344 research outputs found


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    Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease, when the prostate is vulnerable to infectious stimuli like urinary pathogens, are changes in the lifestyle leads to inflammation in the prostate gland. It is a pathological state where the swelling of prostate occur to most of the men and mainly elderly. Recently, prostatitis is a dangerous threat for men almost 50% total men population. The review comprises complete information regarding prostatitis and its related complications. The compilation of the data is about the disease from classification of prostatitis, causative agents, symptoms, treatment, mitigation, natural and alternative therapy to improve the quality of life. Awareness of this disease is not known to the majority of the population when it is left untreated identification and treatment at the right time help in increase in recovering from the pathological condition of the victim to overcome

    Perencanaan Strategi dan Kebijakan untuk Mengukur Keselarasan TI dengan Bisnis Menggunakan SAMM

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    CV. Adiwarna Tunggal Jaya merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang distribusi barang keperluan sehari – hari. Produk yang didistribusikan antara lain tisu, popok, sabun, dll. Investasi TI mulai dipandang sebagai investasi yang strategis oleh CV. Adiwarna Tunggal Jaya. Karena sebelumnya belum pernah dilakukan pengukuran keselarasan TI dan bisnis, pihak manajemen kesulitan untuk memastikan strategi TI yang dijalankan di perusahaan sudah sesuai dengan strategi bisnisnya atau belum Penelitian ini akan membahas tentang cara mengukur tingkat kematangan berdasarkan model yang dibuat oleh Luftman yaitu Strategic Alignment Maturity Model (SAMM) agar dapat membantu CV. Adiwarna Tunggal Jaya mengetahui tingkat kematangan keselarasan strateginya sehingga tindakan perbaikan yang lebih baik dapat dilaksanakan. Tingkat kematangan keselarasan yang terdapat di CV. Adiwarna Tunggal Jaya adalah pada level 2 dengan skor 2,14. Strategi yang dibuat agar kematangan bisa naik menjadi level 3. Kebijakan yang dibuat berjumlah 27 poin.CV. Adiwarna Tunggal Jaya is a company engaged in the distribution of daily necessities. Products distributed include wipes, diapers, soap, etc. IT investment is starting to be seen as a strategic investment by CV. Adiwarna Tunggal Jaya. Because the IT and business alignment measurement has never been done before, the management has difficulty ensuring that the IT strategy implemented in the company is in accordance with its business strategy or not. This research will discuss how to measure maturity level based on the model created by Luftman, namely the Strategic Alignment Maturity Model (SAMM) in order to help CV. Adiwarna Tunggal Jaya knows the maturity level of its strategic alignment so that better corrective actions can be implemented. The level of maturity of the alignment contained in the CV. Adiwarna Tunggal Jaya is at level 2 with a score of 2.14. The strategy made so that maturity can be increased to level 3. The policies made totaled 27 points

    Limitations of MTT and MTS-Based Assays for Measurement of Antiproliferative Activity of Green Tea Polyphenols

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    The chemopreventive effect of green tea polyphenols, such as (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), has been well demonstrated in cell culture studies. However, a wide range of IC(50) concentrations has been observed in published studies of the anti-proliferative activity of EGCG from different laboratories. Although the susceptibility to EGCG treatment is largely dependent on cancer cell type, the particular cell viability and proliferation assays utilized may significantly influence quantitative results reported in the literature.We compared five widely used methods to measure cell proliferation and viability after EGCG treatment using LNCaP prostate cancer cells and MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Both methods using dyes to quantify adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and deoxynucleic acid (DNA) showed accuracy in the measurement of viable cells when compared to trypan blue assay and results showed good linear correlation (r = 0.95). However, the use of MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) and MTS (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium) as indicators of metabolically active mitochondria overestimated the number of viable cells by comparison with the ATP, DNA, or trypan blue determinations. As a result, the observed IC(50) concentration of EGCG was 2-fold higher using MTT and MTS compared to dyes quantifying ATP and DNA. In contrast, when cells were treated with apigenin MTT and MTS assays showed consistent results with ATP, DNA, or trypan blue assays.These results demonstrate that MTT and MTS -based assays will provide an underestimation of the anti-proliferative effect of EGCG, and suggest the importance of careful evaluation of the method for in vitro assessment of cell viability and proliferation depending on the chemical nature of botanical supplements

    Seminar on Implementation of Pharmaceutical Service Standards During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Granmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital at 2020

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    Pharmacist pharmaceutical services for patients related to pharmaceutical preparations in order to improve the quality of pharmaceutical services in hospitals, the implementation of the Minister of Health Regulation no. 72 of 2016 concerning pharmaceutical service standards at Grandmed Hospitals with patient satisfaction during the Covid 19 2021 pandemic. Hospital pharmacy services involve pharmacists in order to supervise and control all activities related to healing treatment of sufferers in the aim of practicing patient safety standards which include Pharmaceutical supplies management activities starting from demand planning to controlling pharmaceutical supplies as well as clinical pharmacy service activities that are oriented towards reducing the risk of drug use errors in hospitals. This type of design was made by collecting data from 59 visiting patients at a certain point in time. Location at GrandMed Hospital Lubuk Pakam. The data obtained were compared with existing standards in the literature and analyzed using the chi-square test. It is known that out of 25 people (42.4%) respondents stated that clinical pharmacy services were not good. Of the 34 people (57.6%) respondents who stated that clinical pharmacy services were good for each employee, they had been given an understanding regarding clinical pharmacy services which had been socialized every morning briefing to maximize serving patients so that patients were satisfied with the services at Grandmed Hospital. This study can be concluded that the implementation of pmk no. 72 of 2016 there is a relationship between clinical pharmacy services and patient satisfaction during the Covid 19 pandemic at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital in 2021 (pvalue = 0.007)

    Caloric content of Metapenaeus dobsoni

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    Measurements of caloric content of Metapenaeus dobsoni were in<ade (1) from organic carbon (2) using Karzinkin and Tarkovskaya method and (3) from proximate composition of body tissues. The results showed that any one of the three methods could be used with reasonable accuracy. Caloric content can also be worked out from the carbon values. The conversion factor for Metapenaeus dobsoni is 1 mg carbon = 14.57 calories

    Acetylene diffusion in Na-Y zeolite

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    Study of diffusivity of acetylene adsorbed in Na-Y zeolite by quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) measurements at temperatures of 300, 325 and 350 K is reported. A model in which the acetylene molecules undergo random-walk diffusion characterized by a Gaussian distribution of jump lengths inside zeolite cages describes the data consistently. The diffusion constant, residence time between jumps and root mean square jump length are determined


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    Abstract Key words: The relevance of VLSI in performance computing, telecommunications, and consumer electronics has been expanding progressively, and at a very hasty pace. In order to build complex digital logic circuits it is often essential to sub-divide multi -million transistors design into manageable pieces. Circuit partitioning is a general approach used to solve problems that are too large and complex to be handled at once. In partitioning, the problem is divided into small and manageable parts recursively, until the required complexity level is reached. In the area of VLSI, circuit complexity is rapidly multiplying, together with the reducing chip sizes; the integrated chips being produced today are highly sophisticated. There are many diverse problems that occur during the development phase of an IC that can be solved by using circuit partitioning which aims at obtaining the sub circuits with minimum interconnections between them. This paper aims at circuit partitioning using clustering technique by applying two clustering algorithms K-Means and PAM(Partitioning around mediods). These two algorithms were tested on a BCD to Seven Segment Code Converter circuit consisting of eight nodes and also were tested on a circuit consisting of 15 nodes. The two algorithms were implemented on VHDL. The tested results show that PAM yield better subcircuits than K-Means