26 research outputs found

    Orasi Pengukuhan Ahli Peneliti Utama: Keanekaragaman Hayati (Emas Hijau) Alternatif Bagi Indonesia Keluar Dari Krisis Multidimensi*[biological Diversity (Green Gold), as an Alternative for Indonesia to Escape From Her Multidimension Crisis]

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    Krisis ekonomi yang terjadi di Indonesia terutama bersumber dari dalam negeri kita sendiri.Pemerintah orde baru, terutama sejak era konglomerasi (1987-1994), terlalu mengabaikan berkembangnya kesenjangan.Pertumbuhan ekonomi ternyata hanya sebuah fatamorgana (Mubyarto,2000). Krisis ekonomi 1997-1998 dan keadaan politik yang tidak menentu, mengakibatkan nilai mata uang rupiah dalam tempo yang amat singkat, menurun drastis. Indonesia pun langsung terpuruk. Kegiatan ekonomi tersendat karena sebagian besarnya sangat tergantung kepada bahan baku impor. Banyak Perusahaan yang gulung tikar dan banyak buruh terpaksa di PHK. Jumlah penganggur dan jumlah penduduk miskin meningkat dengan tajam

    Tiga Ratus Tahun Linneaus - Suatu Pengantar

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    Three hundred years ago, a Sweden expert, Carl von Linne had laid down a very basic and strong foundation in naming all the living organisms on earth.Supposedly, without the brilliant effort of Carl von Linn6, nowadays, there may have any chaos among people around the world in naming all the living creatures, because everyone would have given the name to those organisms, due to their own sense; thus a kind species may have thousands of name. If this is happen, then all the information regarding the species (including its benefit to mankind) may have no meaning at all. All people would have spoken about a species differently, without realize that they actually regarding about the same species.The center of references such as Herbarium Bogoriense and Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense may be not existed without the work and service of Carolus Linnaeus. No one nowadays arguing the great service of Carolus Linnaeus in naming of each living organisms based on binomial nomenclature


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    Indonesia adalah negara dengan keanekaragaman hayati terbesar di dunia (mega diversity country). Negeri ini sudah sepantasnya memiliki nilai tinggi bagi keberlanjutan kehidupan umat manusia di atas planet bumi yang sangat rapuh ini. Keanekaragaman hayati adalah  satu-satunya sumber materi genetik yang diperlukan untuk menumbuhkembangkanbioteknologi. Keanekaragaman hayati dan sumber daya genetik yang terkandung di dalamnyadiyakini akan sangat penting dalam upaya manusia menyesuaikan diri dan mengantisipasi perubahan iklim global dan memastikan pencapaian target MDG. Sebagai negara dengan keanekaragaman hayati terbesar, Indonesia berpeluang sangat besar untuk memberikan kontribusi bagi kepentingan umat manusia tanpa kecuali. Melalui kemajuan ilmu biologi, khususnya di bidang biologi molekuler dan genetika molekuler, keanekaragman hayati dangenetik yang ada di dalamnya dapat terus dipelajari, dilestarikan, dan dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai kepentingan, baik pertanian (produksi benih yang adaptif terhadap perubahan iklim dan perubahan pola konsumsi), industri (bioekonomi/ekonomi hijau), kesehatan (produksi obat baru untuk mengatasi berbagai penyakit baru/new emerging deseases), dan lingkungan (meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan). Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) telahmendirikan Pusat Penelitian Bioteknologi, 10 tahun sebelum dibentuknya Komite Bioteknologi Nasional. Melalui sejarah panjang, LIPI secara berkesinambungan terus melakukan kegiatan riset di bidang keanekaragaman hayati. Dengan komitmen penuh, LIPI berupaya merawat koleksi spesimen tumbuhan, hewan, dan mikroba di Herbarium Bogoriense, Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Koleksi Kultur Mikroba, dan Kebun Raya, termasuk 18 Kebun Raya baru yang didirikan di berbagai kota dan provinsi di seluruh Indonesia. Penelitian terhadap nilai  manfaat keanekaragaman hayati juga dilakukan. Penelitian molekuler dan genetik merupakan salah satu di antaranya. Beberapa telah menunjukkan hasil yang positif. Kerja sama ilmiah internasional menjadi salah satu hal yang harus dilakukan dalam mempercepat pemahaman tentang arti pentingnya keanekaragaman hayati dan genetik yang ada di dalamnya serta mencari mekanisme pemanfaatannya yang tepat sesuai dengan kesepakatan internasional(CBD, Protokol Cartagena, dan Protokol Nagoya) sebelum sumber daya alam hayati ini mengalami kepunahan


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    Krisis ekonomi yang terjadi di Indonesia terutama bersumber dari dalam negeri kita sendiri.Pemerintah orde baru, terutama sejak era konglomerasi (1987-1994), terlalu mengabaikan berkembangnya kesenjangan.Pertumbuhan ekonomi ternyata hanya sebuah fatamorgana (Mubyarto,2000). Krisis ekonomi 1997-1998 dan keadaan politik yang tidak menentu, mengakibatkan nilai mata uang rupiah dalam tempo yang amat singkat, menurun drastis. Indonesia pun langsung terpuruk. Kegiatan ekonomi tersendat karena sebagian besarnya sangat tergantung kepada bahan baku impor. Banyak perusahaan yang gulung tikar dan banyak buruh terpaksa di PHK. Jumlah penganggur dan jumlah penduduk miskin meningkat dengan tajam


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    Three hundred years ago, a Sweden expert, Carl von Linne had laid down a very basic and strong foundation in naming all the living organisms on earth.Supposedly, without the brilliant effort of Carl von Linn6, nowadays, there may have any chaos among people around the world in naming all the living creatures, because everyone would have given the name to those organisms, due to their own sense; thus a kind species may have thousands of name. If this is happen, then all the information regarding the species (including its benefit to mankind) may have no meaning at all. All people would have spoken about a species differently, without realize that they actually regarding about the same species.The center of references such as Herbarium Bogoriense and Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense may be not existed without the work and service of Carolus Linnaeus. No one nowadays arguing the great service of Carolus Linnaeus in naming of each living organisms based on binomial nomenclature

    Traditional knowledge of biodiversity in the community surrounding Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve, Riau, Indonesia

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    The Objective of this study is to analyze the potential for biodiversity and traditional knowledge in the buffer zone of the Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve (GSK-BB). The research was conducted descriptively-quantitatively by analyzing two variables, i.e. biodiversity and community traditional knowledge. Biodiversity monitoring report documents from PT Sakato Pratama (PT SPM) and PT Bukit Batu Hutan Alam (PT BBHA), profiles of Temiang and Sepahat villages, questionnaire data taken from village community representatives, as well as the results of in-depth interviews were used in the analysis. The results show that in the PT SPM area, there are 177 species of plants and 55 species of animals. Meanwhile in the PT BBHA area there are 146 species of plants and 46 species of animals. Based on information from the community of Temiang Village, there are 51 species of plants and 18 species of animals, while according to the people of Sepahat Village, there are 73 species of plants and 83 species of animals. The biodiversity utilized by the community in the two villages consists of 36 species of plants and 15 species of animals, but only three species are wild animals, i.e. sun bear (Helarctos malayanus), horseshoecrab (Limulus sp.), and seahorse (Hippocampus sp.) .), and one species of plant (rattan, Calamus sp.). The rest are cultivated plants and livestock. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the relationship between biodiversity and traditional knowledge in both Temiang and Sepahat Villages is very limited. Awareness of the strategic value of wild plants and wildlife in the buffer zone of the biosphere reserve needs to be increased.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi keanekaragaman hayati dan pengetahuan tradisional di zona penyangga Cagar Biosfer Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu (GSK-BB). Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif-kuantitatif dengan menganalisis dua variable, yaitu keanekaragaman hayati dan pengetahuan tradisional masyarakat. Dokumen laporan monitoring keanekaragaman hayati dari PT Sakato Pratama (PT SPM) dan PT Bukit Batu Hutan Alam (PT BBHA), profil Desa Temiang dan Sepahat, data kuisioner yang diambil dari perwakilan masyarakat desa, serta hasil wawancara mendalam digunakan dalam analisis. Hasil menunjukan bahwa di kawasan PT SPM tercatat terdapat 177 jenis tumbuhan  dan 55 jenis satwa. Sementara itu di kawasan PT BBHA terdapat 146 jenis tumbuhan dan 46 jenis satwa. Berdasarkan informasi dari masyarakat Desa Temiang terdapat 51 jenis tumbuhan dan 18 jenis satwa, sedangkan menurut masyarakat Desa Sepahat terdapat 73 jenis tumbuhan dan 83 jenis satwa. Keanekaragaman hayati yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat di kedua desa tersebut terdiri atas 36 jenis tumbuhan dan 15 jenis satwa, namun hanya tiga jenis yang merupakan hewan liar, yaitu beruang madu (Helarctos malayanus), belangkas (Limulus sp.), dan kuda laut (Hippocampus sp.), serta satu jenis tumbuhan (rotan, Calamus sp.). Selebihnya merupakan tanaman budidaya dan hewan ternak. Dari hasil analisis,  dapat ditarik  kesimpulan sementara bahwa hubungan keanekaragaman hayati dengan pengetahuan tradisional di kedua desa Temiang dan Sepahat sangat terbatas. Kesadaran tentang nilai strategis tumbuhan dan satwa liar yang ada di kawasan penyangga cagar biosfer perlu ditingkatkan

    Cultural diversity and biodiversity as foundation of sustainable development

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    INTRODUCTION We know that there is only one earth, there are many different worlds. Different worldviews  do not only have significant political and socio-economic repercussions but  they  also  determine  the  way  in which people perceive and interact with nature, thus forming their specific culture. Natural ecosystems cannot be understood, conserved and managed without  recognizing  the human  culture  that  shape them, since biological and cultural diversities are mutually  reinforcing  and interdependent. Together, cultural diversity and biological diversity hold the key to ensuring resilience in both social and ecological systems (Erdelen, 2003). Through the environmental sciences and  cultural  activities,  in promoting awareness and understanding of the relationships between biological and cultural diversity as a key basis for sustainable development.Beside has  high  biological  diversity  Indonesia also possesses high cultural diversity. It doesn’t marvel that Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago, containing more than seventeen thousand island extending in an east-west direction for five thousand two hundred kilometers across the Sunda and Sahul continent shelves. The archipelago exhibits rich biodiversity that is unequalled in Asia (McNelly et al.,1990). Indonesia’s territory cover 7.7 million square kilometer, of which approximately 5.8 million square kilometers (75.3 %) is comprised of marine and coastal waters. Indonesia is located between two of Earth’s biogeographic regions: Indo-Malaya and Oceania.   The  Indo-Malaya   region   to  the   west includes Sumatra,  Kalimantan,  Java,  and Bali, and the Oceanic region to the east includes Sulawesi, Moluccas,  the  eastern  Sunda  Islands,  and  West Papua.  The vegetation types to the east and the west of the Wallace line are  divided  by  a  biogeographical boundary that extends from north to south along the Sunda Shelf. The natural  vegetation  on the shelf it self  is comprised principally  of  the Malesian  type, dominated by the commercially important Dipterocarpaceae. Vegetation to the east has greater affinities with Oceanic Austro-Pacific zone and is dominated by mixed tropical hardwood species. Deciduous monsoon forest occurs in seasonally dry areas, particularly in the southern and eastern islands such as the Lesser Sunda and the southern part of Papua. The outer islands of Sumatra,  Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Moluccas, and Papua comprise approximately 10 % of the world’s tropical rainforest. Indonesia has more tropical  forest than  any  other single Africa or Asia country, and is second only to Brazil in terms of tropical forest area. This country characterized  by an enormously varied topography of shallow coastal water, swamp, lakes, alluvial plains, volcanoes, and High Mountain ranges. This country also presents at least forty-seven distinct natural and man-made ecosystems. These ecosystem types ranges from   the   ice   mountain   ecosystem   and   alpine grassland  on the high mountains in Papua (Puncak Jaya Wijaya, at an altitude of over five thousand metres0 to variations of tropical rainforest ecosystems–  from  lowland  to  mountain  landscape,  shallow swamp to deep lakes, from mangroves to algae communities and coral reefs – as well as an ocean ecosystem reaching as deep as eight thousand meters below sea level (MoF/FAO, 1991).Unfortunately, little respect has been given to the high diversity of the archipelago, resulting in disappearance of many of these cultures. Studies to  document and learn traditional  wisdom are needed urgently,  not least because traditional  knowledge is often compatible with sustainable development objectives,  as  discussed in  the  World Summit  on Sustainable  Development, in Rio  de Janeiro,  1992 and in Johannesburg in 2002.   Meanwhile the deforestation in Indonesia occurs at an alarming rate. Forest cover decreased from about 193.7 million hectares in 1950s (Hannibal, 1950) to 119.7 million hectares in 1985 and to 100 million hectares in 1997 (GOI/World   Bank,  2000)  and   only   98   million hectares remain (FWI/GWF, 2001).The local knowledge of environment management and indigenous custom, as part of indigenous culture, is the product of long interaction between man and their environment and also results of   their   ability   for   application   the   technique adaptation to their environment. High biological diversity   has  utilized  for  economic  reason,  even though this national asset has not yet been fully developed.Dynamic interaction between people and biodiversity in Indonesia let to the creation of many different cultures  and  thus languages  and  dialects. More than  four hundred Indonesian ethnic groups are dispersed in different regions. Indonesia boasts665 different languages and dialects, with Papua accounting for 250 of these, Moluccas 133, Sulawesi105, Kalimantan  77, Nusa Tenggara  (Lesser SundaIslands) 53, Sumatra  38, Java  and Bali 9 (Grimes,1988). Such ethnics have  specific knowledge about how to manage  their environment and biodiversity surrounding them. Every ethnic has a specific culture, knowledge  and  local  wisdom  and  technique adaptation to their various environments.Concerning the cultural richness in Indonesian, besides have  advantages  also constitute  weaknesses for biodiversity resource management. One of these advantages    is   that   we   have   various   referable traditional pattern and alternative selection of space management and we have material to design system admissible management by all societies and also government. Meanwhile its weakness is that each ethnic  has  specific  pattern  according   to environmental condition and cultural level. But along with time developing marks sense decentralization of policy in Indonesian, therefore local or region policy that  based on actual  condition area  and society is more  elegant  compared  with  uniformity management   which  hasn’t  obviously  fastened  byother    area    that    has    different    culture    and environmental condition


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    Center for Plant Conservation Bogor Botanic Gardens of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (PKT KRB - LIPI) is a favorite tourist destination with the annual visitors more than 800,000. The garden with various vegetation and excellent landscape is an ideal habitat for a diverse bird species. The bird research conducted through literature study, direct field observation and questionnaires were carried out between May and July 2013 to find out potentials of developing birdwatching tourism at PKT KRB - LIPI. This study showed that there were 48 bird species that belong to 23 families can be found in the area. Of those, 26 species that belong to 18 families can be observed from previous research until now. There were 10 species that have not been reported previously and there were nine species distributed through out the 12 sites at PKT KRB - LIPI. So far, there are at least 25 species that have a potential value for birdwatching based on tourist interest, conservation status, endemicity, and birds existence from time to time

    Tinjauan Biosorpsi Logam Berat Pb dan Cd Oleh Jamur Makro

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    AbstrakKeberadaan logam berat perlu ditanggulangi, salah satunya dengan cara biosorpsi. Biosorpsi merupakan salah satu metode remediasi yang paling tepat digunakan dalam menanggulangi pencemaran logam berat. Proses secara efisien dapat menyerap logam berat terlarut bahkan logam berat yang ada dalam larutan kompleks yang sangat encer. Jamur makro merupakan contoh biosorben yang dapat digunakan dalam biosorpsi. Pemanfaatan jamur makro sebagai biosorben sangat tepat dilakukan karena keanekaragaman jenisnya tinggi, cepat tumbuh dengan kemampuan metabolisme yang beragam pada berbagai senyawa organik dan anorganik, mudah didapatkan, lebih aman karena tidak menyebabkan korosi atau menghasilkan bahan berbahaya, teknologinya sederhana, perawatannya mudah dan produk akhir dapat didaur ulang, serta dapat mengakumulasi logam berat dengan kosentrasi tinggi. Jenis-jenis jamur makro yang sudah digunakan dalam biosorpsi logam berat di beberapa negara antara lain Agaricus bisporus, Auricularia polytricha, Calocybe indica, Ganoderma carnosum, Flammulina velutipes, Fomes fasciatus, dan Volvariella volvacea. Sementara itu, penelitian penggunakan jamur makro di Indonesia dalam biosorpsi logam berat sangat terbatas yakni pada jenis Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Omphalina sp., dan Pholiota sp. Mengingat tingginya keanekaragaman jamur makro di Indonesia, maka potensi biosorpsi logam berat khususnya Pb dan Cd oleh jamur makro sangat berpeluang untuk diteleti lebih lanjut.AbstractHeavy metals can accumulate in seawater, sediments and in the marine biota that live in them, eventually entering the food chain which is very dangerous to health. The presence of these heavy metals needs to be overcome, one of which is by means of biosorption. Biosorption is one of the most appropriate remediation methods used in tackling heavy metal pollution. The biosorption process can efficiently absorb dissolved heavy metals and even heavy metals present in very dilute complex solutions. Macro fungi are examples of biosorbents that can be used in biosorption. Utilization of macro fungi as biosorbents is very appropriate because of the high diversity of species, fast growing with diverse metabolic abilities on various organic and inorganic compounds, easy to obtain, strong morphology, safer because they do not cause corrosion or produce harmful materials, simple technology, easy maintenance and the final product can be recycled, can accumulate heavy metals with high concentrations. The types of macro fungi that have been used in the biosorption of heavy metals in several countries include Agaricus bisporus, Auricularia polytricha, Calocybe indica, Ganoderma carnosum, Flammulina velutipes, Fomes fasciatus, and Volvarella volvacea. Meanwhile in Indonesia, research on the use of macro fungi in heavy metal biosorption is very limited to the Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Omphalina sp. and Pholiota sp. Considering the high diversity of macro fungi in Indonesia, the potential for biosorption of heavy metals, especially Pb and Cd by macro fungi, is very likely to be investigated further


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    Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to create regression model for sediment of catfish ponds, sucroses, and biofertilizers on the nitrification process. The sediment of catfish pond used was sediment collected from catfish farm at age of 21 days after seed stocking. The nitrification process was done in active sludge reactor of 1 L reactor working capacity which was entirely given ammonia in the form of NH3-N as much as 77.65 ppm. Central Composite Design (CCD) was used to determine the amount of sediment, sucrose, and biofertilizer. The ammonia nitrification process was carried out over a period of 21 days. The three main parameters, including rate of ammonia oxidation (NH3-N), nitrite accumulation (NO2-N), and nitrate accumulation (NO3-N). From this research, it was known that 74 g/L sediments of catfish ponds, 6.6 g/L sucrose 7.5 mL/L biofertilizer were required to obtain maximum ammonia oxidation rate. The result of the verification experiment obtained was 99.85%. In this research, two isolates of bacteria were isolated. Biochemical test using kit of VITEK GN+ (bioMerieux) indicated that the isolated bacteria were belong to the species of Sphingobacterium thalpophilum (probability = 99%) and Cupriavidus pauculus (probabililty = 98%).Keywords: ammonia, central composite design (CCD), nitrifying bacteria, Response Surface Methodology (RSM