439 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Prestasi Dan Motivasi Belajar Ipa Dengan Menerapkan Pengajaran Berbasis Inkuiri Pada Siswa

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    Salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh bangsa Indonesia adalah rendahnya mutu pendidikan, khususnya pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Berbagai usaha telah dilakukan untuk menigkatkan mutu pendidikan nasional, antara lain melalui berbagai pelatihan dan peningkatan kualitas guru, penyempurnaan kurikulum, pengadaan buku dan alat pelajaran, perbaikan sarana dan prasarana pendidikanlain, dan peningkatan mutu manajemen sekolah, namun demikian, berbagai indikator mutu pendidikan belum menunjukkan peningkatan yang memadai. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan, Subjek penelitian adalah siswa Penelitian ini bertempat di SDN 3 Menteng. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa-siswi Kelas VI SDN 3 Menteng pada pokok bahasan Pengajaran Berbasis Inkuiri. Data-data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui observasi pengolahan pengajaran berbasis inkuiri, dan tes formatif. Kentuntasan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui hasil peneilitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengajaran berbasis inkuiri memiliki dampak positif dalam meningkatkan prestasasi belajar siswa. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari semakin mantapnya pemahaman dan penguasaan siswa terhadap materi yang telah disampaikan guru selama ini (ketuntasan belajar meningkat dari sklus I, II, dan III) yaitu masing-masing 62,50%, 75,00%, dan 87,50%. Pada siklus III ketuntasan belajar siswa secara klasikal telah tercapai.&nbsp

    Wind environment evaluation in neighborhood residential areas in Malaysia:a case study of Johor Bahru metropolitan city

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    This paper discusses planning guidelines at the neighborhood residential areas in consideration of wind flow in Malaysia. It aims to reduce the energy consumption particularly from the usage of home air conditioners. Natural wind flow is one of the most effective methods to help achieve the energy saving objectives in large cities especially under the tropical climate like Malaysia. This paper presents the results of several wind tunnel tests on selected neighborhood residential areas in the Johor Bahru Metropolitan City. Moreover, the wind environment evaluation of the selected case study areas under the climate conditions of the city was carried out. The results of the evaluation shows that the mean wind velocities at 1.5m height of some of the Malaysian terraced houses cases were in the comfort zone particularly during the northeast monsoon period. Nevertheless, both in the southwest monsoon period and the inter monsoon period, although the mean values of wind velocity ratio of the Malaysian terrace houses had been slightly higher than the trend line of the Japanese apartment houses, the mean wind velocities in all the cases in the Johor Bahru City and Japan did not reach the required comfort zones

    Wind environmental evaluation of neighborhood areas in major towns of Malaysia

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    This paper discusses planning guidelines of neighborhood residential areas in consideration of wind flow in Malaysia. It aims to reduce the energy consumption particularly from the use of air-conditioners. Wind flow at the neighborhood level has a large potential to promote natural ventilation in each dwelling unit. This paper reports results of the wind environmental evaluation of case study areas under respective climatic conditions in major towns of Malaysia. The results showed that the calculated mean wind velocities in most terraced houses cases did not meet required criterion under respective climatic conditions in the east coast towns and inland town of Peninsular Malaysia. This was mainly due to the weak wind conditions in these towns. It was considered that the location of towns, i.e. distance from the coastal line, had significant influence on such weak wind conditions. This paper finally suggested that the high-rise housing could be one of the effective means to utilize higher wind at the elevated floor level under weak wind conditions in urban Malaysia


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    Several Malay cultures resulted from the interactional pattern of community activities. Such Malay culture becomes an identity for the people adhering to it. This identity is its adherents’ different from other cultural adherents. However, corresponding to current demand and cultural dynamic from time to time, Malay cultural identity as this identity cannot always be understood by the younger generation partially or even entirely. Especially, young generation today has been heavily involved in technological developments. This community service aims to foster awareness of Malay culture, and to instill the character of Malay culture to the young generation. The methods used in this activity were dialogue and lecture, and interview methods with a socio-cultural approach. These method and approach were expected to raise awareness of the preservation of Malay culture among young generation which is not only abstract and embodied into ideas, but can also be expressed in behavior reflected by the young generation that will shape its cultural character


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    This research was aimed at reflecting how Hirata reveals the tin exploitation in Belitung Island through his debut novel, Laskar Pelangi. It is significant and worthy research as it is an effort to raise awareness and understanding of human beings about the importance of nature and the environment, especially awareness for people who have the power to determine nature protection policies and the importance of nature conservation for the preservation of ecosystems for future generations. This research applied the theory of ecocriticism proposed by Gerrard supported by the theory offered by Gutti, Aji and Magaji. This research uses descriptive qualitative in which the data obtained from the novel are analyzed to reveal the process of tin exploitation in Belitung Island. The research results show that tin exploitation in Belitung Island is carried out both in traditional and modern ways. Traditional tools used to mine tin are phok, aichang, khaknai and kiaw to make water embankments and shovels to dig soil, while modern tools used to mine tin are machines in the forms of heavy equipment, such as dredgers and excavators. Traditional tin mining activities in Belitung which are carried out without a Mining Business Permit or Unlicensed Mining is also revealed in the novel


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    This research is motivated by the difficulties and disinterest of students in writing poetry texts. This is because students do not understand the techniques in writing poetry texts. In addition, students are still not trained in developing their creative thinking in writing poetry texts. To overcome this problem, the authors chose podcast learning media to improve students' ability to write poetry texts and students' creative thinking skills in class VIII SMPN 2 Margahayu. The problem in this study is related to the low ability of students in writing poetry texts and the ability to think creatively. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of podcast media and its impact on the ability to write poetry texts and increase creative thinking skills. The ability of class VIII students of SMPN 2 Margahayu in writing poetry texts is in good category. In addition, the ability to think creatively is also in another good category. Based on the results of statistical calculations, it can be obtained that podcast media has an impact on the ability to write poetry texts and the ability to think creatively. This is supported by statistical calculations. There are significant differences in writing poetry texts and students' creative thinking in the experimental class using podcast media and the control class using image media. This study uses a mix method with data collection techniques through tests, observations, and interviews. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that learning to write poetry texts has an impact on students' creative thinking abilities. In addition, it can be an alternative to choosing a learning model in class. It is evident from the results of the pretest writing poetry texts that the average experimental class student obtained 57.69, while the average posttest score for the experimental class obtained 81.92 which indicates an increase in value. Likewise, the average score of students' creative thinking pretest is 63.5, while the posttest average score is 77.66, also showing an increase Keywords: Creative thinking, Podcast, Write, Poetry

    Theisme Vis A Vis Atheisme Dalam Kajian Filsafat

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    Dalam tulisan ini dijelaskan mengenai perdebatan tentang eksistensi Tuhan, kajian ini menjadi penting karena merupakan kunci dari semua pintu kajian tentang agama secara keseluruhan. Setiap agama akan dimulai dari pembahasan mengenai keyakinan tentang eksistensi Tuhan. Apabila meyakini eksistensi Tuhan, maka seseorang dapat secara sah disebut beragama (theisme), dan apabila menolak eksistensi Tuhan, maka seseorang dapat digolongkan kepada menolak agama atau tidak beragama (atheisme). Bagi orang yang menyatakan keyakinannya kepada eksistensi Tuhan akan mendapatkan banyak argumen yang mendukungnya, sehingga menjadi mantap dalam keyakinan dan kehidupan agamanya, tetapi tidak sedikit pula yang menganggap agama sebagai penyakit yang timbul dari rasa takut dan sebagai sumber penderitaan yang tak terungkapkan bagi manusia. Dari dua sisi pola pikir dan pendekatan terhadap agama dan eksistensi Tuhan tersebut, maka perlu untuk dipahami juga bahwa theisme dan atheisme secara tidak langsung memberikan dan menjadi warna pemikiran filosofis dan saintis dewasa ini. Keduanya menjadi basis filosofis dalam pemikiran, perbuatan dan prilaku manusia, atau paling tidak menjadi arah kecenderungan. Secara umum seseorang yang basis filosofisnya adalah atheisme, maka pemikiran, perbuatan dan prilakunya akan bernuansa atheisme serta jauh dari nilai-nilai spiritualitas ketuhanan. Sebaliknya seseorang yang basis filosofisnya adalah theisme, maka pemikiran, perbuatan dan prilakunya akan bernuansa theisme dan senantiasa berada dalam nilai- nilai spiritualitas ketuhanan


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    This research is motivated by the difficulties and disinterest of students in writing poetry texts. This is because students do not understand the techniques in writing poetry texts. In addition, students are still not trained in developing their creative thinking in writing poetry texts. To overcome this problem, the authors chose podcast learning media to improve students' ability to write poetry texts and students' creative thinking skills in class VIII SMPN 2 Margahayu. The problem in this study is related to the low ability of students in writing poetry texts and the ability to think creatively. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of podcast media and its impact on the ability to write poetry texts and increase creative thinking skills. The ability of class VIII students of SMPN 2 Margahayu in writing poetry texts is in good category. In addition, the ability to think creatively is also in another good category. Based on the results of statistical calculations, it can be obtained that podcast media has an impact on the ability to write poetry texts and the ability to think creatively. This is supported by statistical calculations. There are significant differences in writing poetry texts and students' creative thinking in the experimental class using podcast media and the control class using image media. This study uses a mix method with data collection techniques through tests, observations, and interviews. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that learning to write poetry texts has an impact on students' creative thinking abilities. In addition, it can be an alternative to choosing a learning model in class. It is evident from the results of the pretest writing poetry texts that the average experimental class student obtained 57.69, while the average posttest score for the experimental class obtained 81.92 which indicates an increase in value. Likewise, the average score of students' creative thinking pretest is 63.5, while the posttest average score is 77.66, also showing an increase Keywords: Creative thinking, Podcast, Write, Poetry