37 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Ibu UNTUK MENGATASI Kematian Bayi Di Asia Tenggara

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    Pengaruh Pendidikan Ibu UNTUK MENGATASI Kematian Bayi di Asia Tenggara(The Effect of Mother Education to Reduce Infant Mortality in South East Asia)Sri Sunaringsih Ika WardojoProgram Study Ilmu Keperawatan, Fakutas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malange-mail. [email protected] yang terdiri dari 11 negara-negara berkembang , seperti Bangladesh , Bhutan , Korea Utara , India , Indonesia , Maladewa , Myanmar , Nepal , Sri Lanka , Thailand dan Timor Leste , memiliki masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang sama masalah sehubungan dengan tingginya angka kematian bayi di wilayah ini , dan sudah terjadi selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. Bagaimanapun ibu memainkan peran ganda dalam keluarga yang mempengaruhi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan semua anggota keluarga, termasuk anak-anak. Namun, pendidikan ibu dianggap salah satu kemungkinan kendala utama untuk promosi kesehatan bangsa , yang mempengaruhi peningkatan prevalensi kematian bayi di wilayah tersebut. Mendukung pernyataan tersebut, Commision on The Social Determinants of Health ( 2008) mengatakan pendidikan ibu diasumsikan menjadi salah satu penentu sosial utama masalah kesehatan anak . Berdasarkan hasil review artikel dari 25 artikel dan 3 literatur umum, itu diketehui bahwa ketidaksetaraan pendidikan perempuan , yang terjadi di sebagian besar negara-negara Asia Tenggara , telah secara signifikan mempengaruhi masalah kesehatan bayi di wilayah ini , karena menjadi penghalang utama bagi ibu untuk memperbarui informasi tentang pengetahuan kesehatan anak, kurang diberdayakan untuk otonomi keuangan , kurang pengambilan keputusan kekuasaan, dan akses dan kontrol atas sumber daya dalam rumah tangga , di mana aspek-aspek secara signifikan berkontribusi terhadap kurang kelangsungan hidup anak dalam keluarga. Oleh karena itu, untuk menutup kesenjangan pendidikan perempuan di negara-negara Asia Tenggara akan menjadi program yang sangat berguna karena tidak hanya untuk mengurangi angka kematian bayi di wilayah ini , tetapi juga meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan penduduk secara umum.Kata kunci: Pendidikan ibu, kematian bayi, South East Asia RegionABSTRACTSEAWHO which comprises of 11 developing countries , such as Bangladesh, Bhutan, North Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Timor Leste, has similar public health issue regarding to the high infant mortality rate in this region, and it happened over the last ten years . However, mothers play multiple roles in the family that affect health and well being of all family members, including children. However, maternal education assumed to be one possibilities of the primary obstacles to the promotion of the nation's health, which escalated the prevalence of infant mortality in those region. Supporting with that statement, Commision on The Social Determinants of Health (2008) said maternal education assumed to be one of the major social determinant of child health problems. Based on narrative review from 25 articles and 3 grey literature, it was knowen that inequality of women education, which occurred in most of South East Asian countries, has significantly influenced the infant health problem in this region, since it became major barrier for mothers to update information about child health knowledge, less empowered to the financial autonomy, less decision making power, and access and control over resources within household, in which those aspects significantly contributes to the less child survival within family. Therefore, closing the gap of women education in South East Asian countries will be a useful program not only reducing infant mortality in this region, but also increasing quality of population health

    Analysis of Patient Satisfaction Levels According to the SERVQUAL Method on Post-Stroke Services at the Physiotherapy Clinic Muhammadiyah University Hospital Malang

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    One of the primary services at the physiotherapy clinic of UMM Hospital is post-stroke rehabilitation. The hospital is fully equipped with the infrastructure that supports these services, including the availability of static cycles, IR, and diathermy. Post-stroke rehabilitation services have been conducted since June 2013, however, since the establishment of the clinic, levels of patient satisfaction have not been evaluated. Assessment of client satisfaction is important because, in the future, the clinic will be a place of reference for physiotherapy students about post-stroke rehabilitation and providing excellent service to clients. This study used the SERVQUAL (Service Quality) method which involves the assessment of the aspects of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, to assess the level of patient satisfaction with different services. The study was conducted on all patients who come to the clinic between March and May 2015. The sample size was 20 patients. We identified the patient’s expectations and perception of clinic physiotherapy at the clinic and compared it to the results of the SERVQUAL performance assessment. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the majority of respondents were unsatisfied with the services at the physiotherapy clinic, due to the limitations of the physiotherapists’ abilities, long waiting times for services, and lack of on-call physiotherapists. In addition, there are patient complaints about the lack of equipment at the clinic. However, patients were very satisfied with the safety and comfort of the therapy services, this is influenced by the abilities of qualified physiotherapists who are able to resolve complaints We suggest that the clinic needs to increase the number of physiotherapists in this clinic, and it is necessary to make updates to the existing physiotherapy equipment. Keywords: Service quality, physiotherapy, strok

    Determinant factors affecting adolescent fruit and vegetable consumption in Indonesia

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    Adolescence is a critical period for getting used to eating fruit and vegetables for their health because it can affect health in adulthood. The behavior of adolescents in Indonesia who eat vegetables and fruit is still not in line with expectations. This study examined the factors influencing adolescent fruit and vegetable consumption in Indonesia. METHODS: The cross-sectional study used secondary data from the Indonesia Global School-Based Student Health Survey (IGSHS). The IGSHS sample comprises 75 schools, with 11.142 students representing three regions (Sumatra, Java-Bali, Outer Sumatra, and Java-Bali) in 26 provinces and 68 districts/cities in Indonesia. RESULTS: Age, soft drinks, and identified fast food consumption as determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption (p=0.001). Sex also affected fruit consumption (p=0.023). Adolescents who did not consume fast food were three times more likely to consume fruit than adolescents who did (OR=3.087, 95% CI=2.508-3.800). Meanwhile, adolescents who did not consume fast food were twice as likely to consume vegetables as those who did (OR=1.723,95% CI=1.395-1.731). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Age, soft drinks, and fast food consumption are determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption. These findings may provide meaningful recommendations for developing policies and health promotion programs to improve community nutrition by increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables among adolescents to achieve a better nutritional status


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    At Griya Khusnul Khatimah, the community services is provided through a variety of activities, including blood pressure health checks, exercise therapy, and caregiver counseling. The method is to check the blood pressure of the elderly as a source of data for giving interventions, after which carers are counseled on the treatments to be offered. A pre-test and post-test were conducted to determine the effectiveness. Counseling seeks to help caregivers understand the benefits of fitness treatment for the elderly in order to prevent the risk of blood pressure worsening and problems. Counseling seeks to help caregivers understand the benefits of fitness treatment for the elderly in order to prevent the risk of blood pressure worsening and problems. After being given literature about the meaning, advantages, and dosage of Fast Walking Exercise, counseling went well and was easily comprehended by caregivers from 0% to 100%. Counseling activities can help caregivers learn more about exercise therapy for the elderly with hypertension and how to practice Brisk Walking Exercise with the elderly.Pengabdian dilaksanakan di Griya Khusnul Khatimah dengan melakukan beberapa kegiatan, yaitu: pemeriksaan kesehatan tekanan darah, pemberian terapi latihan, dan penyuluhan kepada caregiver. Metode yang digunakan dengan memeriksa tekanan darah lansia untuk menjadi sumber data pemberian intervensi, kemudian penyuluhan diberikan kepada caregiver mengenai intervensi yang akan diberikan. Untuk menilai efektivitas dilakukan pre-test dan post-test. Penyuluhan bertujuan agar caregiver dapat memahami terapi latihan yang dapat diberikan kepada lansia untuk mengurangi risiko tekanan darah semakin parah dan mengurangi peningkatakan risiko komplikasi. Penyuluhan berjalan dengan baik dan mudah dipahami oleh caregiver dari 0% menjadi 100% setelah diberikan materi mengenai definisi, manfaat, serta dosis dari Brisk Walking Exercise. Kegiatan penyuluhan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan caregiver mengenai terapi latihan yang dapat diberikan pada lansia dengan hipertensi, dan dapat mendampingi lansia untuk dilakukan Brisk Walking Exercise

    Physical therapy intervention for low back pain et causa lumbar spondylolisthesis: a clinical case report

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    Lumbar spondylolisthesis is a kind of low back pain (LBP) that involves the displacement of one of the vertebral bodies as a result of trauma. Spondylolisthesis can lead to spondylolysis or fracture injury, which commonly occurs in the elderly as a result of degenerative disorders. However, physical therapy modalities such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), infrared (IR), and exercise treatment in the form of William flexion exercise can be employed in situations of LBP that cause lumbar spondylolisthesis. Thus, this clinical case study aimed at investigate the effects of these physical therapy intervention towards patients with LBP spondylolisthesis. LBP was reported by a 62-year-old female patient in Malang clinic. Patient had difficulties walking and sitting for lengthy periods of time. Straight leg raise (SLR) examination, Valsalva test, Trendelenberg test and Barthel index were performed as the physical examination test. While, during intervention period, patient was given TENS, IR, and William flexion exercise for twice a week, with each movement being repeated ten times during three months intervention. There was a positive change in the form of a decrease in tenderness, which was followed by a decrease in active lumbar motion discomfort and a decrease in spasm. Tenderness and motion discomfort are both symptoms of pain alterations. The findings of the treatment show that traditional treatments such as TENS and IR, as well as exercises using the William's flexion exercises approach, can help the elderly with LBP related to spondylolisthesis reduce pain and increase muscular tone

    Effect Of Neurodynamic Mobilization On Reducing Sensori neural Symptopms In Dawung Village Wood Craftsmen With The Risk Of Hand Arm Vibartion Syndrome (HAVS)

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    Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is a disease caused by working with tools that produce vibrations that are transmitted to the arms and hands. Prolonged use of vibrating devices can cause sensorineural disturbances with complaints of numbness, tingling and decreased sensitivity. This is due to damage to the mechanoreceptors of myelinated A-? afferent nerve fibers due to exposure to vibration when working with vibrating tools. Neurodynamic mobilization functions to restore the plasticity of the nervous system and the ability of the nervous system. This study aims to determine the effect of neurodynamic mobilization on reducing sensorineural symptoms with the risk of HAVS in wood craftsmen in Dawung Village. The design of this study used a pre-experimental one group pretest-posttest design method. There are 15 samples of wood craftsmen who meet the criteria. The research instrument used the Stockholm workshop scale with data analysis using the Wilcoxon test. The results of the statistical test showed that the final result was p = 0.000, (p <0.05) which means that the effect of neurodynamic mobilization on reducing sensorineural symptoms in wood craftsmen in Dawung Village is at risk of HAVS. These results indicate that the neurodynamic mobilization intervention has effectiveness in increasing blood circulation in the nerves. The conclusion obtained is that neurodynamic mobilization has an effect on reducing sensorineural symptoms in wood craftsmen in Dawung Village with the risk of HAVS