1,182 research outputs found

    Javanese Varieties in Pringsewu Regency and Their Origins

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    It has been an interesting discussion on how certain language is spoken in the area far from its center. This paper is aimed at describing the Javanese language varieties in Pringsewu regency of Lampung province, locating the area where these varieties are spoken, and revealing the history why these varieties appear in the areas. By employing dialectology study using isogloss bundles and dialectometry, it was found that in the 18 Javanese observation locations (OL), the Javanese varieties are mostly indicated by both lexical and sound variation, and these varieties are classified in less than 30% lexical difference. There are some areas using Banyumas dialect with its distinctive features and also varieties that reflect standard Javanese. The Javanese varieties in this area are spoken as the first language by the informants. The varieties are derived from the migrants coming several parts in Java Island with different periods and motifs of arrival

    Integrated Production-Distribution Planning with Considering Preventive Maintenance

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    The preventive maintenance activity is important thing in production system especially for a continuous production process, for example in fertilizer industry. Therefore, it has to be considered in production-distribution planning. This paper considers the interval of production facility’s preventive maintenance in production-distribution planning of multi echelon supply chain system which consists of a manufacturer with a continuous production process, a distribution center, a number of distributors and a number of retailers. The problem address in this paper is how to determine coordinated productiondistribution policies that considers the interval of production facility’s preventive maintenance, and customer demand only occurred at retailers and it fluctuates by time. Based on model of Santoso, et al. (2007), using the periodic review inventory model and a coordinated production and replenishment policies that are decided by central planning office and it must be obeyed by all entities of multi-echelon supply chain, the integrated production-distribution planning model is developed to determine the production and replenishment policies of all echelon in the supply chain system in order to minimize total system cost during planning horizon. Total system cost consists of set-up/ordering cost, maintenance cost, holding cost, outsourcing cost and transportation cost at all of entities. With considering preventive maintenance and there is one production run over the planning horizon, the replenishment cycle at distribution center, distributors and retailers that are found out are greater than the basic model. Also, the multiplication of replenishment cycle at distribution center in production cycle that is found out is greater than the basic model but the multiplication of replenishment cycle at retailers in its distributor are smaller than the basic model

    Penyelesaian Sengketa Perdata di Luar Sidang Pengadilan (Studi Kasus Pengusaha Catering di Kota Semarang)

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    The Existence of law in the society is badly needed to keep the orderliness, safety and peace. Besides,law is also used to settle the conflicts within the society. Some conflicts belong to the civil law occursinacontract law, in which there is an agreement inside. The agreement which made by the involved partsof dispute settlement. If there is a dispute, it will be settled trough the court or outside the court. Theproblem of theresearch is stated as follows: what factors which make the people prefer to settles their civildispute outside the court? The problem is divided into: (1) What reasons which make the civil dispute inthe society of Semarang Municipality? (2) What factors which make the settlement of civil dispute doneoutside the court? ; What is the effect of that kind of settlement? The aims of the research are: (1) to knowthe reasons of emerging the civil dispute in Semarang Municipality; (2) to know the factors which makethe people settle their civil dispute outside the court. The result shows that the factor, which influencesthe catering businessmen/women in settling their dispute outside the court, is motivated by cultural andeconomic factors. Based on the result, it is suggested to settle the dispute outside the court firstly, to getthe intended settlement live, all parts involved in the dispute get the satisfaction and also fulfil their needs

    Pemecahan Masalah Rute Kendaraan Dengan Trip Majemuk, Jendela Waktu Dan Pengantaran-penjemputan Simultan Menggunakan Algortima Genetika

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    Vehicle routing problem (VRP) is one of decision problems having an important role in transportation and distribution activity in the logistic management. The VRP deals with determining vehicle routes that minimizes total distance by satisfying the following constraints: (1) each route starts and ends at the depot, (2) each vehicle serves only one route, (3) each costumer is served by one route, (4) all customers must be served, and (5) total load for each route does not exceed the vehicle capacity. In literature, this definition is the definition for the basic or classical VRP. This paper discusses an extension of the basic VRP including the following characteristics: (1)multiple trips (MT), (2) time windows (TW), and (3) simultaneous pickup-delivery (SPD). A solution method based on genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to solve the VRP discussed in this papaer. The proposed GA is examined using some hypothetical instances

    Rancang Bangun Separator Destilasi Minyak Serai Wangi

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    Penelitian ini untuk merancang dan membuat separator destilasi minyak serai wangi. Merancang Separator jenis ini menggunakan standar perancangan ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) dan membuat gambar desain dengan menggunaka software Autodesk Inventor versi 2017. Hasil penelitian didapatkan spesifikasi volume tabung . Dengan dimensi separator yaitu diameter 300 mm, tinggi 250 mm. Material yang digunakan Stainlees steel 304 dan pipa Stainlees steel. Dengan  temperature desain 352 oF. Metode destilasi yang akan digunakan ialah metode destilati uap langsung.                                              Kata kunci: Pemisah, destilasi, ASME                                                              This research is to design and manufacture a distillation separator for citronella oil. Designing this type of separator using ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) design standards and making design drawings using the 2017 version of Autodesk Inventor software. The dimensions of the separator are 300 mm in diameter and 250 mm in height. The material used is Stainlees steel 304 and Stainlees steel pipes. With a design temperature of 352 oF. The distillation method that will be used is the direct steam distillation method.Keywords: Separator, distillation, ASM

    Sikap Kontra Perempuan Desa Tegaldowo Terhadap Pembangunan Pabrik Semen Indonesia di Kecamatan Gunem Kabupaten Rembang

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah mengeksplorasi sikap kontra perempuan Desa Tegaldowo terhadap pembangunan Pabrik Semen Indonesia di Kecamatan Gunem Kabupaten Rembang dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi sikap kontra mereka. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif-analitik, dengan teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengujian dalam penentuan validitas data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan teknik. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Penelitian menunjukkan hasil bahwa terdapat perempuan Desa Tegaldowo yang memiliki sikap kontra terhadap pembangunan pabrik semen. Sikap kontra ini didahului adanya pemahaman kaum perempuan tentang penjualan tanah melalui makelar digunakan untuk kepentingan penghijauan bukan untuk rencana penambangan pabrik semen. Warga masyarakat juga banyak yang tidak dilibatkan dalam musyawarah desa maupun sosialisasi rencana pembangunan pabrik semen. Sikap kontra ditunjukkan oleh kaum perempuan dengan mengikuti berbagai aksi, meliputi; (a) mendirikan tenda perjuangan, (b) studi banding ke Tuban, (c) pemasangan banner tentang penolakan Pabrik Semen, (d) mengajukan gugatan ke PTUN dan PK ke Mahkamah Agung, (e) unjuk rasa dan aksi long march dari Rembang ke Semarang, (f) aksi pengecoran kaki dengan semen di depan Istana Negara. Adapun faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi sikap kontra perempuan Desa Tegaldowo, yaitu faktor lingkungan alam, faktor hukum, faktor isi AMDAL yang janggal dan kurang transparan, faktor kebudayaan, serta faktor pengaruh orang lain. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlu adanya keterlibatan warga masyarakat termasuk perempuan dalam tahap perencanaan pembangunan. Sikap kontra perempuan harus diapresiasi dan difasilitasi oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat, untuk meminimalisir terjadinya konflik supaya resolusi konflik dapat dilakukan. Kata kunci: sikap, kontra, perempuan, pabrik seme

    WAWASAN KEBANGSAAN GENERASI MUDA : Studi De&kriptif Aitalitik Kasiis Pendidikan Wawasan Kebangsaan Generasi Muda pada Lingkungan Masyarakat diKodia Semarang

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    Generasi muda adalah pemilik masa depan, oleh karenanya generasi muda yang berkualitas menjadi harapan bangsa dan negara demi kelangsungan hidup negara-bangsa. Kualitas gene rasi muda salah satunya ditentukan oleh wawasan kebangsaan yang dimiliki. Di era globalisasi yang mengarah ke sikap pragmatis dan materialis, serta menguatnya primordialisme dan tribalisme, mantapnya wawasan kebangsaan generasi muda terasa semakin penting. Namun ironisnya justru kerisauanlah yang ada dibenak sebagian besar bangsa ini. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengungkap wawasan kebangsaan generasi muda, dengan meneliti kasus generasi muda di Kodia Semarang. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai adalah mendapat gambaran wawasan kebangsaan generasi muda di Kodia Semarang. Dari hasil penelitian yang memberikan gambaran wawasan kebangsaan generasi muda dengan segala faktor yang melingkupinya, bermaksud merekomendasikan pentingnya dicari model pendidi kan wawasan kebangsaan generasi muda yang cocok dilaksanakan di lingkungan pendidikan masyarakat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode diskriptif analitik dengan pedekatan fenoraenologis, dengan peneliti sebagai instrumennya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pendidik di lingkungan ma syarakat (orangtua, tokoh masyarakat, penatar BP-7) dan ge nerasi muda merasakan adanya penurunan pemahaman dan aktualisasi wawasan kebangsaan generasi muda. Penurunan tersebut di antaranya disebabkan oleh kurangnya perhatian orangtua dan bergesernya harapan orangtua tentang masa depan anak yang semakin pragmatis-materialis dengan penekanan manfaat jangka pendek, dan tidak jelasnya tantangan yang membangkitkan kesadaran kebangsaan. Akhir penelitian merekomendasikan bahwa pendidikan atau pembinaan wawasan kebangsaan generasi muda di lingkungan ma syarakat mendesak untuk segera dilaksanakan, untuk itu perlu dicari model yang cocok bagi pelaksanaannya. Pelaksanaannya tidak dengan program khusus-formal, tetapi diintegrasikan ke berbagai program kegiatan rutin yang telah ada dan menarik. Optimalisasi peran pendidik di lingkungan masyarakat harus dilakukan dengan materi berpedoman pada manfaat, sejarah, proyeksi masa depan, usaha kesejahteraan rakyat, sifat inovatif, dan ATHG bangsa. Pembinaan didekati sebagai pendidikan nilai yang berpegang pada prinsip aktual, kontekstua1- konstitusional, komprehensif, humanistik, mahasiswa sentris, dan affektif oriented. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah pola pikir, sikap, dan perilaku generasi muda tetap berakar pada nilai budaya dan kepribadian bangsa, dengan nilai wawasan kebangsaan sebagai acuan tingkah laku dan acuan penilaian perilakunya

    Amylose profile and rice grain morphology of selected F6 lines derived from a crossing of Black Rice and Mentik Wangi for the development of waxy pigmented rice

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    Research on rice plant breeding to get superior black rice varieties with tender rice texture can be carried out by crossing Black Rice and Mentik Wangi variety. The rice lines derived from a crossing of these two varieties have recently reached the F6 line. The texture of rice is distinguished by the amylose content. The lower of the rice amylose, the more tender of the rice texture, and vice versa. This study aimed to find out the profile of amylose content and the grains morphology of the lines that will be developed as waxy pigmented rice. Analysis of amylose content was carried out using iodine-colorimetry methods. The quantification of amylose was measured based on the regression of the standard amylose curve. The results showed that all the F6 lines had the potential to be developed as waxy pigmented rice. Based on the Kruskall Wallis test, there was a variance in the amylose profile average of the eight genotypes. In terms of grains morphology, the line 482-17-7 and 482-17-18 had a combination colour between the two parents. In addition, there was a significant difference in grains size between the genotypes and the grain size of all lines were classified in the medium size. F6 lines resulted from the crossing between Black Rice and Mentik Wangi are recommended to be used as superior varieties of waxy pigmented rice

    A Need Analysis of ESP for Physical Education Students in Indonesia

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    This research aims at constructing the ideal English material for Physical Education students of universities in Lampung. Currently, students at university are taught about general English and it stimulates the writers to conduct a research to reveal their need of ESP as the answer of the current issues. This research is conducted in two universities, namely Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia and Universitas Lampung. The participants are 50 students, and 10 lecturers of Physical Education study program from both respective universities. The data are in the form of qualitative data which are taken from the interview and the questionnaire to students and lecturers which cover topics needed, and teaching method. The findings reveal the Physical Education students need of ESP in varied range of topics. The highly desired topics are English for sport journalism, English for professional athlete/referee/coach. Furthermore, based on the perspective of lecturers, they believe that students speaking, and writing must be well developed in order to compete in international level as professional athlete, coach, journalist, and etc. The result of analysis concludes the importance of ESP for Physical Educations students. Further research shall be conducted to test the effectiveness of the English topics constructed based on this current research