61 research outputs found


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    This study aims to describe: (1) Modalverben constructions in German sentences, (2) meanings of Modalverben in German sentences, and (3) equivalences of Modalverben in German sentences in Indonesian. This was a qualitative descriptive study. The objects of the research data were lingual units of modality constructions with objective and subjective meanings in both German phrases and sentences. The subjects of the data were modal verbs in German sentences. The data sources were the magazine NADI Indonesia Deutsch 2012 and 2013. The data were collected by means of reading and noting techniques and analyzed by means of the translational, equivalent, and distributional techniques. The data validity was assessed through the semantic validity and the inter-rater and intra-rater techniques. The research findings are as follows. (1) the objektive Modalverben construction in German is S - Inf+Modalverb and the subjektive Modalverben construction is S+Inf – Modalverb. (2) Meanings of objektive Modalverben are those which are loose in nature because because lexical elements of modality can reveal utterance contents while meanings of subjektive Modalverben are those outside lexical elements because they are affected by speakers’ subjective intentions. (3) The equivalences of objektive und subjektive Modalverben in German sentences in Indonesian are in the form Modalverb können appearing 107 times, equivalent to meanings of dapat, bisa, ada, menjadi, berhasil, mampu, meraih, terdiri, sungguh, and makna zero. Modalverb dürfen (8) are equivalent to meanings of dapat, boleh, and makna zero. Modalverb sollen (27) are equivalent to meanings of harus, akan, bisa, seharusnya, perlu, dan makna zero. Modalverb wollen (3) are equivalent to meanings of ingin, terus terang, and makna zero. Modalverb müssen (31) are equivalent to meanings of harus, dapat, bisa, and makna zero. Modalverb möchten (16) are equivalent to meanings of ingin, berminat, perlu, and makna zero


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    The study aimed at describing: (1) the patterns of German verbs in Studio- D A1 book, and (2) the function of verbs in German sentences. The object of this study was a lingual unit in the form of German verbs taken from Studio- D A1 book. The techniques of padan and agih (Sudaryanto, 2015) were employed to analyse the data. The former technique incorporated a referential selection, while the latter one used a component division and a markah reading. The findings reveal that the patterns of German verbs were manifested in the forms of action and non-action verbs, were static and dynamic, and underwent inflection and derivation

    Meanings of Objektive und Subjektive Constructions in German Sentences and Their Equivalences in Indonesian

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    This study aims to describe: (1) objektive und subjektive constructions in German sentences, (2) meanings of objektive und subjektive in German sentences, and (3) equivalences of objektive und subjektive in German sentences in Indonesian.This was a qualitative descriptive study. The objects of the research data were lingual units of modality constructions with objective and subjective meanings in both German phrases and sentences. The subjects of the data were modal verbs in German sentences. The data sources were the magazine NADI Indonesia Deutsch Edisi I/No. 16 Tahun 2012, Edisi I/No. 17 Tahun 2013, and Edisi II/No. 18 Tahun 2013. The data were collected by means of reading and noting techniques and analyzed by means of the translational, equivalent, and distributional techniques. The data validity was assessed through the semantic validity and the inter-rater and intra-rater techniques.The research findings are as follows. (1) the objektive construction in German is S - Inf+Modalverb and the subjektive construction is S+Inf – Modalverb. (2) Meanings of objektive are those which are loose in nature because because lexical elements of modality can reveal utterance contents while meanings of subjektive are those outside lexical elements because they are affected by speakers’ subjective intentions. (3) The equivalences of objektive und subjektive in German sentences in Indonesian are in the form können appearing 107 times, equivalent to meanings of dapat, bisa, ada, menjadi, berhasil, mampu, meraih, terdiri, sungguh, and makna zero. Dürfen (8) are equivalent to meanings of dapat, boleh, and makna zero. Modalverb sollen (27) are equivalent to meanings of harus, akan, bisa, seharusnya, perlu, dan makna zero. Wollen (3) are equivalent to meanings of ingin, terus terang, and makna zero. Müssen (31) are equivalent to meanings of harus, dapat, bisa, and makna zero. Möchten (16) are equivalent to meanings of ingin, berminat, perlu, and makna zero


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    This article is an introduction to the basic concept of using the modality of konnen 'can' in German sentences. The konnen unit of modality functions to reveal the speaker's attitude and has the status of a verb modifier. Modality is divided in function by some linguists into different areas like epistemic modality, modality- marking adverb, and deciderative and optative mode devices. On the basis of the results of a study conducted, it could be concluded that the modality unit of konnen 'can' in a sentence in German has the characteristics as follows: (1) it is merely an attributive element in a verb phrase rather than a core one so that if deleted the sentence remains grammatical, (2) its relation to any other element is loose in nature, and (3) its position is so firm that it cannot be permutated with any other element in a sentence. In addition, in sentences the konnen modality varies in meaning according to sentence context. The meaning expressed by the konnen modality can be of possibility, ability, or permission

    Deutsch Zum Spass: Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Bahasa Jerman

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    Deutsch Zum Spass: Innovative Teaching Model for Teaching German. It is an alternative teaching model for teaching German which is fun. This teaching model is also an active, creative, effective, collaborative model. It integrates all the language skills, Hoverstehen, Sprechfertigkeit, Leseverstehen, and Schreibfertigketi, into one contextual teaching and learning process. The model aims to find out the actions done by a teacher in one teaching team to facilitate another member of the team to continue the material in a continous and well-structured order. Between-teacher collaboration is recorded through a protocol book, which records the fun class activities of one member to be continued and maintained by other members. The book also records the teachers' reflective ideas and notes that can be used as points to consider. The teaching materials are provided and uploaded into http://besmart.uny.ac.id/ by UNY. Deutsch zum Spass as a teaching model is able to create active, creative, and participation encouraging atmosphere that allow students to achieve their learning goals. Students ‘language mastery is tested through online language test

    Cohesion and Coherence of Discourse in the Story of "Layangan Putus" on Social Media Facebook

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    This research is to find out how the use of cohesion and coherence in the story of "Layangan Putus", which was viral some time ago. Because cohesion and coherence are important criteria and principles in a text. This research is expected to contribute to the development of the quality of story writing. So the story can be understood and useful for the readers. Thus, the purpose of writing stories can inspire readers. The method used to analyze cohesion and coherence was a descriptive analysis seen in each paragraph. The cohesion aspects analyzed were lexical and grammatical cohesion aspects. The results of this study indicated that the story of "Layangan Putus" had aspects of lexical cohesion, grammatical cohesion, and coherence. Aspects of cohesion and constructive coherence in which discourse can convey a message to readers. In this way, the contents of the story can make the reader into feeling what the writer feel

    Penanda Gender dalam Bahasa Jerman dan Indonesia

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    The Ideological Embodiment on Nadiem Makarim’s Speech: A Critical Discourse Analysis

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    This study purposes to uncover the symbolic ideology and the structures of the speech discourse delivered by the current new-inaugurated educational and cultural minister; Nadiem Makarim on National Teacher’s Day. The descriptive qualitative method was employed to shed a light on the interpretation and finding of the study whilst the model of van Dijk in CDA was used to identify and answer the problems. The data were totally elicited from the speech text whilst it was as well used as subject of the study. The documentation method was applied and the data were afterwards expounded descriptively. The finding denotes that of the speech discourse’s structures including macro, micro, and supra, the speech is perceived to have certain language style usage by underlying topic of speech on conveying the mission of providing a change towards Indonesia’s Better Education. In addition, the ideology is as well indicated in ways behind the structures organized. The macro structure puts the ideology beneath the theme and the topic which are in the forms of ideology purposed as system of beliefs and system of actions. In essence, the tendency of the ideology lies on the aspect of speech theme in which it was utilized to invite (deliberately aimed) the educators and all parts getting involved in education realm and to believe and to act as what was expected


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    The implication of curriculum 2013, the song is one of the topics to achieve the goal of learning. Learning through song emphasizes that the teacher should know the best song choice based on the axiology and semantic meaning. Not all the song can be as material for students. The teacher should evaluate based on level of the students. a song, there were a meaning that would be expressed and moral values so that it will be interested to find out what the songs lyric want to deliver. Some people often sing a song without know the explicit and implicit meaning of the lyric. There was also an existence of value. This research focuses (1) to analyze the lexical and contextual meaning in song lyric and (2) to know the implication of values that found in 7 years lyric by Lukas Graham (2) to evaluate 7 years whether or not to be as teaching material. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The object of the research was 7 years by Lukas Graham. The researcher found lyric and analyze the lexical and contextual meaning. Then, it was related with the implication of axiology in semantic analysis of songs lyric 7 years by Lukas Graham. The finding of semantic analysis, there are 35 for lexical meaning and 14 for contextual meaning. Then, for the lexical meaning is so different with contextual meaning. By knowing lexical and contextual meaning, it would make the listener understand and the meaning which delivered of song lyric by Lukas Graham. There is an implication of axiology in semantic analysis of lyric 7 years. This song contains esthetic and ethic based on the axiology theory. The axiology contained in song lyric can be material for students. It tells about the story of writer starting the writer was born till his father died. All of the life experiences contain in song lyric.DOI: 10.24071/llt.2019.22021


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    This action research study attempts to (1) improve students' participation in Freier Vortrag II, (2) improve students' motivation, (3) improve students' initiatives to speak in German in front of public, and (4) improve students' achievement in Freier Vortrag II. The research subjects were students of semester seven first enrolled in the academic year of 2000/2001 attending Freier Vortrag II in the German Language Education Study Program, the Faculty of Languages and Arts, the Yogyakarta State University. The data were collected through observations, interviews, questionnaires, and a test of Freier Vortrag II. The study was conducted in the period of September-November 2004. The research steps included planning, action implementation, fact finding, and fact analysis. The study consisted of two cycles. Each cycle comprised planning, action, observation, and reflection. The first cycle included lecturers' intensive guidance to make students well equipped with the materials for Freier Vortrag II in German. The students made maximum use of the guidance; 100% students used the guidance once, 76% twice, 16% three times, and 8% four times. The second cycle included lecturers intensive guidance and a psychologist's mental guidance and a public speaking practitioner's guidance to make students not nervous when they made presentations in German in front of public. The findings show that students' awareness to be actively involved in Freier Vortrag II improves. Their performance during the presentation on the tourism theme shows that they have a good motivation, their media are sufficient, and they master the materials to be presented in German. Therefore, it can be concluded that this action research study is successful. This can be seen from the process and product aspects. From the process aspect, the actions in the study are able to create an atmosphere conducive to the teaching-learning process, improve students' participation in the course, and enhance students' motivation in Freier Vortrag II. From the product aspect, the study is able to improve students' academic achievement. This is shown by the increase in their achievement. There are 24% students obtaining A, 50% obtaining B, and only 26% obtaining 26%
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