38 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dengan judul “ Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pemilik Tanah Perorangan Yang Tanahnya Dipergunakan Untuk Lembaga Pendidikan “ ( Studi di Yayasan Pendidikan Sumber Daya Insani Kota Bekasi) yang melaksanakan 3 (tiga) satuan pendidikan Yaitu SMP, SMA dan SMK. Mulai tahun pelajaran 2006 / 2007. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status dan perlindungan hukum atas penggunaan Hak atas tanah yang dimiliki oleh pemilik tanah yaitu oleh salah satu pengurus Yayasan Pendidikan Sumber Daya Insani untuk kepentingan lembaga pendidikan tersebut. Karena penggunaannya tanpa dilakukan dengan peralihan Hak yang berupa Hibah atau Wakaf. Ataupun dengan akta perjanjian lainnya, baik surat dibawah tangan maupun Akta otentik yang mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang mengikat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian berupa pendekatan penelitian yuridis empiris dengan spesifikasi penelitian deskreptif analtiis. Data primer diperoleh dari Yayasan Pendidikan Sumber Daya Insani, Badan Musyawarah Perguruan Swasta (BMPS), Dinas Tata Ruang dan Wilayah dan Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bekasi. Sedangkan data sekunder berupa buku-buku atau literatur-literatur dan perundang-undangan mengenai pertanahan, hasil penelitian terdahulu , artikel, berkas-berkas atau dokumen-dokumen teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi dokumen dan studi lapangan. Teknik analisa data adalah menggunakan analisa data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa status Hak atas Tanah yang dipergunakan oleh Yayasan Pendidikan Sumber Daya Insani berawal dari Hak Pengelolaan perum Perumnas Cabang Bekasi, yang diberikan kepada Yayasan Putra Kusuma (masih Yayasan lama) dan oleh Yayasan Putra Kusuma di Hibahkan kepada keluarganya, kemudian oleh keluarganya dijual kepada seorang pengurus Yayasan Pendidikan Sumber Daya Insani, yang sekarang dipergunakan sebagai lembaga pendidikan, SMP, SMA dan SMK Widya Nusantara. Maka peralihan Hak atas tanah tersebut adalah sah menurut hukum. Karena Yayasan Putra Kusuma belum menyesuaikan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2001, sehingga tidak ada larangan menghibahkan tanah Yayasan kepada pihak lain. Dari hal tersebut diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat pelanggaran terhadap peralihan Hak atas tanah tersebut, baik Hibah maupun peralihan Jual Belinya. Kata kunci : Tanah Perorangan, Lembaga Pendidikan. ABSTRACT The title of the research, The law Protection of Individual Land Owner that Used for Educational Needs (Studied at Yayasan Pendidikan Sumber Daya Insani Kota Bekasi). It uses for three different level of education; they are Junior High School (SMP). Senior High School (SMA) and Vocational School ( SMK ). The purpose of this research is to know the status and the law consequences that is given by the land’s owner ( Yayasan Pendidikan Sumber Daya Insani ) for educational needs. The research uses yuridis empiris method by using descriptive analysis. The primary data is taken from Yayasan Sumber Daya Insani, Badan Musyawarah Perguruan Swasta (BMPS), Dinas Tata Ruang dan Wilayah , Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bekasi, beside that the secondary data is taken from many resources, such as books, literatures, land reform, the research, articles and some documents. The analysis technique uses qualitative. The result of research shows personal status that used by Yayasan Sumber Daya Insani. It is started from Perum Perumnas Bekasi Branches that was given by Putra Kusuma, next, it was given to his family and Yayasan Sumber Daya Insani bought it from Putra Kusuma’s Family. And now, it used for educational institution. It is SMP, SMA and SMK Widya Nusantara. So the land of that is legal based on the law. Because of Putra Kusuma Institution had not the legal license based on UU No. 16 Tahun 2001. From the paragraphs about, we can conclude that there is no infringement from the land owner, grant or trading. Key Word : The using of individual land owner for educational institution

    Struktur Pengendalian Internal Piutang pada PT. Rubber Hock Lie Aek Riung Rantau Prapat

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    Seiring dengan berkembangnya perekonomian saat ini, tingkat persaingan antar perusahaan yang sejenis maupun yang tidak sejenis semakin berkembang. Pada perusahaan tertentu yang menjual barang atau jasa secara kredit, perkiraan piutang dagang merupakan unsur aktiva lancar yang cukup material bagi perusahaan. Pengendalian internal pada perusahaan sangat penting, oleh karena itu pimpinan perusahaan menciptnkan pengendalian internal yang baik, karena, pengendalian internal merupakan alat yang dapat membantu pimpinan dalam melakukan tugas dan fungsiny

    Identifikasi Tahapan dan Faktor-Faktor Sosial Pembangunan Hutan Rakyat di Sekitar Kawasan Hutan Lindung

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    Development of private forests was thought to have good impact on the security of protected forest. The development could increase the ability of farmers in managing degraded lands, especially on private lands around the protected forest, so the disruption to the forest is reduced. The study was conducted in Sajang Village, East Lombok District and Bentek Hinterland, North Lombok District. Social factors were collected, such as education of farmers, forest ownership, local perceptions, and perception farmers towards forests, local institutions and the characteristics of the management of protected forest. Interview was conducted on 50 respondents for each location. Analysis data was done through correlation test, factor selection, and regression test. At 95% confidence level, was elected four factors associated with the ownership of private forests by farmers, namely: age of farmers, local institutional goals, pressure to local institutions and knowledge of farmers about the benefits of protected forest. Based on the four factors, the changes in the activity of local communities from depending on forest resources to building private forest was occured gradually over a long time, but it could be accelerated by increasing the independence of local institutions, and by the efforts to increase understanding of farmers in the benefits of protected forest


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    Pembelajaran desain cetakan plastik memerlukan kemampuan spasial karena konstruksinya yang kompleks dan banyak komponen di bagian dalam yang tidak terlihat. Adanya media pembelajaran berupa model cetakan plastik di dalam kelas akan membantuk kemampuan spasial dalam menyerap konstruksi cetakan plastic. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancangbangun cetakan plastik sebagai media pebelajran dalam kelas. Metode yang digunakan adalah Mechanical Engineering Design yang terdiri dari tahap-tahap : identification of need, definition of problem, synthesis, analysis & optimization, evaluation, and presentation. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa cetakan plastik untuk mencetak tutup pentil sepeda motor dengan ukuran tinggi 210 mm, panjang 300 mm, lebar 200 mm dan unit penjepit dengan ukuran tinggi 500 mm, panjang 900 mm, lebar 500 mm.

    Penerapan Teknologi Pemrograman Visual Lisp Untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Penggambaran Pada Autocad Bagi Para Guru SMK Se Kota Semarang Dan Sekitarnya

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    AutoCAD® widely used as computered drawing and designing tools. AutoCAD® also have ability doing a  calculation and then present the result as automation drawing technique. This will run by coding all of manual task in the form of program with Visual LISP language.  The facility of editing and compiling for Visual LISP is attached in AutoCAD®. The Visual LISP code applicable to design and make drawing work of vehicle components as mass product.  The hoisterous of assembling of car by student of  Vocational Senior High School in Indonesia  giving opportunity for himself to design the vehicle components. Visual LISP will short a design time, because calculations and drawings will automatically done. There is no materials content of Visual LISP programming in the Lesson Plan of   Vocational Senior High School in Indonesia, so it is an opportunity to introduce to some of teacher of  Vocational Senior High School  in Semarang.  The introduce of Visual LISP programming was conducted  on 1st and 15th of June 2013,  followed  by 40 teachers as participants. Result of evaluation  from participants  was  67% expressing very agree and 33% expressing to agree that technology accepted represent matter newly; 33,3% expressing very agree and 55,4% expressing to agree if contents of  Visual LISP programming continued for the others; dissimilar opportunity. Others most suggestion in order to be continued for the advanced contents of Visual LISP programming. Keywords: Visual LISP Programming, AutoCAD automation design and drawing technique

    Identifikasi Tahapan Dan Faktor-faktor Sosial Pembangunan Hutan Rakyat Di Sekitar Kawasan Hutan Lindung

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    Development of private forests was thought to have good impact on the security of protected forest. The development could increase the ability of farmers in managing degraded lands, especially on private lands around the protected forest, so the disruption to the forest is reduced. The study was conducted in Sajang Village, East Lombok District and Bentek Hinterland, North Lombok District. Social factors were collected, such as education of farmers, forest ownership, local perceptions, and perception farmers towards forests, local institutions and the characteristics of the management of protected forest. Interview was conducted on 50 respondents for each location. Analysis data was done through correlation test, factor selection, and regression test. At 95% confidence level, was elected four factors associated with the ownership of private forests by farmers, namely: age of farmers, local institutional goals, pressure to local institutions and knowledge of farmers about the benefits of protected forest. Based on the four factors, the changes in the activity of local communities from depending on forest resources to building private forest was occured gradually over a long time, but it could be accelerated by increasing the independence of local institutions, and by the efforts to increase understanding of farmers in the benefits of protected forest


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    The CNC machine Emco VMC-200 in CNC laboratory of Jurusan Teknik Mesin Politeknik Negeri Semarang has a limited working area of 200 mm x 200 mm and the tool movement on the Z-axis, object movement on the X-axis and Y-axis. An increase in the working area of the machine has been made to 400 mm x 200 m in previous studies. The purpose of this research is to analyze and modify the workpiece clamping vise so that there is an increase in the ability to change the rotation angle of the workpiece with respect to the Y-axis, X-axis, and Z-axis. This research will apply Sighley's Mencahnical Engineering Design method which consists of the following stages: identification of need, definition of problem, synthesis, analysis & optimization, evaluation, and presentation. The results of this study obtained that the use of the angle vise used can overcome the limitations of the machine for gripping the workpiece and help to be able to work on the workpiece with a change in angle or the workpiece has a certain angle of inclination. Rotation capability on X-axis and Y-axis is 600 and Z-axis can rotate to 3600