74 research outputs found

    Sharing Knowledge on Community-Driven Development in Indonesia: An Assessment of the Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Sector Project

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    The purpose of the study on which this report is based was to identify lessons from implementation of the Neighborhood Upgrading Shelter Sector Project (NUSSP) that would allow the success of this community-driven urban development initiative in Indonesia to be replicated elsewhere. In general, the study examined the extent to which the project contributed to improvements in service delivery and governance in the beneficiary communities. More specifically, the study's objectives were to assess (1) the quality and sustainability of infrastructure services delivered, (2) the extent to which subproject investment decisions corresponded to beneficiary needs and expressed demand, (3) the extent to which study-area residents were able to influence the behavior of their leaders and exact accountability from them, and (4) whether or not participation in community-driven development (CDD) subprojects influenced the nature of institutional arrangements for local service delivery lying outside the scope of the project

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Bahasa Sasak Berbasis High Order Thingking Skills

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    The research objective is to produce and test the feasibility of textbooks based Sasak language thingking high order skills for junior high school students. The model used is a model development Dick, Carey & Carey until the ninth stage. The product development is validated by subject matter experts with the level of validity 73%, media expert with a degree of validity of 84%, a learning design with a level of validity 90.4%, individual testing with a level of validity to 68%, small group trial with a level of validity 82% and test field trials with a validity rate of 89% with a very worthy qualification does not need revision.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menghasilkan dan menguji kelayakan buku bahan ajar bahasa Sasak berbasis High Order Thingking Skills untuk siswa SMP. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model Dick, Carey & Carey sampai pada tahapan yang kesembilan. Pengembangan produk ini divalidasi oleh ahli materi dengan tingkat kevalidan 73%, ahli media dengan tingkat kevalidan 84%, ahli desain pembelajaran dengan tingkat kevalidan 90.4%, uji coba perorangan dengan tingkat kevalidan 68%, uji coba kelompok kecil dengan tingkat kevalidan 82% dan uji coba lapangan dengan tingkat kevalidan 89% dengan kualifikasi sangat layak tidak perlu revisi


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    PENGEMBANGAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN M-3 (MENIRU, MENGOLAH, DAN MENGEMBANGKAN) BERBANTUAN APLIKASI INSTAGRAM DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MENULIS PUISI SISWA SMA M. Sulton Univesitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] ABSTRAK Pembelajaran menulis puisi di tingkat SMA memerlukan pendekatan yang inovatif dan menarik agar siswa dapat mengembangkan kreativitas dan pemahaman sastra mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Model Pembelajaran M-3 berbantuan aplikasi Instagram dalam pembelajaran menulis puisi siswa SMA. Dalam penerapan model M-3, siswa akan meniru puisi dari penulis terkenal, mengolahnya dengan gaya dan tema yang berbeda, dan mengembangkannya melalui kreativitas visual serta kolaborasi dengan teman sekelas sehingga menjadi puisi yang baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation). Tahap analisis dilakukan untuk memahami kesulitan dan kebutuhan siswa dalam pembelajaran menulis puisi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, model pembelajaran M-3 dirancang untuk memfasilitasi siswa dalam belajar menulis puisi dan menghasilakan puisi yang orisinal yang mencerminkan kreativitas mereka. Selanjutnya, model pembelajaran diimplementasikan dalam bentuk modul pembelajaran menulis puisi. Penilaian dilakukan dari analisis hasil tugas menulis puisi siswa sebelum dan sesudah penerapan model pembelajaran M-3. Hasil penelitian dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk mengevaluasi kemajuan siswa dan kualitas puisi yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Model Pembelajaran M-3 berbantuan aplikasi Instagram secara signifikan meningkatkan keterampilan menulis puisi siswa. Siswa menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan dalam menganalisis puisi, menggambarkan emosi dengan tepat, dan mengungkapkan ide secara kreatif melalui puisi. Model ini juga membantu meningkatkan minat siswa terhadap sastra dan menulis secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran M-3 berbantuan aplikasi Instagram adalah model yang efektif dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran menulis puisi di SMA. Kata Kunci: Aplikasi Instagram, Model Pembelajaran M-3, Pembelajaran Menulis Puisi. DEVELOPMENT OF A M-3 LEARNING MODEL (IMITATE, PROCESS, AND DEVELOP) ASSISTED BY INSTAGRAM APPLICATION IN TEACHING POETRY WRITING TO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS M. Sulton Indonesia University of Education [email protected] ABSTRACT Learning to write poetry at the high school level requires an innovative and interesting approach so that students can develop their creativity and understanding of literature. This study aims to develop the M-3 Learning Model, assisted by the Instagram application, for learning to write poetry for high school students. In applying the M-3 model, students will imitate poetry from famous authors, process it with different styles and themes, and develop it through visual creativity and collaboration with classmates so that it becomes new poetry. This research uses the ADDIE research design (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The analysis phase was carried out to understand the difficulties and needs of students learning to write poetry. Based on the results of the analysis, the M-3 learning model is designed to facilitate students in learning to write poetry and produce original poetry that reflects their creativity. Furthermore, the learning model is implemented in the form of a poetry writing learning module. The assessment was carried out based on an analysis of the results of students' poetry writing assignments before and after the application of the M-3 learning model. The research results were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively to evaluate the students' progress and the quality of the poetry produced. The results showed that the M-3 Learning Model, assisted by the Instagram application, significantly improved students' poetry writing skills. Students show an increase in their ability to analyze poetry, describe emotions appropriately, and express ideas creatively through poetry. This model also helps to increase students' interest in literature and writing as a whole. This study concluded that the M-3 learning model, assisted by the Instagram application, is an effective model for improving the quality of learning to write poetry in high school. Keywords: Instagram Application, M-3 Learning Model, Poetry Writing Learning

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Praktek Kerja Industri Jurusan Akuntansi

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    The purpose of the study was to make recommendations with regard to the implementation of vocational Dewantara Candipuro Prakerin in South Lampung that include context, input, process, and product in Prakerin program. Research using CIPP model of evaluation methods, conducted in SMK Dewantara Candipuro South Lampung. Data collection techniques used observation, questionnaires, documentation also it was analyzed by using descriptive  qualitative and next to be presented and categorized. Conclusions of research are: (1) the context in which environmental conditions favor the implementation has an average score of 57.14% (excellent), (2) inputs implementation practices include facilities and infrastructure availability of human resources, student characteristics, planning practice and the committee get a score of 73.15% (excellent), (3) the implementation of the results obtained Prakerin 62.50% (excellent), (4) the results of Prakerin results obtained 66.67% (excellent).Tujuan penelitian adalah memberi rekomendasi berkenaan dengan pelaksanaan Prakerin di SMK Dewantara Candipuro Lampung Selatan yang meliputi konteks, input, proses, dan produk dalam program Prakerin. Penelitian menggunakan metode evaluasi model CIPP, dilakukan di SMK Dewantara Candipuro Lampung Selatan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi serta dianalisis dengan deskriptif kualitatif yang selanjutnya dipersentasekan dan dikategorikan. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah: (1) context yaitu kondisi lingkungan sekolah dalam mendukung pelaksanaan Prakerin memiliki skor rata-rata 57.14% (baik), (2) input pelaksanaan praktek meliputi ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana sumber daya manusia, karakteristik siswa, perencanaan praktek dan panitia mendapatkan skor 73.15% (baik), (3) proses pelaksanaan Prakerin diperoleh hasil 62.50% (baik), (4) hasil dari Prakerin diperoleh hasil 66.67% (baik)

    Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Materi Teknik Pemijahan Ikan secara Buatan

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    The objective of this research and development were 1) to describe the conditions and the potential for developing the instructional video material of artificial spawning techniques; 2) to describe the development of instructional video procedures; 3) to analyze instructional video effectiveness. Research and development design was used on this study. Research was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Padang Cermin and SMK Negeri 6 Bandar Lampung. Conclusions on the research are 1) the initial conditions and potentials were possible and supported the development of instructional video; 2) the development of instructional video were conducted through five stages of development process, namely, preliminary studies, instructional design, media design and development, testing and revision of the product, and the final product; 3) instructional video specification was easy to operate based on the complement and supplement.Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah 1) mendeskripsikan kondisi dan potensi untuk mengembangkan video pembelajaran materi teknik pemijahan ikan secara buatan; 2) mendeskripsikan prosedur pengembangan video pembelajaran; 3) menganalisis efektifitas video pembelajaran.Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian dan pengembangan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 1 Padang Cermin dan SMK Negeri 6 Bandar Lampung. Kesimpulan pada penelitian adalah 1) kondisi dan potensi awal sangat memungkinkan dan mendukung dilakukan pengembangan video pembelajaran; 2) proses pengembangan video pembelajaran melalui lima tahap pengembangan yaitu, studi pendahuluan, desain pembelajaran, desain dan pengembangan media, ujicoba dan revisi produk, dan produk akhir; 3) spesifikasi video pembelajaran, mudah dioperasikan, bersifat komplemen dan suplemen

    Tinjauan Kelayakan Finansial pada Hotel Berjenis Kondotel Studi Kasus : Proyek Pembangunan Kondotel Pekanbaru Park

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    Pekanbaru economic growth is relatively advanced to make this city a place to invest in the calculated by the investors one of them is investment in the field of hospitality. Investment inthe hospitality sector has a big risk if not prepared thoroughly, this is because in its construction requires a very large capital, therefore it is very important to review and analyzethe financial feasibility. In this research, it is reviewed about the financial feasibility of Condotel type hotel, which is in Kondotel Pekanbaru Park which is a hotel owned jointly by several owner and managed by hotel manager and its profit and profit will be shared between fellow hotel owners and managers. Financial analysis is done by analyzing the calculation of Net present value, benefit cost ratio, internal rate of return, payback period and also sensitivity analysis. The results obtained are total investment kondotel Rp. 192.670.744.974,35 with NPV of Rp. 67.877.696.368,23, BCR of 1.2, IRR of 24,97% greaterthan the return current of 13.5% and PBP for 9 years 7 month 17 days (project plan life for 50 years). Overall the investment project for the development of Kondotel Pekanbaru Park is feasible to build with the hotel occupancy rate of 66%. Investor standard room or SMI get profit of Rp 33.102.537,58 / year and free stay for 21 point / year. While the investor room suite or SMI corner get a profit of Rp 40.138.145,99 / year and free stay for 21 point / year with discount payback period in year 14

    Transient Response Performance Test on Aftermarket Motorcycle Rear Suspension in Indonesia

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    Modification parts are found in Indonesia, one of which is suspension. This paper proves which after-market suspension has the best performance. These three suspensions were tested with a transient response with a test instrument that has an excitation height of 30 mm with a shaft rotational speed of 322 rpm. The observed responses are displacement and settling time. The test results without the addition of mass obtained a displacement of 25 mm for Aspira, 39 mm for AHM and 39 mm for Combiz. The addition of 30 kg mass resulted in 29 mm for Aspira, 38 mm for AHM and 23 mm for Combiz. Settling time without adding mass 1 s for Aspira and 1.2 s for AHM and 0.9 s for Combiz. With the addition of 30 kg mass obtained settling time of 1.3 s for Aspira, 1 s for AHM and 0.7 s for Combiz


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    One of the habituation models that can strengthen an individual's spirituality so that he is able to become fully human in finding solutions and reflecting on himself is by reading istighosah. Sources of data in this paper were obtained through observation and interviews within a period of 4 months, starting from September to December 2020. The results of this study indicate that the reading of istighosah can be an alternative educational model that can shape the character of society. The academic community of IAIMNU Metro Lampung through the transformation of the Islamic ideology Ahlu sunah waljama'jamah Annahdliyah which has the principles of tawazun, tasamuh, ta'adul and amar ma'ruf nahi is mungkar. The success of this habituation can be seen in general from the development of the IAIMNU academic community which leads to the construction or development of character by practicing the principles of religious attitudes which are tawasuth, tawazun, tasamuh, and always looking for a middle way (moderate). Besides, this habituation becomes a satisfaction both physically and mentally for the perpetrator
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