54 research outputs found

    Semiotika Desain Oblong Dagadu Djokdja

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    Abstract: In the name of fun and being made without any burden the product of Dagadu Djokdja freely rockets in the air, and yet keep staying on the earth. The uniqueness as well as the strength of this product is, firstly, that it gives aesthetic to the daily subject, simple, even trivial, and sometimes, forgotten already. For that reason the design section counts on the graphic design aspect as its deadly weapon in order to convey and to reveal the approved themes. Secondly, it emphasizes the aspect of specific graphic design by joining the localism, humor, and the sense on fun into the pop art world in order to create attractiveness as the selling point of the product. Thirdly, it chooses the manufacture image instead of craft, both by material and by any other graphic design element. Fourthly, the distinctiveness as well the characteristic of all T-shirt designs of Dagadu Djokdja are the use of poster approach (poster style)

    Semiotika Desain Oblong Dagadu Djokdja

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    In the name of fun and being made without any burden the product of Dagadu Djokdja freely rockets in the air, and yet keep staying on the earth. The uniqueness as well as the strength of this product is, firstly, that it gives aesthetic to the daily subject, simple, even trivial, and sometimes, forgotten already. For that reason the design section counts on the graphic design aspect as its deadly weapon in order to convey and to reveal the approved themes. Secondly, it emphasizes the aspect of specific graphic design by joining the localism, humor, and the sense on fun into the pop art world in order to create attractiveness as the selling point of the product. Thirdly, it chooses the manufacture image instead of craft, both by material and by any other graphic design element. Fourthly, the distinctiveness as well the characteristic of all T-shirt designs of Dagadu Djokdja are the use of poster approach (poster style)

    Semiotic of Public Service Advertisement

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    The public service advertising works have a sign that are verbal (language) and visual forms. Its also refer that the public service advertising text and its visual offering contents of an icon that has function, mainly in a system of non-language to support the massage of language, so the semiotics approach as a standard analytic method for analyzing the public service advertising works appropriates to be used and responded proactively as sam

    Membaca Makna Iklan Politik Pilpres 2019

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    Tulisan ini dibuat untuk membaca interaksi makna tanda verbal dan pesan verbal  serta tanda visual dan pesan visual dari desain iklan politik pemilihan calon presiden dan calon wakil presiden dalam Pilpres 2019. Bagi produsen tanda yang terdiri dari desainer komunikasi visual, mempelajari semiotika komunikasi visual untuk memahami tanda, kode dan makna konotasi desain iklan politik Pilpres 2019 menjadi sangat penting. Dengan demikian, produsen tanda akan lebih kreatif dalam menciptakan tanda verbal dan tanda visual serta pesan verbal dan pesan visual. Tulisan ini dibuat menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan mendeskripsikan dan menginterpretasikan makna konotasi desain iklan politik Pilpres 2019 berdasarkan bangunan teori semiotika, teori desain komunikasi visual, teori gaya bahasa dan teori komunikasi politik. Metode analisis semiotika komunikasi visual ditawarkan dan dimanfaatkan sebagai metode analisis tanda verbal dan tanda visual serta pesan verbal dan pesan visual. Proses analisis objek penelitian dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan konsep analisis Triadik Sumbo Tinarbuko. Konsep analisis Triadik Sumbo Tinarbuko penulis ciptakan untuk mengidentifikasikan, mendeskripsikan dan memahami makna tanda verbal dan tanda visual  serta pesan verbal dan pesan visual yang terkandung dalam desain iklan politik Pilpres 2019

    Eksekusi Iklan Televisi Dengan Pendekatan Parodi

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    The use of the parody approach in designing publicity could be developped further, thus the information and the message carried in an advertisement would not appear as a form of indoctrination with the adequate use of parody, the tergetted customer will feel entertained

    Positioning Seni Dan Desain Indonesia Dengan Visi Global (Konsep, Strategi, Dan Implementasi)

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    Screen culture had become a part of life for world society. Screen culture also give positive impact for the development of art education and design (visual communication). On the daily basis, everyone depend on the existance of screen culture. The signs of screen culture adherent are contacted with television screen, computer, and smartphone equipped with the internet in their activities. The education of art and design (visual communication) have their own uniqueness and speciality. In the screen culture era, creative industries, on the art and design (visual communication) sub sector with the education institution of art and design (visual commumication) must be collaborating and sharing their experiences. The potential of local culture and traditional art must be used as resources to create a visual communication design creative energy on commercial advertising and public service advertising. As an impact, the uniquness that appear from the local culture locality and its society will bring a positive contribution for the development of education of art and design as well as development of visual art in Indonesia


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    Must advertisement be vanished? Observing the percentage between the pros and the cons carried out at random concerning the existence of advertisement%2C we will find out an emotional response%2C i.e. it must be vanished from this earth. The sins performed by the advertisement seem unforgivable. But if we analyze the mass (chaos) the advertisement problems more deeply%2C we should negotiate and introspect as well among all sides. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Haruskah iklan dilenyapkan? Jika melihat presentase secara acak antara yang pro dan kontra terhadap keberadaan iklan%2C maka jawaban emosionalnya%2C iklan harus dilenyapkan dari muka bumi ini! Sebab dosa iklan sudah tidak bisa dimaafkan lagi. Tetapi jika kita kaji lebih dalam carut marut perihal periklanan tersebut%2C kita bisa melakukan negosiasi sekaligus introspeksi antarpara pihak. negotiation%2C introspection of all sides

    Semiotika komunikasi visual (edisi revisi)

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    Desain komunikasi visual merupakan sebuah ilmu yang saat ini sedangberkembang pesat, tapi belumm banyak buku yang menganalisisnya dari sudut pandang semiotika. Buku Sumbo Tinarbuko ini menawarkan sebuah pisau bedah yang tajam untuk melihat iklan : iklan komersial atau iklan layanan masyarakat, bukan saja hanya dari elemen grafis ( ilustrasi, komposisi, dan lay-out) warna, huruf, dan tipografi, tetapi juga pada tataran makna ( denotatif dan konotatif ) dan tanda (ikon, indeks, dan simbol ). Dengan contoh - contoh bentuk iklan layanan masyarakat di koran, produk kaos Dagadu, rambu - rambu lalu lintas, atau logo perusahaan yang biasa kita temui setiap hari, buku ini terasa aktual untuk membaca dan memaknai iklan yang ada di sekitar kita
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