45 research outputs found

    Tingkat Ketahanan 70 Aksesi Plasma Nutfah Kenaf Terhadap Fusarium Oxysporum Schletch

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    Salah satu penyakit penting yang sangat merugikan tanaman kenaf adalah penyakit layu Fusarium yang disebabkan oleh Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi tingkat ketahanan aksesi kenaf terhadap jamur Fusarium oxysporum. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium dan rumah kasa Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat, Malang menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap) yang diulang tiga kali. Dalam evaluasi ini digunakan 70 aksesi dan 1 aksesi tahan (BG-52-135) yang digunakan sebagai kontrol. Inokulasi dilakukan pada 7 hari setelah tanam (HST) menggunakan suspensi spora dengan kerapatan105/ml sebanyak 100 ml setiap bak. Pengamatan intensitas serangan dilakukan mulai 10–40 hari setelah inokulasi (HSI) dengan interval pengamatan lima hari. Pengamatan persentase diskolorisasi batang dilakukan sekali pada 50 HSI. Hasil pengujian memperoleh 1 aksesi (FJ/017) sangat tahan dengan intensitas serangan terrendah (0,83%) dan 14 aksesi tahan dengan intensitas serangan <10%, 28 aksesi dengan ketahanan moderat, dan 27 aksesi yang rentan terhadap infeksi F. oxysporum. Aksesisi FJ/017 (aksesi yang sangat tahan) dan 14 aksesi yang tahan: 1064(SUC/012), 1061(SRB/082), 1035(FJ/005), 839(PARC/2709), 955(FJ/003), 842(PARC/2712), 1095(SUC/003), 838(PARC/2708), 957(FJ/ 007), 1065(SUC/023), 1042(CHN/056), 145(BL/118), 1036(FJ/006), dan 778(PARC/2466) dapat digunakan sebagai sumber ketahanan pada perakitan varietas baru. One of the important disease that very detrimental to kenaf is Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the response of 70 kenaf germplasms accessions against F. oxysporum. The study was conducted at the Phytopatology Laboratory and screen house of Indonesian Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research Institute, Malang using completely randomized design with three replicates. Seventy accessions and one resistant accession as control (1267 (BG-52-135) were used in this study. Inoculation of Fusarium was done 7 days after sowing (das) by sprinkling 100 ml of spore suspension into the soil. Observation of disease intensity started at 10–40 days after inoculation (dai) and repeated every five days. Percentage of stalk discolorization was estimated at 50 dai. The results showed that accession 1040 (FJ/017) had the lowest disease intensity (0.83%), hence was categorized as a highly resitant accession. Fourteen accessions were categorized as resistant with disease intensity below or equal to 10%; 28 accessions were moderate resistant; and 27 accessions were susceptible. FJ/017 (the highset resistant accession) and 14 resis-tant accessions (1064(SUC/012), 1061(SRB/082), 1035(FJ/005), 839(PARC/2709), 955(FJ/003), 842(PARC/ 2712), 1095(SUC/003), 838PARC/2708), 957(FJ/007), 1065(SUC/023), 1042(CHN/056), 145(BL/118), 1036 (FJ/006), dan 778(PARC/2466)) could be used as resistant genetic sources in developing new varieties

    Fuzzy Logic Application in Boron and Cadmium Analysis in U3O8 use of Emission Spectrograph Method

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    Boron and cadmium in U3O8 have been analyzed with emission spectrograph. Three inputs of emission spectrograph, current (A), exposure time (second) and gap between electrodes (mm) were varied. Two outputs, boron and cadmium lines intensities respectively were selected and measured. Thirteen experiments have been carried out and data found were calculated by fuzzy logic Mamdani-type. Three and five memberships functions of straight-line (Triangular, Trapezoidal), Generalized-bell and Gaussian curve were used to analyze the found data. The result found that five memberships functions had less error percentage range than three memberships functions of straight-line (Triangular, Trapezoidal), Generalized-bell and Gaussian curve. The error percentage range of cadmium analysis was wider than boron analysis with this method. Analysis of cadmium in U3O8 with this method needs much exposure time compare to analysis of boron. Received: 28 December 2009; Revised: 29 November 2010; Accepted: 8 February 201

    Fuzzy Logic Application in Boron and Cadmium Analysis in U3O8 Use of Emission Spectrograph Method

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    Boron and cadmium in U3O8 have been analyzed with emission spectrograph. Three inputs of emission spectrograph, current (A), exposure time (second) and gap between electrodes (mm) were varied. Two outputs, boron and cadmium lines intensities respectively were selected and measured. Thirteen experiments have been carried out and data found were calculated by fuzzy logic Mamdani-type. Three and five memberships functions of straight-line (Triangular, Trapezoidal), Generalized-bell and Gaussian curve were used to analyze the found data. The result found that five memberships functions had less error percentage range than three memberships functions of straight-line (Triangular, Trapezoidal), Generalized-bell and Gaussian curve. The error percentage range of cadmium analysis was wider than boron analysis with this method. Analysis of cadmium in U3O8 with this method needs much exposure time compare to analysis of boron. Received: 28 December 2009; Revised: 29 November 2010; Accepted: 8 February 201

    Optimalisasi Kelembagaan Dan Manajemen Dalam Bus Rapid Transit Semarang

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    Bus Rapid Transit Trans Semarang is a means of mass transportation to the transit system that began operating since 2009 as a solution to reduce congestion in the city of Semarang. This research focuses on the optimization and management of institutional BRT Trans Semarang to improve it\u27s performance. The purpose of this study is to optimize the performance of the organization and management of BRT Trans Semarang with variable types of institutional cooperation BRT operations, and leadership style. Stages of the methodology to do is identify the problem, literature, comparative studies of Trans Jogja, stakeholder\u27s need analysis, data processing, and formulating policy recommendations. The results showed a number of conditions and institutional and management problems BLU-UPTD Terminal Mangkang as the governing institution of BRT Trans Semarang, among others: 1) Need to changes 3 old buses with 1 BRT so BRT can reduce the congestion effectively and also can incrase BRT load factor. 2) Need 20 fleets BRT to supply the passenger\u27s demand. So the subsidy is still needed to complete the BRT\u27s cost operational until the load factor reach 70%. 3) The institutional leadership style BRT is currently 69(minimum criteria is 75). While the percentage of fulfillment of expectations of leaders based employee appraisal is only 70.45(minimum criteria is 75). The recommendation to optimize the organization and management of BRT Trans Semarang are construct BLU so it has flexibility to manage substitution the old moda with BRT, to determine the cost policy that cheaper than old moda\u27s cost in order to increase load factor, still gets subsidy to keep quality service base on SPM. In additional needs to increase coordination and communication in institution to increase effectivity of institution\u27s works

    Evaluasi Kinerja Operasional Dan USAha Penanganan Kemacetan Lalu Lintas Pada Simpang Ring Road Utara – Jalan Kaliurang, Sleman, Di YOGYAKARTA

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    Yogyakarta is a very strategic because it is located in the middle of the south line of Java, which is a traffic brokering eastern Java and West Java. Each year the vehicle across the city of Yogyakarta has increased, besides due to its tourism appeal, Yogyakarta factors as student city became the main drivers of traffic congestion, especially at the strategic intersection of the Ring Road intersection north-Way Ground. From the secondary data obtained from the Directorate General of Highways Yogyakarta showed that the rate of growth in daily traffic average intersection has increased in the last 5 years. Figures show the feasibility of the service with the highest degree of saturation / degree of saturation (DS), the condition on the road DS> 0.75 and at the intersection of DS> 0.85. The results of the analysis of primary data obtained from the field survey in January 2013 showed the value of DS on existing roads still eligible, while the value of DS intersections are not eligible. Basic steps of handling the problem of congestion, namely the optimization of intersections with signal timing, intersection geometry settings and traffic management. After these steps are considered not provide significant changes in the value of DS, the last step is planning the construction of new roads in the form of flyover. With the construction of new roads, intersection capacity will be increased so that the value of DS who qualify will last a long time with increasing growth rate LHR Yogyakarta city in the years to come

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Karbon Hitam Bervariasi Terhadap Sifat Fisika Sol Karet Sepatu Kanvas Untuk Umum

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    The objective of this research is to know the influence carbon black to the physical properties rubber sol of canvas shoes for general. Vulcanized rubber makes from rubber smoked sheet as row material naphthenic oil, ZnO, stearic acid, carbon black, AoSP, MBT, MBTS, TMT and sulphur. Raw material rubber and ingredient were compounded in two roll mill and formed to slab by hydraulic press at temperatur 1500 C and pressure 150 kg/cm2. The result of this research indicated that unsignificant different of treatment. INTISARI Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karbon hitam terhadap sifat fisika sol karet sepatu kanvas untuk umum. Vulkanisat karet dibuat dari bahan BAKU Rubber smoked sheet ditambah bahan-bahan berupa naphthemic oil, ZnO, Asam stearat karbon hitam, AOSP, MBT, MBTS, TMT, dan sulfur. Bahan-bahan tersebut diatas di komponiding pada sebuah alat two roll. Kompon yang dihasilkan dibuat menjadi bentuk lembaran dengan menggunakan hidroulic press pada suhu 1500 C dan tekanan 150 kg/cm2. Hasil analisa statistik menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya perbedaan perlakuan

    Pemberdayaan USAha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Pedesaan di Masyarakat Kecamatan Manyaran Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    The objectives of this research are to investigate 1)the empowerment of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises, its impact on the rural economic growth in Manyaran sub-district, the constraints to the empowerment of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises and cooperatives. This research used the descriptive qualitative method. The population of research was micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises in Manyaran sub-district. The samples of research were taken by using the purposive sampling technique. They consisted of the agents of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises, the Office of Cooperatives and Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Scale Enterprises, the Office of Manyaran Sub-district. The data of research were collected through in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. They were analyzed by using the Cluster and Multidimensional Scaling technique of analysis and interactive model of analysis comprising data gathering, data grouping, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of research show that the empowerment of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises utilizes and develops human and natural resource potentials; the empowerment has a positive impact on the rural economic growth in Manyaran sub-district