507 research outputs found

    Extraction of Airway in Computed Tomography

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    Aplikasi Pembelajaran Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Agama Hindu di Indonesia Berbasis Android

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    Agama Hindu dalam Bahasa Sansekerta disebut Sanatana Dharma yang artinya kebenaran abadi, dan Vaidika Dharma yang artinya pengetahuan kebenaran (Agama Weda). Adanya perangkat bergerak seperti ponsel dapat dijadikan sebagai media alternatif pembelajaran kebudayaan dan ilmu Agama Hindu. Aplikasi ini dibangun sebagai media alternatif pembelajaran dan pemberitaan informasi mengenai Agama Hindu. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan menggunakan metodologi prototype. Aplikasi berbasis Android ini dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur penjelasan mengenai kebudayaan dan ilmu Agama Hindu, selain itu terdapat juga fitur komunitas yang dapat digunakan sebagai forum diskusi dan pemberitaan antar umat Agama Hindu, fitur kalender yang dapat digunakan untuk melihat penanggalan Agama Hindu, fitur map yang dapat digunakan untuk menampilkan peta lokasi pura-pura yang ada di Indonesia dan juga terdapat fitur kuis(pilihan ganda, tebak kata dan mencocokkan) sebagai media untuk pembelajaran bagi pengguna aplikasi sehingga pengguna tidak jenuh dalam proses pembelajara

    Renewal stochastic processes with correlated events. Phase transitions along time evolution

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    We consider renewal stochastic processes generated by non-independent events from the perspective that their basic distribution and associated generating functions obey the statistical-mechanical structure of systems with interacting degrees of freedom. Based on this fact we look briefly into the less known case of processes that display phase transitions along time. When the density distribution \psi_{n}(t) for the occurrence of the n-th event at time t is considered to be a partition function, of a 'microcanonical' type for n 'degrees of freedom' at fixed 'energy' t, one obtains a set of four partition functions of which that for the generating function variable z and Laplace transform variable \epsilon, conjugate to n and t, respectively, plays a central role. These partition functions relate to each other in the customary way and in accordance to the precepts of large deviations theory, while the entropy, or Massieu potential, derived from \psi_{n}(t) satisfies an Euler relation. We illustrate this scheme first for an ordinary renewal process of events generated by a simple exponential waiting time distribution \psi (t). Then we examine a process modelled after the so-called Hamiltonian Mean Field (HMF) model that is representative of agents that perform a repeated task with an associated outcome, such as an opinion poll. When a sequence of (many) events takes place in a sufficiently short time the process exhibits clustering of the outcome, but for larger times the process resembles that of independent events. The two regimes are separated by a sharp transition, technically of the second order. Finally we point out the existence of a similar scheme for random walk processes.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev.

    The role of non-contact digitizer in geometrical evaluation of mandibular prostheses effect on facial asymmetry of mandibulectomy patients

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    Purpose: This study sought to geometrically evaluate the effect of a mandibular prosthesis on facial asymmetry in patients with one of two different types of mandibulectomy defect. Methods: Facial data from 20 participants (9 men and 11 women; mean age 68 years) with either a reconstructed segmental defect (segmental group,n = 10) or a marginal mandibulectomy defect (marginal group, n =10) were acquired with a non-contact three-dimensional (3D) digitizer. Facial asymmetry was evaluated by superimposing a facial scan onto its mirror scan using 3D evaluation software. Facial scans with and without the mandibular prosthesis in place were also superimposed to evaluate the effect of the mandibular prosthesis. Results: Facial asymmetry differed significantly between subjects with and without the prosthesis in the segmental group (P = 0.005) but not in the marginal group (P = 0.16). There was no significant difference in the effect of the prosthesis on facial appearance between the two groups (P = 0.052). The ratio of 3D deviation of facial asymmetry without the prosthesis and in the mirror scan with the prosthesis differed significantly between the two groups (P = 0.01). Conclusions: Placement of a mandibular prosthesis has a notable effect on facial asymmetry in patients with segmental mandibulectomy defects

    A simple, low-cost conductive composite material for 3D printing of electronic sensors

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    3D printing technology can produce complex objects directly from computer aided digital designs. The technology has traditionally been used by large companies to produce fit and form concept prototypes (‘rapid prototyping’) before production. In recent years however there has been a move to adopt the technology as full-scale manufacturing solution. The advent of low-cost, desktop 3D printers such as the RepRap and Fab@Home has meant a wider user base are now able to have access to desktop manufacturing platforms enabling them to produce highly customised products for personal use and sale. This uptake in usage has been coupled with a demand for printing technology and materials able to print functional elements such as electronic sensors. Here we present formulation of a simple conductive thermoplastic composite we term ‘carbomorph’ and demonstrate how it can be used in an unmodified low-cost 3D printer to print electronic sensors able to sense mechanical flexing and capacitance changes. We show how this capability can be used to produce custom sensing devices and user interface devices along with printed objects with embedded sensing capability. This advance in low-cost 3D printing with offer a new paradigm in the 3D printing field with printed sensors and electronics embedded inside 3D printed objects in a single build process without requiring complex or expensive materials incorporating additives such as carbon nanotubes

    3D electrical resistivity of Gran Canaria island using magnetotelluric data

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    Gran Canaria, one of the two main islands of the Canary Archipelago off NW Africa, has been volcanically active for at least 15 million years. The island went through several volcanic cycles that varied greatly in composition and extrusive and intrusive activity. The complex orography of the island has excluded extensive land geophysical surveys on the island. A review of the available geophysical information on the island shows that it has been obtained mainly through marine and airborne geophysical surveys. A new dataset comprising 100 magnetotelluric soundings acquired on land has been used to obtain the first 3D electrical resistivity model of the island at crustal scale. The model shows high resistivity values close to the surface in the exposed Tejeda Caldera that extends at depth to the SE cutting the islands in half. Outside the inferred limits of the Tejeda Caldera the 3D model shows low resistivity values that could be explained by hydrothermal alteration at deeper levels and the presence of marine saltwater intrusion at shallower levels near the coast. The presence of unconnected vertical-like structures, with very low resistivity (<10 ohm m) could be associated to small convective cells is confirmed by the sensitivity analysis carried out in the present study. Those structures are the most likely candidates for a detailed analysis in order to determine their geothermal economic potential. A comprehensive review of existing geophysical data and models of Gran Canaria island and their comparison with the new 3D electrical resistivity model is presented.</p

    Characterisation of synthesized protected fat from used cooking palm oil and palm olein for animal feed application

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    In the present work, a new protected fat was produced from used cooking palm oil (UCO) by using modified fusion method. Used cooking oil protected fat (UCOPF) was compared with produced palm olein protected fat (POPF) and commercial protected fat (CPF). The quality of protected fat produce was investigated using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. FTIR and XRD results confirmed the well-formation of protected fat from UCO and the XRD analysis revealed fatty acid from UCO bind well with calcium ion. FTIR spectroscopy indicated carboxylate bands at 1542 and 1575 cm–1 showed the calcium ions associated with the COO- ions in the monodendate and bidendate structures in PF. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) study was conducted to find out the thermal behaviour of the produced UCOPF and the results clearly indicated good thermal stability. DSC indicated onset of melting at 151°C and 148°C for samples prepared UCOPF and POPF, respectively and it was slightly lower than CPF (157°C). Smooth and porous surfaces morphology of UCOPF and POPF was confirmed using scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis. From the results it was evident that UCO can be utilised to produce protected fat as a safe animal feed

    Multimodal action of KRP203 on phosphoinositide kinases in vitro and in cells

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    Increased phosphoinositide signaling is commonly associated with cancers. While "one-drug one-target" has been a major drug discovery strategy for cancer therapy, a "one-drug multi-targets" approach for phosphoinositide enzymes has the potential to offer a new therapeutic approach. In this study, we sought a new way to target phosphoinositides metabolism. Using a high-throughput phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase-alpha (PI5P4Kα) assay, we have identified that the immunosuppressor KRP203/Mocravimod induces a significant perturbation in phosphoinositide metabolism in U87MG glioblastoma cells. Despite high sequence similarity of PI5P4K and PI4K isozymes, in vitro kinase assays showed that KRP203 activates some (e.g., PI5P4Kα, PI4KIIβ) while inhibiting other phosphoinositide kinases (e.g., PI5P4Kβ, γ, PI4KIIα, class I PI3K-p110α, δ, γ). Furthermore, KRP203 enhances PI3P5K/PIKFYVE's substrate selectivity for phosphatidylinositol (PI) while preserving its selectivity for PI(3)P. At cellular levels, 3 h of KRP203 treatment induces a prominent increase of PI(3)P and moderate increase of PI(5)P, PI(3, 5)P₂, and PI(3, 4, 5)P₃ levels in U87MG cells. Collectively, the finding of multimodal activity of KRP203 towards multi-phosphoinositide kinases may open a novel basis to modulate cellular processes, potentially leading to more effective treatments for diseases associated with phosphoinositide signaling pathways

    A Homogeneous, High-Throughput Assay for Phosphatidylinositol 5-Phosphate 4-Kinase with a Novel, Rapid Substrate Preparation

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    Phosphoinositide kinases regulate diverse cellular functions and are important targets for therapeutic development for diseases, such as diabetes and cancer. Preparation of the lipid substrate is crucial for the development of a robust and miniaturizable lipid kinase assay. Enzymatic assays for phosphoinositide kinases often use lipid substrates prepared from lyophilized lipid preparations by sonication, which result in variability in the liposome size from preparation to preparation. Herein, we report a homogeneous 1536-well luciferase-coupled bioluminescence assay for PI5P4Kα. The substrate preparation is novel and allows the rapid production of a DMSO-containing substrate solution without the need for lengthy liposome preparation protocols, thus enabling the scale-up of this traditionally difficult type of assay. The Z’-factor value was greater than 0.7 for the PI5P4Kα assay, indicating its suitability for high-throughput screening applications. Tyrphostin AG-82 had been identified as an inhibitor of PI5P4Kα by assessing the degree of phospho transfer of γ-32^{32}P-ATP to PI5P; its inhibitory activity against PI5P4Kα was confirmed in the present miniaturized assay. From a pilot screen of a library of bioactive compounds, another tyrphostin, I-OMe tyrphostin AG-538 (I-OMe-AG-538), was identified as an ATP-competitive inhibitor of PI5P4Kα with an IC50_{50} of 1 µM, affirming the suitability of the assay for inhibitor discovery campaigns. This homogeneous assay may apply to other lipid kinases and should help in the identification of leads for this class of enzymes by enabling high-throughput screening efforts