75 research outputs found

    Plant Secondary Metabolites for Antifusarium and Antiphytophthora

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    Plants produce secondary metabolites that are essential for survival of the producing plants such as to attract insect for pollination and defend against pest and environmental stress. Plant secondary metabolites are widely exploited by the mankind especially for medicine, one of which is to protect against infection by microorganism including fungi. Many medicinal plants have been traditionally used and/or studied for the fungicidal activity. Most of the plants studied or traditionally used as antifungi show antiphytophthora activity and some of them also active as antifusarium. Higher concentration plant extract is needed to inhibit the growth of Fusarium than Phytophthora. Considering the concentration in plant and activity as antifungi, eugenol is considered to be the most effective to be used as antiphytophthora and antifusarium. The presence of aromatic moiety, orthodioxy substitution, and double bond in the terminal of site chain is considered to be essential for the antifungal activity of the eugenol derivative

    Pengembangan Pendidikan Profesi Apoteker Untuk Mendukung Eksistensi Apoteker Di Apotek

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    Aphothec is a place for pharmacy services especially for pharmacist who dedicates his competency in the community.  The policy  no pharmacist no service is a strategicpolicy that has to be supported by all members of Indonesian Pharmacist Association.This policy can only be accomplished if pharmacists produced are equipped with com-petencies that are needed to run an apothec and also supported with adequate motiva-tion. Transformation of senior pharmacist that has been socially established will not give significant impact. To produce competent pharmacist, transformation in educa-tion process especially for pharmacist in the apothec is needed. Transformation must be based on the need of competency and supporting resources. Only with adequate supporting resources, the education process will yield output that match with thedemand of formulated competency. As professional practician, new pharmacist has to be able to demonstrate his competency in the apothec. This competency can only be gained through experiences in handling similar activities in the job field. In thisscheme, professional pharmacy student has to work in the relevant job field for certain period followed by certification test conducted by certified professional pharmacy edu-cation provider. Only participants that pass the certification test are eligible to hold apothecary (pharmacist) degree and to run an apothec. The education provider can be university by involving certified pharmacist as examiner. This scheme is developedbased on the study on the professional pharmacy education scheme implemented in various countries

    Studies on the metabolism of phenylpropanoids and related compounds in Capsicum frutescens

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    Mechanism of Action of Coumarin against Candida albicans by SEM/TEM Analysis

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    The aim of this study was to identify the antifungal activity of coumarin isolated from Ageratum conyzoides L. leaves and to observe its influence on Candida albicans cells by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). Antifungal activity testing with the disk diffusion method showed coumarin was active toward pathogenic fungus Candida albicans with an MIC value of coumarin of 125 ï­g mL-1. The results show that this compound damaged the cell by pores formation on the cell wall. Death of cells occurred due to leakage and necrosis of cytoplasmic content

    Pengaruh Pengolahan Bahan Terhadap Kadar Dan Komponen Minyak Atsiri Rimpang Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.

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    Minyak atsiri merupakan salah satu komponen Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. yang memiliki aktivitas farmakologi. Sehubungan dengan potensi pemanfaatan minyak atsiri Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. dalam pengembangan obat, diperlukan jaminan terhadap kualitas bahan yang meliputi kontrol terhadap kualitas bahan baku yang digunakan, termasuk kandungan minyak atsirinya. Penghalusan, pengeringan, dan penyimpanan adalah proses penyiapan bahan yang dapat mempengaruhi kadar minyak atsirinya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengolahan bahan terhadap kandungan minyak atsiri. Metode penghalusan rimpang segar yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perajangan (SR) dan penggilingan menggunakan blender (SB). Metode pengeringan yang digunakan adalah pengeringan menggunakan oven 40°C (PO) dan sinar matahari (PM). Sedangkan proses penyimpanan dilakukan dalam tiga tempat berbeda yaitu besek (SSb), karung (SSk), dan keranjang plastik (SSp) selama 14 (A) dan 90 (B) hari. Kadar minyak atsiri setiap sampel ditentukan dan komponennya dianalisa menggunakan kromatografigas-spektrometri massa (KG-SM). Uji t-test (α=0,05) terhadap kadar minyak atsiri menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan antara SR dengan PO, PM, SSb B, SSk B, dan SSp B. Hal ini berarti bahwa proses pengeringan dan penyimpanan selama 90 hari mempengaruhi kadar minyak atsiri. Hasil GC-MS menunjukkan komponen utama untuk setiap sampel adalah 4-terpeniol (41,52% - 53,15%), beta-pinene (27,63% - 40,48%), gamma-terpinene (3,97% - 6,02%), alpha-terpinene (1,8% - 2,57%), cissabinene hidrate (0,91% - 1,98%), trans-sabinene hidrate (0,85% - 2,08%).Kata kunci: Zingiber cassumunar Roxb., Minyak atsiri, Pengolahan bahan, Metode pengeringan, Penyimpanan, 4-terpeniol. The rhizome of Zingiber cassumunar Roxb contains essential oil which has pharmacological activity. By considering the potential benefits of essential oil from Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. in drug development, it is necessary to guarantee the quality of the raw materials used, including the content of the essential. Comminuting, drying, and storage are processes which can affect the content of volatile oil in the crude drug. The purpose of this research were to observe the influence of rhizome processing on the essential oil content. Fresh rhizome comminuting methods used in this research were chopping (SR) and grinding using a blender (SB). Drying methods used in this research were oven drying at 40°C (PO) and sun drying (PM), while storage process in three different storage: bamboo container (SSb), sack (SSk), and plastic container (SSp) for 14 (A) and 90 (B) days. Oil content was determined and its composition were analyzed by GC-MS. T-test results (α=0.05) showed significant differences between SR with PO, PM, SSb B, SSk B, and SSp B. It means that drying and storage process influenced essential oil content. GC-MS results showed that major compound were 4-terpeniol (41,52% - 53,15%), beta-pinene (27,63% - 40,48%), gamma-terpinene (3,97% - 6,02%), alpha-terpinene (1,8% - 2,57%), cis-sabinene hidrate (0,91% - 1,98%), trans-sabinene hidrate(0,85% - 2,08%).Keywords: Zingiber cassumunar Roxb., Essential oil, Material processing, Drying methode, Storage, 4-terpeniol

    Aktivitas Anti Jamur Ekstrak Metanol Dari Tumbuhan Rempah-rempahan

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    Phytophthora palmivora Butler merupakan salahsatu jamur patogen yang sering menyerang tanamancoklat, kelapa dan pepaya sehingga menjadi busukdan mati. Banyak tanaman yang telah diketahuimempunyai aktivitas sebagai fungisida alami sehinggadapat dijadikan alternatif terhadap penyakit yangdisebabkan oleh jamur P. palmivora Butler. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antijamurterhadap P. palmivora Butler dari ekstrak metanolsimplisia uji. Simplisia dimaserasi dengan metanolkemudian diuapkan menggunakan vakum putarsehingga diperoleh ekstrak metanol pekat. Uji aktivitasantijamur menggunakan metode Difusi Agar danprosentase penghambatan pertumbuhan radial miseliumjamur dihitung pada hari kelima. Ekstrak metanoldiuji pada konsentrasi 1 dan 0,5% b/v. Semua ekstrakmetanol yang diuji menunjukkan aktivitas antijamurP. palmivora Butler. Ekstrak metanol simplisia yangmenunjukkan aktivitas antijamur paling tinggi adalahekstrak metanol bunga Syzygium aromaticum dengandaya hambat 89,85%, diikuti ekstrak metanol daunCassia alata, rimpang Curcuma xanthorrhiza, rimpangCurcuma zedoaria dan rimpang Curcuma domesticadengan daya hambat 67,57; 70,44; 61,68 dan 51,20%,pada konsentrasi 1% b/v

    Positioning Bacillus subtilis as terpenoid cell factory

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    Increasing demands for bioactive compounds have motivated researchers to employ micro-organisms to produce complex natural products. Currently, Bacillus subtilis has been attracting lots of attention to be developed into terpenoids cell factories due to its generally recognized safe status and high isoprene precursor biosynthesis capacity by endogenous methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway. In this review, we describe the up-to-date knowledge of each enzyme in MEP pathway and the subsequent steps of isomerization and condensation of C5 isoprene precursors. In addition, several representative terpene synthases expressed in B. subtilis and the engineering steps to improve corresponding terpenoids production are systematically discussed. Furthermore, the current available genetic tools are mentioned as along with promising strategies to improve terpenoids in B. subtilis, hoping to inspire future directions in metabolic engineering of B. subtilis for further terpenoid cell factory development

    Pengaruh Pemberian Madu dari Lebah Apis mellifera, Apis cerana, dan Trigona sp. terhadap Beberapa Parameter Biokimia pada Mencit yang Diuji dengan Metode WFST

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    Lebah madu merupakan golongan serangga yang dapat menghasilkan madu. Produk madu ini dihasilkan dari nectar yang diolah oleh lebah madu sebagai cadangan makanan bagi koloni lebah madu. Komposisi kimia yang terkandung pada madu menjadikan produk alam ini memiliki manfaat yang banyak. Salah satunya adalah manfaat untuk meningkatkan stamina. Peningkatan aktivitas dapat menurunkan stamina dan menimbulkan kelelahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan efek anti lelah dari tiga jenis madu yang banyak digunakan di Indonesia, yaitu madu Apis mellifera, Apis cerana, dan Trigona sp. Pengujian anti lelah dilakukan dengan mengukur efek anti lelah secara fisik dan biokimia terhadap hewan coba mencit jantan dengan menggunakan metode Weight-loaded Forced Swimming Test (WFST). Madu digunakan pada pengujian dengan pemberian oral menggunakan dosis 10,40 g/kg yang dilanjutkan dengan pengamatan waktu aktivitas serta uji biokimia darah dengan parameter glukosa darah, asam laktat, serta glikogen pada otot dan hati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga jenis madu yang diujikan dapat memberikan efek anti lelah dibanding kelompok kontrol, dimana madu Apis cerana menunjukkan hasil yang lebih baik dari dua kelompok sampel lainnya


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    ABSTRACTObjectives: The objectives of this research were to study antioxidant activities from various extracts of three organs of makrut lime (Citrus hystrix)using two methods of antioxidant assays, which were 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC);and correlation of total flavonoid, phenolic, and carotenoid content in various extracts of three organs of makrut lime with IC50 of DPPH antioxidantactivities and EC50 of CUPRAC capacities.Methods: Extraction was performed by reflux apparatus using different polarity solvents. The extracts were evaporated using rotary evaporator.Antioxidant capacities were tested using DPPH and CUPRAC assays. Determination of total phenolic, flavonoid and carotenoid content performed byultraviolet-visible and their correlation with IC50 of DPPH scavenging activities and EC50 of CUPRAC capacities were analyzed by Pearson's method.Results: Ethyl acetate stem extract of makrut lime (ST2) had the lowest IC50 of DPPH scavenging activity 0.6 μg/ml and the lowest EC50 of CUPRACcapacity 123 μg/ml. N-hexane stem extract of makrut lime (ST1) had the highest total flavonoid content (8.7 g QE/100 g), ethyl acetate stem extract(ST2) contained the highest total phenolic content (TPC) (8.3 g gallic acid equivalent /100 g and total carotenoid content (1.8 g BE/100 g).Conclusions: There was negatively high correlation between TPC in peel and stem extracts of makrut lime with their IC50 of DPPH scavenging activity.EC50 of CUPRAC capacity of leaves, peel and stem extracts of makrut lime had negative and high correlation with their total flavonoid and carotenoidcontent. IC50 of DPPH scavenging activities in leaves, peel and stem extracts of makrut lime had no linear result with EC50 of CUPRAC capacities.Keywords: Antioxidant, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, Cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity, Organs, Makrut lime, Flavonoid, Phenolic, Carotenoid


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    Objectives: The objectives of this research were to evaluate antioxidant activity from different polarities rice bran extract of three varieties of rice using two methods of antioxidant testing which were FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), and correlation of total phenolic, flavonoid and carotenoid content with their EC50 of FRAP and IC50 of DPPH antioxidant activities. Methods: Extraction was conducted by reflux using different polarity solvents. The extracts were evaporated using rotary evaporator. Determination of total phenolic, flavonoid and carotenoid content, antioxidant activities using FRAP and DPPH assays were performed by UV-visible spectrophotometry and its correlation with EC50 of FRAP capacities and IC50 of DPPH scavenging activities were analyzed by Pearson's method. Results: Ethanolic rice bran extract of black rice showed the lowest EC50 of FRAP capacity 64.35 µg/ml and IC50 of DPPH scavenging activity 23.92 µg/ml. The highest phenolic content, flavonoid content and carotenoid content were also given by ethanolic rice bran extract of black rice. There were significantly negative correlation between total phenolic content and carotenoid content in rice bran extract of red rice and black rice with their IC50 of DPPH. Conclusions: All of rice bran extracts (except n-hexane rice bran extract of black rice and ethanolic rice bran extract of white rice) were very strong antioxidant, by DPPH assay. Phenolic and carotenoid compounds in rice bran extracts of red rice and black rice were the major contributor in antioxidant activity by DPPH assay. Rice bran extracts of black rice had linear results by FRAP and DPPH assays.Â
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