175 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of trip generation on main street performance of Bukit Banaran Residence Semarang. The case studied in this research is how various variable create impact on the number of trips . Those variable are the number of family members, working/studying family members , educational level, total spending, and the number of vehicles. In this research, researchers used quantitative survey research approach. Sample this research were 290 family / house with proportional stratified random sampling technique data collection by questionnaire, and documentation of data-analysis technique using descriptive statistics, cross-classification, inferential statistics, and multiple regression. The data taken from 290 sample of homes are mentioned as bellow. The total number of inhabitants were 1061 people . The biggest number of members per house were 4 people (40%) and 3 (23.8%). The family members who already work or in school mostly 2 people (38.3%) and 3 (34.8%) per family. From the level of education there were 155 people (53.44%) holding high school degree, meanwhile 113 people (38.96 %) have bachelor degree. The other holded junior high school and post-graduate degree. In spending section, The majority of 69 (23.8%) families were spent Rp 1,000 000,00 to Rp 1,500,000,00 and 57 (19.6%) families spent Rp 2,000 000,00 to Rp 2,500,000,00. Most of the families have 2 vehicles (37.6%) and 3 vehicles (27.9%), and most of family has a car. Most Residence of Bukit Banaran Residence (87.7%) are depend on motorcycle for everyday activities. The most Destination point of trip is Semarang Central subdistrict (27.1%), and Gajahmungkur (20.9%), and then South Semarang (15.3%) and others spread in various districts throughout the city of Semarang, which the route passed through Kelud Street ( 71%), Bendan area (20.7%) , and the others are in the Sekaran direction. The regression analysis of Bukit Banaran Residence as follows: Zone 1: Y = - 1.043 + 0.62X1 + 0.862 X2 + 0.131 X3 + X3 0.152 X4 + 0.02 X5 , value of r = 0.921 and r2 = 0.848, F counted = - 137.664 and significance of F = 0.000; Zone 2: Y = - 0.928 + 0.499X1 + 0.788 X2 + 0.117 X3 + 0.026 X5 has a value of r = 0.905 and r2 = 0.814 with the value F counted = 86.293 and significance of F = 0.000; Zone 3 : Y = - 1.487 + 0.524X1 + 0.713X2 +0.188 X3 + 0.105 X4 has a value of r = 0.950 and r2 = 0.902 , F counted value = 137.664 and significance of F = 0.000 ; Zone 4: Y = - 0.472 + 0.564 X1 + 0.576 X2 - 0.047 X3 + 0.142 X4 + 0.188 X5 has a value of r = 0.922 and r2 = 0.851, F counted value 66.177 and significance of F = 0.000. Impact of resident trip generation zone 1 = 58.5 pcu / h, Zone 2 = 58.2 pcu / h, Zone 3 = 56.8 pcu / h, zone 4 = 47.2 pcu / hr , meanwhile Total impact = 220.7 pcu / hours, Q = 245 pcu / hr, DS = 0.191, and V = 39.5 km / h. Conclusions of this research are , trip generated per zone are, zone 1: Y = 781.48 Family/ day, zone 2: Y = 518.46 Family/ day, Zone 3: Y = 414.89 Family/ day, zone 4: Y = 420 Family / day. Impact of trip generation is 220.7 pcu / h while the prediction impact generating in 2012 is 264 pcu / h, meanwhile in 2017 = 384 pcu / h less than the capacity of the main street of Bukit Banaran residence, which is 1284.91 pcu / hour

    The Effect of Tiller Transplanting Technique and Water Availability on the Growth and Yield of Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia)

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    Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia) is a wild plant with the ability to cure various diseases. Continuous exploitation of natural source can reduce the sustainability of this plant species. On the other hand, this plant is often ignored because it is considered as weed. This study aims to provide information about proper cultivation of Sidaguri to the community and medicinal plant farmers in order to maintain its sustainability and its potential to be used as cultivated plant. The study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two treatment factors: transplanting techniques (puteran, cabutan, stump) and water availability (50, 37.5, 25, 12.5% water field capacity). Observation data were analyzed by analysis of variance and followed by DMRT test at 5% upon the significant result. The results have revealed that the transplanting technique of transplanting tillers with puteran technique produces the best growth and 25% water availability increases plant growth and yield. The result suggests that Sidaguri is a plant that is tolerant to drought

    Optimization Innovation System of Sme Sector in Order to Increase the Competitiveness of SME’s (Assessment in the Food Industry Sector Sidoarjo Regency with Dynamic Systems Approach)

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    The position of SMEs is in the lowest position in the economic structure of the country , but a lot to contribute revenue to the state. The level of competition is very high in SMEs with intense competition . Many SMEs are emerging , but many who later went bankrupt . To increase the level of competition in a competitive SME it is necessary to look at the whole situation with the innovation system approach that involves all stakeholders , the involvement of government , private sector and universities in developing innovation competitiveness of SMEs in order to obtain good so that they can survive and earn sufficient profits or even create new markets . This study will be made ??within 3 (three) years with the achievements that have been determined each year of data collection , problematization , to creating simulations that try , represent the real world in the research data . Based on the research results , especially at the stage of problem recognition by researchers obtained several things: (1) at the stage of identifying problem situations that are not structured in the context of SME innovation in the food sector in general Sidoarjo have some problems , among others, (a) SMEs have the technological constraints namely the low uniformity of product quality and sanitation , (b) the limited capacity and the opportunity to innovate or try new technologies , (c) the issue of capital , infrastructure , transportation , distribution , quality control , standardization , economies of scale , promotion , market access , product image , the quality of products , availability of raw materials , no branding , about the quality , inadequate volume , authorization foodstuffs , contaminants delimitation , the complexity of import and export certification , standard labeling systems that are not consistent , production , product development , quality control , accounting , machinery , organization management , data processing , marketing techniques , market research . (2) at the stage of identifying situations/problems in a structured note that the main problems facing SMEs in the food sector in Sidoarjo district are as follows : (a) the difficulty of marketing ; (b) financial constraints , (c) the limitations of the Human Resources (HR) ; (d) the problem of raw materials , and (e) the limitations of the technology . (3) the stage of defining the root of the problem situation is known that the main problems of innovation development of SMEs in the food sector Sidoarjo related to the following : (a) aspect of the organization, (b) institutional aspects ; (c) aspects of function ; (d) aspects of the functions activities , and (e) aspects of organizational dynamics , institutions , functions , and activities. Keywords : SMEs , competitiveness , innovation systems , dynamic system

    Kajian Agroekologi dan Kemelimpahan Tumbuhan Obat Herba Valeriana javanica L. di Kawasan lereng Gunung Lawu

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    Ekosistem Gunung Lawu memiliki potensi diversitas biofarmaka yang tinggi namun keberadaannya menghadapi ancaman degradasi. Pemberdayaan masyarakat setempat merupakan kunci keberhasilan upaya biokonservasi. Penyusunan data-base Valeriana javanica L penting untuk dilakukan melalui penelitian berkelanjutan. Karakterisasi secara mendalam, baik ekologi, morfologi-molekuler Valeriana javanica L perlu dilakukan untuk melacak nilai keunggulan serta dasar pembudidayaan dan pemuliaannya. Selain itu untuk meningkatkan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap upaya biokonservasinya perlu dilakukan domestikasi guna peningkatan kualitas dan nilai ekonominya. Pada penelitian awal diperoleh hasil : Habitat tumbuhan obat di lokasi survai di ketinggian 1000 mdpl: intensitas cahaya berkisar 71.500-119.400 lux (104,68- 174,81 watt/m 2 ) dengan 1 watt/m 2 sebesar 683 lux (Hage, 2009), suhu antara 28-33 o C, dan kelembaban udara 21-49%. Intensitas cahaya di ketinggian (2000 m dpl) adalah 11.300-52.000 lux atau 16,54 - 76,13 watt/m 2 , suhu udara (21-28 o C) dan kelembaban udara (42-68%). Di ketinggian 1000 m dpl ditemukan 15 spesies tumbuhan, jenis tumbuhan dengan INP tertinggi valerian (Valerian javanica L.), tekelan (Eupatorium riparium Reg ), dan purwoceng gunung (Artemisia lactiflora Wall), yang masing-masing 124,05; 27,47; dan 27,40%. Di ketinggian 2000 m dpl ditemukan 10 jenis tumbuhan. Tiga jenis tumbuhan dengan Indek Nilai Penting (INP) tertinggi berturut-turut adalah valerian (Valerian javanica L.), ketul (Bidens chinensis Wild.), dan tekelan (Eupatorium riparium Reg.), masing memiliki INP sebesar 167,08; 34,6; dan 18,48%

    Pemanfaatan Benalu Teh untuk Usaha Produktif Masyarakat Tanen, Kemuning, Ngargoyoso, Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    Scurrula oortianam merupakan salah satu tumbuhan benalu yang dimenumpang pada tanaman teh. Kemuning, Karanganyar terkenal dengan obyek wisata kebun teh dengan memiliki kebun teh seluas 1.430 Ha. Kebuh teh di Tanen, Kemuning terletak pada 7°35'57"S 111°6'58"E dan ditemukan tumbuhan Scurrula oortianam dengan ketersediaan sangat banyak. Tumbuhan tersebut memiliki potensi sebagai obat. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu mengoptimalkan masyarakat Desa Tanen, Jenawi, Karanganyar dalam memanfaatkan benalu teh sebagai teh yang berpotensi obat. Benalu Teh ini diambil dari pohon teh yang sudah tua dan telah dibudidayakan secara kontinyu sejak tahun 1992. Lokasi tumbuh benalu ini berada di habitat yang alami yaitu di daerah dataran tinggi kemuning, Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah dengan ketinggian (+/-) 1200 mdpl. Ketinggian pohon mencapai rata-rata 15 m. Benalu Teh mengandung senyawa flavonoid yang disebut Quersitrin dan sari zat Epigallocatechin galat yang diserap dari pohon teh, yang sangat ampuh menghambat dan menghentikan pertumbuhan sel kanker, juga sebagai anti oksidan (penyerap racun) dan mengontrol kadar kolesterol dalam darah. Pemilihan benalu menjadi produk teh menjadi salah satu solusi dalam mengoptimalkan benalu yang menjadi tanaman pengganggu pada teh agar dapat menjadi produk bermutu dan tentunya sehat untuk dikonsumsi masyarakat. Pemberdayaan dengan masyarakat Tanen ditujukan untuk mengoptimalkan sumber daya manusia serta meningkatkan nilai ekonomi warga Tanen agar lebih produktif dan dapat mengoptimalkan potensi akan benalu teh. Harapannya melalui kegiatan ini dapat memfasilitasi keberlanjutan dari program di Dusun Tanen terutama pendampingan agar lebih mandiri dalam pengolahan benalu teh

    Pemanfaatan Benalu Teh untuk Usaha Produktif Masyarakat Tanen, Kemuning, Ngargoyoso, Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    Scurrula oortianam merupakan salah satu tumbuhan benalu yang dimenumpang pada tanaman teh. Kemuning, Karanganyar terkenal dengan obyek wisata kebun teh dengan memiliki kebun teh seluas 1.430 Ha. Kebuh teh di Tanen, Kemuning terletak pada 7°35'57"S 111°6'58"E dan ditemukan tumbuhan Scurrula oortianam dengan ketersediaan sangat banyak. Tumbuhan tersebut memiliki potensi sebagai obat. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu mengoptimalkan masyarakat Desa Tanen, Jenawi, Karanganyar dalam memanfaatkan benalu teh sebagai teh yang berpotensi obat. Benalu Teh ini diambil dari pohon teh yang sudah tua dan telah dibudidayakan secara kontinyu sejak tahun 1992. Lokasi tumbuh benalu ini berada di habitat yang alami yaitu di daerah dataran tinggi kemuning, Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah dengan ketinggian (+/-) 1200 mdpl. Ketinggian pohon mencapai rata-rata 15 m. Benalu Teh mengandung senyawa flavonoid yang disebut Quersitrin dan sari zat Epigallocatechin galat yang diserap dari pohon teh, yang sangat ampuh menghambat dan menghentikan pertumbuhan sel kanker, juga sebagai anti oksidan (penyerap racun) dan mengontrol kadar kolesterol dalam darah. Pemilihan benalu menjadi produk teh menjadi salah satu solusi dalam mengoptimalkan benalu yang menjadi tanaman pengganggu pada teh agar dapat menjadi produk bermutu dan tentunya sehat untuk dikonsumsi masyarakat. Pemberdayaan dengan masyarakat Tanen ditujukan untuk mengoptimalkan sumber daya manusia serta meningkatkan nilai ekonomi warga Tanen agar lebih produktif dan dapat mengoptimalkan potensi akan benalu teh. Harapannya melalui kegiatan ini dapat memfasilitasi keberlanjutan dari program di Dusun Tanen terutama pendampingan agar lebih mandiri dalam pengolahan benalu teh


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menilai pengaruh kualitas produk, promosi, dan lokasi terhadap keputusan pembelian pada Ayam Kremes Kraton Cabang Cempaka Baru. Regresi Berganda merupakan metode pilihan untuk pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan sampel sebanyak 100 orang di pengujian 1. Menggunakan skala likert dengan 5 (lima) kemungkinan jawaban untuk mengumpulkan data. Pengambilan sampel non-probabilitas digunakan bersama dengan strategi pengumpulan data purposive sampling. Responden sudah mealukan kunjun minimal dua (dua) kali pembelian Ayam Kremes Kraton Cabang Cempaka Baru termasuk dalam proses purposive sampling. Uji asumsi standar (Uji Normalitas, Heteroskedastisitas, Multikolinearitas dan Linieritas) digunakan bersama dengan program SPSS versi 20 untuk analisis data. Tidak ada pengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian yang ditemukan dalam temuan uji t, meskipun kualitas produk dan lokasi terbukti menjadi faktor penting dalam mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian. Hasil uji F menunjukkan pengaruh yang cukup besar terhadap pilihan pembelian Ayam Kremes Cabang Cempaka Baru secara simultan oleh faktor pemasaran, kualitas produk, dan lokasi

    Between Rationality and Uncertainty: Exploring the Finest Strategy to Manage Disaster Governance and Budgetary Perspective

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    Massive damage and loss of natural hazards occurred in Indonesia, raising numerous questions about the government's capacity to minimize disaster risk through appropriate disaster governance strategy. This article explores the strategy to manage the disaster and budgetary mechanism currently underpinned by the rationalist principle. However, during the dynamic situation and high degree of uncertainty, the effectiveness and efficiency of the rationalist principle remain questionable. It has been supported by a set of notorious consequences of the disaster that the government has undertaken in recent years. Therefore, by using a qualitative approach, this article aims to seek the performance's description and shortcomings of current strategy based on theoretical analysis and literature study. The findings illustrate the vague mechanism, particularly local disaster strategy, political decision-making, and flexibility of reimbursement mechanisms. Finally, this article also gives a specific recommendation for policymakers to give plenty of space for a current strategy to be more adaptive toward any turbulences in the future

    Institutional Capacity as Prevention of Abuse of Power of National Standard Policies for Private Universities in Jakarta

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    Research on this journal ontology that many private higher education institutions in Jakarta cover the impact of the policies of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia as public officials to make and issue regulations that are very burdensome for the management of private higher education institutions. The purpose of this research is to criticize for improvement to the government of the Republic of Indonesia. This research used a qualitative method, while the research object was private universities in Jakarta that lack resources. The research subjects were resource persons who were aware of the constraints of the bankruptcy of private universities in Jakarta. The results of the study show that it has been proven that the state, in this case, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, makes and issues regulations that are very detrimental to the management of private higher education which is minimal in resources. The suggestion from this research shows that the government, by the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, must be able to provide resource assistance efforts for private universities that are deficient. Keywords: Institutional capacity, prevention, abuse of power, national standard policies, private universities
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