21 research outputs found

    Modifikasi Mesin Pengupas Serabut Kelapa

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    Rancangan modifikasi mesin pengupas serabut kelapa ini dibuat untuk membantu proses pemisah serabut kelapa dari batok kelapa. Untuk mengupas serabut kelapa masih menggunakan proses manual dengan pisau yang membutuhkan tenaga serta banyak waktu kurang dari 1 jam untuk mengupas 10 buah kelapa. Rancang mesin pengupas serabut kelapa bertujuan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pengupasan serabut kelapa. Pada penguspasan 10 buah kelapa pengupasan waktu rata rata yang digunakan untuk mengupas satu buah kelapa berkisar 5-9 detik, sehingga menghemat waktu dan tenaga manusia. Pengupasan dilakukan menggunakan mesin dimana sistem pengoperasiannya menggunakan poros dan dibantu dengan pengerak motor. Motor bensin 6 hp yang menggerakan beberapa transmisi ,di antaranya menggerakan gearbox sampai menggerakan mata pisau,dalam pengujian alat pengupasan kelapa lebih tinggi kapasitasnya dibandingkan dengan pengupasan manual

    Pengukuran Objek 2 Dimensi Dengan Menggunakan Kamera Berbasis LabVIEW

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    Quality Control (QC) is one of the most important components in the manufacturing process. The aim is to determine whether a product is feasible to market. One aspect of QC is the size / dimension of the object to be made. If the size is still within the range of tolerance, then it has passed the QC in terms of size, but if not then it includes a failed product. The problem encountered is that it takes a long time to take measurements, especially objects in the third dimension where each part is different as microdrill, zipper etc. To overcome this weakness, a CCD camera is used as a sensor to record images and then use LabVIEW software to analyze the size of the recorded image. This is a preliminary study so that it is only done for objects with two dimensions with square and circular shapes. From the research that has been done, the measurement with the camera gives results that are almost the same as the use of calipers where the standard deviation fluctuates from 0.3 to 23.8 for circles and 0.54 to 32.05 for squares. Furthermore, the time needed to do one measurement process with the camera ranges from 201 ms to 338 ms whereas using the calipers takes 3 to 5


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    Kanagarian Salo Kec. Baso Kab. Agam memiliki beberapa peternakan puyuh yang dikelola secara mandiri. Berdasarkan survey yang  dilakukan pada awal 2020 di peternakan puyuh kanagarian Salo, pakan puyuh diaduk secara manual menggunakan skop sehingga hasil adukan tidak merata ditiap bagian. Pengolahan pakan yang baik sangat berpengaruh pada produksi telur puyuh. Pakan yang baik memiliki komposisi pengadukan yang merata di setiap bagian ransum, sehingga puyuh mendapat gizi sesuai kebutuhannya. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut sangat perlu dibuatkan mesinpengaduk pakan unggas. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah menyediakan mesin pengaduk pakan ternak puyuh kapasitas 400 kg untuk peternak di Kanagarian Salo. Diharapkan proses pengadukan pakan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Metoda yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan mitra adalah adalah rancang bangun alat pengaduk pakan yang aplikatif berdasarkan kebutuhan mitra dan sosialisasi cara pemakaian mesin pengaduk. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah tersedianya mesin pengaduk pakan puyuh kapasitas 400 kg untuk peternakan puyuh di kanagarian salo dan pemahaman peternak dalam pengoperasian mesin. Kata kunci : pakan unggas, pakan puyuh, mesin pengaduk, tingkat campuranhomogen ABSTRACT Kanagarian Salo Kec. Baso Kab. Agam has several independently managed quail farms. Based on a survey conducted in early 2020  quail farm in Kanagarian Salo, the quail feed ingredient was stirred manually using a shovel  that produce Non-homogeneous mix. Good feed processing is very influential on the production of quail eggs. A good feed has an even mixing composition in every part of the ration, so that the quail gets the nutrition their needs. Based on these problems, a poultry feed mixer machine is needed. The method used to solve the problems is the design of an poultry feed mixer machine based on the needs of partners and socialization of how to use the mixer machine. The result of this activity is the availability of a poultry feed mixer machine with  400 kg capacity  for quail farms in Kanagarian Salo and the understanding of farmers in operating the machine. Keywords:  poultry feed, quail feed, mixing machine, degree  of  mixing, homoge

    Rancang Bangun Micro Turbin Angin Pembangkit Listrik Untuk Rumah Tinggal Di Daerah Kecepatan Angin Rendah

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    Energi angin merupakan salah satu potensi energi terbarukan yang dapat memberikan kontribusiterhadap kebutuhan energi listrik rumah tinggal. Pembangkit energi angin bebas polusi (CO2)maka pembangkit ini dapat menjawab masalah lingkungan hidup dan ketersediaan sumber energysifatnya dapat diperbaharui (renewable) serta penelitian ini mendukung program pemerintah kotaPadang untuk menjadi lumbung energy terbarukan. Tujuan yang ingin dihasilkan adalah dibuatnyasebuah turbin angin dalam kapasitas kecil (micro) yang dapat membantu menyuplai listrik sebuahrumah tinggal dan mampu beroperasi di daerah kecepatan angin rendah kemudian dapat di set uppada atap rumah. Metodologi yang digunakan untuk pencapaian tujuan adalah metodaeksperimental dengan tahap-tahapan sebagai berikut pengambilan data angin lapangan; disainturbin angin; pemilihan bahan; pembuatan turbin angin dan pengujian alat. Kota Padang Sumbartermasuk wilayah yang memiliki kecepatan angin rendah antara 2-6 m/s, maka jenis turbin anginyang cocok adalah turbin angin tipe savonius karena bisa berputar pada kecepatan angin rendah(low wind velocity) dengan putaran awal (starting) dapat terjadi pada kecepatan 2m/s sertakonstruksinya yang sangat sederhana. Disain turbin yang dibuat adalah berbentuk savonius 2 sududengan konstruksi overlap antara kedua sudu dengan tujuan untuk memanfaatkan tekanan anginbalikan dari sudu satu ke sudu kedua dan sebaliknya sehingga dapat meningkatkan putaran rotor.Rancangan turbin savonius di buat 4 tingkat. Bahan yang digunakan untuk sudu turbin adalahaluminium dan jenis poros hollow. Generator yang dipakai adalah generator magnet permanenPanasonic 400watt yang dapat menghasilkan daya pada putaran rendah (150 rpm) ; Untukmeningkatkan rpm yang sampai ke generator digunakan system transmisi sabuk dan pully denganperbandingan transmisi 5:1. Kemudian tipe bearing yang digunakan adalah ball bearingbearing.Dari hasil pengujian didapat daya maksimum yang dihasilkan adalah 7,7watt dengan putaran rotor340rpm dengan kecepatan angin 5,68m/s dan Cp 0.


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    Cooling system merupakan salah satu sistem yang mempengaruhi performance dari engine. Cooling system berfungsi untuk menjaga kondisi temperatur engine agar tetap normal, berkisar antara 1920F (890C). Untuk mengidentifikasi gejala kerusakan yang terjadi pada komponen cooling system yang menyebabkan over heating yaitu dengan cara troubleshooting cooling system. Terjadinya masalah over heating pada Engine 3306 Dozer Caterpillar, ditandai dengan adanya pergerakan jarum temperature engine yang bergerak menuju batasan maksimum temperature engine. Untuk mengetahui penyebab kerusakan, maka dilakukanlah 8 langkah troubleshooting.  Berdasarkan hasil troubleshooting, ditemukan bahwa kurangnya coolant pada radiator dan setelah dilanjutkan dengan pembongkaran cooling system engine ditemukan rusaknya thermostat dalam keadaan tertutup dan retaknya liner engine. Untuk memperbaiki agar masalah pada cooling system kembali normal , maka dilakukanlah penggantian thermostat dan liner dengan yang baru. Agar masalah tidak terjadi lagi maka lakukanlah perawatan secara berkala pada unit maupun engine dan terutama gunakanlah coolant conditioner pada engine agar cooling system pada engine bekerja dengan bai

    Modifikasi Mesin Pengupas Kulit Pinang Kering

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    Due to the weaknesses of some existing areca peelers, some modifications were made. Modifications were made to the gear stripper, the addition of the inlet funnel, the gear stripper cover, and the exit funnel. The purpose of this modification of the design of the areca nut peeling machine is to make it easier for areca-producing farmers to peel their skin. Engine design specifications, using a 1/2 HP motor with a speed of 1500 rpm, 2-inch, and 10-inch pulleys, and a capacity of 5.16 kg/hour. The result of this modification is stated to be able to perform stripping with a large capacity. This machine is expected to be able to meet the needs of manual areca nut peelers to increase productivity

    Analisis Potensi Pasar Dan Persaingan Wall Decoration Berbahan Metal di Marketplace dengan Metode Roda Deming

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    This research aims to determine the market potential and business opportunities for wall decorations made of metal with CNC laser in the industry by determining the market size, evaluating competition, determining product trends, and identifying business opportunities. The quality management method of Deming's Wheel or PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is used to analyze the market potential and competition of metal wall decoration products in various marketplaces. The research results show that Shopee is the e-commerce platform that sells the most metal wall decorations in Indonesia. The sales of metal wall decorations on Shopee reached 17,830 units, followed by Lazada with 2,794 units and Tokopedia with 789 units. The most popular motif or design among consumers is the leaf motif, with a total sales of 14,600 units on Shopee. The average monthly sales on Shopee are quite high, where store A is able to sell 160 units of wall decoration. The factors that influence high sales are quick chat replies, high ratings, positive testimonials from customers, and having their own online store website. Having their own online store provides advantages for store owners, such as advertising

    Pemodelan Machine Learning untuk Memprediksi Tensile Strength Aluminium Menggunakan Algoritma Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

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    This research designs a machine learning model using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm to predict the tensile strength of aluminum. This research produces a machine learning model that has 8 (eight) input data variables consisting of the percentage of aluminum chemical composition such as Mg, Zn, Ti, Cu, Mn, Cr, Fe, Si, and 1 output (output), namely aluminum tensile strength. This study makes changes to several variations of parameters, such as variations in the number of split data, training cycles, learning rates, and hidden neurons. This Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modeling produces an RMSE value of 15,383 with the best parameters being split into 60 training and 40 testing data, training cycle of 100, learning rate of 0.08, momentum 0.9, and hidden neuron 7.This research designs a machine learning model using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm to predict the tensile strength of aluminum. This research produces a machine learning model that has 8 (eight) input data variables consisting of the percentage of aluminum chemical composition such as Mg, Zn, Ti, Cu, Mn, Cr, Fe, Si, and 1 output (output), namely aluminum tensile strength. This study makes changes to several variations of parameters, such as variations in the number of split data, training cycles, learning rates, and hidden neurons. This Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modeling produces an RMSE value of 15,383 with the best parameters being split into 60 training and 40 testing data, training cycle of 100, learning rate of 0.08, momentum 0.9, and hidden neuron 7

    Alat Pengering Kerupuk Palembang Dengan Menggunakan Gas LPG

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    This cracker dryer is made considering that there are still many cracker industries that use solar thermal energy directly to dry raw crackers before the frying process, so that the cracker production results will decrease due to inefficient drying process, therefore all obstacles are always experienced when using energy sunlight can be overcome by using a cracker dryer using gas (LPG). This cracker dryer has dimensions of length 550 mm x width of 450 mm x height of 1000 mm and size of drying rack with a length of 500 mm x width of 400 mm x height of 25 mm. This tool has 4 drying racks with a capacity of each rack 1.5 kg. This dryer uses the principle of convection that is utilizing heat energy generated from the heat of the fire produced through a gas-using stove (LPG), the radiated fire produces heat that enters the drying cabinet. Hot air is locked in a drying room, so that the heat can help the drying process of cracker

    Pembuatan Dan Pengujian Mesin Bending Rotary Baja Untuk Aplikasi Stand Pot Bunga Diameter 8 dan 10 Inch

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    In this day and age people decorate homes with flower pots and many models of flower pot place creations. Usually the place to put flower pots in the form of a circle and to make a circular iron is made manually requires energy and a long time. A bending machine is needed to make concrete iron circle creations. The aim of this research is to produce a rotary bending machine that is able to work efficiently in forming a concrete steel circle. The method used in this study is a practical method that is doing machine design and continued with the manufacture and field testing. The working principle of this machine is to use a motor that functions to move the Gearbox and continue the rotation to the shaft, then the shaft rotates and the bending mall rotates and makes the steel concrete come round and circular. The conclusion is (a). This concrete steel rotary bending machine has dimensions of 550 mm x 550 mm x 1000 mm with an electric motor drive power source (b). The results of the bending process using a concrete steel rotary bending machine are far more efficient than doing manual bendin