67 research outputs found


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    Indonesia is one of the producing countries of natural fibre commodities, both vegetable and animal fibres. Indonesia exports natural fibres and at the same time needs a large quantity of natural fibers which is satisfied by imports. The natural fibre user industry contributes as a source of the state revenue. This article was written descriptively through a literature review and an analysis of data on the potential and future of Indonesian natural fibres as raw materials for various industries. The results of this study indicated that natural fibre from Indonesia had the potential to be used as raw materials for various industries by increasing the quantity of supplies and their qualities; the uses of natural fibres are not only for conventional uses, but continues to grow with the development of science, technology and art to create innovations based on natural fibres and take awareness of the importance of environmentally friendly products; and natural fibres have good prospects or technoeconomically feasibile to be developed as raw materials for various industries. Keywords: business feasibility, export, fibre uses, industry, natural fibre, production,  raw materia

    Sustainable Business Strategy at Hotel Selarong Bogor

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    The objectives of this research was (1) identified the existing business model of Hotel Selarong Bogor; (2) formulated a business development strategy using SWOT analysis at the Selarong Hotel, Bogor; (3) obtained priority strategies that the company will use; and (4) designed the BMCS Hotel Selarong Bogor for the future. This study used descriptive analysis methods, BMCS, IFE and EFE, IE, SWOT, and AHP EVM. Based on the results of interview data regarded the existing BMCS, Hotel Selarong wasn’t implement a sustainable strategy. Building the IE matrix requires, the results of IFE matrix and EFE matrix. The total scores for IFE and EFE was 2,939 and 2,818. These results indicated that, Selarong Hotel was in cell V of the IE matrix (Internal-External). The company was a hold and maintain status. The Companies can implement market penetration and product development strategies. After conducted a SWOT analysis, get ten strategies, then weighting priorities using the AHP EVM approach. Provide questionnaires to CEO, Co-CEO, and manager. Based on the priority strategy, strategy 5 was the highest priority, then strategies 7, 4, 8, 6, 9, 10, 2, 3, and 1. The first step that can be took to change the business model was through activities to change the company's vision and mission to a sustainable business direction. The green hotel concept was the new strategy used in implementing the sustainability strategy. Based on the new BMCS, there were additions in 8 of the 10 BMCS sections, namely vision and mission, value proposition, customers, stakeholders, key activities, essential resources, critical partnerships and cost structure. Keywords: BMCS, Sustainable Business. AHP, IFE, EFE, I


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    Leather is a product obtained from the conversion process of raw skin/hide into leather. The process generate a number of wastes with a high pollutant content, especially waste water. The waste contributes to the formation of carbon emission. Awareness on  environmental sustainability also requires the industry to improve its production system to make it more eco-friendly. Improvements will increase production and the  industry reputation. Before making improvements to the production system, it is necessary to carry out an analysis related to the carbon emissions produced in producing a product. The objectives of this study were to calculate carbon emission (carbon footprint) that generates in the leather tannery process and to give alternative strategy for the environmental improvement.  The research used primary data and secondary data. This research was carried out with the processes identification, carbon emission sources identification, an analysis of the carbon emission potential amount, and a study of strategies to minimize carbon formation in the tannery. The results of the analysis showed that electricity and wastewater were sources of carbon in the production process of leather. The total of carbon emission formed in the leather tanning process was 1,692.17 kg CO2 eq per batch, where wastewater contributed more than electricity. Further analysis showed that 1 m2 of leather produced 8.08 kg CO2 eq of carbon. The strategies that can be taken to reduce carbon emissions are engineering processes, material substitution, and using eco-friendly materials. Keywords: carbon footprint, leather, tanner

    Kajian Penerapan Produksi Bersih di Stasiun Gilingan pada Proses Produksi Gula

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    The development of sugar industries in Indonesia is influenced by the capability of increasing sugar productivity every year. This increasing is important to handle problem that happened. One of the solutions of the problem, such as sugar loss and inefficiency energy was application of the cleaner production. PG. Tersana Baru have been doing efforts to minimize fuel consumption in milling station. This research objective were to design a processing improvement in milling station through cleaner production approach strategy in reducing sugar loss and increasing energy (steam and fuel) uses efficiency and to build a dynamic model on the influence of imbibitions water to water content of bagasse and sucrose content in milling station at PT. PG. Rajawali II Unit PG. Tersana Baru, West Java. The results of this research indicated a potency for application of a cleaner production approach in PG. Tersana Baru based data collected during 2007 milling season, of which the optimum of imbibitions water was 22.64 %. That condition was achieved in the 8th period of production with fuel energy consumption of 298,466 kcals/ton sugar cane. At this condition, there was possibility for annual energy consumption to be reached by 227,418 kcal/ton sugar cane or equivalent to Rp 764,184,666,153.00. The addition of water imbibitions at the milling process in the dynamic system simulation model was carried out at the interval of 21.20 – 35%. The results in water contents of bagasse of 49.21 – 62.74% and its sucrose contents of 0 – 5.18%.Keywords: Cleaner Production Approach, Imbibitions Water, Efficiency Energy Consumption, Dynamic System Simulation Mode

    Analisis Alternatif Strategi Pengembangan Koperasi Produksi Susu

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    The objective of the research is to analyze the strategic alternative to be implemented in the Bogor development of milk production cooperation. The analysis covered descriptive analysis, Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), External Factor Evaluation (EFE), Internal-External (IE) matrix analysis, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat (SWOT). The results showed that the position of the cooperatives in quadrants V of the Internal-Eksternal (IE) matrix, the strategy of the cooperative should be hold and maintain where a strategy that is widely used in these cells is market penetration and product development. Managerial implication of alternative strategy that can be immplemented in the milk production cooperatives are improve the competitiveness of products, products promotion, promotion activities by socializing the importance of drinking milk, product diversification, improve the quality of milk, strengthening the modal through loan with the financial intitutions, coordinating with the government to get assistance in strengthening the cooperation and breeder, increasing the population of cattle through joint venture, expanding markets, improve production facilities, improve technology, develop the healthy partnership, improve the management of the maintenance of dairy cows


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    ABSTRAKIndonesia terkenal kaya akan keanekaragaman hayati, termasukjenis tumbuhan yang mengandung bahan aktif insektisida. Tanamankamandrah (Croton tiglium L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman obat yangbanyak terdapat di wilayah Indonesia dan telah dimanfaatkan sebagaiinsektisida nabati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristikfisiko-kimia minyak kamandrah pada berbagai tingkat kematangan sebagailarvasida nabati terhadap larva nyamuk demam berdarah dengue (A.aegypti). Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Balai Penelitian TanamanRempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri (Balittri) Sukabumi, Balai BesarLitbang  Pascapanen  Pertanian  Bogor,  Insektarium  LaboratoriumParasitologi dan Entomologi Kesehatan FKH IPB Bogor, dan Biofarmaka-LPPM IPB Bogor, mulai bulan Februari sampai Desember 2010. Minyakkamandrah diperoleh dengan ekstraksi menggunakan pengempa hidrolikpada suhu 65 o C dan tekanan 7,9 MPa pada buah kamandrah dengan tigatingkat kematangan yang berbeda: warna kulit buah hijau kecokelatan,cokelat kehijauan, dan cokelat penuh. Minyak yang diperoleh selanjutnyadianalisis bilangan asam, kadar asam lemak bebas, bilangan peroksida,indeks bias, berat jenis, dan nilai warna minyak, serta uji larvasidaterhadap larva nyamuk A. aegypti instar III. Penentuan nilai lethalconcentration (LC) dilakukan dengan metode probit analisis (FinneyMethod). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan nilai LC,rendemen, dan mutu minyaknya, buah kamandrah yang berwarna kulitcokelat penuh lebih berpotensi sebagai larvasida nabati terhadap larva A.aegypti. Rendemen minyak kamandrah 20,42% dan nilai LC 50 adalah132,67 ppm (24 jam) dan 70,08 ppm (48 jam). Minyak tersebut memilikibilangan asam 8,76 mg KOH/g minyak; kadar asam lemak bebas 4,36 mgKOH/g minyak; bilangan peroksida 3,59 meq O/100g minyak; indeks bias1,4783; bobot jenis 0,9466 g/ml; dan warna meliputi nilai L* 73,03; a*3,26; dan b* 64,13. Minyak kamandrah berpotensi dapat dimanfaatkansebagai larvasida nabati dalam pengendalian vektor penyakit DBD.Kata kunci : Croton tiglium L., kematangan buah, minyak kamandrah,larvasidaABSTRACTEffect of Maturity Level of Fruits on Larvicidal Activityand Physico-Chemical Properties of Kamandrah (Crotontiglium L.) OilIndonesia is famously rich in biodiversity, including species of plants thatcontain active ingredient for insecticide. Kamandrah plant (Croton tigliumL.) is one of many medicinal plants found in parts of Indonesia and it hasbeen used as an insecticidal plant. The objectives this research were todetermine the physico-chemical characteristics and larvasidal activities ofoil extracted from kamandrah seeds with varying levels of maturity asbotanical larvicide for mosquito dengue fever. The expreriments wereconducted in the Laboratory of Indonesian Spice and Industrial CropsResearch Institute (ISICRI) Sukabumi, Indonesian Center for AgriculturalPostharvest Research  and  Development (ICAPRD),  InsectariumLaboratory of Health Parasitology and Entomology, Faculty of Veterinaryof Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), and Biopharmaca IPB Bogor,from February to December 2010. The oil was obtained through extractionusing hydraulic pressurer at 65 o C temperatures and 7.9 MPa pressures ofkamandrah fruits with three different maturity levels : brownish green,greenish brown, and fully brown color of fruit skins. Oil gained was thenanalyzed its acid number, free fatty acid content, peroxides number,refractive index, specific gravity, and oil color values, as well as the oillarvasida test against mosquito larvae A. aegypti instar III. Determinationthe oil lethal concentration (LC) values was tested using probit analysismethod (Finney Method). The results showed that based on the values ofLC, content, and quality of the oil, full-brown colored kamandrah fruits aremore potential as larvivida against A. aegypti larvae. Oil content of thekamandrah was 20.42% while LC 50 values were 132.67 ppm (at 24 hours)and 70.08 ppm (at 48 hours). The acid number of the oil was 8.76 mgKOH/g oil; free fatty acid level of 4.36 mg KOH/g oil; peroxide number of3.59 meq O/100 g oil, refractive index of 1.4783; density of 0.9466 g/ml;and the color values were 73.03, 3.26, and 64.13 for L*, a*, and b*,respectively. Therefore, kamandrah oil is very potential to be used aslarvicide for controling the vector of dengue disease.Key words: Croton tiglium L., fruit maturity, kamandrah oil, larvicid


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    ABSTRACTChamois leather is a popular product in trading, because it has specific uses. Nowadays, oxidation process of chamois leather production is time consuming, i.e. about two weeks. This causes production process of chamois leather needs  long time. In this study, the effects of sodium percarbonate concentration and amount of water in the chamois tanning on the chamois leather quality were investigated.  This study shows that sodium percarbonate amount significantly affected thickness and oil content of the leathers;  amount of water significantly affected oil content of the leather; meanwhile, the interaction between sodium percarbonate concentration and amount of water significantly affected ash and oil contents of the leathers. The optimum condition for the oxidation was sodium percarbonate concentration of 4% and amount of water of 50%. The physical properties of the leather were thickness of 0.87 mm, tensile strength of 35.95 N/mm2, elongation at break of 129%, tear strength of 82.01 N/mm, water absorption of 226% (2 hours), and 303% (24 hours). The chemical properties were pH of 7.45, oil content of 8.1%, and ash content of 1.3%. The organoleptic properties were good, i.e. softness of 6-7, colour of 7- 8, and odour of 7- 8.Keywords: chamois leather, oxidation, rubber seed oil, sodium percarbonate, wate


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    ABSTRACTChamois leather is a popular product in trading, because it has specific uses. Nowadays, oxidation process of chamois leather production is time consuming, i.e. about two weeks. This causes production process of chamois leather needs  long time. In this study, the effects of sodium percarbonate concentration and amount of water in the chamois tanning on the chamois leather quality were investigated.  This study shows that sodium percarbonate amount significantly affected thickness and oil content of the leathers;  amount of water significantly affected oil content of the leather; meanwhile, the interaction between sodium percarbonate concentration and amount of water significantly affected ash and oil contents of the leathers. The optimum condition for the oxidation was sodium percarbonate concentration of 4% and amount of water of 50%. The physical properties of the leather were thickness of 0.87 mm, tensile strength of 35.95 N/mm2, elongation at break of 129%, tear strength of 82.01 N/mm, water absorption of 226% (2 hours), and 303% (24 hours). The chemical properties were pH of 7.45, oil content of 8.1%, and ash content of 1.3%. The organoleptic properties were good, i.e. softness of 6-7, colour of 7- 8, and odour of 7- 8.Keywords: chamois leather, oxidation, rubber seed oil, sodium percarbonate, wate


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      *Penulis untuk korespondensiHemicellulose and lignin removal process or degumming of bamboo fibre using cellulase and xylanase was conducted. The objectives of the study were to obtain suitable type of bamboo used in the enzymatic degumming process and to determine the optimum xylanase concentration for the hemicellulose hydrolysis of the selected bamboo. The types of bamboos used in this study were yellow bamboo,ropebamboo,and black bamboo. The study was conducted by enzymatic hydrolyses of the bamboo fibres, and measuring the yield, cellulose content, hemicellulose content, and reducing sugar content. Fibre hydrolysis used the cellulase concentration of 25 U/g and xylanase concentrationsof 50 to 500 U/g. The result showed that yellow bamboo contained cellulose and hemicellulose contents which most susceptible to hydrolysis resulting in reducing sugars, and decreasing cellulose and hemicellule contents of 6.40 % and 12.71%, respectively. The optimum xilanase concentration for the yellow bamboohydolysis was 400 U/g which could hydrolyze hemicellulose by 54.31% in 24 hours.Keywords: bamboo fibre, cellulase, xylanase, hydrolysis, enzymatic proces


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      *Penulis untuk korespondensiHemicellulose and lignin removal process or degumming of bamboo fibre using cellulase and xylanase was conducted. The objectives of the study were to obtain suitable type of bamboo used in the enzymatic degumming process and to determine the optimum xylanase concentration for the hemicellulose hydrolysis of the selected bamboo. The types of bamboos used in this study were yellow bamboo,ropebamboo,and black bamboo. The study was conducted by enzymatic hydrolyses of the bamboo fibres, and measuring the yield, cellulose content, hemicellulose content, and reducing sugar content. Fibre hydrolysis used the cellulase concentration of 25 U/g and xylanase concentrationsof 50 to 500 U/g. The result showed that yellow bamboo contained cellulose and hemicellulose contents which most susceptible to hydrolysis resulting in reducing sugars, and decreasing cellulose and hemicellule contents of 6.40 % and 12.71%, respectively. The optimum xilanase concentration for the yellow bamboohydolysis was 400 U/g which could hydrolyze hemicellulose by 54.31% in 24 hours.Keywords: bamboo fibre, cellulase, xylanase, hydrolysis, enzymatic proces