathematical concepts to their local cultural experiences. Cultural integration in mathematics learning also encourages students\u27 interest in learning, increases motivation, and strengthens their sense of cultural identity. In conclusion, ethnomathematics is a tool for respecting and understanding cultural diversity, while enriching students\u27 learning processes. The practical implications of this approach demonstrate the importance of considering cultural values in designing a more inclusive and diverse mathematics curriculum. Kata Kunci: Learning, Ethnomathematics, Local CulturePembelajaran matematika yang relevan dengan budaya lokal merupakan faktor penting dalam menciptakan keterkaitan yang bermakna bagi Peserta didik. Ethnomathematics, sebagai pendekatan yang mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai budaya dalam pembelajaran matematika, menjadi landasan dalam upaya meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap konsep matematika. Dalam melakukan analisis literatur, metode deskriptif analitis berupa literature review digunakan untuk meninjau sumber-sumber ilmiah tentang ethnomathematics dan penerapannya dalam pendidikan matematika. Sumber-sumber tersebut meliputi jurnal, buku, dan artikel hasil-hasil penelitian. Hasil tinjauan menunjukkan bahwa penerapan ethnomathematics memungkinkan siswa mengaitkan konsep matematika dengan pengalaman budaya lokal mereka. Integrasi budaya dalam pembelajaran matematika juga mendorong minat belajar siswa, meningkatkan motivasi, serta memperkuat rasa identitas budaya. Kesimpulannya, ethnomathematics menjadi alat untuk menghormati dan memahami keberagaman budaya, sambil memperkaya proses belajar siswa. Implikasi praktis dari pendekatan ini menunjukkan pentingnya mempertimbangkan nilai-nilai budaya dalam merancang kurikulum matematika yang lebih inklusif dan beragam. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran, Ethnomathematics, Budaya Loka