248 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Efektivitas Metode PKM-RS dengan Diskusi dan Problem Solving dalam Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Sikap dari Pasien DM Tipe II di RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Kabupaten Demak

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    Background : Diabettes mellitus (DM) disease needs to be well managed in order to obtain normal range of blood glucose level. If the patients could control their glucose level, they would have a better quality of life and prevent from other disease complications. Health education is very important action to improve awareness and attitudes of the diabetes patients in terms of how to manage their diabetes. The aim of this study is to identify the effectiveness between discussion and problem solving techniques in improving knowledge and attitudes of diabetes out-patients for managing their disease.Method : This study is a quasy experimental with three-group pretest-posttest design. Group one was treated using group discussion method and group two with problem solving technique. Whereas the other group as a control group. Each group contains 30 respondents.Result : The study shows that t-test value indicated the level of knowledge of patients in group one was lower than group two (t-test 5,726). However, the attitudes of patients in group two (2,472) also higher than group one (2,055). This study concludes that health education using problem solving was more effective than discussion technique to increase knowledge and attitudes of diabetes patients type II in Sunan Kalijaga Hospital Demak

    Fisheries Associated with Mangrove Ecosystem in Indonesia: a View From a Mangrove Ecologist

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    Blessed with mangrove area of some 9.6 million ha in extent, Indonesia represents an important country with fishery resources being a source of food and nutrients. The fishery resources utilized by man, such as fishes, crustaceans and mollusks that are found in the mangrove ecosystem/swamp area arc enormous. There is a range of species caught in the mangrove and surrounding areas with over 70 species. However, commercially valued species are limited to a few such as rabbit fish, snapper, grouper, marline catfish, fringe-scale sardine, and anchovy. Leaf detritus from mangroves contribute a major energy input into fisheries. But information about the study on the relationship between fishery species and mangroves, ecologically and biologically, arc scanty. The mangrove is a physiographic unit, the principal components of which arc organisms. Therefore, the problems are predominantly of a biological nature (e.g., mangroves - fishery relationship). Positive correlation between the mangrove area and penaeid shrimp catch found in Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia and Mexico. Finally, the most important part of the variance of the MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield) of penaieds (53% of the variance) could be explained by a combination of area of mangrove habitats and latitude. Keywords : Indonesia/Mangrove/Ecosystem/Fisheries/Ecology/Coastal areas/Fishes/Molluscans/ Crustaceans


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    Blessed with mangrove area of some 9.6 million ha in extent, Indonesia represents an important country with fishery resources being a source of food and nutrients. The fishery resources utilized by man, such as fishes, crustaceans and mollusks that are found in the mangrove ecosystem/swamp area arc enormous. There is a range of species caught in the mangrove and surrounding areas with over 70 species. However, commercially valued species are limited to a few such as rabbit fish, snapper, grouper, marline catfish, fringe-scale sardine, and anchovy. Leaf detritus from mangroves contribute a major energy input into fisheries. But information about the study on the relationship between fishery species and mangroves, ecologically and biologically, arc scanty. The mangrove is a physiographic unit, the principal components of which arc organisms. Therefore, the problems are predominantly of a biological nature (e.g., mangroves - fishery relationship). Positive correlation between the mangrove area and penaeid shrimp catch found in Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia and Mexico. Finally, the most important part of the variance of the MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield) of penaieds (53% of the variance) could be explained by a combination of area of mangrove habitats and latitude. Keywords  :   Indonesia/Mangrove/Ecosystem/Fisheries/Ecology/Coastal areas/Fishes/Molluscans/ Crustaceans

    Development of Android-Based Elin Game As Learning Media for Industrial Electronics

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    Lab Learning on Electronics Industry is a must course. This is necessary for students so they have good skills. Lab Learning need practice equipment that enough to fit the quantities of students. But in fact the quantities of material and practice equipment are not being sufficient. In addition, there is no learning media that can support the courses. This study aims to develop lab learning media with technology based on game with android-base that can help the students to understand the lab course everywhere, all the time. This study using Research and Development Method (RnD) with Model of Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). This study is done through six stage that is: 1. Concept; 2) Design; 3) Collection of material; 4) Assembly; 5) Testing; and 6) Distribution. The evaluation process feasibility learning media done by granting the survey to Media Experts, Lecture experts, and respondents trial use. Based on the assessment field test by students for Industrial Electronics they can get 88.27% counted as very good. Android-Based Elin Game as Learning Media in Industrial Electronics is very reasonable and effective for teaching.     Keywords: Game, Android, Learning Media, Industrial Electronics, Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC)


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    This study attempts to investigate how the science learning process applies different multiple intelligences. The problem is focused on the students’ scientific performances and attitudes in science learning. This study was a quantitative descriptive study. The research population comprised all students of SD Negeri Latihan 1 Ambon and the sample was Year III students. The sample was selected using the purposive sampling technique. The data were collected by means of the Multiple Intelligences Test to classify the students into learning centers. Then in the teaching and learning activities, the students were grouped into learning centers for the assessment of their scientific performances and attitudes. The quantitative data were collected and analyzed using the descriptive technique. The results of the study show that the application of multiple intelligences in the science learning process is effective. When the students learn in the learning centers, they are able to perform in accordance with the objectives they have to attain in science learnin


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses dan prestasi belajar siswa dengan menerapkan pembelajaran model Problem Posing yang dilengkapi dengan macromedia flash. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Classroom Action Research) yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, dengan tiap siklus terdiri atas perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa XI IPA 3 SMA Negeri Kebakkramat tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Sumber data berasal dari guru dan si swa. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan tes dan non tes (observasi, kajian dokumen, dan angket). Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: Pembelajaran model Problem Posing yang dilengkapi macromedia flash dapat meningkatkan keterampilan proses siswa yaitu 61,11% pada siklus I meningkat menjadi 77,78% pada siklus II. Pembelajaran model Problem Posing yang dilengkapi macromedia flash dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Persentase ketuntasan belajar siswa mencapai 66,67% pada siklus I meningkat menjadi 86,11% pada siklus II. Aspek psikomotor siswa telah mencapai 77,78% pada siklus I. Aspek afektif siswa menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan persentase dari 69,77% pada siklus I menjadi 79,98% pada siklus II. Kata kunci: Problem Posing, keterampilan proses, dan prestasi belajar, kesetimbangan kimi

    How Flipped Classroom Helps the Learning in the Times of Covid-19 Era?

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    In 2020, online learning rapidly grows due to the pandemic of COVID-19 that affected the changes in global conditions. All learners and educators have to be ready for online learning. This research was aimed to explore the implementation of the flipped classroom during the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak in 2020. This research setting was at Universitas Negeri Jakarta, one of the campuses that eliminated campus activities due to the high Covid-19 spread in Jakarta. Referring to the learning standards of AECT, the researchers used qualitative descriptive methods. The techniques of collecting data were observation, interviews, and questionnaires to all students who took E-Learning Design courses at the Master of Educational Technology, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The research results proved that learning during the Covid-19 pandemic using flipped classrooms in the E-Learning Design course has met ten online learning standards by AECT and provides satisfaction for students and lecturers. In addition, according to research results, the use of technology does not need to be grandiose. Accordingly, it should optimize the platform often used on daily basis to utilize the flipped classroom


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    Development of a Game-Based Science Learning Model Oriented to Papuan Local Culture for Grade IV Elementary School Students

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    The purpose of this study was to develop a game-based science learning model oriented towards local Papuan culture for fourth grade elementary school students that was appropriate and effective. This study uses a qualitative approach with the R & D (Research and Development) research method which collaborates 3 development models namely the first step of the Borg & Gall model, the Dick & Carey model, and the Lee & Owen model. Data analysis was carried out through formative evaluation and effectiveness testing with the t test. The results of the formative evaluation show that the average feasibility test for material experts, instructional design experts, and media experts is 3.93 with good conclusions, one-to-one evaluation with students obtains an average of 3.05 with good conclusions, the small group evaluation obtains average 3.43 with very good conclusions, and the field trial evaluation obtained an average value of 3.61 with very good conclusions, so it was concluded that the Papuan local culture-oriented game-based science learning model for fourth grade elementary school students was very good. Testing the effectiveness of developing a Papuan local culture-oriented game-based science learning model for grade IV elementary school students was tested through the t-test. The results show the value of Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 <0.05, then there is a significant difference between science learning outcomes on the pretest and posttest data, so it can be concluded that the Papuan local culture-oriented game-based science learning model is effective for improving learning outcomes for fourth grade elementary school students


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