430,687 research outputs found

    Time Dependent Saddle Node Bifurcation: Breaking Time and the Point of No Return in a Non-Autonomous Model of Critical Transitions

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    There is a growing awareness that catastrophic phenomena in biology and medicine can be mathematically represented in terms of saddle-node bifurcations. In particular, the term `tipping', or critical transition has in recent years entered the discourse of the general public in relation to ecology, medicine, and public health. The saddle-node bifurcation and its associated theory of catastrophe as put forth by Thom and Zeeman has seen applications in a wide range of fields including molecular biophysics, mesoscopic physics, and climate science. In this paper, we investigate a simple model of a non-autonomous system with a time-dependent parameter p(τ)p(\tau) and its corresponding `dynamic' (time-dependent) saddle-node bifurcation by the modern theory of non-autonomous dynamical systems. We show that the actual point of no return for a system undergoing tipping can be significantly delayed in comparison to the {\em breaking time} τ^\hat{\tau} at which the corresponding autonomous system with a time-independent parameter pa=p(τ^)p_{a}= p(\hat{\tau}) undergoes a bifurcation. A dimensionless parameter α=λp03V2\alpha=\lambda p_0^3V^{-2} is introduced, in which λ\lambda is the curvature of the autonomous saddle-node bifurcation according to parameter p(τ)p(\tau), which has an initial value of p0p_{0} and a constant rate of change VV. We find that the breaking time τ^\hat{\tau} is always less than the actual point of no return τ\tau^* after which the critical transition is irreversible; specifically, the relation ττ^2.338(λV)13\tau^*-\hat{\tau}\simeq 2.338(\lambda V)^{-\frac{1}{3}} is analytically obtained. For a system with a small λV\lambda V, there exists a significant window of opportunity (τ^,τ)(\hat{\tau},\tau^*) during which rapid reversal of the environment can save the system from catastrophe

    A critical review of MANET testbed using mobile robot technology

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    This paper is a continuation of our previous paper under the same topic, MANET testbed using mobile robot technology. In our previous paper, we studied the topic by scrutinizing all the technical aspects and presented it as a technical review. However in this paper, we study the topic and presents it as a critical review that dwells into four aspect, namely (i) purpose, a ccessibility and s cope of testbed facilities, (ii) usability and c ontrollability of robot mobility in t estbed facilities, (iii) repeatability and r e producibility of real m obility in t estbeds, and (iv) tools for MANET implementation, deployment and d ebugging for experiments. With the wealth of information on the topic provided in this paper, the content of this paper is expected to be a source of reference for MANET researchers who are at a crossroad when selecting the preferred mobi le robot technology and approach to sui t thei r own speci f ic needs

    [1,2,3]triazolo[4,5-<i>H</i>]chinoloni: una nuova classe di promettenti chemioterapici antitubercolari

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    Alcuni acidi triazolo[4,5-h] e [4,5-f]chinoloncarbossilici angolari, sintetizzati in precedenza come antiinfettivi del tratto urinario, hanno mostrato interessanti valori di MIC90 nei confronti di M. tuberculosis H37Rv. Allo scopo di approfondire le nostre conoscenze sui rapporti struttura-attività di questa classe, abbiamo pertanto preparato una nuove serie di derivati

    Correlations of BMI-1 expression and telomerase activity in ovarian cancer tissues

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    Aim: To investigate the correlation between oncoprotein Bmi-1 and telomerase activity in ovarian cancer tissues. Methods: SP immunohistochemistry was adopted to detect the expression of Bmi-1 protein in tissues of 47 ovarian epithelial cancer cases. Modified telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP, silver staining technique) was used to detect the telomerase activity. Results: While in 80.85% (38/47) of ovarian epithelial cancer cases Bmi-1 protein was overexpressed, 46.81% (22/47) had very strong expression level. Bmi-1 expression levels in ovarian carcinoma tissue differ depending on tissue grade (higher for G3 cancer cases — 93.10% than for grade G2 cases — 61.11%) and the stage of the disease (lower for phase II and phase III cases — 66.67% than for phase IV cases — 92.31%). In ovarian epithelial cancer tissues, 87.23% (41/47) demonstrated positive telomerase activity in contrast to zero activity in normal tissues. Majority (90.24%) of specimens with positive telomerase activity possessed high Bmi-1 expression levels. Spearman correlation analysis indicated that expression of Bmi-1 protein was positively correlated with the elevated telomerase activity. Conclusions: Bmi-1 protein is highly expressed in ovarian epithelial cancer tissues, and its expression level correlates with histological grade and clinical phase of the patients. Elevation of Bmi-1 expression is closely correlated to the increased telomerase activity.Цель: изучить корреляцию между экспрессией протеина Bmi-1 и активностью теломеразы при раке яичника. Методы: подобраны оптимальные условия для SP-иммуногистохимии для выявления экспрессии белка Bmi-1 при эпителиальном раке яичника (n = 47). Для определения активности теломеразы был использован усовершенствованый протокол амплификации теломерных повторов (TRAP, методика окрашивания серебром). Результаты: в 80,85% (38/47) случаев рака яичника была выявлена экспрессия белка Bmi-1, в 46,81% (22/47) случаев – на очень высоком уровне. Уровень экспрессии Bmi-1 зависел от степени дифференцировки опухоли (при G3 экспрессия Bmi-1 (93,10%) была выше, чем при G2 (61,11%)) и от стадии заболе- G3 экспрессия 3 экспрессия Bmi-1 (93,10%) была выше, чем при G2 (61,11%)) и от стадии заболе- Bmi-1 (93,10%) была выше, чем при G2 (61,11%)) и от стадии заболе- -1 (93,10%) была выше, чем при -1 (93,10%) была выше, чем при G2 (61,11%)) и от стадии заболе- G2 (61,11%)) и от стадии заболе- G2 (61,11%)) и от стадии заболе- 2 (61,11%)) и от стадии заболевания (уровень экпрессии ниже в стадиях II и III (66,67%), чем в стадии IV (92,31%)). В тканях эпителиального рака яичника в 87,23% (41/47) случаев выявлена положительная теломеразная активность, в отличие от нулевой активности в нормальных тканях. В большинстве исследованных случаев рака яичника (90,24%) при положительной активности теломеразы был отмечен высокий уровень экспрессии Bmi-1. Корреляционный анализ Спирмана показал, что экспрессия белка Bmi-1 положительно коррелирует с повышенной теломеразной активностью. Выводы: белок Bmi-1 экспрессирован на высоком уровне злокачествен- -1 экспрессирован на высоком уровне злокачествен- -1 экспрессирован на высоком уровне злокачественными клетками эпителиального рака яичника, и экспрессия этого белка коррелирует с гистологической градацией и клинической стадией рака. Увеличение экспрессии Bmi-1 коррелировало с повышенной теломеразной активностью


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    Abstrak: Penelitian tentang pengaruh penggunaan metode role playing terhadap hasil pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan kelas V di SDN 15 Sui Raya bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan seberapa besar pengaruh yang signifikan antara penggunaan metode role playing terhadap hasil pembelajaran siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 15 Sui Raya. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu dengan rancangan penelitian nonequivalent control group design. Nilai rata-rata pre-test siswa sebelum diterapkannya pembelajaran metode role playing adalah 57,21 dan rata-rata post-test siswa adalah 82,3. Hasil uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis varians pada taraf 5 % (0,05) diperoleh F hitung 31,99 dan untuk F tabel 4,00, sehingga F hitung > F tabel atau 31,99 > 4,00 berarti signifikan. Dari perhitungan effect size (ES), diperoleh 0,96 (kriteria tinggi). Maka dapat disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara penggunaan metode role playing terhadap hasil pembelajaran siswa kelas V di SD Negeri 15 Sui Raya.   Kata Kunci: Pengaruh, Role Playing, Hasil Pembelajaran Abstract: Research on the influence of the use of the method of role playing on learning outcomes Civics class fifth in Grade of Elementary School 15 Sui Raya aims to describe how much of a significant influence between the use of role playing method of the class fifth student learning outcomes Grade of Elementary School 15 Sui Raya. This research is a form of quasi-experimental research design with a nonequivalent control group design. The average value of students' pre-test prior to the application of the learning methods of role playing is 57.21 and the average post-test students was 82.3. The results of hypothesis testing using analysis of variance at 5% level (0.05) was obtained for the calculated F count 31.99 and F table 4.00, so the F count > F table or 31.99 > 4.00 means significant. From the calculation of effect size (ES), obtained 0.96 (high criterion). So we can conclude there is a significant relationship between the use of a method of role playing on learning outcomes fifth grade students in Grade of Elementary Schools 15 Sui Raya.   Keywords: The influence, Role Playing, Learning Outcome

    \u3ci\u3eOligacanthorhynchus lamasi\u3c/i\u3e (Freitas and Costa, 1964) comb. n. from Domestic Cats of Brazil

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    Freitas and Costa (1964, Arq. Esc. Vet. Univ. Fed. Minas Gerais 16:231-234) described a new species, Echinopardalis lamasi, from two acanthocephalans (1 male, 1 female) of a cat, Felis domestica (=F. catus), captured in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. These specimens have been lost (Freitas, 1975, personal communication). Until two of 127 domestic cats, F. catus, from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do SuI, captured between October 1973 and July 1976, were found to harbor respectively two and nine acanthocephalans conspecific with those described by Freitas and Costa, no additional specimens of this species were available for study. These new specimens assist in clarifying the generic affinities of E. lamasi and permit additions to the species description

    \u3ci\u3eOligacanthorhynchus lamasi\u3c/i\u3e (Freitas and Costa, 1964) comb. n. from Domestic Cats of Brazil

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    Freitas and Costa (1964, Arq. Esc. Vet. Univ. Fed. Minas Gerais 16:231-234) described a new species, Echinopardalis lamasi, from two acanthocephalans (1 male, 1 female) of a cat, Felis domestica (=F. catus), captured in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. These specimens have been lost (Freitas, 1975, personal communication). Until two of 127 domestic cats, F. catus, from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do SuI, captured between October 1973 and July 1976, were found to harbor respectively two and nine acanthocephalans conspecific with those described by Freitas and Costa, no additional specimens of this species were available for study. These new specimens assist in clarifying the generic affinities of E. lamasi and permit additions to the species description

    Geography in Italy

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    Those who doubt the validity of the saying that “appearances are deceptive” would find much support for their scepticism in Italian geography. The discipline evolved in the course of the last century from a concept substantially coherent with the continental one into one that was entirely distinctive and sui generis. This was a consequence of a reorganization of educational curricula, especially those for university studies, whereby what had previously been viewed simply as a system for the f..

    Un frammento di cinerario iscritto ed i Caprii di Interamna Lirenas

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    Si pubblica un frammento iscritto di un cinerario romano trovato ad Interamna Lirenas (Latium adiectum), il cui testo incompleto andrà ragionevolmente attribuito ad una Capria C. f. Maxima e datato intorno all’età augustea. Il nome della donna offre l’occasione per soffermarsi sui Caprii di Interamna, che furono sicuramente una delle famiglie più in vista della città, dove alcuni di essi rivestirono le massime magistrature municipali.An inscribed fragment of a roman cinerary box found at Interamna Lirenas (Latium adiectum) is published. The incomplete text is reasonably related to a Capria C. f. Maxima and may be dated to the Augustan age circa. The name of the woman gives the opportunity to speak about the Caprii of Interamna, who surely belonged to one of the most important families of the city, where some of them held the main municipal magistracies

    Dutch Author Recognition Test

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    Book reading shows large individual variability and correlates with better language ability and more empathy. This makes reading exposure an interesting variable to study. Research in English suggests that an author recognition test is the most reliable objective assessment of reading frequency. In this article, we describe the efforts we made to build and test a Dutch author recognition test (DART for older participants and DART_R for younger participants). Our data show that the test is reliable and valid, both in the Netherlands and in Belgium (split-half reliability over .9 with university students, significant correlations with language abilities) and can be used with a young, non-university population. The test is free to use for research purposes