25 research outputs found

    Kivessyövän hoito

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    Kivessyöpä on tavallisin nuorten miesten syöpä. Sen ilmaantuvuus lisääntyy. Taudin varhainen toteaminen perusterveydenhuollossa on tärkeää, vaikka levinneenkin syövän ennuste on hyvä. Hoidot on keskitetty yliopistosairaaloihin. Seuranta jatkuu erikoissairaanhoidossa yleensä viiden vuoden ajan. Myöhäisuusiutumat ovat erittäin harvinaisia. Hoidoilla on myöhäishaittoja, esimerkiksi sydän- ja verisuonitauteja sekä sekundaarisia syöpiä, joten terveet elämäntavat ovat tärkeitä

    Lymfoomahoitojen jälkeiset pitkäaikaishaitat, niiden ehkäisy ja seuranta

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    Myöhäishaitat ovat edelleen tavallisia lymfoomahoitojen jälkeen, ja niiden riski jatkuu koko elämän. Vaikka hoitojen kehittyminen on vähentänyt haittoja, varsinkin sekundaarisyövät sekä sydän- ja verisuonitaudit aiheuttavat ylikuolleisuutta. Perusterveydenhuollon tuleekin olla tietoinen mahdollisista ongelmista ja hoitaa riskitekijöitä tehokkaasti. Psykososiaalisten haittojen ehkäisemiseksi tarvitaan lisää tukea potilaille. Suomen Lymfoomaryhmä on tehnyt suosituksen myöhäishaittojen ehkäisemiseksi ja seuraamiseksi. </p

    Lymfoomahoitojen jälkeiset pitkäaikaishaitat, niiden ehkäisy ja seuranta

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    Vertaisarvioitu. English summary.Myöhäishaitat ovat edelleen tavallisia lymfoomahoitojen jälkeen, ja niiden riski jatkuu koko elämän. Vaikka hoitojen kehittyminen on vähentänyt haittoja, varsinkin sekundaarisyövät sekä sydän- ja verisuonitaudit aiheuttavat ylikuolleisuutta. Perusterveydenhuollon tuleekin olla tietoinen mahdollisista ongelmista ja hoitaa riskitekijöitä tehokkaasti. Psykososiaalisten haittojen ehkäisemiseksi tarvitaan lisää tukea potilaille. Suomen Lymfoomaryhmä on tehnyt suosituksen myöhäishaittojen ehkäisemiseksi ja seuraamiseksi.Peer reviewe

    Estimating the Lifetime Treatment Burden of Patients With Follicular Lymphoma: A Retrospective Study Using Real-World Multicenter Data

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    PURPOSE Although follicular lymphoma is characterized by long natural history and frequent relapses, data on the number of patients receiving subsequent therapy lines are scarce. To perform reliable health economical calculations for various treatment options, data regarding the lifetime number of therapy courses are needed. The purpose of this study was to use real-world data to create a model that could estimate the treatment burden over a 20-year period. MATERIALS AND METHODS We performed a 20-year simulation on the basis of retrospectively obtained multicenter data of 743 patients with follicular lymphoma. The simulation was carried out in two steps: First, a competing risk model on the basis of Weibull distribution was used to simulate the state transitions from diagnosis onward and from first-line therapy onward. Then, the data were completed by imputing on the basis of the existing data. Completion of data was repeated for 1,000 times to estimate reliability. RESULTS In 20 years, 97% (2.5-97.5 percentile range: 96%-98%), 66% (61%-70%), 34% (30%-41%), and 15% (9%-18%) of the patients received first-line, second-line, third-line, and fourth-line therapies, respectively. The median number of therapy lines received by each patient was two. CONCLUSION Despite long remissions, approximately two thirds of the patients receive at least two lines and one-third at least three lines of therapy during their lifetime

    Female patients with follicular lymphoma have a better prognosis if primary remission lasts over 24 months

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    Findings regarding the role of sex in follicular lymphoma (FL) are contradictory and the prognostic value of sex among patients with early progression of disease (POD) remains unclear. We collected real-life data from nine hospitals in Finland and Spain including 1020 FL patients to study the influence of sex on disease outcome. The median follow-up duration was 67 months (range 0-226 months). Female patients showed better progression-free survival (PFS) (hazard ratio [HR], 0.720; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.588-0.881), disease-specific survival (DSS) (HR, 0.653; 95% CI, 0.448-0.951), and overall survival (OS) (HR, 0.653; 95% CI, 0.501-0.853) than male patients. However, there were no significant sex differences in prognosis in patients with early POD. This study strengthens the understanding that male sex is an adverse prognostic factor for FL. However, this difference does not apply to patients with early POD.Peer reviewe

    Survival of patients with mantle cell lymphoma in the rituximab era : Retrospective binational analysis between 2000 and 2020

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    Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a rare peripheral B-cell lymphoma characterised by eventual relapse and progression towards a more aggressive disease biology. With the introduction of rituximab- and cytarabine-based immunochemotherapy regimens, the prognosis of the disease has changed dramatically over the last two decades. To assess the real-world survival of patients with MCL, we used a population-based cohort of 564 patients with MCL who were diagnosed and treated between 2000 and 2020. Patient data were collected from seven Finnish treatment centres and one Spanish treatment centre. For the entire patient population, we report a 2-year overall survival (OS) rate of 77%, a 5-year OS of 58%, and a 10-year OS of 32%. The estimated median OS was 80 months after diagnosis. MCL is associated with increased mortality across the entire patient population. Additionally, we assessed the survival of patients after MCL relapse with the aim of establishing a cut-off point of prognostic significance. Based on our statistical analysis of survival after the first relapse, disease progression within 24 months of the initial diagnosis should be considered as a strong indicator of poor prognosis.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes With Two Different Starting Doses of Lenvatinib in Combination With Everolimus for Previously Treated Renal Cell Carcinoma

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    Background: Preserving health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is an important goal during renal cell carcinoma treatment. We report HRQOL outcomes from a phase II trial (NCT03173560). Patients and methods: HRQOL data were collected during a multicenter, randomized, open-label phase II study comparing the safety and efficacy of 2 different starting doses of lenvatinib (18 mg vs. 14 mg daily) in combination with everolimus (5 mg daily), following one prior vascular endothelial growth factor-targeted treatment. HRQOL was measured using 3 different instruments-FKSI-DRS, EORTC QLQ-C30, and EQ-5D-3L-which were all secondary endpoints. Change from baseline was assessed using linear mixed-effects models. Deterioration events for time to deterioration (TTD) analyses were defined using established thresholds for minimally important differences in the change from baseline for each scale. TTD for each treatment arm was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results: Baseline characteristics of the 343 participants randomly assigned to 18 mg lenvatinib (n = 171) and 14 mg lenvatinib (n = 172) were well balanced. Least-squares mean estimates for change from baseline were favorable for the 18 mg group over the 14 mg group for the FKSI-DRS and most EORTC QLQ-C30 scales, but differences between treatments did not exceed the minimally important thresholds. Median TTD was longer among participants in the 18 mg group than those in the 14 mg group for most scales. Conclusions: Participants who received an 18 mg lenvatinib starting dose had favorable HRQOL scores and longer TTD on most scales compared with those who received a 14 mg starting dose.publishedVersionPeer reviewe