51 research outputs found


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    Pratylenchus brachyurus is an important parasitic nematode which significantly decreases quality and quantity of patchouli oil. One potential measure for controlling the nematode is by using endophytic bacteria. These bacteria also induce plant growth. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of endo-phytic bacteria to control P. brachyurus. The experiments were carried out in the Bacteriological Laboratory of the Plant Protection Department, Bogor Agricultural University, and the Laboratory and Greenhouse of the Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Crops Research Institute from April to December 2007. Endophytic bacteria were isolated from the roots of patchouli plants sampled from various locations in West Java. Antagonistic activity of the isolates were selected against P. brachyurus and their abilities to induce plant growth of patch-ouli plants. Isolates having ability to control P. brachyurus and promote plant growth were identified by molecular techniques using 16S rRNA universal primers. The results showed that a total of 257 isolates of endophytic bacteria were obtained from patchouli roots and their population density varied from 2.3 x 102 to 6.0 x 105 cfu g-1 fresh root. As many as 60 isolates (23.34%) were antagonistic against P. brachyurus causing 70-100% mortality of the namatode, 72 isolates (28.01%) stimu-lated plant growth, 32 isolates (12.47%) inhibited plant growth, and 93 isolates (36.18%) were neutral. Based on their antago-nistic and plant growth enhancer characters, five isolates of the bacteria, namely Achromobacter xylosoxidans TT2, Alcaligenes faecalis NJ16, Pseudomonas putida EH11, Bacillus cereus MSK, and Bacillus subtilis NJ57 suppressed 74.0-81.6% nema-tode population and increased 46.97-86.79% plant growth. The study implies that the endophytic bacteria isolated from patchouly roots are good candidates for controlling P. brachyurus on patchouly plants. Bahasa IndonesiaPratylenchus brachyurus adalah nematoda parasit pada tana-man nilam yang dapat menurunkan hasil dan kualitas minyak nilam. Salah satu cara pengendalian yang potensial terhadap nematoda tersebut adalah menggunakan bakteri endofit. Selain dapat membunuh nematoda, bakteri endofit juga dapat meng-induksi pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitian bertujuan untuk  mengevaluasi potensi bakteri endofit yang berasal dari tanaman nilam untuk mengendalikan namatoda parasit P. brachyurus. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Bakteriologi, Departemen Proteksi Tanaman, Institut Pertanian Bogor, serta di  laboratorium dan rumah kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, pada bulan April sampai Desember 2007. Bakteri endofit diisolasi dari sampel akar tanaman nilam dari beberapa lokasi di Jawa Barat. Isolat-isolat bakteri endofit diseleksi kemampuannya untuk membunuh P. brachyurus dan menginduksi pertumbuhan tanam-an nilam. Isolat bakteri endofit yang potensial selanjutnya diidentifikasi secara molekuler menggunakan primer universal 16S rRNA. Penelitian memperoleh 257 isolat bakteri endofit dengan kerapatan populasi 2,3 x 102 sampai 6,0 x 105  cfu g-1 berat basah akar. Enam puluh isolat (23,34%) di antaranya bersifat antagonis terhadap P. brachyurus dengan mortalitas 70-100%, 72 isolat (28,01%) dapat memacu pertumbuhan tanaman nilam, 93 isolat (36,18%) bersifat netral, dan 32 isolat (12,47%) dapat menghambat pertumbuhan tanaman. Berdasarkan hasil peng-ujian antagonis dan pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman, lima isolat bakteri, yaitu Achromobacter xylosoxidans TT2, Alcaligenes faecalis NJ16,  Pseudomonas putida EH11, Bacillus cereus MSK, dan Bacillus subtilis NJ57 dapat menekan populasi nematoda 74,0-81,6% dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan nilam 46,97-86,79%. Penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa bakteri endofit dari tanaman nilam berpotensi mengendalikan P. brachyurus pada tanaman nilam

    Identifikasi Patotipe Globodera Rostochiensis Menggunakan Klon Diferensial

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    Identification of Globodera rostochiensis using differential clones. Potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, is a relatively new pathogen in Indonesia that becomes a constraint to potato production. To manage the parasite effectively, it is very important to identify the pathotype of G. rostochiensis populations. Therefore, this research was carried out to identify G. rostochiensis pathotypes. Four G. rostochiensis samples, consisting of three samples from East Java and one sample from Central Java, were identified using a set of differential clones. The result showed that G. rostochiensis samples from East Java were new pathotype, whereas the sample from Central Java was Ro1 pathotype

    Keefektifan Limbah Tanaman Brassicaceae Untuk Pengendali Nematoda Puru Akar (Meloidogyne Spp.) Pada Mikroplot Di Lapangan

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    Effectivenes of Brassicaceae plant wastes to control the root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) at a field microplot scale. Meloidogyne spp. is a soil borne pathogen that infects plant roots and causes root galls. Root knot nematodes can reduce crop production by 15 to 95%, so that the control measures are needed. One of the control methods is using plants as biofumigant. Plants of the family Brassicaceae were reported contain glucosinolate (GSL). During decomposition, GSL is hydrolized to isothiocyanates (ITS) which is a highly toxic compound to soil organisms, including nematodes. The research objective was to determine the effectiveness of five Brassicaceous plant wastes, namely cabbage (B. oleracea var capitata), radish (Raphanus sativus), broccoli (B. oleracea var italica), chinese cabbage (B. chinensis) and pakcoy (B. rapa var parachinensis) to suppress root knot nematodes (RKN). The experiment was conducted on microplot scale in the field. The experimental design used was a 4x5 factorial CRD. The first factors are waste of Brassica and the second factors are the amount of Brassica wastes per microplot. The experiments were made in 6 replications. Application of 5 Brassica plant wastes at all doses tested effectively reduced the number of root knot by 45.65% to 94.43% and increased the average number of tomato fruits. Tomato plants grew better at microplots when treated with chinese cabbage and pakcoy wastes


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    ABSTRAKBakteri endofit adalah salah satu agen antagonis yang akhir-akhirini banyak digunakan sebagai pengendalian biologi nematoda parasittanaman. Pada tanaman nilam nematoda Pratylenchus brachyurus merupa-kan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode aplikasi bakteri endofit yangeffisien untuk menekan nematoda P. brachyurus pada tanaman nilam.Penelitian telah dilakukan di laboratorium dan rumah kaca Balai PenelitianTanaman Rempah dan Obat dan Laboratorium Nematologi DepartemenProteksi Tanaman IPB, dari Januari sampai dengan Juli 2005. Penelitianmenggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertamaadalah metode aplikasi (siram dan rendam), faktor kedua adalah jenisisolat (NJ2, NJ25, NJ41, NJ46, NJ57, NA22, ERB21, ES32, E26). Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi nematoda dipengaruhi olehadanya interaksi antara metode aplikasi dan isolat bakteri yang digunakan,sedangkan berat tajuk, panjang akar dan tinggi tanaman hanya dipengaruhioleh jenis bakteri. Isolat Bacillus NA22, Bacillus NJ46 dan Bacillus NJ2dengan metode perendaman akar mempunyai kemampuan yang tinggidalam menekan populasi P. brachyurus yaitu berturut-turut sebesar 75%,63% dan 60%. Semua isolat yang digunakan dapat meningkatkan berattajuk, panjang akar dan tinggi tanaman.Kata kunci: Nilam, Pogostemon cablin, penyakit tanaman, pengendalianbiologi, bakteri endofit, nematoda, Pratylenchus brachyurus,Jawa BaratABSTRACTEffect of application method of endophytic bacteria onroot lesion nematode (Pratylenchus brachyurus) onpatchouliEndophytic bacteria is one of the important agents recently usedfor controlling plant parasitic nematodes. P. brachyurus is one of thefactors affecting the productivity of patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth.)in Indonesia. The objectives of the research were to find out an efficientapplication method of endophytic bacteria to reduce P. brachyurus onpatchouli. The research was conducted in the Nematology Laboratory,Department of Plant Protection, Bogor Agricultural University and in theLaboratory and Greenhouse of Indonesian Spice and Medicinal CropsResearch Institute, from January to July 2005. The research usedrandomized complete design with two factors, the first factor wasapplication method (drencing and deeping), the second factor was bacteriaisolates (NJ2, NJ25, NJ41, NJ46, NJ57, NA22, ERB21, ES32, E26). Theresults showed that the population of nematode was affected by theinteraction between bacterial isolates and application method. While shootweight, root length and plant height were affected by bacterial isolates.Bacillus NA22, Bacillus NJ46 and Bacillus NJ2 applicated by deeping theroot into bacterial suspension significantly gave good result in reducing P.brachyurus, i.e. 75%, 63% and 60%. All bacterial isolates increased shootweight, root length.Key words: Patchouli, Pogostemon cablin, plant disease, biologicalcontrol, endophytic bacteria, nematode, Pratylenchusbrachyurus, West Jav

    Pengaruh Metode Aplikasi Bakteri Endofit Terhadap Perkembangan Nematoda Peluka Akar (Pratylenchus Brachyurus ) Pada Tanaman Nilam

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    Bakteri endofit adalah salah satu agen antagonis yang akhir-akhirini banyak digunakan sebagai pengendalian biologi nematoda parasittanaman. Pada tanaman nilam nematoda Pratylenchus brachyurus merupa-kan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode aplikasi bakteri endofit yangeffisien untuk menekan nematoda P. brachyurus pada tanaman nilam.Penelitian telah dilakukan di laboratorium dan rumah kaca Balai PenelitianTanaman Rempah dan Obat dan Laboratorium Nematologi DepartemenProteksi Tanaman IPB, dari Januari sampai dengan Juli 2005. Penelitianmenggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertamaadalah metode aplikasi (siram dan rendam), faktor kedua adalah jenisisolat (NJ2, NJ25, NJ41, NJ46, NJ57, NA22, ERB21, ES32, E26). Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi nematoda dipengaruhi olehadanya interaksi antara metode aplikasi dan isolat bakteri yang digunakan,sedangkan berat tajuk, panjang akar dan tinggi tanaman hanya dipengaruhioleh jenis bakteri. Isolat Bacillus NA22, Bacillus NJ46 dan Bacillus NJ2dengan metode perendaman akar mempunyai kemampuan yang tinggidalam menekan populasi P. brachyurus yaitu berturut-turut sebesar 75%,63% dan 60%. Semua isolat yang digunakan dapat meningkatkan berattajuk, panjang akar dan tinggi tanaman

    Deteksi dan Identifikasi Spesies Meloidogyne pada Tanaman Wortel dari Dataran Tinggi Malino, Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Meloidogyne spp. was reported as the cause of branched tuber disease on several carrot production areas in Java, Indonesia and may potentially cause yield loss. This research aimed to use morphological and molecular characters to detect and identify Meloidogyne species on carrot from Malino Highland, Sub-district of Tinggimoncong, District of Gowa, South Sulawesi. Morphological identification was done based on character of the female perineal pattern. Molecular identification was based on amplification of r-DNA by polymerase chain reaction technique using species specific primers (Fjav/Rjav for M. javanica, Far/Rar for M. arenaria, and Finc/Rinc for M. incognita) and multiplex primer (JMV1/JMVhapla/JMV2 for M. hapla, M. chitwoodi, and M. fallax).Two of Meloidogyne species, i.e. M. incognita and M. arenaria were detected associated with the incidence of carrot branched tuber. The specific primers amplified two DNA bands, i.e. ± 999 bp of M. incognita and ± 420 bp of M. arenaria, while multiplex primer was failed to amplify DNA bands. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed M. incognita isolate of Malino was closely related to M. incognita isolate from Bangka-Indonesia, China (isolate JS2), and Malaysia (isolates JIK4, FIK4, JIT19, and FIT19) with homology of 99.2–100.0%. The nucleotide sequences of M. arenaria from Malino was submitted to GenBank with accession number KP234264, which was the first nucleotide sequence data in GenBank

    Meloidogyne incognita Penyebab Umbi Berbintil pada Kentang di Beberapa Sentra Produksi Kentang di Jawa

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    Root knot nematodes is an important pathogen on potatoes in tropical and sub-tropical areas. Root knot nematodes contribute a significant impact in reducing the quality and quantity of potato tuber. Meloidogyne incognita is one of the species causing the root knot. This research was conducted to identify M. incognita on potatoes in Java Island based on morphological and DNA molecular characteristic. The infected potato tubers with pimple-like knot symptom were collected from Pangalengan (West Java), Banjarnegara (Central Java), and Kota Batu (East Java). Nematode was identified based on morphological character of perineal pattern, and based on molecular DNA character by polymerase chain reaction technique using a pair of specific primer (MI-F and MI-R), followed by DNA fragment sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Based on morphological character of perineal pattern, M. incognita was detected in all 3 locations; while based on DNA molecular character, and M. incognita was detected in Pangalengan (West Java) and Kota Batu (East Java). M. incognita from Pangalengan had high homology, i.e.99.2% to 99.8% with those isolates from China, India, and Malaysia.

    Tingkat Infestasi Aphelenchoides besseyi pada Benih Padi di Bogor

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    The white tip disease on rice plants have been discovered in the district of Bogor, i.e. in  Sukamakmur, Petir, and Muara Experimental Station areas. The infected plant exhibited symptoms, involving whiten leaf tip 3–5 cm that later  turn to necrosis, twisted and crinkled. The disease is supposed caused by a parasitic nematode, namely Aphelenchoides besseyi, which is known seed borne. Extraction of nematodes based on  ISTA protocols on rice was conducted.  Seeds from eight varieties, SL8SHS, Hybrid Rice (HIPA14), IPB 3S, IR-64, Pertiwi (Pak Tiwi), Inpari 31, Pandan Wangi Bogor (Sintanur) and Ciherang, was obtained from seed vendors in Bogor and Muara Experimental Station. The majority of nematodes recovered were females and only few males with morphological characteristics matching with A. besseyi.  All seed rice varieties tested contained A. besseyi with the average of 3–341 nematodes per 5 g seed.

    Phytonematode Community in The Robusta and Arabica Coffee Plantation in East Java

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    Fitonematoda merupakan salah satu penyebab penyakit pada tanaman kopi robusta dan arabika. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis komunitas fitonematoda pada kopi robusta dan arabika serta distribusinya pada kondisi kesehatan pertanaman yang berbeda. Lokasi pengambilan sampel berada di Kebun Percobaan Sumber Asin (Desa Krajan, Kecamatan Sumbermanjing, Kabupaten Malang), Blawan (Desa Sempol, Kecamatan Sempol, Kabupaten Bondowoso), dan Kalisat Jampit (Desa Kalisat, Kecamayan Ijen, kabupaten Bondowoso) Provinsi Jawa Timur. Sampel akar dan tanah diambil pada tanaman bergejala penyakit, tanaman di antara tanaman sakit dan sehat, dan tanaman sehat. Ekstraksi nematoda dari sampel akar dilakukan dengan metode pengabutan (mist chamber) dan sampel tanah dengan flotasi sentrifugasi. Peubah yang diamati ialah nilai prominensi (NP) dan proporsi sebaran fitonematoda penting. Fitonematoda yang diperoleh pada kopi robusta ialah Pratylenchus coffeae, Rotylenchulus reniformis, Meloidogyne spp., dan Hemicriconemoides cocophillus. Fitonematoda yang diperoleh pada kopi arabika ialah Radopholus similis, Meloidogyne spp., Paratylenchus sp., Criconemoides sp., dan Helicotylenchus sp. Fitonematoda didominasi oleh spesies P. coffeae dan R. reniformis pada kopi robusta serta R. similis dan Meloidogyne spp. pada kopi arabika. Terdapat perbedaan nilai prominensi pada masing-masing fitonematoda yang ditemukan. Nilai prominensi fitonematoda tertinggi dari ekstraksi perakaran kopi robusta terdapat pada P. coffeae, yaitu sebesar 295.83, sedangkan pada perakaran kopi arabika terdapat pada R. similis sebesar 259.16. Secara umum, pada spesies tersebut terjadi peningkatan populasi dari tanaman sehat ke tanaman bergejala penyakit

    Identifikasi Spesies Meloidogyne pada Wortel berdasarkan Sikuen Nukleotida

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    Root-knot nematodes (RKN), Meloidogyne spp., were reported as the cause of carrot branched tuber on several vegetable production areas in Central and East Java. Species identification by molecular approach was conducted using infected carrot tubers from Agropolitan Cianjur, West Java. DNA was extracted from female nematodes and amplified using PCR with species specific primers (Fjav/Rjav for M. javanica, Far/Rar for M. arenaria, and Finc/Rinc for M. incognita) and multiplex primer (M. hapla, M. chitwoodi, and M. fallax). PCR product were sequenced without cloning. Based on nucleotide sequences, two species RKN were found associated with branched tuber disease of carrot in Agropolitan Cianjur, i.e M. javanica and M. hapla. Phylogenetic analysis showed that M. javanica from Cianjur was closely related to RKN from China with the homology level of 91.9%, whereas nucleotide sequence of M. hapla from Cianjur had high homology level (99.4% to 100%) with isolates from Swiss, USA, UK, and China.Key words: Meloidogyne hapla, M. javanica, phylogenetic, root-knot nematod