38 research outputs found

    Kajian Proses Geomorfologi Dan Konservasi Tanah Di Kecamatan Bulu Kabupaten Temanggung Propinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Bulu Kabupaten Temanggung Propinsi Jawa Tengah dengan judul: “Kajian Proses Geomorfologi Dan Konservasi Tanah di Kecamatan Bulu Kabupaten Temanggung Propinsi Jawa Tengah”, bertujuan: 1) Mengetahui karakteristik geomorfologi, 2) Mengetahui persebaran bentuk-bentuk erosi dan tingkat kerentanan gerak massa, 3) Mengetahui agihan bentuk konservasi tanah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dan analisa laboratorium. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan stratified random sampling dengan strata satuan lahan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode diskriptif kualitatif. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis kerentanan gerak massa digunakan metode pengharkatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Karakteristik geomorfologi di di daerah penelitian sangat bervariasi mulai dari kemiringan lereng yang terbesar di satuan lahan V3IIILCH yaitu 45% dan yang terendah sebesar 10% pada satuan lahanV2IIRCP. Erosi yang terjadi adalah erosi percik, lembar, alur dan parit. Proses pelapukan yang terjadi mulai dari pelapukan ringan terjadi di satuan lahan V2IIRCP, V2IRCK, V2IRCP, V2IRCSw, V2IRCT, V3IIRCP,V3IRCT. Pelapukan sedang di satuan lahan V2IIRCSw, V3IILCK, V3IIRCSw dan pelapukan berat di satuan lahan V2IRCT, VIIILCH, V3IILCT, V3IIRCT. Litologi yang menyusun daerah penelitian adalah breksi, lahar, lava, dan tuff. (2) Persebaran bentuk-bentuk erosi yang terjadi antara lain; Erosi percik terdapat pada setiap satuan lahan , Erosi percik dan erosi lembar terdapat di satuan lahan V2IRCP, V2IIRCSw, V2IIRCT, V2IRCK, V2IRCSw, V3IIILCH, V3IIILCT, V3IILCT, V3IIRCK, V3IIRCP, V3IIRCT, V3IRCP, V3IRCT. Erosi percik, erosi lembar dan erosi alur di satuan lahan V2IIRCSw, V2IIRCT, V2IRCK, V2IRCSw, V2IRCT, V3IIILCH, V3IIILCT, VIIILCH, V3IIILCT, V3IIRCK, V3IIRCSw, V3IIRCT. Sedangkan erosi percik, erosi lembar, erosi alur dan erosi parit di satuan lahan V2IIRCT, V2IRCT, V3IIILCH, V3IIILCT, V3IIRCK, V3IIRCSw, V3IIRCT. (3) Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan harkat 9 parameter pada setiap satuan lahan menghasilkan tingkat kerentanan gerak massa di daerah penelitian. Tingkat kerentanan gerak massa ringan (Klas I) terdapat di satuan lahan V2IRCK,V2IRCP, V3IRCT, V3IRCP, V3IIRCP. Tingkat kerentanan gerak massa sedang (Klas II) di satuan lahanV2IIRCP, VIIRCSw, V2IRCSw, V2IIRCT, V3IIILCH, V3IILCP, V3IIRCK, V3IIRCSw, V3IIRCT.Tingkat kerentanan gerak massa berat (Klas III) terdapat di satuan lahanV2IIRCT, V3IIILCT, V3IILCT. (4) Agihan bentuk konservasi tanah dari berbagai konservasi tanah yang terdapat di setiap satuan lahan tidak selalu sesuai dengan setandar konservasi tanah, dengan demikian perlu dilakukan pembenahan dalam metode maupun bentuk konservasi yang diterapkan di daerah penelitian. Konservasi tanah yang sudah baik dan sesuai dengan standar konservasi terdapat di satuan lahan V2IIRCP, V2IIRCSw, V2IIRCT, V2IRCK, V2IRCP, V2IRCT, V3IIILCT, V3IILCP, V3IIRCP, V3IRCP, V3IRCT. Sedangkan metode konservasi tanah yang belum baik terdapat pada satuan lahan V2IRCSw, V3IIILCH, V3IILCT, V3IIRCK, V3IIRCSw dan V3IIRCT. Hasil dari penelitian ini disajikan dalam peta kerentanan gerak massa, peta morfokonservasi dan peta geomorfologi dengan Skala 1 : 50.000

    Cek Plagiasi: Jurnal nasional: Academia Open (acopen) Volume 6, Juni tahun 2022, ISSN: 2714-7444, halaman 1-12 dengan judul: “Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Moral Dalam Pembentukan Sikap Religius Siswa Sekolah Dasar Berdasarkan Teori Thomas Lickona

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    File ini adalah Hasil Cek Plagiasi: Jurnal nasional: Academia Open (acopen) Volume 6, Juni tahun 2022, ISSN: 2714-7444, halaman 1-12 dengan judul: “Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Moral Dalam Pembentukan Sikap Religius Siswa Sekolah Dasar Berdasarkan Teori Thomas Lickona. Penulis: Didik & Supriyad

    Peer Review: Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Moral Dalam Pembentukan Sikap Religius Siswa Sekolah Dasar Berdasarkan Teori Thomas Lickona, Jurnal: Academia Open (acopen), Vol. 6, Juni (2022), 1-12.

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    File ini adalah hasil Peer Review artikel ilmiah yang berjudul: Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Moral Dalam Pembentukan Sikap Religius Siswa Sekolah Dasar Berdasarkan Teori Thomas Lickona, Jurnal: Academia Open (acopen), Vol. 6, Juni (2022), 1-12

    Skenario Konsekuensi Analisis Pengangkutan LNG Semarang-Yogyakarta dengan Simulasi ALOHA

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    Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is one of the potential alternative fuels to replace conventional fuels. Using LNG as fuel in Indonesia especially Yogyakarta will give many advantages, for instance, reduced greenhouse gas emissions so that eco-city in Yogyakarta can be realized. Although LNG has many advantages, LNG still contains many hazards whether during storage or distribution, the major hazard is radiant heat. This study aims to analyze and simulate hazard scenarios when transporting LNG such as fire pools, fireballs and vapor clouds and establishing exclusion zone by Areal Location of Hazardous Atmospheres (ALOHA) simulation. This study assumes that the diameter of the tank leak is 1 in and 3 in. The simulation results the exclusion zone from pool fire\u27s heat radiation from 1 in and 3 in leaks are more than 14 m and 39 m. While the safe distance of the fireball is 799 m. While in the distance vapor clouds that have a possibility of fire for the diameter leakage of 1 and 3 in are 21 m and 59 m.   &nbsp

    Using STEM Development Worksheets at Free Fall Montion Concept to Toward the Generic Science Skills

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    This study aims to analyze about the eligible, characteristics, and skill upgrade generic science for students at STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) worksheets. Evaluating student responses at STEM learning worksheets. This research is adopted by ADDIE method. It is consisting into of five stages such as analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The results of study show percentage 87.80% excelent category at feasibility test. Second, the main characteristic of development student worksheet is based on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) based learning to improve science generic skills. Third, the result of study is in science generic skills at MA Nurus Sunnah Semarang the average percentage is 80% good category with small-scale and large-scale is at Al Fattah Terboyo High School Semarang the average percentage is 85.35% excelent category at skill upgrade, it is used by students of class X MIPA SMA/MA as a supporting learning resource in the learning process. Based on text above, it can be conclude that the student are able to understand about the learning as wellThis study aims to analyze about the eligible, characteristics, and skill upgrade generic science for students at STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) worksheets. Evaluating student responses at STEM learning worksheets. This research is adopted by ADDIE method. It is consisting into of five stages such as analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The results of study show percentage 87.80% excelent category at feasibility test. Second, the main characteristic of development student worksheet is based on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) based learning to improve science generic skills. Third, the result of study is in science generic skills at MA Nurus Sunnah Semarang the average percentage is 80% good category with small-scale and large-scale is at Al Fattah Terboyo High School Semarang the average percentage is 85.35% excelent category at skill upgrade, it is used by students of class X MIPA SMA/MA as a supporting learning resource in the learning process. Based on text above, it can be conclude that the student are able to understand about the learning as wel

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Gerak Jatuh Bebas Bermuatan STEM (Science, Technologi, Engineering, And Mathematics) Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Generik Sains Kelas X

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    Learning related to STEM aspects provides opportunities for students to understand the concept of Physics combined with technology, engineering and mathematics through discussion, practicum, and project making activities. Learning physics has four main components that must be achieved by students. The four components are understanding, skills, abilities and scientific attitudes. These abilities are basic abilities that are included in the generic science skills that need to be analyzed for their development in students. This study aims to determine student responses to the development of STEM-charged free fall worksheets that can improve generic science skills for class X. This study uses descriptive research methods to determine student responses to the development of learning media. The results of this study based on interviews with physics teachers that the LKPD did not contain STEM which improved science generic skills and showed that the STEM-loaded LKPD media for use in learning received a student response of 79.9% with a good category.Keywords: LKPD, STEM, science generic skill

    Virtualisasi Server Failover Clustering Menggunakan Network Development Life Cycle Di SMK Negeri 1 Kota Bekasi

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    Abstrak: Teknologi virtualisasi dapat membuat sebuah mesin virtual dari sesuatu yang bersifat fisik, sehingga dapat menekan biaya pengeluaran mulai dari biaya listrik sampai kepada pengadaan server itu sendiri. Salah satu virtualisasi yang berkembang saat ini adalah Proxmox. Akan tetapi ada permasalahan yang muncul ketika server virtualisasi tersebut mengalami down atau error. Oleh karenanya sebuah solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan menggunakan High Availability, yang juga dikenal sebagai HA Clusters atau Failover Clusters. Dalam perancangan jaringannya dilakukan menggunakan metode NDLC yang memiliki tahapan-tahapan dalam penerapan sehingga resiko kegagalan ditahap selanjutnya dapat diminimalisir. Untuk menjamin ketersediaan akses sever maka dibutuhkan sebuah tehnik failover clustering didalam virtualisasi server. Dengan adanya virtualisasi server yang menggunakan tehnik failover clustering ini maka server tetap dapat diakses oleh siswa SMK Negeri 1 Kota Bekasi untuk menunjang proses Ujian Sekolah Berbasis Komputer.   Kata kunci: failover, NDLC, proxmox, virtualisasi server   Abstract: Virtualization technology able to create a virtual machine from something that have a physical form, so that it can reduce the cost of expenses start from the cost of electricity to the procurement of the server itself. One of the virtualisations that is developing today is Proxmox. However, there are problems that arise when the virtualization server experiences a down or error. Therefor a solution is needed to handle all the problem that mentioned before with a High Availability, which is also known as HA Clusters or in other term is Failover Clusters. At designing the network, it is work with using the NDLC method which has stages in the application so that the risk of failure in the next stage can be minimized. To ensure availability of server access, a failover clustering  technique is needed in the server virtualization server. With the server virtualization using this failover clustering technique it can still be accessed by students of SMK Negeri 1 Bekasi City in order to support the Computer-Based School Examination process.   Keywords: failover, NDLC, proxmox, virtualisasi serve


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    Decreasing of energy consumption for buildings has become a common issue in many countries. This makes rising in the importance of having an effort to conserve the energy use for consumption. Audit energy is a starting point to have the conservation energy effort. With audit energy, the energy consumption pattern of a system could be achieved and the scheme for decreasing energy consumption could be drawn. Higher education institution should be the agent to implement the energy conservation in society. This paper is aim to have energy audit and energy consumption pattern in ITERA. With the result, a scheme for energy consumption in ITERA will be presented.  This scheme later will have impact on ITERA’s budget. In order to have this scheme, electrical energy consumption in every building in ITERA will be surveyed. Beside electrical energy, temperature and relative humidity in every room building will be measured. Secondary data as in building area and room schedule will be collected. This data will be analyzed and the expected data, that is the scheme for energy consumption decreasing will be recommended


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    Media online adalah salah satu sumber informasi yang dapat diakses seseorang dengan koneksi internet. Informasi yang disajikan berupa berita ringan hingga hukum. Contoh media online di Indonesia adalah Metrotvnews.com dan SINDOnews.com. Berita yang disajikan media online berbeda-beda walaupun mengangkat topik yang sama, hal ini dapat terjadi karena adanya framing. Cara media online dalam menyajikan berita, salah satu faktornya adalah karena kepemilikan media itu sendiri. Hal tersebut akan berpengaruh cara pandang seseorang yang membacanya. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk melihat kecenderungan media dalam memberitakan karena faktor kepemilikan. Konsep framing yang digunakan adalah menurut Robert N. Entman dengan 4 tahapan yaitu pendefinisian masalah, memperkirakan masalah atau sumber masalah, membuat keputusan moral dan menekankan penyelesaian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif . Analisis ini diharapakan mampu menambah wawasana orang awam khususnya penikmat media online dalam hal framing karena faktor kepemilikan media. Kata Kunci: Media online, Framing, penelitian kualitatif

    Skenario konsekuensi analisis pengangkutan LNG Semarang-Yogyakarta dengan simulasi ALOHA

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    Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is one of the potential alternative fuels to replace conventional fuels. Using LNG as fuel in Indonesia especially Yogyakarta will give many advantages, for instance, reduced greenhouse gas emissions so that eco-city in Yogyakarta can be realized. Although LNG has many advantages, LNG still contains many hazards whether during storage or distribution, the major hazard is radiant heat. This study aims to analyze and simulate hazard scenarios when transporting LNG such as fire pools, fireballs and vapor clouds and establishing exclusion zone by Areal Location of Hazardous Atmospheres (ALOHA) simulation. This study assumes that the diameter of the tank leak is 1 in and 3 in. The simulation results the exclusion zone from pool fire’s heat radiation from 1 in and 3 in leaks are more than 14 m and 39 m. While the safe distance of the fireball is 799 m. While in the distance vapor clouds that have a possibility of fire for the diameter leakage of 1 and 3 in are 21 m and 59 m.   &nbsp