11 research outputs found


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    Background: Diarrhoeal diseases become the second caused of death of the under-fives, the third in infant, and the fifth at all people in Indonesia. WHO indicated that every year an average of 100.000 children in Indonesia dead because of diarrhoea and Sub directorate of Diarrhoea, MOH indicated that about 301-347 per 1000 people still infected by diarrhoea from year 2000 up to 2003. Methods: This study analyzed the Basic Health Research data collected in 2007 to determine the prevalence, characteristic determinants including its Odd Ratio (behavioral, environmental sanitation, household characteristic, and specific condition of child), of the 20245 under-fives children in 6 provinces having diarrhoea prevalence above the 2007 national diarrhea prevalence rates (16.7%). (NAD: 27%, Gorontalo: 24%, NTB: 23%, NTT: 22%, Papua: 21%, and West Java: 18%). Results: The result showed that the highest prevalence of diarrhoea rates was found at the family with having lower level of percapita expenditure (kuintil 1 and 2); in mother who worked as a farmer/fisherwoman/labour and did not used latrine as well as lack of control for contamination of water available at home. The specific conditions of the under-fives that related to the increase prevalence of diarrhea are the existence of typhoid and measles, frequency of OPT immunization and over weight condition. The Odds of having diarrehea occurred in the under-fives having measles 1 month earlier (OR. 2.61) followed by the lack of control of the quality of the water condition available at home (OR 2.19), open water tank (OR 1.40), Defecate not in WC (OR1.36), Not receiving meales immunization (OR 1.37) and OPT immunization less than 3 times (OR 1. 19). It is concluded that to prevent diarrhea, it is important for children to have full coverage of immunization, to improve health behavior of mothers and children especially to wash hand before eating or preparing meals, and to improve housing condition and sanitation. For the next Basic Health Research data collection, it is recommended to improve quality of questions in order to get more specific information related to the child's habits and practices to prevent diarrhoea. Key words: diarrhea, determinants, behaviour, under-fives, basic health researc

    Determinan Penyakit Diare Pada Anak Balita Di Provinsi Nanggro Aceh Darussalam, Jawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Gorontalo Dan Papua

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    Background: Diarrhoeal diseases become the second caused of death of the under-fives, the third in infant, and the fifth at all people in Indonesia. WHO indicated that every year an average of 100.000 children in Indonesia dead because of diarrhoea and Sub directorate of Diarrhoea, MOH indicated that about 301-347 per 1000 people still infected by diarrhoea from year 2000 up to 2003. Methods: This study analyzed the Basic Health Research data collected in 2007 to determine the prevalence, characteristic determinants including its Odd Ratio (behavioral, environmental sanitation, household characteristic, and specific condition of child), of the 20245 under-fives children in 6 provinces having diarrhoea prevalence above the 2007 national diarrhea prevalence rates (16.7%). (NAD: 27%, Gorontalo: 24%, NTB: 23%, NTT: 22%, Papua: 21%, and West Java: 18%). Results: The result showed that the highest prevalence of diarrhoea rates was found at the family with having lower level of percapita expenditure (kuintil 1 and 2); in mother who worked as a farmer/fisherwoman/labour and did not used latrine as well as lack of control for contamination of water available at home. The specific conditions of the under-fives that related to the increase prevalence of diarrhea are the existence of typhoid and measles, frequency of OPT immunization and over weight condition. The Odds of having diarrehea occurred in the under-fives having measles 1 month earlier (OR. 2.61) followed by the lack of control of the quality of the water condition available at home (OR 2.19), open water tank (OR 1.40), Defecate not in WC (OR1.36), Not receiving meales immunization (OR 1.37) and OPT immunization less than 3 times (OR 1. 19). It is concluded that to prevent diarrhea, it is important for children to have full coverage of immunization, to improve health behavior of mothers and children especially to wash hand before eating or preparing meals, and to improve housing condition and sanitation. For the next Basic Health Research data collection, it is recommended to improve quality of questions in order to get more specific information related to the child's habits and practices to prevent diarrhoea

    Nilai-Nilai Sosial dalam Novel “Genduk” Karya Sundari Mardjuki

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    Penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam novel Genduk karya Sundari Mardjuki. Data dalam penelitian ini yaitu berupa kutipan kata-kata, frasa, kalimat, dan penggalan-penggalan dialog tokoh yang berkenaan dengan aspek nilai-nilai sosial seperti nilai kasih sayang, nilai tanggung jawab, nilai keserasian hidup. Yang menjadi sumber data adalah novel Genduk karya Sundari Mardjuki. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan yaitu menganalisis data yang berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai sosial dalam novel. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu teknik studi dokumenter, teknik baca dan catat dengan alat berupa dokumen dan kartu pencatat data. Pengecekan keabsahan data yang dilakukan dengan cara ketekunan pembacaan, triangulasi, dan kecukupan referensi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh yaitu sebanyak 37 data. Nilai kasih sayang yang terbagi menjadi lima yaitu, berupa pengabdian 3 kutipan, berupa tolong-menolong 3 kutipan, berupa kekeluargaan 7 kutipan, berupa kesetiaan 1 kutipan, dan berupa kepedulian 7 kutipan. Nilai tanggung jawab yang terbagi menjadi tiga yaitu, berupa rasa memiliki 4 kutipan, berupa disiplin 3 kutipan, dan berupa empati 3 kutipan. Nilai keserasian hidup yang terbagi menjadi empat yaitu, berupa keadilan 1 kutipan, berupa toleransi 3 kutipan, berupa kerjasama 1 kutipan, dan berupa demokrasi 1 kutipan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diasumsikan pada kurikulum 2013 dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di sekolah yaitu pada satuan pendidikan SMA kelas XII semester II pada KD 3.3 “Menganalisis teks novel baik melalui lisan maupun tulisan” dan KD 4.3 “Menyunting teks novel sesuai dengan struktur dan kaidah teks baik secara lisan maupun tulisan”

    Analysis of Creativity and Innovation of PGSD Lecturers in Online Learning based on Learning Management System FKIP University of Pakuan

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    This study aims to analyze the creativity and innovation of PGSD lecturers in online lectures based on the Learning Management System FKIP Pakuan University. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method involving PGSD lecturers at FKIP Pakuan University. Research data were collected through observation, interviews and document analysis. The data was analyzed qualitatively by using the Analysis Interactive Model from Miles and Huberman, namely data collection, data reduction, data display), and drawing conclusions / verification ( conclutions ). The results showed that PGSD permanent lecturers had good creativity and innovation of PGSD lecturers in online lectures based on the Learning Management System FKIP Pakuan University. In creativity, PGSD permanent lecturers have very good fluency of thinking, very good flexibility of thinking, have good elaboration of thoughts and have good originality of thinking. While in innovation, PGSD lecturers have an average innovation in the good and very good categories. The learning media created are their own work and are varied

    The impact of early marriage on women of reasonable age In The Special Region of Yogyakarta

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    Background: Early marriage is a form of violence and violation of children's rights. Early marriage that occurs in Indonesia is a very complex dynamic. Geographically, culturally and religiously, the level of acceptance and practice of child marriage varies across Indonesia. Based on the Report on the Fulfillment of Children's Rights in the Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2017, the number of child marriages in the Special Region of Yogyakarta was 294, a decrease from 2016 which was 346 (a decrease of 15.3%). Early marriage has a big risk of experiencing various bad things. Objective: to find out what are the impacts of early marriage on women of reproductive age in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Methods: The data used in this study is secondary data from the Indonesian Health Demographic Survey (IDHS) issued by the BKKBN. The population in this study were all women of reproductive age whose data was recorded in the partner data in the 2017 IDHS report (Couples record). This research is an analytic study with a cross sectional approach. Data analysis was performed using Cremer's V and Contingency Coefficient analysis. Results: The results showed that there was an effect of early marriage on several dependent variables in this study which was indicated by p value <0.05. Some of these variables are education (p=0.002), Welfare Index (0.025), marital history (0.033). In addition, there is no significant relationship between the respondent's early marriage with employment, choice of contraceptive method, role in decision making, knowledge of reproductive health and knowledge of domestic violence.Conclusion: Reproductive health and sexuality education needs to be carried out strategically and systematically nationally and sustainably by involving various cross-sectors, starting from school education, community leaders, religious leaders and health workers. Appropriate and comprehensive teaching and education can help youth in making wise decisions regarding early marriage

    Performa Tryptone Bile X-Glucuronide (TBX) yang disuplementasikan dengan Cefotaxime sebagai Medium Selektif Untuk Skrining ESBL-E.coli dari Sampel Lingkungan

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    Identification of ESBL-E.coli from environment without selective medium will be challenging to do considering that E.coli mixes with various other microorganisms in the environment. This study aimed to determine the performance of TBX Agar supplemented with Cefotaxime as a selective medium for ESBL-E. coli screening from 138 water samples of environmental sampling obtained from rivers, open sewers in the market, poultry slaughterhouses and hospital waste water inlets and outlets around Jakarta. Laboratory examinations were carried out through the filtration stage, inoculation on the TBX Agar supplemented with Cefotaxime medium as well as species confirmation and ESBL with the indol test and double-disk test. The results showed that 87.08% (40-100%) of suspect colonies growing on TBX Agar supplemented with Cefotaxime medium were confirmed as E.coli and 82.51% (12-100%) were confirmed as ESBL-E.coli. However, there was no correlation between TBX Agar supplemented with Cefotaxime performance and sampling locations. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the TBX supplemented with Cefotaxime medium can be used for ESBL-E.coli screening in the environment, but further confirmation is needed using the indole and double-disk tests. Keywords: Escherichia coli, ESBL, TBX Agar suplemented with Cefotaxime Abstrak Identifikasi ESBL-E.coli tanpa medium selektif akan sangat sulit dilakukan pada sampel lingkungan mengingat ESBL-E.coli bercampur dengan berbagai mikroorganisme lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui performa TBX Agar yang disuplementasi Cefotaxime sebagai medium selektif untuk skrining ESBL-E.coli. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 138 sampel air lingkungan yang diambil dari sungai, saluran pembuangan terbuka di pasar, rumah pemotongan hewan unggas (RPHU) serta inlet dan outlet limbah rumah sakit di sekitar Jakarta. Pemeriksaan laboratorium melalui tahapan filtrasi, inokulasi pada medium TBX Agar dengan suplementasi Cefotaxime serta konfirmasi spesies dan ESBL dengan uji indol dan double-disk test. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa koloni tersangka yang tumbuh pada medium TBX Agar dengan suplementasi Cefotaxime sebanyak 87,08% (40-100%) terkonfirmasi sebagai E.coli dan 82,51% (12-100%) terkonfirmasi sebagai ESBL-E.coli. Namun, tidak ada hubungan antara performa TBX Agar dengan suplementasi Cefotaxime dengan lokasi pengambilan sampel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa medium TBX Agar dengan suplementasi Cefotaxime cocok digunakan untuk skrining ESBL-E.coli di lingkungan namun tetap diperlukan konfirmasi lanjut menggunakan uji indol dan double disk test. Kata kunci: Escherichia coli, ESBL, TBX Agar suplemented with Cefotaxim

    Importance Understanding Literacy Finance in Building Sustainable MSMEs

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    Objective study This is for increase understanding literacy finance among SMEs to become attention important for development sustainable. Method study This with systematic literature review of four article relevant and appropriate formula problem. Results found exists eight antecedents and four mercy consequently from literacy finance for SMEs. Limitations article This is Still focused on one database only and general discussing MSMEs, so researcher recommend for researcher next in perfect article.Keywords: Literacy Finance, MSMEs and Financ

    Analisis Gen Tox Corynebacterium Diphtheriae Penyebab Difteri di Beberapa Wilayah Indonesia

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    Diphtheria is a vaccine-preventable disease. The clinical features and complications of diphtheria are associated with toxins produced by the causative bacteria. Diphtheria toxin synthesis is encoded by tox gene. This study aimed to provide an overview of the DNA sequences of the tox gene of Corynebacterium diphtheriae causing diphtheria in several region of Indonesia. A total of 65 Corynebacterium diphtheriae isolated from several provinces in Indonesia (2010-2017) were used as samples. Isolates recultured on blood agar medium (BA), incubated at 37 0 C overnight. DNA extraction conducted using the QiaAmp DNA Mini Kit. The DNA sequencing was carried out using the Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) approach. The data conversion and analysis conducted using U-gene and BioEdit programs. Examination of 65 isolate C. diphtheriae with 1683 bp of tox gene sequences showed that there are 3 patterns of gene sequences with 3 mutation site. All mutations were silent mutation. The mutation sites were also not commonly used as 3’end binding site of the PCR primer. We concluded that tox gene of C. diphtheriae that causes diphtheria in some provinces in Indonesia have limited variations and these variations do not encode amino acid changes. This indicates that the vaccines used in Indonesia are still in accordance with the variations in circulating bacteria and PCR can be used for screening and predicting the toxigenicity of diphtheria-causing bacteria. Keywords: C. diphtheriae, gene tox, diphtheria, Indonesia Abstrak Difteri merupakan salah satu penyakit yang dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi (PD3I). Gambaran klinis dan komplikasi difteri dikaitkan dengan toksin yang diproduksi oleh bakteri penyebab. Sintesis toksin difteri dikode oleh gen tox. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran sekuens DNA gen tox Corynebacterium diphtheriae penyebab difteri di beberapa wilayah Indonesia. Sebanyak 65 isolat C. diphtheriae tersimpan milik Badan Litbangkes yang diisolasi dari beberapa wilayah Indonesia tahun 2010- 2017 dijadikan sebagai sampel. Rekultur dilakukan pada medium agar darah (BA), diinkubasi pada suhu 37 o C selama sehari semalam. Ekstraksi DNA menggunakan kit QiaAmp DNA Minikit. Sekuensing DNA dilakukan dengan pendekatan Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS). Konversi dan analisis data menggunakan program U-gene dan BioEdit.Pemeriksaan 65 isolat C. diphtheriae dengan 1683 bp sekuens gen tox menunjukkan ada 3 pola sekuens gen dengan 3 lokasi mutasi. Seluruh mutasi bersifat silent mutation. Lokasi mutasi juga bukan merupakan tempat penempelan ujung 3’ primer PCR yang umum digunakan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa variasi gen tox yang ditemukan pada C. diphtheriae penyebab difteri di Indonesia memiliki variasi yang terbatas dan mutasi yang ada tidak mengkode perubahan asam amino. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa vaksin yang digunakan di Indonesia masih sesuai dengan variasi bakteri yang bersirkulasi. Hasil penelitian juga mengindikasikan bahwa PCR dapat digunakan untuk skrining dan memprediksi toksigenisitas bakteri penyebab difteri. Kata kunci : C. diphtheriae, gen tox, difteri, Indonesi