13 research outputs found


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    The increasing number of ICT integration into language classrooms has made many teachers conducted research to examine its effectiveness. Studies have shown that Edmodo is an effective tool for students to improve their writing skills. However, very few studies investigate the use of Edmodo as a media for digital portfolio and explore its impact in EFL writing classes. This research was done primarily aimed to describe EFL learners’ perceptions of the implementation of Edmodo-based digital portfolio in a Paragraph-based Writing course. Fifteen students participated in the study that lasted for seven meetings. Data were analyzed qualitatively and collected by using questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Findings revealed that the students responded positively to the use of Edmodo-based digital portfolio in the writing course. Furthermore, they also reported that digital portfolio helps them improving their writing fluency and increasing self-reflection. This study recommends the use of Edmodo as a platform for an online portfolio in the writing class


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    Although collaborative pair-interaction has shown as providing positive impacts on students’ second language learning, but none of studies has considered the important role of Zone of Proximal Development theory by Vygotsky in forming the pair and its effect during the pair-interaction. Zone of Proximal Development points out that adults and more competent peers can aid students’ development (Vygotsky in Tudge, 1990). Thus, in this study, the writer reviewed many literatures which investigated the nature of pair-interaction. Some of the studies showed that when the students were paired with both more and less competent partners, respectively, only students who were paired with more competent students got the benefit of the collaboration. Some of the research also noticed that regardless the students’ proficiency, the students will still learn as long as they can create collaborative pattern of interaction. From the above findings, it is suggested that for long-term teaching using collaborative pair-interaction, the theory of Zone of Proximal Development is necessary to be considered as a guideline in forming the students’ pair. Pairing intentionally is believed to be more beneficial in giving best environment for students’ learning, rather than randomly pairing the students all the time. Keywords: collaborative pair-interaction, zone of proximal development, ESL clas


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    Newspapers are a medium of written informations which are published every day. There is a newspaper that has been famous especially in Java that is “Jawa Pos” newspaper. “Jawa Pos” newspaper is written in Indonesian, but in presenting the information or news, sometimes the author add or insert some English words to emphasize the reader about the information to be conveyed. This style is called interference in Sociolinguistics. Considering that statement, this study wants to analyze the types of interference found in “Jawa Pos” and analyze the reasons of those interference usage. This study uses descriptive qualitative method in conducting the research. The data sources for this research are 4 edition of “Jawa Pos” newspaper, which were from 8th until 11th March 2018. The first findings of this research was 147 interferences were occured in the data sources. The result then were divided into four categories. They were 97 interferences of noun, 34 interferences of verb, 15 interferences of adjective and 1 interference of adverb. The second findings, there were 101 interference occured with prestige feeling motive as the reason, and 46 interferences were caused by need feeling motive. Based on this research, for the newspaper author the researcher wants to suggest that by using another language such as English we can increase our vocabulary in English. Futhermore, for the other researcher interference are still open to be studied because this study only focus on analysis of interference in the form of word. Meanwhile, a study of interference which focus on phrase or clause still interested to be studied

    Developing Constructivist-Webquests Online Materials for TEFL Course

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    Considering the results of researchers’ observation at some Teaching English as A Foreign Language (TEFL) classes, which noted that there were at least two problems, namely the lack of materials to accommodate the students’ need of learning and unavailability of TEFL media to support the learning process, the development of materials for TEFL class are urgently needed. Besides, the high demand for technology integration into language learning to face digital environment motivates education practitioners to develop materials with technology application. WebQuests can be one of meeting points for this intersection. A WebQuests is an online media which allows students to collect and construct information about a subject using a web. By using WebQuests, the students will have an opportunity to actively contribute constructing their own knowledge during the teaching and learning process. Therefore, this study aims at giving rational and theoretical background in developing a web-based material with a constructivist approach, named constructivist-WebQuests.Keywords:material development, constructivist-WebQuests, online materials, TEF

    Implementasi Aplikasi Toy App dan Modul Ajar Berbasis Proyek di SD Negeri 1 Padenganploso Kabupaten Lamongan

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    Digital literacy is one of the most needed 21st century skills. The effectiveness of integrating the use of technology in project-based learning has proven to be effective in increasing digital literacy skills. Toy App is an Android-based application designed as a medium for learning basic literacy and numeracy. The purpose of this community service activity is to implement the Toy App application and project-based teaching modules to increase digital literacy in students. This activity was carried out for students at SD Negeri 1 Padenganploso, Pucuk District, Lamongan Regency. The results of this activity show that the implementation of the Toy App and project-based teaching modules has a positive impact on increasing digital literacy in students. In addition, the learning process is also more fun. Based on these results, the application of the Toy App application and project-based teaching modules can be used as an alternative in supporting digital literacy in elementary school students.Literasi digital menjadi salah satu keterampilan abad ke-21 yang sangat dibutuhkan. Efektifivas pengintegrasian penggunaan teknologi dalam pembelajaran berbasis proyek terbukti efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan literasi digital. Toy App merupakan aplikasi berbasis android yang dirancang sebagai media belajar literasi dan numerasi tingkat dasar. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengimplementasikan aplikasi Toy App dan modul ajar berbasis proyek guna meningkatkan literasi digital pada siswa. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada siswa di SD Negeri 1 Padenganploso Kecamatan Pucuk Kabupaten Lamongan. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Toy App dan modul ajar berbasis proyek memberikan dampak positif dalam meningkatkan literasi digital pada siswa. Selain itu, proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan juga lebih menyenangkan. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, penerapan aplikasi Toy App dan modul ajar berbasis proyek dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif dalam mendukung literasi digital pada siwa sekolah dasar.

    Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa dan Alumni Di Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan

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    At this time, a lot of news about unemployment of higher education graduates became a special concern for the campus as the organizer. The solutions adopted include entrepreneurship education programs for students and graduates. But often entrepreneurship education programs that are carried out are not continuous and sporadic in order to obtain less optimal results. The entrepreneurship development program aims to provide entrepreneurship guidance for students and alumni of Universitas Islam Darul Ulum by prioritizing the concept of sustainable training and coaching and adjusting tenant issues. This program uses a three-phase of Participatory Action Learning System (PALS) approach, namely awareness, entrepreneurship capacity building, and institutionalization. The results were obtained that this program provided improvements in tenant management, produced science and technology-based products and formed cooperation with related parties

    An Analysis of the English Speaking and Writing Skill Level of Tour Guides in Trenggalek’s Tourist Villages

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    Tourist village has been one of the main focuses of Indonesia’s Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy right now. Indonesian government is targeting 3000 tourist villages in Indonesia, and some areas may start developing its tourist villages, one of which is Trenggalek, a small regency that is located in East Java. Trenggalek is targeting 100 tourist villages by 2024. One of the most important supporting components in tourist villages is tour guide. In other words, the role of tour guide is inseparable from the existence of tourist villages. To fulfill their duties, a tour guide must master some skills, one of which is English skill. A tour guide is required to comprehend four English skills, especially productive skills; speaking and writing. In Trenggalek, some tour guides are in charge of tourist villages. However, most of them have not joined English training programs. Their English skill level has also not been analysis or mapped. This study then initiates the analysis of English skill level of tour guides in tourist villages in Trenggalek. The study employs qualitative descriptive research to find the data. The findings reveal that there are some levels of both speaking and writing skill. However, speaking skill levels are more diverse compared to the writing ones

    Expert Validation and Students’ Initial Field Trial Responses toward M-Write Academic Essay Writing Application

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    Proficiency in English academic writing is still a problem for many students. However, there are no such digital learning media that facilitates academic writing practices. Considering these problems, this research tried to develop an M-Write application, a learning media that combine metacognitive and process-genre writing exercises. This study aims to determine the feasibility level of M-Write as a website-based academic essay writing application. The method used in testing the feasibility of this product includes the alpha test and beta test. The alpha test was carried out by three English Education experts; each of them assessed the aspects of the content, language use, and design. While the beta test was carried out by 25 students of the Computer Science Faculty, UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur. The data collection technique was done by using a questionnaire and interview. Data analysis was carried out using quantitative descriptive techniques. The results of this study indicate that the M-Write application reached appropriate criteria in terms of content, language use, and design aspects. The percentages of each of these aspects are 71.9%, 73.3%, and 71.9%. While the results of the applications usage assessment by students also showed that the application was appropriate to be used with an average percentage of 75.9%

    The Effectiveness of Process Genre and Product Genre Approaches to Teach Writing to Introvert and Extrovert Students (The Case of the Tenth Year Students of State Senior High School 1 Wirosari-Grobogan in the Academic Year of 2013/2014)

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    This present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of Process Genre and Product Genre Approaches to teach writing to introvert and extrovert students. A quasi-experimental study with 2x2 factorial designs was conducted to gain answers. Data were collected by using Myers Briggs Type Indicator, observation notes and a pre-and-posttest. Data were analyzed by using T-test, Two-Way Anova, and Tukey test. The findings revealed that first, Process Genre Approach was significantly effective to be used to teach writing to both the introvert and extrovert students; while, the Product Genre Approach was only effective to be used to teach writing to the extrovert students. Second, quantitatively, the Process Genre Approach was not significantly more effective to be used to teach writing compared to the Product Genre Approach. Third, the students‟ personalities significantly influenced their writing quality, in which the extrovert students‟ writings were better than the introvert students‟ writings. Fourth, there was a significant interaction occurred between the teaching approaches and the students‟ personalities on their writing quality. Based on the study results, the researcher suggests English teachers to consider using Process Genre Approach in their writing classes and identify each student‟s personality in the very beginning of lessons, acknowledging that the students‟ personalities significantly influence the students‟ writing quality. Keywords: Process Genre Approach; Student’s Personality; Writing Instructio

    The Effectiveness of Process Genre and Product Genre Approaches to Teach Writing to Introvert and Extrovert Students (The Case of the Tenth Year Students of State Senior High School 1 Wirosari-Grobogan in the Academic Year of 2013/2014)

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    This present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of Process Genre and Product Genre Approaches to teach writing to introvert and extrovert students. A quasi-experimental study with 2x2 factorial designs was conducted to gain answers. Data were collected by using Myers Briggs Type Indicator, observation notes and a pre-and-posttest. Data were analyzed by using T-test, Two-Way Anova, and Tukey test. The findings revealed that first, Process Genre Approach was significantly effective to be used to teach writing to both the introvert and extrovert students; while, the Product Genre Approach was only effective to be used to teach writing to the extrovert students. Second, quantitatively, the Process Genre Approach was not significantly more effective to be used to teach writing compared to the Product Genre Approach. Third, the students‟ personalities significantly influenced their writing quality, in which the extrovert students‟ writings were better than the introvert students‟ writings. Fourth, there was a significant interaction occurred between the teaching approaches and the students‟ personalities on their writing quality. Based on the study results, the researcher suggests English teachers to consider using Process Genre Approach in their writing classes and identify each student‟s personality in the very beginning of lessons, acknowledging that the students‟ personalities significantly influence the students‟ writing quality. Keywords: Process Genre Approach; Student’s Personality; Writing Instructio