1,391 research outputs found

    Trogocytosis by Entamoeba histolytica Mediates Acquisition and Display of Human Cell Membrane Proteins and Evasion of Lysis by Human Serum.

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    We previously showed that Entamoeba histolytica kills human cells through a mechanism that we termed trogocytosis ("trogo-" means "nibble"), due to its resemblance to trogocytosis in other organisms. In microbial eukaryotes like E. histolytica, trogocytosis is used to kill host cells. In multicellular eukaryotes, trogocytosis is used for cell killing and cell-cell communication in a variety of contexts. Thus, nibbling is an emerging theme in cell-cell interactions both within and between species. When trogocytosis occurs between mammalian immune cells, cell membrane proteins from the nibbled cell are acquired and displayed by the recipient cell. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that through trogocytosis, amoebae acquire and display human cell membrane proteins. We demonstrate that E. histolytica acquires and displays human cell membrane proteins through trogocytosis and that this leads to protection from lysis by human serum. Protection from human serum occurs only after amoebae have undergone trogocytosis of live cells but not phagocytosis of dead cells. Likewise, mutant amoebae defective in phagocytosis, but unaltered in their capacity to perform trogocytosis, are protected from human serum. Our studies are the first to reveal that amoebae can display human cell membrane proteins and suggest that the acquisition and display of membrane proteins is a general feature of trogocytosis. These studies have major implications for interactions between E. histolytica and the immune system and also reveal a novel strategy for immune evasion by a pathogen. Since other microbial eukaryotes use trogocytosis for cell killing, our findings may apply to the pathogenesis of other infections.IMPORTANCE Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebiasis, a potentially fatal diarrheal disease. Abscesses in organs such as the liver can occur when amoebae are able to breach the intestinal wall and travel through the bloodstream to other areas of the body. Therefore, understanding how E. histolytica evades immune detection is of great interest. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that E. histolytica acquires and displays human cell membrane proteins by taking "bites" of human cell material in a process named trogocytosis ("trogo-" means "nibble"), and that this allows amoebae to survive in human serum. Display of acquired proteins through trogocytosis has been previously characterized only in mammalian immune cells. Our study suggests that this is a more general feature of trogocytosis not restricted to immune cells and broadens our knowledge of eukaryotic biology. These findings also reveal a novel strategy for immune evasion by a pathogen and may apply to the pathogenesis of other infections

    Radiographic studies on morphological anomalies in artificially spawned Heterobranchus longifilis Valenciennes, 1840 F1 generation

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    This study was designed to examine radiographically the morphological anomalies in artificially spawned 24-week-old Heterobranchus longifilis. A total of 22 morphological deformities observed from an F1 population of 4,871 were classified. Based on anatomical positions, most of the anomalies (49.99%) manifested in the bodies as stunted growth with a weight range of 240-358g, standard length (SL) of 18.7-29.1cm and stump body trait with a weight range of 445-810g, SL of 22.9-35.9cm. Anomalies of the vertebral column accounted for 27.27% with a weight range of 410-945g, SL of 27.4-36.8cm. Fin aberrations including agenesis were seen in 22.73% with a weight range of 548-840g, SL of 34.1-39.2cm. Radiographic examination revealed anomalies such as hypoplasia and hyperplasia of fins, supernumeracry and agenesis of fins, fin cleft, and fusion of fins, scoliosis and kyphosis. The phenotypic lateral body curvatures and stump body trait were basically due to varying degrees and positions of scoliosis and thus, pathological. The fin aberrations and agenesis were probably congenital. The anomalies affected feed accessibility; thus; impaired the growth of the fishes evidenced by the low body weights recorded in the deformed fish compared to the normal fish. In conclusion, the percentage of morphological aberrations observed in the F1 population is negligible (0.45%), thus it will not adversely affect production of H. longifilis via artificial induction.Keywords: Artificial induction, Heterobranchus longifilis, Morphological anomalies, Radiograph


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    Repeated crystallisation of salt minerals has been considered as the driving force for surface scaling of concrete exposed to physical sulphate attack. This damage is initiated when stresses induced by the internal pressure created via repeated salt crystallisation exceed the tensile strength of the concrete. The degree of such damage will depend mainly on the structure and connectivity of pores, which control the penetration of sulphates into the concrete. Several factors affect the pore structure including the concrete constituents, mixture proportions and the curing process. Therefore, in this paper, the effect of the pore structure on concrete deterioration by physical sulphate attack was investigated. Results show that the durability of concrete against physical sulphate attack can be controlled by tailoring the pore structure of the concrete surface


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    Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) occurs between alkalis in concrete and reactive silica in aggregates. This reaction results in the formation of alkali-silica gel, which fills the pore space in the cementitious matrix, leading to expansion and damage. Reactive aggregates that can cause this type of damage were identified in different locations in Southwestern Ontario. X-Ray diffraction and petrographic analysis were used to investigate the type of reactive minerals in such aggregates. In addition, the effect of using different types of cement replacement-materials, including crushed limestone powder, fly ash, silica fume, and nano-silica on ASR were investigated in cement mortars incorporating the reactive aggregates. Results indicate that the expansion of mortar bars due to alkali-silica reaction can be controlled using an adequate type and substitution level of cement replacement materials

    Energetic proton spectra in the 11 June 1991 solar flare

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    We have studied a subset of the 11 June 1991 solar flare γ-ray data that we believe arise from soft proton or ion spectra. Using data from the COMPTEL instrument on the Compton Observatory we discuss the gamma-ray intensities at 2.223 MeV, 4–7 MeV, and 8–30 MeV in terms of the parent proton spectrum responsible for the emission

    Extended γ‐ray emission in solar flares

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    During the solar flare events on 11 and 15 June 1991, COMPTEL measured extended emission in the neutron capture line for about 5 hours after the impulsive phase. The time profiles can be described by a double exponential decay with decay constants on the order of 10 min for the fast and 200 min for the slow component. Within the statistical uncertainty both flares show the same long‐term behaviour. The spectrum during the extended phase is significantly harder than during the impulsive phase and pions are not produced in significant numbers before the beginning of the extended emission. Our results with the measurements of others allow us to rule out long‐term trapping of particles in non‐turbulent loops to explain the extended emission of these two flares and our data favour models based on continued acceleration

    Large and interacting effects of temperature and nutrient addition on stratified microbial ecosystems in a small, replicated, and liquid-dominated Winogradsky column approach

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    Aquatic ecosystems are often stratified, with cyanobacteria in oxic layers and phototrophic sulfur bacteria in anoxic zones. Changes in stratification caused by the global environmental change are an ongoing concern. Increasing understanding of how such aerobic and anaerobic microbial communities, and associated abiotic conditions, respond to multifarious environmental changes is an important endeavor in microbial ecology. Insights can come from observational and experimental studies of naturally occurring stratified aquatic ecosystems, theoretical models of ecological processes, and experimental studies of replicated microbial communities in the laboratory. Here, we demonstrate a laboratory-based approach with small, replicated, and liquid-dominated Winogradsky columns, with distinct oxic/anoxic strata in a highly replicable manner. Our objective was to apply simultaneous global change scenarios (temperature, nutrient addition) on this micro-ecosystem to report how the microbial communities (full-length 16S rRNA gene seq.) and the abiotic conditions (O2 , H2 S, TOC) of the oxic/anoxic layer responded to these environmental changes. The composition of the strongly stratified microbial communities was greatly affected by temperature and by the interaction of temperature and nutrient addition, demonstrating the need of investigating global change treatments simultaneously. Especially phototrophic sulfur bacteria dominated the water column at higher temperatures and may indicate the presence of alternative stable states. We show that the establishment of such a micro-ecosystem has the potential to test global change scenarios in stratified eutrophic limnic systems. Keywords: anaerobes; cyanobacteria; global change; oxygen; phototrophic sulfur bacteri

    Energetic proton spectra in the 11 June 1991 solar flare

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    The June 11, 1991 gamma-ray flare seen by the Compton Gamma-ray Observatory (CGRO) displays several features that make it a dynamic and rich event. It is a member of a class of long duration gamma-ray events with both 2.223 MeV and greater than 8 MeV emission for hours after the impulsive phase. It also contains an inter-phase between the impulsive and extended phases that presents a challenge to the standard gamma-ray line (GRL) flare picture. This phase has strong 2.223 MeV emission and relatively weak 4.44 MeV emission indicative of a very hard parent proton spectrum. However, this would indicate emission greater than 8 MeV, which is absent from this period. We present the application of new spectroscopy techniques to this phase of the flare in order to present a reasonable explanation for this seemly inconsistent picture

    Gamma ray measurements of the 1991 November 15 solar flare

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    The 1991 November 15 X1.5 flare was a well observed solar event. Comprehensive data from ground-based observatories and spacecraft provide the basis for a contextual interpretation of gamma-ray spectra from the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO). In particular, spectral, spatial, and temporal data at several energies are necessary to understand the particle dynamics and the acceleration mechanism(s) within this flare. X-ray images, radio, Ca XIX data and magnetograms provide morphological information on the acceleration region [4,5], while gamma-ray spectral data provide information on the parent ion spectrum. Furthermore, time profiles in hard X-rays and gamma-rays provide valuable information on temporal characteristics of the energetic particles. We report the results of our analysis of the evolution of this flare as a function of energy (∼25 keV–2.5 MeV) and time. These results, together with other high energy data (e.g. from experiments on Yohkoh, Ulysses, and PVO) may assist in identifying and understanding the acceleration mechanism(s) taking place in this event

    COMPTEL observations of gamma‐ray flares in October 1991

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    The COMPTEL experiment on GRO images 0.75–30 MeV celestial gamma‐radiation that falls within its 1 steradian field of view. During observation 12 (primary target Cen A) in October 1991 the sun had been in the fov and several solar flares associated with the active region 6891 had been observed. Time profile and energy spectra had been produced, using COMPTEL’s primary mode of operation (the telescope mode). Additionally the number of counts received in the D2‐single burst detector (the secondary mode of operation) are given. We summarize the preliminary results on all of these flares