183 research outputs found

    Whole animal copper flux assessed by positron emission tomography in the Long - Evans cinnamon rat - a feasibility study

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    Copper is an essential trace element. However, excess copper can lead to oxidation of biomolecules and cell damage and copper levels must be carefully controlled. While copper homeostasis has been studied extensively at the cellular level, short-term body copper fluxes are poorly understood. Here, we assessed for the first time the feasibility of measuring whole body copper flux by positron emission tomography, using 64Cu. A comparative approach comparing the Long - Evans cinnamon (LEC) rat to the wild type was chosen. LEC rats are an accepted model for Wilson disease, an inherited disorder of copper excretion in humans. In LEC rats as well as in Wilson patients, the copper transporting ATPase, ATP7B, is defective. This ATPase is primarily expressed in the liver and serves in copper secretion via the bile. Dysfunction of ATP7B leads to accumulation of copper in the liver. A control and an LEC rat were transgastrically injected with 10 μg of 64Cu and the copper flux followed for three hours by whole animal PET and concomitant collection of bile, as well as the analysis of tissue following tomography. As seen by PET, the administered copper was largely trapped in the stomach and the proximal intestine, and without a significant difference between control and LEC rat. Due to an insufficient dynamic range of the PET technology, copper which was systemically absorbed and primarily transported to the liver could only be followed by sampling and by β-counting. Biliary copper excretion ensued after 15 min in the control rat, but was absent in the LEC rat. Biliary excretion reached saturation one hour after copper administration. The trapping of orally administered copper in the gastrointestinal tract may be an important mechanism to prevent copper toxicity under conditions of a sudden, excessive copper load, which cannot be alleviated by increased biliary secretion. This trapping does however limit the utility of PET to measure whole animal copper flu

    Assembly of α-Glucan by GlgE and GlgB in Mycobacteria and Streptomycetes

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    Actinomycetes, such as mycobacteria and streptomycetes, synthesize α-glucan with α-1,4 linkages and α-1,6 branching to help evade immune responses and to store carbon. α-Glucan is thought to resemble glycogen except for having shorter constituent linear chains. However, the fine structure of α-glucan and how it can be defined by the maltosyl transferase GlgE and branching enzyme GlgB were not known. Using a combination of enzymolysis and mass spectrometry, we compared the properties of α-glucan isolated from actinomycetes with polymer synthesized in vitro by GlgE and GlgB. We now propose the following assembly mechanism. Polymer synthesis starts with GlgE and its donor substrate, α-maltose 1-phosphate, yielding a linear oligomer with a degree of polymerization (∼16) sufficient for GlgB to introduce a branch. Branching involves strictly intrachain transfer to generate a C chain (the only constituent chain to retain its reducing end), which now bears an A chain (a nonreducing end terminal branch that does not itself bear a branch). GlgE preferentially extends A chains allowing GlgB to act iteratively to generate new A chains emanating from B chains (nonterminal branches that themselves bear a branch). Although extension and branching occur primarily with A chains, the other chain types are sometimes extended and branched such that some B chains (and possibly C chains) bear more than one branch. This occurs less frequently in α-glucans than in classical glycogens. The very similar properties of cytosolic and capsular α-glucans from Mycobacterium tuberculosis imply GlgE and GlgB are sufficient to synthesize them both

    Observation of Cosmic Ray Anisotropy with Nine Years of IceCube Data

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    Searching for time-dependent high-energy neutrino emission from X-ray binaries with IceCube

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    A time-independent search for neutrinos from galaxy clusters with IceCube

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    Completing Aganta Kairos: Capturing Metaphysical Time on the Seventh Continent

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    Studies of a muon-based mass sensitive parameter for the IceTop surface array

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    Measuring the Neutrino Cross Section Using 8 years of Upgoing Muon Neutrinos Observed with IceCube

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    The IceCube Neutrino Observatory detects neutrinos at energies orders of magnitude higher than those available to current accelerators. Above 40 TeV, neutrinos traveling through the Earth will be absorbed as they interact via charged current interactions with nuclei, creating a deficit of Earth-crossing neutrinos detected at IceCube. The previous published results showed the cross section to be consistent with Standard Model predictions for 1 year of IceCube data. We present a new analysis that uses 8 years of IceCube data to fit the νμ_{μ} absorption in the Earth, with statistics an order of magnitude better than previous analyses, and with an improved treatment of systematic uncertainties. It will measure the cross section in three energy bins that span the range 1 TeV to 100 PeV. We will present Monte Carlo studies that demonstrate its sensitivity

    The Acoustic Module for the IceCube Upgrade

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