151 research outputs found

    Keberagaman elemen budaya dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di Sekolah Dasar Islam di Malang

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    The education system in Indonesia requires multicultural education model for Indonesian society which has cultural diversity. The Government has made efforts in disseminating the concept of multicultural education before applying it as a representative model relevant for every level of education, but it still needs condition of situational diversity in the reality of people’s life in order to be the spearhead of success in education. The case study implemented qualitative approach and its participants were PAI teacher selected through purposive sampling. The result of in-depth interviews, classroom observation and documentation were analyzed using qualitative description. The findings show the application of elements of various cultures in the teaching of PAI which has been identified as a mechanism to develop relationship, to confirm the universality of Islam, dakwah method and the requirements of curriculum. It also reveals some existing obstacles in implementing these elements, namely the constraints of teachers, lack of reading and less training. Although this study showed that PAI teachers in this study attempted to implement various cultural elements in their teaching, the level of implementation of these elements is still at an acceptable level. Hence, the PAI teachers must enhance their understanding, knowledge, skills, and expertise to improve and develop their skills in applying the elements of multicultural education in the learning of PAI

    Pengamalan Akhlak Dan Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dasar Islam Dalam Pembentukan Sekolah Efektif

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    This article suggests that practically Islamic Ethics (Akhlak) of school leadership plays a central role in school improvement and effectiveness. Practically Islamic Ethics (Akhlak) is the ability to understand and manage akhlak nazari and akhlak amali in the self, teachers, staff and students. Three major aspects of practically Islamic Ethics (Akhlak), understanding (tafakkur), appreciation that includes muraqabah and muhasabah to enhance cognitive process and decision making, and practice about Akhlak Islam that include riyadhah is described. This article also discusses how practically Islamic Ethics (Akhlak) contributes to school effectiveness by focusing on elements of school leadership and standard of leadership competencies which include two aspects that is personality and social aspect

    Santri di era revolusi masyarakat 5.0

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    Masing-masing santri beda cita-cita. Ada yang ingin menjadi dokter, dosen, pendidik. Pula yang kiai, dan bahkan wartawan. Ada seorang santri yang hanya menjawab dengan jawaban sederhana namun transendental. "Aku gantungkan cita-citaku setinggi langit ke tujuh agar nanti jika jatuh tidak langsung jatuh ke bumi, tetapi bisa nyantol pada apa yang ada pada takdir Allah SWT nantinya." Mengapa menjadi serius cita-cita itu dalam diri santri? Apa memang sudah menjadi tuntutan zaman sekarang? Padahal zaman akan terus berubah sesuai dengan perkembangan peradaban manusia. Terlebih para futurolog telah memberikan gambaran masa depan perkembangan peradaban manusia akan masuk babak baru yaitu masyarakat 5.0

    The concept of reasoning in islamic education

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    This paper discusses the concept of reasoning in Islamic education. It focuses on explaining the role and significance of reasoning in the Islamic education legal requirements. The paper also examines various views of Scholars who approach the concept from perspectives other than that of Islam, where analysis is made in the light of the Quran and Sunnah for resolution. The paper repeats that sound reasoning is always consistent with the guidance of the Quran and Sunnah, a good believer therefore needs to examine the facts given by the Scripture to avoid a distorted view in analysis. Quran the Muslim Scripture has emphasized the significance of reasoning in substances of religion as well as in human’s life, the reasoning which receives guidance of the revelation and makes philosophy useful in human life and civilization.The best learners do not memorize random bits and pieces of information. Schools should produce students who are able to think, act, and handle situations or problems intelligently, and this is possible only if their thinking and problem solving skills are developed

    Media Daring sebagai Self Directed Learning Materi PAI SD Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    The purpose of this research is to offer alternative media based on independent learning during the pandemic covid 19. The first objective is to explore information on online network-based media that is widely used in Indonesia as a support for learning; Second, to search a model of self-directed learning theory that has characteristics according to research needs; Third, to provide an overview of the alternative characteristics of online-based learning media offered. The data in this study were taken through google schoolar, semantic scholar, elsevier, researchgate, online seminars via youtube, zoom. The results of this study the most widely used media in Indonesia are Youtube, Facebook, WhatsApp, Zoom, Google Classroom. While the theory taken related to self directed learning according to Song and Hill’s, The typology of youtube, facebook, whatsapp, zoom, and google classroom media is found to be opened, closed, open and closed combination for the public. All media have in common can share files in the form of video, word, pdf. Except youtube and zoom. The benefit of Youtube is the flexibility of time and content developed with audio visual, while zooming does not have the flexibility of time, learning can be presented interactively between teachers and students.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mewarkan alternatif media berbasis pembelajaran mandiri saat pancemi covid 19. Tujuan pertama untuk menggali infromasi media berbasis jaringan online yang banyak digunakan di Indonesia sebagai penunjang pembelajaran; Kedua, mencari model teori self directed learning yang memiliki karakteristik sesuai dengan kebutuhan penelitian; Ketiga, memberikan gambaran karakteristik alternatif media pembelajaran berbasis online yang ditawarkan. Data pada penelitian ini diambil melalui google schoolar, semanticscholar, elsevier, researchgate, seminar daring youtube, zoom. Hasil dari penelitian ini media yang paling balik dipakai di Indonesia Youtube, facebook, whatsapp, zoom, google classroom. Sedangkan teori yang diambil terkait self directed learning menurut Song dan Hill’s, Adapun tipologi media youtube, facebook, whatsapp, zoom, dan google classroom didapatkan ada bersifat terbuka, tertutup, perbaduan terbuka dan tertutup untuk umum. Semua memedia memiliki kesamaan bisa berbagi file dalam bentuk video, word, pdf. Kecuali youtube dan zoom. Youtube kelebihan fleksibelitas waktu dan konten dikembangan dengan audio visual, sedangkan zoom tidak memiliki flesibilitas waktu, pembelajaran bisa tersajikan interaktif antara guru dengan siswa

    Learning and teaching model on COVID 19 era at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Indonesia

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    In practice, the implementation of the teaching and learning process is less encouraging on achieving critical thinking skills. In this Era of the 4.0 industry revolution, technology-based learning innovations are needed. Revitalizing learning systems, new literacy movements, digital literacy, technological literacy, human literacy become a necessity as the breadth and deepening of learning materials are capable of information technology. Technology in the educational world has created a huge influence, one of the learning models needed by the E-Learning Model. ELearning is an application with Internet access that can connect between educators and students in an online study room. The purpose of this research is to know the E-Learning model of learning in improving students ' critical thinking. The method used in this study is qualitative research using a descriptive method. The type of case study with one site design. Research results show the ELearning model can encourage students to think critically on the subject’s material

    The renaissance of Islamic boarding school: Philosophical views to direction universalization of Islamic values

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    Islamic Boarding School (IBS) as one of the religious schooling system in Indonesia that are hundreds of years still showed its existence until now. Although IBS faces various problems when they have to come into contact with the concerns of globalization and some people still suspect an IBS schooling system is deliberated conservative, forbidden democracy until the issue of religious terrorism. Excitingly, all negative image from the outside of community to the IBS, responded peaceably by the IBS community. Even, IBS in this globalization era, was trying to discover again philosophically all of its values to be associated with the needs of surfacing society, in addition also reformulate the system of it schooling which is considered less humane. Movements that brought IBS instead revolved towards such a discourse by many events, by carrying subjects linked to the life of contemporary society such as pluralism, humanism, gender and human rights. IBS and the society must be able to educate the younger generation, can sustain a values for harmony, justice and prosperity towards a gracious life and better in the current or the coming

    Dakwah multikultural

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    التربية العقلية وعملياتها عنداإلمام محمد بن إدريس الشافعي

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    Human is an individual and weak, and although he shares with other creatures in some characteristics, but it is characterized by many things comes at the lead of the mind. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to investigate the mental education referred to in his writings, books and pedagogical evidence thereon. To achieve this goal, an analytical method was used to search for the meanings of words that indicate mental education and its operations from their primary sources. The study concluded that mental education and its operations at Imam Muhammad bin Idris Al-Shafii identified four mental processes: sensory perception, cognitive perception, remembering and thinking. This mental education and its processes in Shafii are arranged in a classified command. The sensory perception that forms the basis of the pyramid is the basis of mental education And processes, and that thinking at the top of the pyramid is the highest mental education and operations arranged. Only a believer who is feared by his Lord reaches this lofty level and takes a bridge from the world of execution to the world of the unobserved. And the duty of education to be concerned with sound mind, and to employ educational curricula to develop thinking in all stages of education