882 research outputs found


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    River herring, the collective name given to North American populations of Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and Blueback Herring (A. aestivalis), are iteroparous, anadromous members of the family Clupeidae, with similar morphology, ecological roles, and overlapping distributions. Once abundant in coastal rivers of New Hampshire, many factors including commercial fishing, habitat degradation, and dam construction resulted in a precipitous decline of the species along the entire coast. Successful efforts to restore populations have included the construction of fish ladders at dams. However, fish ladders require constant operation and maintenance to efficiently pass river herring, and only provide access to spawning habitat up to the next barrier, all too often, man-made. Alewife passage efficiency in fish ladders of all designs has received little attention historically, but is important to understand how to interpret annual counts, that for many rivers are the only index used in current stock assessments. In this study, passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags were used to assess the passage efficiency of a Denil fish ladder on the Lamprey River in Newmarket, New Hampshire. The data collected allow for a better understanding of the movements and diel behavior of river herring in fishways, as well as insight into how the selectivity of fish ladders my shape the population demographics within a river system. A breached dam located at Wadleigh Falls on the Lamprey River in Lee, New Hampshire was examined to determine if river herring were able to pass the existing structure or if it should be considered the upper extent of their annual spawning migration. Telemetry data indicated that Alewives were unable to pass the breached Wadleigh Falls Dam site and that it should be considered the uppermost extent of their migratory access. Results also show that migrating fish arriving at the location had a strong preference for the river-right channel when migrating upriver and exhibited very little exploratory behavior to seek alternate pathways upriver before emigrating back downriver, approximately two weeks after river entry. These in-river residence times were very similar to those found in other telemetry studies of anadromous Alewives. Successful management and effective stock assessment for any species requires an understanding of its reproduction and recruitment. Fecundity is one measure of the reproductive potential of a species and was assessed in this study. Mature adult Alewives were collected at the head-of-tide dam on the Lamprey River in Newmarket, New Hampshire during the vernal spawning migration in 2012. A gonadosomatic index was used to determine that fish were sampled before spawning occurred, and egg diameters were quantified to examine distribution of eggs throughout the ovary. Fecundity was estimated gravimetrically using two techniques for comparison, and no difference between the methods was found. These findings show that image analysis is a fast and reliable method for fecundity estimation that does not require the use of a commonly used, toxic solution for ovary preservation. Fecundity estimates using image analysis ranged from 147,400 eggs at 24 cm to 332,500 eggs at 34 cm and aligns with previous findings of a clinal trend along the Atlantic Coast. Fecundity increased with total length, somatic weight, and age. Simple linear regressions exhibited good fits for fecundity-total length and fecundity-somatic weight, with age being the best predictor

    Individual Control of Risk: Seat Belt Use, Subjective Norms and the Theory of Reasoned Action

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    When faced with a risk for which an inexpensive solution is available, individuals often choose the risk rather than the solution. Protection from certain kinds of risks, e.g., using seat belts or condoms or insulating against radon, is largely under personal control, but individuals often choose not to comply with behaviors which would reduce the risk. The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) has been used to predict when individuals will comply. The authors attempted to validate aspects of the TRA by the use of scenarios. Factor analysis of their data supports the theory that intention is a major determinate of behavior but fails to establish the influence of scenarios on subjects\u27 intention to wear seat belts

    Surgical Resection in HCC

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a deadly disease. Its incidence is rising worldwide without significant improvement in survival in spite of improving therapies. A wide array of treatment options for HCC exist and include surgery, catheter-based therapies, radiation and systemic therapy. These modalities are often used in combination for optimal management in a multidisciplinary approach. Surgical resection remains one of the only curative therapeutic options for HCC, although it is indicated in select patients with localized disease. Herein, we cover the role of surgical resection in the management of HCC, reviewing the perioperative and operative considerations, in addition to highlighting the advances in minimally invasive surgery and novel navigation technologies


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    Impact of KRAS Mutations on Management of Colorectal Carcinoma

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    The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway is a therapeutic target in the management of colorectal cancer (CRC). EGFR antagonists are active in this disease; however, only a subset of patients respond to such therapy. A Kirsten ras sarcoma viral oncogene (KRAS) wild-type (WT) status of the tumor is necessary, but possibly not sufficient, for a response to anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody therapy. Mechanisms of primary resistance to such therapy in patients harboring KRAS WT tumors are discussed. Strategies to overcome resistance to anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody therapy, including novel agents and combinations of novel therapies, are explored. Also, the use of anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies in the adjuvant and neoadjuvant setting is reviewed

    Design of an Indoor Sonic Boom Simulator at NASA Langley Research Center

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    Construction of a simulator to recreate the soundscape inside residential buildings exposed to sonic booms is scheduled to start during the summer of 2008 at NASA Langley Research Center. The new facility should be complete by the end of the year. The design of the simulator allows independent control of several factors that create the indoor soundscape. Variables that will be isolated include such factors as boom duration, overpressure, rise time, spectral shape, level of rattle, level of squeak, source of rattle and squeak, level of vibration and source of vibration. Test subjects inside the simulator will be asked to judge the simulated soundscape, which will represent realistic indoor boom exposure. Ultimately, this simulator will be used to develop a functional relationship between human response and the sound characteristics creating the indoor soundscape. A conceptual design has been developed by NASA personnel, and is currently being vetted through small-scale risk reduction tests that are being performed in-house. The purpose of this document is to introduce the conceptual design, identify how the indoor response will be simulated, briefly outline some of the risk reduction tests that have been completed to vet the design, and discuss the impact of these tests on the simulator design

    Are Preserved Farms Actively Engaged in Agriculture and Conservation?

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    This study addresses the question of whether farms enrolled in land preservation programs are actively engaged in agricultural or conservation activities. Data are drawn from an original survey administered to preserved farm owners in the states of New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware in 2011. “Actively engaged” is defined as investment in conservation projects, buildings, equipment, or irrigation since the land was preserved. Affirmative answers to the survey’s investment questions range from a low of 19% for irrigation to a high of 69% for equipment. Special attention was paid to differences between lifestyle farmers and small and large commercial farmers, which are classified using the USDA typology developed in 2000. Regression analysis estimates differences in investment behavior across these groups as well as farm tenure categories, controlling for farm size, program/state location, and demographic variables. Only owners who employ tenants or managers exclusively on their land were found to invest significantly less than the largest professional farmers, and they did so across all four types of investment. This study’s findings support preservation goals articulated by legislators and program administrators, because (1) agricultural and land stewardship investments appear to be widespread on preserved farms, partly due to administrators’ preference for larger parcels, (2) there is no evidence that “hobby farmers” are disproportionately attracted to farmland preservation programs – in fact the opposite seems to be true – while those that exist in our sample behave similarly to the largest commercial farmers, (3) although tenant farming is associated in the sample with lower rates of investment, it is less common on preserved farms than on all farms in the three study states. The matter of land tenure, highlighted in this as in other studies, has not yet become a primary focus of either farm-behavioral research or state agricultural policy

    Laterally Propagating Detonations in Thin Helium Layers on Accreting White Dwarfs

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    Theoretical work has shown that intermediate mass (0.01Msun<M_He<0.1Msun) Helium shells will unstably ignite on the accreting white dwarf (WD) in an AM CVn binary. For more massive (M>0.8Msun) WDs, these helium shells can be dense enough (5x10^5 g/cc) that the convectively burning region runs away on a timescale comparable to the sound travel time across the shell; raising the possibility for an explosive outcome. The nature of the explosion (i.e. deflagration or detonation) remains ambiguous. In the case of detonation, this causes a laterally propagating front whose properties in these geometrically thin and low density shells we begin to study here. Our calculations show that the radial expansion time of <0.1 s leads to incomplete helium burning, in agreement with recent work by Sim and collaborators, but that the nuclear energy released is still adequate to realize a self-sustaining detonation propagating laterally at slower than the Chapman-Jouguet speed. Our simulations resolve the subsonic region behind the front and are consistent with a direct computation of the reaction structure from the shock strength. The ashes are typically He rich, and consist of predominantly Ti-44, Cr-48, along with a small amount of Fe-52, with very little Ni-56 and with significant Ca-40 in carbon-enriched layers. If this helium detonation results in a Type Ia Supernova, its spectral signatures would appear for the first few days after explosion. (abridged)Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure, accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Wellness and Multiple Sclerosis: The National MS Society Establishes a Wellness Research Working Group and Research Priorities

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    Background: People with multiple sclerosis (MS) have identified “wellness” and associated behaviors as a high priority based on “social media listening” undertaken by the National MS Society (i.e. the Society). Objective: The Society recently convened a group that consisted of researchers with experience in MS and wellness-related research, Society staff members, and an individual with MS for developing recommendations regarding a wellness research agenda. Method: The members of the group engaged in focal reviews and discussions involving the state of science within three approaches for promoting wellness in MS, namely diet, exercise, and emotional wellness. Results: That process informed a group-mediated activity for developing and prioritizing research goals for wellness in MS. This served as a background for articulating the mission and objectives of the Society’s Wellness Research Working Group. Conclusion: The primary mission of the Wellness Research Working Group is the provision of scientific evidence supporting the application of lifestyle, behavioral, and psychosocial approaches for promoting optimal health of mind, body, and spirit (i.e. wellness) in people with MS as well as managing the disease and its consequences